Stocking Stuffer: Jingle Spells

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Stocking Stuffer: Jingle Spells Page 1

by Dakota Cassidy

  Stocking Stuffer: Jingle Spells

  Dakota Cassidy

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2006 Dakota Cassidy

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  ISBN (10) 1-59596-589-0

  ISBN (13) 978-1-59596-589-9

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

  Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

  Editor: Sheri Ross Fogarty

  Cover Artist: Reneé George and Bryan Keller

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  In another dimension where all paranormal life forms, great and small, live in harmony -- well, sorta.

  It’s Christmas Eve -- somewhere in the far off distant future…

  “Bibbedy-bobbedy-boo. Oh, and another boo for good measure.”



  “Don’t tell me nothing, Luanne Montoya. I don’t know what the hell you’re doing, waving your hands around in my face, mumbling, but can’t you see I’m busy?”

  “Yeah, I see,” she offered blandly, smoothing back her blonde, upswept hair from her face.

  Nia Weston stared up at her friend and co-worker’s blank face, peering at her over the top of her cubicle and said, “Helllooo. Then go to the office Christmas party and leave me be. I bet if you hurry that weird vampire commander you think is so cute will be there. Whatshisname. Dimitri, right? How original. Aren’t all vampires named Dimitri or Declan? Never mind. I thought you liked him and if he’s going to be there, you’d better hurry before that little nymphomaniac, Nessandra, gets her naughty, multi-colored wings sunk into him and does you dirty. Remember last year’s festivities? Ahem… the ménage in the reception room? Allll Nessandra’s doing.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I remember. You let me worry about Dimitri and that inter-galactic ’ho, Nessandra. Look, it’s Christmas Eve. Why don’t you knock off and come with me?”

  Nia shook her head. “Can’t.”




  “Cuz if I do, that jack off alien Kier will finish his proposal for the new sanctuary on Dimension Ten, er, Eleven… Whatever. He’ll finish first and we all know how much the boss likes the ass smoocher extraterrestrial. He’ll never look at mine if Mr. Close Encounters of the Third Kind’s is on his desk first.”

  Luanne clucked her tongue. “Oh, he is not kissing anyone’s ass. You’re just angry that he knows how to behave in a social setting and you act like you’ve lived on Dimension Thirteen, fondly known as Dementia Thirteen, all of your life. You like the ass smoocher alien and you know it. He’s too hot not to like. He doesn’t even look remotely like the things running around in that old Close Encounters movie. God, humans are so imaginatively delusional. The problem is you just won’t admit you like him.”


  “Do. Do. Doooo.”

  “Look, I’m not going to the Christmas party, okay. Nothing you say will convince me I need to get sloshed with a bunch of Otherworlders, aliens, fairies and shapeshifters who’ve had too many weenies in a blanket and spiked A-B negative.”

  “But you’ll miss the Secret Santa…”

  Nia rose from her chair, placing her hands on her hips. “Yeah? Boo-hoo. Hear that? That’s me crying over the fact that I’ll miss out on getting some monthly subscription for supplemental pills made with the garlic intolerant in mind. I’m a werewolf, for shit’s sake. I like garlic on my raw beef.”

  “Fine. So Dewey was a little misguided when he shopped for you. He did try to find something you’d like and who would know what paranormal species you were anyway? We only have a million running around here inter-dimensionally. It’s not like you socialize enough for anyone to even know you’re a werewolf.”

  “I’m not here to socialize. I’m here to design buildings for the Otherworlds. Period. Now go do your thang.” She shooed Luanne off with a distracted smile and a wave. She was suddenly warm and she had at least another two hours worth of work to accomplish. Looking at Luanne’s face, she softened a little. “I appreciate you wanting me to come with you, but I can’t. Tomorrow, when I see my pack, I’ll have all the Christmas cheer I can handle. Believe me.”

  “Fine again. I’ll just eat all the weenies in a blanket myself.”

  “Good and while you’re there, why don’t you cast a spell on that vampire with the stupid, romance novel name. Use your powers for the good of your sex life.”

  “Oh! You know damned well I can’t use my magic on myself for personal gain. It’s against my witch’s creed. That was unfair, Nia. However, I can use it on others…” she replied smugly, folding her arms over her cute holiday-red, skintight jumpsuit.

  Nia sat back down and immediately sought her drafting pencil. “That’s nice. Have a Merry Christmas. Kiss-kiss. Hug-hug and all that warm holiday jazz.” She blew a kiss to her, wiggling her fingers.

  Luanne stuck her tongue out at her and sauntered off downstairs to the party on level nine.


  Nia felt a vague twinge over how she’d dismissed Luanne, but she wanted this damn job and she wanted to beat Kier’s ass to it while she was at it. She was damned tired of being shown up by some alien with a fancy degree and a big…

  Well, she didn’t know personally if it was big. She’d only heard rumors about the Santori and their -- well, their nether parts.

  Nia’s face flushed.

  Christ, it was hot in here. And she refused to remotely acknowledge that it might have anything to do with Kier.

  He was indeed, crazy hot in an extraterrestrial kind of way. Dark, uber-tall, deep violet eyed, muscled and a pain in her asteroid like no other. Most days, she could look past how good-looking he was and just hate him because he somehow always got the upper hand. She’d do the same today.

  Pushing back away from her desk, she went to check the climate control thermostat across the room.

  A glance at the sprawling vista from her office window made her heart clench. It was truly beautiful here at Christmas. The stars were so close you could almost reach out and touch them. Pluck one right from the sky and hold it in your hands.

  Oy. She was getting soft and she just didn’t have that kind of time if she hoped to have her proposal on the boss’s desk before Kier was done with his.

  Turning the dial on the thermostat, Nia readjusted it to a cooler temperature when she felt a presence at her back.

  If Luanne was back to harass her about that damned party, she was going to have one of those moments reserved only for the truly aggravating.

  With a sharp pivot, she turned only to come face to broad chest with none other than Kier of Santori.

  Nia gulped.


  Luanne was right. Kier had won the gene pool lottery when he’d graced the universe. There wasn’t an inch of him that wasn’t muscled and toned to within an inch of perfection. His
violet eyes, eyes Nia had always found compelling even with their odd color, beckoned her. They were fringed with luscious lashes that made them the focal point of his face.

  He had a sharp jaw, chiseled due to his lean physique with razor sharp cheekbones. His lips were full, but not too full. Just looking at them, Nia wanted to run her tongue over them, nibbling the tender flesh.

  And that came from where?

  The black jumpsuit he wore accentuated every plane of muscle, each hard ridge of flesh fought to thrust its way out of the clingy material.

  He crossed his arms over his chest, his stance clearly confrontational.

  Nia’s piercing gaze revealed little of how she truly felt. Suddenly, the room had narrowed and there was only the two of them. She too crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head up to purse her lips at him. Ready for the typical verbal sparring they’d forged a relationship on.

  Dayum. He was crazy-hot.

  Usually, Nia was able to set those thoughts aside in favor of how much she wanted to best him. But apparently, tonight wasn’t one of those times.

  As angry as he made her, the compelling, insane need to hurl him to the floor and dive onto him was overwhelming. The proposal she’d been so intent on turning in was now a faraway thought.

  Without a shadow of a doubt, Nia knew she absolutely must have him or she’d die from the wanting.

  Which was completely and utterly bonkers.



  “Do you feel it too?”

  “Um, maybe.”

  “What do you feel?”

  “You go first.”

  “No, you.”


  “Fine. Are you warm?”


  “Feel like you could jump out of your skin if you don’t…”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Hate my guts, but want me at the same time?”


  “Want me to rip your jumpsuit off and take you right here, not caring who or what might see us in the process?”

  “’Fraid so.”

  “What the hell?”

  “How should I know?”

  “I can’t stand you.”

  “And you give me the warm fuzzies?”

  “No one pisses me off more than you do.”


  “But if I don’t get my hands on you naked -- like now -- I think I’ll go out of my mind.”

  And what fucking fantastic hands they were. Strong, long fingered, lean, and sprinkled with just a bit of dark hair on the backside of them. Nia had admired them before, considered what they might feel like all over her. Okay, wondered far more than she should about them when he was always one-upping her ass. “You make me so mad I want to clock you sometimes.”


  “You agree with me clocking you?”

  “No, I agree with the clocking part. I want to clock you too. Santori law and a fuckload of restraint keep me from doing so.” His lips, just inches from hers, moved with what should look like a sneer considering his words, but were more like a sensual dance she wanted to join.

  “I think I have to take my jumpsuit off.”

  “I think I’ll join you.”

  Nia was fully aware there wasn’t an ounce of shame evident in her matter of fact statement. Mentally she felt the pull of her emotions. The ones that had a censor on them and screamed this moment was utterly absurd. Her body? A whole different ball of wax. It was on fricken’ fire with need. A need so sharp and pure, it literally hurt.

  As they stared each other down with narrowed gazes, they unzipped their suits and kicked them off, fighting with their boots, heaving harsh breaths from deep in their lungs. Harsh, angry breaths.

  Kier’s nostrils flared. The air between them became electric, thickly laced with the scent of their raw desire. She could feel it in her pores, taste it on her tongue. Her nose flared too. To be sure she wasn’t miscalculating what her keen were-senses told her.

  Naked and panting, Kier assessed her with eyes that clearly approved and with words that clearly didn’t. “You drive me bat-shit, werewolf.”

  “Agreed, alien,” she huffed, her eyes scanning his massive frame.

  “You agree that you drive me bat-shit?”

  “No, I agree with the driving part. You drive me bat-shit too.”

  Spreading his bulky thighs, Kier backed her up against the wall near the thermostat, bracketing her body. He let the hot skin of his abdomen rub against her belly.

  Well, well. What they said about the Santori really was true. They did have some pretty big things going on down there. Kier’s cock stood up to the rumor. Hard and smooth, it pressed against her belly, pulsing and radiating white-hot heat.

  Nia slipped her hand between them and grasped his shaft, stroking it from base to tip without hesitation. It was a bold move she reserved only for established relationships and it startled her, but it didn’t stop her.

  Kier’s grunt was thick as he leaned into her ear and hissed a breath of approval. “Shit, that feels amazing.” He sounded as astounded as Nia was sure she had to touch him or she’d lose her mind. Cupping his balls, she rolled the sacs in her hand, still stroking his cock.

  Slipping down his body, her hands followed the rigid planes until she was eye level with his cock. The thick thatch of hair between his thighs drew her to thread her fingers through the dark, springy curls. Nia saw for the first time the cock Santoris were so famous for and her eyes widened momentarily. She could see why they were so talked about. It had less to do with the size as much as the perfection of the shape and the small tattoo that marked him a Santori. A circle of small stars lay just beneath the head of his shaft.

  It was ramrod straight, no curves at all and the skin was a perfect ruddy color, darkening at the mushroom-shaped head. Lightly veined and thick, it made her mouth water to taste it.

  As she placed her mouth on his cock, running her tongue the length of it, Kier gave a feral growl, gripping her head and tugging at her long, blonde hair. He wrapped it around his wrists, locking her in place.

  With a slow descent, Nia took him in her mouth. Moving slowly up and back down, letting her tongue scrape it along the way, she paused at the base. He hissed his pleasure with a “Yessssss.”

  Her hands slid around his legs, coming around to cup the hard globes of his ass, and once more she pulled deeply on his cock. Over and over, Nia took long, drawn out pulls of his silken rod, savoring the male taste against her tongue.

  The stiffening of his long body made it evident he couldn’t take much more, but she circled him tightly, forming a tight “O” with her mouth and rolling her lips over him.

  Kier let go of her hair and nudged her away, even as his hips thrust forward. He hauled her up against him, his breathing choppy and harsh on her face. “Spread your legs for me, Nia,” he demanded, rough and urgent.

  Nia obeyed, wanting to tell him to piss off for ordering her to do anything, but unable to get her body or mouth to cooperate. His hand slipped between her legs, caressing the sensitive skin, sending shivers of anticipation along her raw nerve endings. Spreading the lips of her pussy, Kier stroked her clit, swollen and achy, with his middle finger.

  Nia’s legs buckled at the sure, confident strokes. Her heart pounded in her ears when he claimed, “You’re like the finest silk.” Her cunt grew heavier with the weight of desire, the delicious feel of his callused fingers exploring her and, finally, driving into her with a force that made her teeth clench from the intensity, made her squirm. She let go of his cock, unable to concentrate on the steel flesh any longer.

  For the first time, Nia placed her hands on his chest, kneading the hard surface of his pecs, twisting his nipples with gentle tugs. She ground against him when he cupped the width of her pussy, pressing the heel of his hand against her while his fingers plunged in and out of her. Her leg came to wrap around his lean waist and her foot fell against his rock hard
ass, using it for leverage to lift her higher against him.

  And as abruptly as he’d begun, Kier stopped, pulling his hand away.

  Her head, thrown back from the scintillating electricity he created, lifted with a slow bob.

  For a long moment, they eyed each other. A full-bodied scan of naked, heaving flesh.

  “Open your mouth,” he growled just before his lips landed on hers.

  Hot, silky and firm, he pried her mouth open with his tongue, gripping her shoulders with hard hands, crushing her body to his. Her hands slid up under his arms, roaming the granite planes of his muscled back. A moan escaped her lips, ripping from the back of her throat and drifting into his mouth.

  Kier devoured her lips, running his tongue over them with long swipes, capturing them with searing friction, pushing her up against the wall so her back pressed against the cool paneling.

  Filling his hands with her breasts, aching and taut, he rolled his thumbs over her nipples. The sweet stab of electrifying heat made her rock against his thigh.

  He pulled his mouth from hers, capturing her earlobe with a nip before lightly licking her neck. He swept over her collarbone and finally rested his dark head against her breast. Kier’s tongue snaked out to lash a nipple, making it stand at attention and burn with the need to feel his lips wrapped around it. His hands cupped them together, sipping each turgid bud before laving them with wet, heated passes.

  The moist heat of his mouth drew whimpers from lips that couldn’t deny the skill he taunted her with.

  Nia arched into him, pressing his mouth to her, winding her fingers into his thick, dark hair. Carnal pleasure licked at her cunt with fierce stabs. She writhed against the wicked heat of his body until he let go of her nipples and skated along the curve of her waist. Open-mouthed, he brushed against her skin, moving toward her outer thighs with searing kisses.

  Kier threw her leg up over his broad shoulder and let his head rest on her hip. With deft hands, he again spread the lips of her pussy. So swollen and desperate, she squirmed from the merest touch.

  When his lips finally covered her cunt, Nia’s high-keened wail, typical of her heritage, rang throughout the office. Clear and sharp, it clung to her ears.


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