A Killer's Memoir 2: New Contracts

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A Killer's Memoir 2: New Contracts Page 11

by Mark J. Allen

  The First Flight

  I prepared for my flight, which also came with one more kill. The kill was going to be an easy one and I was able to do it right on the way to the airport. I packed everything including my flight information and got in my truck. I drove on the way to the airport and ten minutes away I saw my target in his sports car zooming up behind me.

  I stopped at the train tracks and he pulled up behind me. I got out of my truck and detached two chains I had hooked to the bumper. The bumper didn’t’ have a license plate, in fact it was a replacement bumper that I kept on hand for this very situation.

  I heard the train whistle blowing in the distance. It sounded to be about two minutes away from me. I bent down under his car and hooked the chains to his undercarriage without him even realizing what I was doing.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “What’s that?” I asked him, moving closer to his vehicle as if I didn’t hear him.

  “What are you doing in front of my car?” he asked again, seeming very annoyed.

  “Oh I was checking my exhaust,” I told him. “Sorry about that.” I pressed the electronic button that disabled his power locks without him even noticing.

  “Oh, okay,” he said. I walked back to my truck and got in. I creeped forward as the train got closer and his car followed my truck, now attached. I saw him start to yell but I couldn’t hear him from my truck.

  I pushed the truck forward and past the tracks so that he was right on him. The train was less than ten seconds away from him when I pushed the button that caused the hydraulic blast that shot the bumper off of my truck, leaving him attached to it.

  I accelerated forward as the train plowed his car; I didn’t know if he was dead but I was pretty sure he couldn’t have survived that. It was an easy kill and I continued my way on to the airport.

  I parked my truck in the short term parking, knowing that if it got towed I wouldn’t really care and they couldn’t trace the truck back to me either way. I would be able to afford another one with the life I had lived and at this point I didn’t really care about replacing a truck.

  I checked in with my boarding information and made my way to security. I had a small knife in the back that would go through the x-ray machine that I had tried to camouflage as best as possible, but it still made me nervous. I had to make sure I made the flight and I wouldn’t make it if security was sticking their fingers in my ass looking for weapons.

  The security guard waived me through though and I picked up my back and headed towards my gate. When instructed, I started to board my flight with the few other passengers who were flying that early in the morning.

  The flight attendants acted a little different than normal and I assumed that they were all keyed in on what was happening and that they all knew I was the target. Knowing this information I didn’t make any small talk like I normally would with the attendants and I just found my seat and sat down.

  I watched each person board, trying to see if Justin or Emma would be one of them but I didn’t recognize anybody. I continued to watch the passengers and study them. There were thirty-five total passengers and four flight attendants, three female and one male.

  I sat through the safety information and the takeoff and everything seemed normal until my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and looked at it to see I had an e-mail.

  “I’ll be on your next flight,” it read. “Information will be handed to you by the blonde flight attendant. I immediately hit my call button and one of the flight attendants came back to me but not the blonde.

  “Can I help you sir?” she asked me.

  “Yes, I’d like to speak to the blond flight attendant please,” I told her.

  “Sir she already told me she would talk to you after the flight. Its real cool though,” she said.

  “Excuse me?” I asked her.

  “You two being college lovers and now finding each other again. Real great story,” the flight attendant said.

  “Oh, right,” I told her. I had no idea what she was talking about but assumed it was just another game Justin was playing by creating some falsified story. My phone vibrated again.

  “Last row. Last seat. Weapons.” That’s all the message said. In fact when I backed out of the message I noticed it was a different e-mail address that had sent me the first e-mail and this e-mail had Justin’s name in it, making me think the first e-mail was from somebody else.

  I got up and moved my way towards the back while nervous eyes watched me, unsure of why Justin was helping me if it was indeed him. When I got back to the last row and the last seat I looked around and realized there was a weird bulge where the tray table should have been flush.

  I lowered the tray table and found a black bag stuffed between it and the seat. In the back were several items including some brass knuckles, a couple of knives, and a pen. I pocketed everything and started to move back to my seat when I noticed the guy closest to me was up.

  It didn’t take long for me to figure out what was going on as the other people stood up as well. I slipped the brass knuckles onto my right hand without anybody noticing and got ready to fight. It was going to be close quarters, which would make things difficult. I had no idea how Justin had organized this many people or if he had even organized them.

  As he moved towards me I quickly evaded him, grabbed the back of his head with my hand and smashed his face against one of the seats, knocking him out. The close quarter fighting could possibly make this easier for me as I was stronger than a lot of people but it could also make it more difficult as I really had no where to run.

  The next guy that came at me moved towards me quickly and it only took one punch from my brass knuckles. Another moved to my left and I hit him in the stomach, bending him over, and then came down with a hard right, right on the side of his head.

  The other passengers, who were now targets to me, caught on to the brass knuckles and a couple of them locked eyes. Four guys came at me at once and while I was able to hit one right in the temple, which I was pretty sure killed him, the other three were able to subdue me.

  One of the guys seemed to know what he was doing as he squeezed my wrist until my fist opened up and he violently ripped the brass knuckles from my hand. I started twisting my body left and right and violently as I could and began pushing guys to the left and to the right, hitting them against all the seats and finally I was able to break lose.

  I shoved them all forward and took a couple of steps back. Thirty-two passengers all looked at me, all either standing, or getting ready to stand as they waited to take me down. I took two of the knives out that were in the bag that I had found.

  One of the knives had holes for the fingers with a sharp blade that was about eight inches long coming down from the holes. I held it so it was running parallel with my forearm. The other knife was a small, vented knife, something I was used to. The vents were so it would stab into somebody quickly and pull out quickly before the skin, blood, and other tissues formed around it.

  I moved forward quickly and stabbed the first guy to the left right in the stomach. The vented knife went in far enough I knew he would bleed out shortly. I turned and cut the throat of a lady next to me on the right and then brought the knife down into another guy’s leg. I knew enough about a knife and the human body to know that I had cut his femoral artery.

  I pushed forward in the plane and they lined up almost as if they were ready to die. Before I knew it I had killed four more people with the knives, throats, wrists, legs, stomachs all being sliced. Finally a big guy game running at me and knocked the vented knife out of my hand.

  He continued pushing my arms around, trying to get me to drop the other knife but I was too quick and stabbed it directly into his lower stomach and lifted up with both hands and then pulling out, essentially gutting him. I dropped the knife and prepared to fight more people.

  I kicked backwards as I felt one of the flight attendants that had hung back coming up on me and ca
ught her right in the mid section. As she bent over I grabbed her head and drove it into one of the arm rests that was locked in the upwards position. The way her head bounced back I knew either her neck had broke or her skull had caved in.

  I pulled another one of the knives out and got ready to continue fighting. This one had a black handle for my fingers to fit around. Running through my middle finger and my ring finger a sharp spike protruded. I was able to just punch with the knife and it would go in and out of somebody quickly.

  The first person I got in the eye, and the second in the throat. The third got it in the stomach and the fourth in the side of the head. I had never used a knife like this but I actually really liked it. I continued to push past everybody, bodies lying on the floor, in the aisles, and in the different rows of seats. The plan looked like quite the sight as the body count piled up. I had gone through fifteen passengers and one flight attendant and I had barely broken a sweat.

  Finally, somebody hit me in the ribs from behind, another flight attendant that had hung back I assumed, and another kicked my leg. I went down to one knee to meet a boot placed right in my chin.

  I fell backwards, a little stunned but as the foot came at me again to stomp on my throat I punched it with the spike, going through the foot. I got up and broke the guys neck and turned towards the attendant. She was a smaller lady and she threw a weak punch at me. I felt bad for her so I just grabbed her hair, yanked her head back, and hit her as hard as I could in the fact. I knew she wasn’t dead but she also wasn’t going to be waking up anytime soon.

  Another guy stuck his legs out behind mine as a guy around my size leaped at me, tripping me and knocking me back down to the ground. He wrapped his big hands around my neck and began choking me. I tried to push him off but his hands were too meaty and I couldn’t gain any leverage.

  I thought about the pen I had and realized I knew exactly what that was. I thought leaving me a pen was pretty worthless but the longer I thought about it the more I realized it wasn’t an ordinary pen. I pulled it out and put it right next to the guy’s eye and clicked it. A small round came out, entered his head and stuck somewhere inside of it.

  The caliber was small enough that it would enter softer parts of the flesh but any bone would stop it and it wouldn’t pierce the metal of the plane. As soon as I learned what it was it was easy to fire off the other eleven rounds, dropping one person with each shot.

  The remaining 8 passengers looked a little worried when looking around the plane at everybody else lying on the ground knocked out, bleeding out, or dead. I assumed that they didn’t expect me to get this far ahead in the plane as I got closer and closer to the cockpit.

  The male flight attendant came out and nodded at two of the guys on the left who then moved towards me. I made quick work of them, breaking one’s neck and collapsing the trachea of the other. The other five looked at him in protest; I could tell they didn’t want to die or want any part of fighting me.

  He apparently decided he didn’t need them too bad as he pulled a gun out and shot each one of them. It was now just me, him, and the blonde flight attendant not counting the pilots, though I assumed they wouldn’t come after me because somebody had to fly the plane.

  Just as I was getting ready to fight the blond touched my shoulder, softly. I turned ready to strike but she did not look like she was ready to arm me.

  “Impressive,” she said.

  “Who are you, what do you know about me, and where’s Justin?” I asked her.

  “All in time sweetie,” she said, “but now you need to take a nap.” As she said that I felt the needle hit the skin on my leg. I blacked out immediately afterwards, not knowing what happened.

  Back To The Beginning

  I woke up with my hands tied to a chair. I didn’t know where I was or what exactly had happened. I looked around the room and saw two of my knives on a black table in the middle of the room. I hadn’t traced everything back yet as whatever drug they had given me that caused me to pass out still had my head a little funny.

  I tried to get my bearings and figure out where I was since all I could see was the black table with my knives when suddenly I felt my head pushed forward and into the table. My arms were handcuffed down to the table so there was little I could do to stop it.

  I sat back up quickly and looked to see Justin bring his fist down towards the side of my face. I moved with the punch but he still caught me pretty good.

  “Take these handcuffs off and fight me like a man you piece of shit,” I said. He just smiled at me and moved to the other side of the table I was at.

  “How did I get here?” I asked him.

  “I brought you here,” he said.

  “If you lay a hand on her I swear to God,” I told him but he stopped me.

  “Yeah, yeah. You’ll kill me. Though I wouldn’t be swearing against God. I have a feeling that man has enough against you as it is; you don’t need to add any.”

  “What am I doing here?”

  “I need you to do something,” he told me.

  “What?” I asked. He didn’t answer, instead he threw a notebook and a pen in front of me.

  “Write,” he said.

  “Write? Write what?” I asked him.

  “You’re going to write exactly what I say and how I say it,” he told me. “Everybody knows you like to publicize your confessions so you’re going to write another one”

  “I don’t understand,” I said. I was very confused and didn’t know what he wanted me to confess to.

  “You’ve killed a lot of people Wolf,” he said.

  “Yes, I know. I wrote about a lot of them,” I told him. “What do you want the lost chapters or something?”

  “No, I want you to write who you’ve killed recently,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked him.

  “Just start writing,” he said, “I’m sure you can figure it out up to when you went looking for Hunter.”

  Everything started coming back to me at that point. The last thing I remembered was going after Hunter and getting shot in the leg. I fell into the water and I didn’t remember anything beyond that.

  I did as Justin said and wrote up until that point. He read through it and handed it back to me.

  “Now start writing exactly what I say,” he said. If you’ve made it this far, you’ve already read what he had me write. The building full of twenty-three guys; the dealers. My home intruders, and the airplane. I hadn’t done any of it. They were all kills Justin had done that he made me write a confession to.

  “What happened?” I asked him.

  “Hunter almost killed you,” he told me, “I saved your life.”

  “Why?” I asked him. He laughed.

  “Don’t get sentimental,” he said. Hours had gone by since I had first woke up and I was starting to feel the pain in my leg and realize it hadn’t been that long ago that I was shot in the leg with the arrow. “I needed you. I needed you to complete all those kills,” he said.

  “Why?” He ignored me and kept talking.

  “I was under orders to have you complete those kills but when I found you floating face down in the river, I worried you were dead, and my mission was a failure. I pounded on your chest until your heart finally started beating again.”

  “It must have pained you to have to bring me back to life when you’ve always wanted me dead, didn’t it?” I asked him.

  “It didn’t pain me at all,” he said. “I just had to find a solution to my problem. My problem was I needed people killed yesterday and here you were, almost completely dead. So I did what I had to do,” he said. “I finished the missions I was supposed to force you to complete and I just made you confess to it all.”

  “What’s in it for you?” I asked him.

  “Believe it or not, I have people I care about too,” he said. “And just like you when those people are in harm’s way I’ll do everything to protect them and that’s exactly what I did and why I had you complete all this fo
r me.

  “Who’s giving the orders?” I asked him.

  “I’m not at liberty to say,” he said, “but something tells me you’re going to find out very soon.”

  “You’re a real piece of shit you know that?” I asked him. “Not only killing all those people the way you did but then being such a coward you make me confess? Also you say you claim to know how it feels when people you care about are in danger but you did the exact same thing to me by taking her.”

  “Would you have done these things if I hadn’t?” he snapped.

  “There are situations or possibilities that could have happened without having to involve her,” I told him.

  “If you believe that then you really are crazy,” he said. “The only way you were ever going to do anything but kill me was if I had the upper hand and the only way I could get the upper hand is if I took her.” I hated to admit it he was right.

  “Where is she now?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” he said.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” I asked him, getting more pissed off.

  “I mean I don’t know where she is,” he said. “He took her.”

  “He who?” I asked.

  “I’m getting tired of your fucking questions,” he said. “I think it is time we settle our differences once and for all,” he said.

  “Fine, let’s do it,” I told him.

  “You don’t really want that do you? Won’t that take your whole purpose in life away from you?”

  “Fuck you,” I said. “Are you afraid I’ll win again?”

  “Given that you have yet to kill me I don’t think you can call it a win,” he said.

  “Let’s settle it then,” I told him. “Let’s see who is standing at the end.”

  “Let’s see who’s breathing,” he said as he pushed a button under the table. The handcuffs around my wrists must have some sort of electronic connection because when he pushed the button they came off of my wrists. I got up immediately and tried to grab one of the knives on the table but he flipped it quick enough I couldn’t grab one.


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