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Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles Book 1)

Page 16

by Yumoyori Wilson

"I'll talk to you later, Mom. Yes, I love you too," I whispered. I hung up the phone and met Aki's gaze. He didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

  I cried in his warm embrace, needing to let the sadness go. Aki seemed to have become my outlet and the one I sought out for comfort. I still hated crying, but it felt nice to be in someone’s arms who could give you that support and reassurance that everything would be okay.

  "You okay?" he asked when I calmed.

  I nodded. "Yeah. Sorry." I bowed my head slightly.

  "No need to apologize. That's why I'm here." He gave me a small smile before he yawned.

  I smirked. "You didn't sleep yet, did you?"

  “No. I was drawing," he mumbled before another yawn escaped him.

  "Nap time," I urged him.

  "Hmm... Fine. Urufu, come keep me company so Crim can concentrate." Aki gestured to my familiar who was curled around my feet. She glanced up at me as if asking permission.

  "Go keep Aki company. I'm fine, I promise," I reassured her, petting her head softly.

  "Woof!" She hurried over to Aki.

  He smiled. "No more tears. Otherwise, the guys will come back and kick my ass," Aki joked.

  "I'll try to hold off on the waterworks, just for your safety," I giggled.

  Before he left, I told him the other side of the conversation with my mom. When he was sure I was okay, he went back to the bedroom with Urufu. Aki was a really good listener. Just like the other guys. You were really lucky Storm.

  I smiled, turning back to the blank canvas.

  "Let's try this again."

  The sound of the door closing was what kicked me out of my daze. I took a step back to glance at the finished product and smiled in satisfaction. The image had come out even better than expected and I couldn't stop smiling in awe.

  A.T. Green had been one of my first clients and I'd done a good number of commissions for him over the years. This was definitely the best piece I'd created in a really long time.

  I looked over my shoulder and my smile quickly turned into a frown.

  "You could at least try and look happy to see me," he mumbled.

  "Hello, James. Sorry, I didn't know you were coming home. Are you gonna stay this time?" I asked, walking over to set my brush and palette down. I took off the apron I'd worn to prevent the acrylic paint from getting all over my clothes which there was good chance of with this 24” x 30” canvas.

  When I didn't hear a reply, I turned and met his blank expression. "Please don't tell me you're here just to pick up laundry or an item or change clothes or something," I warned.

  I was tired of his excuses. I knew he hated that the guys were here or that they were, as Quil said, 'hurting his male ego' with their presence. I wish he'd understand that the situation was only temporary. His friends had come and stayed over lots of times during my busiest work months and he didn't care. I asked for this one favor and it was like I’d asked him to give me his soul.

  "Crim, let's break up."

  I froze at his words, having to blink a few times and remember to breathe. What?

  Before I could open my mouth he continued. "I can't do this. You aren't the person you were a few weeks ago. You've changed because of this group of guys who are just using you," he began.

  '"Changed? Using me? And what made you come to that conclusion?" I kept my voice calm as I tried to calm the tidal wave of emotion that raged inside.

  "You can't see it? You don't care that I haven't been here for what, two weeks? You don't text or call me. You certainly don't drink with me and we don't even fuck! You spend all your damn time with these guys who don't even know you. Not to mention, you disrespected your father like that when you knew he had guests coming over and forced him to change plans. You're screwing up our goals with your selfish needs and this Storm business that you're not even a part of," James snapped.

  I felt my hand begin to twitch from pure anger, but I bit my lip hard, reminding myself that I had to stay in control.

  "You're defending my father? After all the years of seeing how he's treated me, you’re okay with what he did?'' I demanded.

  "Storm's case has nothing to do with you."

  "It has EVERYTHING to do with me!" I shouted and took a step forward. I noticed a glimmer of fear flash in his eyes, but he stood his ground.

  "How can you defend him! No, how dare you break up with me and try to blame all of this on me just because you have competition now? They're using me? What does that make you? An angel? A fucking saint? You were my first, James. All those times you told me to stay home and not come to events with you. All the times you couldn't even give me a kiss or hold my hand in public, but you were sure fine with getting drunk and fucking me whenever it was convenient for you!" I snarled.

  "That—" he began, but I cut him off.

  "Stop with the excuses, James! Just stop. You want to break up with me, fine! I bet someone is telling you to ditch me, right?"

  He froze and then looked away.

  I laughed, rolling my eyes and ruffled my hair out of frustration.

  "Let me guess, your parents, right? What did they bribe you with? A house? A promotion?" I’d known James long enough to know he wouldn't do something unless the end result benefited him in some way.

  "I met someone else," he whispered.

  "What?" I almost choked on the word.

  "There's this girl named Emily that I sometimes go drinking with from my training class. My family adores her and our families get along really well. She's set to graduate with honors and is the top female of our division. She's from a well-off family and we get along...and so, my parents want me to stop dicking around and grow up." He spoke the words quickly.

  I gawked at him. "And I’ll just bet she’s an awesome mage or shifter, or even both!" I exclaimed.

  "She's a tiger shifter and has a high magic affinity. She's the whole package, Crim," he declared.

  "Did you sleep with her?"


  "Did you sleep with her?" I repeated.

  "...Yes, just recently," he confessed.

  I couldn't believe my ears. I couldn't believe that the boy I'd asked out on a simple date, who I bonded with because of our family issues, stood before me now like a complete stranger. The man who never wanted me to betray him like his family always had over and over again, was okay with going behind my back and cheating on me with another girl just because she was better.

  She was the one that he could take out and show off in public. They would get to go to bars and parties, not hide in the shadows of alleyways or wait underneath the lamp posts to walk home together. She would get the benefits of having supportive in-laws and would get to be with James when he began to move up in the world. And I would be alone.

  "When?" I whispered.

  " were unconscious after the alleyway incident. I... I was pissed. I didn't see how it was fair that these guys came into your life and were taking care of you like you were theirs. It was my responsibility, but they stole you from me," he argued.

  "They didn’t steal me, James. You left! You've always left me behind. Unless I was practically dead on the floor, you wouldn't show your concern in public or in front of anyone for that matter. You never wanted anyone to know that you cared about me. That incident was your chance to prove that you actually gave a damn. And yet, you just went and fucked some other girl? How does that sound to you, James?"

  He swallowed and looked at the floor in shame.

  "Doesn't sound very manly," he admitted quietly.

  We stood there in silence and I had to clench my fists to keep from losing control. The weird sensation that was pooling inside me was different than what I had felt when I had confronted my dad. Maybe because it was my own pain gathering within. My own heartache that again, because of circumstances that were out of my control, were being used against me.

  I was used and now it was my time to be discarded, just like always.

why are you here, James?" I asked.

  He met my eyes before he pulled out the keys to our flat. "I wanted to return the keys. I've already taken all my stuff. My bedroom should be empty. Your 'guests' can stay there instead of in the living room. I paid my share of the rent this month and I'm off the lease," he whispered, placing the key on the table below the mirror.

  "You...moved all your stuff? When..." I trailed off, already connecting the dots.

  "I took my bed and the main furniture the week you were unconscious and the rest of the things I took throughout this month. I didn't want to tell you because I knew it would stress you out."

  "And you think this isn't any different?" I replied back.


  "Don't call me Crim. You don't deserve to use that nickname anymore. In fact, why am I even bothering with you? You made this decision ages ago. Nothing I say will change it," I realized.

  I heard little footsteps followed by a deep growl. I glanced over to see Urufu whose fur began to puff up in anger, her growls getting louder.

  I quickly walked over to her and knelt down to calm her by stroking her fur. "Urufu," I soothed, trying to soothe her anger.

  "It's for the best, Crimson. I can't hold myself back anymore. No hard feelings, right?" he said nervously.

  No hard feelings. You partied and celebrated your soon to be freedom with another girl when I was on the verge of death. You made me feel like shit for taking in Storm's men who needed a safe haven, while you were off fucking someone else and introducing them to your family. You prepared for your future with another person because your parents said so, not caring if I was left alone to fend for myself. You didn't care...but you want this to end in a situation that benefits you. A situation where if everything you spent weeks planning got fucked up, I'd be your backup plan. I'd forgive you and let you move back in and continue to be the side chick in the shadows.

  The words continued to flood my mind with all the things I wanted to say, but I knew it would all be for nothing. A waste of oxygen and time.

  I let go of Urufu and got to my feet, taking a deep breath. He thought he could use me again after replacing me with another girl. I'd show him.

  "No hard feelings. Right, Urufu?" I whispered in a monotone voice.

  "WOOF!" Urufu charged from where I stood and launched herself onto James' crotch with twice the force of last time, pushing him to the ground.

  "AH! Get this thing off my balls!” he screamed as Urufu began viciously pulling left and right. When she was finally satisfied, she let go and darted back to hide behind me.

  James let out a string of curse words in Japanese as he tried to get off the floor, still holding his crotch.

  "Oops? Now, Urufu, next time James dares to come close to me, you rip those balls apart and do enough damage that no one can heal them. Understood?" I instructed, looking over my shoulder at my familiar.

  "WOOF! WOOF!" she agreed before she started growling again.

  I hadn't realized James was already up and walking straight toward me. I unclenched my hand, ready to use what magic the guys had taught me to set his crotch on fire, but never got the chance because a figure moved to stand in front of me, protectively.

  James came to a complete stop and I had to blink out of my blazing rage to realize Aki was the one in front of me. His long hair was down in all of its gold and orange glory and practically glowed with magic.

  I didn't need to see his face to know how furious he was, his tense body that trembled confirmed that. James’ eyes went wide and he quivered in fear like my father had when I'd confronted him.

  "Why don't we deal with this like men? Or, you could just get the fuck out of my girlfriend's house!" Aki snapped.

  "Girl— girlfriend!” James stuttered. He tried to glare at me, but when he met my gaze, he looked even more nervous than before.

  I bit my lip and continued to try and resist the power that bubbled inside me. I wanted James to feel how I felt. The pain that he'd caused and played off like it was nothing.

  "Yes. Girlfriend. You broke up with her moments ago. So, I can now lay my claim on her as next in line," Aki announced, taking a step forward.

  My eyes doubled in size at the sudden appearance of several orange and yellow tails behind him; their white tips began to glow and his hair floated slightly as if a breeze was holding it.

  Urufu whimpered and ran back to my room. I tried not to shiver even as goosebumps formed on my arms at the waves of power coming off of Aki.

  Haru had shown me how it felt when someone had a small magic affinity and tried to use magic, but this felt at least ten times more powerful than that demonstration.

  I wasn't afraid of Aki. I was afraid of what Aki would do to James who was gawking at him with trembling lips.

  "Get out and stay away from our Crimson. She's not your back up booty or side chick. The moment you step out of here, she isn't your possession to use and abuse any longer. She belongs with us; we will show her what real men look like and how they behave. Now get out of my sight, or I'll ensure there's nothing left of that small cock of yours," Aki declared in a low threatening voice.

  James was out the door in a flash, slamming it behind him.

  The room was silent, but the tension was thick in the air. Aki turned around to face me. I met his gaze and didn't move. The anger inside me wasn't gone. No, it was waiting. Waiting for Aki to abandon me too. To inform me that after all of this was over, he and the others would leave too. I wouldn't let the shock hit me again. I would take it now when my heart was prepared and I had the power to fight back.

  I was so tired of people hurting me. I was exhausted from crying worthless tears over people who always had such dark intentions from the get-go. I wouldn't let Aki do the same to me.

  "Crim." His voice was still lower than his normal register and his green eyes looked dull compared to his glowing hair that continued to float, while his tails moved back and forth.

  Now I understood why he always had his hair up. My mother always wore hers down for a similar reason. I wouldn't have guessed that Akihiro was a Kitsune, but it suited him perfectly in every way. Yet, I wouldn’t admit how attracted I was to him in this moment.

  "I'm fine," I announced, but my voice trembled.

  "Crim, take a deep breath," Aki encouraged.

  "It won't change anything," I whispered.

  "I know. But you need to tame that power within you. Please?" He took a step forward, but I moved back.

  "You'll give up on me too," I admitted to him my biggest fear.

  "I won't."

  "James said he wouldn't abandon me. I told him everything. My insecurities, the way my father had treated me all those years. My strengths and weakness. I did everything to make myself worthy of his love. To be transparent in our relationship and trust him. I thought I was enough. But... I wasn't. I can never meet anyone's expectations."

  I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I quickly rubbed it away in anger.

  "Why can't I be good enough? Why can't I be treasured and loved? I'm fucking tired of crying. I'm tired of my heart being broken and shattered into pieces for me to pick them up and glue them together like a fool. I’m...just...tired and angry. I deserve better...don't I?" I lifted my gaze to stare into his green eyes.

  He nodded and stretched out his hand, the same way he had when he made the oath. "Remember what I did and said. I vowed to never abandon you unless you said so. That vow still stands, Crimson. I'll never leave your side. I'll always come for you. No matter how far away you are or where you go. I will cherish your kindness, beauty, and bruised heart. I'll help pick up the pieces one by one and glue them back together until you’re whole again. My love and protection will be absolute unless you choose to cast me away," he revealed.

  I stared into his eyes and knew in the depths of my soul he meant every word.

  "Take a deep breath, Crim. Let your anger go."

  "Why?" I countered.

  He looked into the mirror next t
o me, gesturing for me to look into it too. I followed his silent command and met bright pink eyes in the reflection. The same ones that haunted my dreams. I wasn't afraid. In my current state of mind, I didn't seem bothered by the change in eye color, but Aki knew better and I wouldn't let my anger blind me from realizing my worth.

  I took a deep breath, but the anger only subsided a smidge.

  "Again, Crim," he encouraged.

  I took another and my body shivered. I didn't want to let go of the anger. I gripped tightly to it because I knew without it, I'd break down and acknowledge the fact that James broke my heart.

  I glanced at the floor and took another shaky breath, followed by another, and sobs began to escape. The fading anger was replaced by incredible pain and anguish.

  I heard Aki's footsteps and then I saw his feet in front of mine. I watched my tears drop to the floor and on my bare feet as they blurred my vision and streamed down my cheeks.

  "It's okay, Crimson. You still have us. No matter what," Aki whispered.

  I nodded as I began to let it out and just cry. My shoulders moved up and down with each sniff and I lifted my hands up to wipe away my tears.

  "Silly me. I said no more waterworks and here I am crying again," I whimpered, beginning to sob even harder.

  Aki pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

  I heard the door open and multiple sets of footsteps enter the room, but I ignored everything around me. I just wanted to cry.

  "Crim?" Malachi's voice sounded next to me and I felt a hand rub my back. I didn't hear any other words being exchanged, but did hear two sets of footsteps leave the house.

  "Hey, Crim. Don't cry," Haru's soft voice soothed.

  "It's okay, Crim. We're here." I heard Itsuki whisper reassuringly.

  "We won't leave you, okay? You're stuck with us now," Malachi vowed.

  I pulled back to look at the three men who surrounded Aki and I. They had soft expressions on their faces, but I saw their determination and unwavering resolve.

  "You’re ours now. No take backs," Malachi declared.

  I nodded in understanding. He smiled, taking a step forward and used his fingers to wipe the tears from my stained cheeks.


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