The Wife Gamble: Salinger (Six Men of Alaska Book 3)

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The Wife Gamble: Salinger (Six Men of Alaska Book 3) Page 13

by Charlie Hart

  I smile, the wind picking up and blowing flakes of snow towards us. “You, on the other hand,” I joke, “are the ass everyone assumes you to be.”

  “Fair enough.” He chuckles. “Though I’m not the fucker who brought my wife to a whore house - twice.”

  We stand there watching Em and Tia kiss for what seems like ages, but then their mouths part and something shifts, I see it in Tia’s eyes. We begin to walk toward them and the closer Hux and I get to her, the more worried I become.

  She lowers her head, tugs on Emerson’s arm, hard, and begins to move quickly through the crowd. Snow blankets the sky and the crowds of people push to get where they want to go. I just want to get Tia back in the van, safe.

  Something is wrong.

  She rushes toward us, Emerson’s hand on her shoulder and as Huxley and Emerson embrace, Tia’s eyes meet mine. It’s not a flicker of fear. She is filled with terror.

  I look around, knowing there is only one reason for Tia to react this way.

  Television crews are lined up, reporting on the arrival of the survivors, and out of the corner of my eye, I see a man being interviewed. A microphone in his face, his voice booming.

  Lawson Jefferson.


  My blood boils at the sight of him. I have just an inkling of what he’s done to my wife, but I can’t believe he is so bold to come to Alaska and make comments on our men.

  “We need to protect US land from all invasions and that includes our waters. We will find the terrorists and we will make them pay!”

  Bile rises in my throat and I want to punch the man, bring him to the ground. He has nothing to do with this war. If the Russians are after my mother’s information, the last thing we need is the US government to get involved. If they get a hold of my mother’s lists… God knows, what they would do to the women on it.

  They wouldn’t vow to protect them with their lives, as the men of Alaska are sworn to do. No, he would round up the listed women like cattle and force them to be inseminated against their will, with sperm of his choosing. Lawson would use his billions to impregnate as many women as possible with his seed.

  I seethe at his words, at his intentions and I know Tia understands that I have seen her worst nightmare because as I lower my voice, demanding everyone’s attention, she thanks me with her eyes. “Get to the van. Now. Keep Tia hidden.”

  Hux and Em look at me like I’ve gone mad, but they do as I say. Ever since telling my mother off earlier, something has begun to grow within me. Fuck the establishment if it means my family isn’t safe. I may be the Director’s son, but I am also my own goddamn man.

  “Go.” My single word spurs them into action, and we move quickly through the snow into the van parked in a busy lot.

  Fallon and Banks are just exiting the vehicle, helping Giles, when they see us moving toward them quickly.

  “In the van.” My words are clipped and the men nod, knowing I’m not messing around. I help Tia into her seat and slam the door shut, as fast as I can.

  Fallon is up front, putting the van in reverse, turning out on the road.

  Tia shakes beside me, tears streaking her cheeks, her shoulders shaking. She buries her face in her hands, hysterical.

  “Holy fuck, what’s going on?” Giles asks.

  But I lift my eyes to his, all the husbands looking at me with unprecedented concern. I shake my head ever so slightly and the van goes quiet.

  Emerson may be alive, but Tia has seen a ghost from her past.

  Chapter 21


  As we pull up to the house I steel myself for what I know must come. What should have come a long time ago.

  The truth.

  The van is quiet as Fallon turns off the engine and he moves to open the driver side door, but I speak first before anyone can move.

  “Can we meet in the study?” I ask swallowing hard, trying to ignore the knot in my stomach. “I need to talk to everyone.”

  My husbands nod, and I feel their eyes on me as we exit the van. Salinger takes my hand to help me out and I’m grateful. I can’t trust myself not to collapse right now.

  The house is so quiet and I wanted so badly for this to be a joyous homecoming for Em, but I know my hysteria took that away.

  “Before you start,” Em says, stopping us in the foyer. “I need to call my parents.”

  I nod, feeling selfish for not having thought of that. “Of course. And I left some mail on your bed from when you were gone.”

  A half-hour later, everyone has reconvened in the room we spend so much of our time. I’ve washed my face twice, as well as wiped the red lipstick from my now swollen lips and repeated what I need to say in my head half a dozen times.

  It doesn’t make it any easier.

  I walk into the study, remembering all those weeks ago when I entered the government room and we slipped wedding bands on our fingers and exchanged vows.

  When they learn the truth will they hate me? Turn me in? Even if only one of them wants to, there’s no stopping him.

  All six of my husbands sit on couches, their eyes on me, as they should be. I asked them here.

  I open my mouth - ready to speak - when Emerson clears his throat and stands.

  “I wanted to say something before you begin.” He walks toward me and reaches for my hand. “Before I left for my offshore duty, I called my mother and asked her for something. I’m not trying to step on any toes here - and I swear if any of you object, maybe she can wear it on another finger. I just.”

  He runs a hand through his long hair and I watch him struggle to find the words. I’ve never seen Em struggle with anything.

  “The timing is right,” he says. “I guess asking my mother for this when I did could be called serendipity. I’m just gonna call it timing.”

  “What are you saying, Em?” I ask.

  “I’m trying to say that I love you, Tia. And I know you know that - but out there, in that icy water - I thought I was a dead man. I thought I’d never see you again. But I kept swimming. Kept praying. Believing that our story wasn’t over. Knowing you were here, waiting, it kept me alive. You kept me alive.”

  “Oh, Em,” I say, my heart holding onto his words. I tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear, unable to imagine life without my husbands.

  But knowing what I’m about to tell them may just end everything.

  Emerson reaches into his pocket and pulls out a glittering diamond ring. Looking into my eyes, he offers it to me. My hand is in his and he speaks in that gentle, reassuring voice he has.

  “I know it’s presumptuous doing this in front of everyone. But I’d fucking shout it from the rooftops. I love you Tia, and I want you to wear my mother’s engagement ring. It holds hope that we will have many more tomorrows.”

  I’m trembling and even though he is already sliding the ring on, I pull my hand back. “Wait,” I say. “I have to say something first. Before you make promises you might not want to keep.”

  His eyebrows knit in confusion. “What could that possibly be? Nothing you could say-- “

  “Em, please.” My voice cracks and I look over at Salinger who nods. He believes in me, and because of that, I can speak my truth. Maybe for the very first time in my life.

  I take Emerson’s hand and lead him to the couch. I hate the look of disappointment on his face, that I ruined such a special moment, but the truth has to come out. Now.

  Sitting down next to him, I look around the familiar room. A fire blazes beautifully, and the warmth emitting from the men around me allows me to start at the very beginning. At least the place where my story begins as far as I can remember it.

  “My mother died giving birth to me. I know that’s a story so many people share, but death changes everyone in different ways. For my father, it made him obsessive. It made him greedy. He couldn’t control losing the love of his life, so he began controlling me.”

  I look down at my hands, taking in a deep breath as memories fill my lungs. The men are all
silent, hanging onto my every word.

  “I led a privileged life in so many ways. I was raised at a private school connected to a state of the art research center that my father ran. I was given access to so much. Most women in the US are trained to be perfect housewives and mothers but my father was more lenient. I had tutors and took college courses during my teenage years. I received a Ph.D. at the age of twenty.”

  Inhaling, I lift my chin, needing my husbands to see my eyes when I say this next part. “The thing is… that wasn’t the problem. I mean, my father is a problem, but he isn’t why I ran. He chose a husband for me. I was betrothed. Am betrothed.”

  “What?” Fallon’s shock reverberates throughout the room, and as I look around everyone seems to be equally blown away - everyone but Sal, and maybe Banks.

  “Christ,” Huxley says, leaning back on the couch.

  More curses, some grumbled, a couple yelled, come from my men.

  “I know it was wrong and that’s why I couldn’t say anything. It’s why I lied.” My face crumbles, but I manage to blink away my tears. “If he found me... all of you would be guilty of...”

  Banks clears his throat, his gaze heavy. “For sleeping with you, a woman who had already been promised to another man. And we would be charged accordingly.” I feel him looking me over head-to-toe. What does he see? Do I even want to know?

  “Why?” Giles asks, gaze steady and searching. “Why did you run?”

  “Because the man is a monster. A murderer.”

  “What the fuck?” Hux is on his feet and begins pacing. “Jesus Christ, who is he?”

  My stomach hollows as memories wash over me. Lawson cornering me at black-tie galas, the way he would whisper words in my ear meant to scare me.

  I killed the last man who wanted you. You’re mine now, do you understand? Your pussy belongs to me.

  His intimidation tactics worked. They sent me as far north as I could possibly go.

  Emerson squeezes my hand. “Who is it, Tia?” he asks gently.

  “I was meant to marry Lawson Jefferson. He’s the one who bought me.”

  The room goes quiet as the reality washes over everyone.

  “That’s why you kept it a secret,” Giles says at last.

  I nod. “He isn’t an ordinary man. He’s--”

  “A fucking abomination,” Fallon roars. “Tia, did he ever hurt you?”

  I swallow and look into Fallon’s eyes. “No. But he scared me. The idea of ever being alone with him sent me into hives. He’s everything wrong with the world.” I twist my hands together. “And then a woman at Saint Augustine’s told me about Alaska. The men here. It was only rumors, of course. We didn’t even know about the Lottery, but the idea that here I might be free was worth the risk. Of course…”

  “What is it?” Em asks, taking my hand.

  “I never thought I’d fall in love with all of you. I never thought how this choice was selfish and could ruin all of your lives. When I ran, I only thought about one thing. Survival. Then I got to the compound and felt the weight of what I’d done, but it was too late.”

  My throat is so dry it feels impossible to speak and shame courses through me. “I’m so sorry to have done this to you. That’s why I ran away. I decided it would be safer for all of you if you were free of me.” I dip my chin, lifting my eyes to theirs. “Of course, you were the idiots who came chasing after me.”

  The attempt at a joke softens the room slightly. “Tia,” Huxley says. “You said you went to school at Saint Augustine’s?”

  I nod. “All my life. You’ve heard of it?”

  He twists his lips. “I knew a woman there. Evelyn. I used to do runs to Seattle ports and we were… friendly when I was in town.”

  “She was like a mother to me.” I lift my eyebrows. “How well did you know her?”

  “Well enough to know who she worked for,” he says coolly, and I can see him connecting all the dots in his head.

  The air goes out of me.

  “Warren Thorne is your father?” Huxley asks lips pulled back in disgust.

  “He is.” My face is flush with shame. Which is odd - all my life he was the hero. When did that change? “My name is Christina Thorne.”

  “Shit, Tia.” Fallon rakes a hand over his beard. “Do you know you are a wanted criminal?”

  “That’s why I’ve been so damn scared,” I plead with him. “I didn’t want you to know everything in case the Feds showed up. I didn’t want the men I loved culpable for such a heinous crime.”

  “Oh, Tia,” Emerson says, pulling me into his arms. “I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.”

  I look up at my handsome Navy man. “What I’ve been through? You nearly drowned. Giles was practically tortured to death. Fallon--”

  Emerson cuts me off, pressing a finger to my lips. “Stop it,” he shushes me. “Put this ring on, Wife, and stop thinking about the past. Let’s focus on the present. On what we do have right this minute.”

  He pushes the ring on my finger and my heart squeezes with gratitude. “You’re too good for me,” I tell him. “All of you are,” I say looking around the room. No one has stormed out. No one has called me names. “But if anyone wants out of this marriage, I won’t hold it against you.”

  Huxley stands. “You think that is happening?” He pulls me to my feet and kisses me hard on the lips. “You’re my wife. Don’t forget it,” he adds, squeezing my ass.

  Then Fallon is pulling me into his arms. “I love you, Tia. But no more secrets.”

  I nod. “Understood.” His lips press softly against mine and I close my eyes, savoring the moment.

  Then Giles wraps his arms around my waist. “I’ll do fucking anything for you, you know that?”

  “I do.”

  “Good, then stop thinking I might leave.” He kisses my forehead. My nose. My lips. “I’m playing for keeps.”

  Then Salinger steals me away. “Your secrets are out, and no one has walked.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him, a pulse fluttering in my throat. “For all you have done for me, for this family. I love you, Sal, so fucking much.”

  “Dirty mouth,” he says with a grin. And I crush my lips against his, already thinking about returning to his brothel. Already dreaming of our tomorrows. Many of them naked.

  I glance over at Banks, who’s standing stoically with his hands in the pockets of his slacks. I know he’s the one who will be hardest to convince. I haven’t believed he wanted to be part of this marriage, so this is his chance to walk away.

  “Banks? If you...”

  “I’m just glad we know the truth now. That’s all I wanted from the start. Does this complicate matters? Yes. But I’m still in. I’m not walking away.”

  I don’t care that our relationship hasn’t been physical. I cross the distance between us and wrap my arms around his neck. He stiffens for a fraction of a second, then hugs me back.

  Everything is going to be all right. My secrets are out. No more hiding.

  Em coughs, “So, um, what do we call you now?”

  Laughter floats around us.

  “My name is Christine, but I always went by Tia for short.”

  The doorbell rings, and we all frown and look around at one another.

  Fallon stands and looks out the window. “There’s a government car in the driveway. Anyone expecting company?”

  Something presses at the back of my skull, a warning, a premonition. Whatever it is, it has my stomach churning as my husbands stand and exit the room.

  I follow them, and something in my brain screams, don’t answer the door.

  And as Fallon reaches for the handle and twists it, the devil himself is waiting on the other side.



  The world spins around me, as a sick, sinister smile spreads across his face.

  “You,” Fallon growls out, looking ready to take a strike at the man.

  Lawson smirks, “I think you have something of mine. And I’ve come t
o take it back.”

  Continue the Journey

  The Wife Code

  Book Four in the Six Men of Alaska Series

  Lawson wants what is lawfully his … but Banks is prepared to fight for his bride.

  Banks and Tia haven’t consummated their marriage … he’s done waiting.

  But he isn’t like her other husbands.

  And while they both have a love for learning, Tia is about to get an entirely new sort of education.

  Banks is ready to teach his wife a few things about his dark desires.

  The world outside their bedroom though, is darker still.

  She has to get pregnant to stay in Alaska … but carrying a child is a death sentence.

  Finding a cure is all that matters.

  And time is running out for Tia.

  For everyone.

  It’s time to crack the code.

  About the Author

  Swoonworthy romances from the heart!


  Chantel Seabrook writes hot, steamy paranormal and fantasy romances with possessive bad boys, and the passionate, fiery women who love them.

  She also writes contemporary romance as C.M. Seabrook.


  Also by Chantel Seabrook

  Reverse Harem Fantasy

  Cara’s Twelve

  Therian Agents Series

  Chasing Payne

  Turning Payne

  Taming Kiera

  C.M. Seabrook Books

  Men with Wood Series

  Second Draft


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