The Major's Mission: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel) (Lords of Zanthar Book 2)

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The Major's Mission: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel) (Lords of Zanthar Book 2) Page 17

by Liza Probz

  The Minister of Defense turned to Ontarii, giving him a serious look. “We have a few hours before we reach home. That will give you the time you need to do what you need to do.”

  “What do you mean?” Ontarii asked, his voice high-pitched.

  He’s nervous. But why?

  “You know what I mean, and you’re right. It is none of my damn business, but I’m making it as such. Take your mate into the back and do what you need to do.”

  Ontarii’s face went from puzzled to furious in the space of a second. “Like I said before… That’s none of your damn business!”

  “It is my bloody business,” Drake roared, and Brook was taken aback. She’d yet to see such emotion from the minister. “You can’t serve me efficiently if you’re under the frenzy’s effects. Now take that girl in the back and mate her. By the time we get to Zanthar, I want to see you green-skinned and ready to work.”

  “You can’t order me to mate this woman. Who I take is my own choice.”

  “The hell I can’t! You will mate her, and you will recover yourself. We need men like you in the coming days. And apparently, you’ve got a contact in the Hareema rebellion. They pulled you out for a reason. Whatever that reason is, whatever you know, we need to know. So get in there and fuck that human.”

  “Hey!” Brook shouted. “You can’t order him to fuck me! Only I can choose who I sleep with, thank you very much.”

  Drake eyed her. “Of course. Although I’m thinking you wouldn’t mind another piece of this one here. And don’t act like you haven’t already had a piece. You had to do something to touch off the frenzy.”

  Brook blushed. “I cannot even believe we are having this conversation.”

  “Believe it, Earthling.”

  Ontarii growled, his fists curling into tight balls at his side. He moved closer to Drake, moments away from doing violence to his superior officer.

  Drake turned to her. “If he won’t listen to reason, maybe you will. I need him. Hell, I need you too. We have a problem that needs to be dealt with. Do the responsible thing and deal with it. Now.”

  Ontarii pulled back his arm, his expression saying he was about to murder his leader.

  Brook stepped between the two men, looking up at the alien she loved.

  “Stop,” she said, putting her hands on his arms. “He’s right.”

  “I don’t care,” Ontarii snarled. “He doesn’t get to talk about you like that.”

  “I appreciate your anger, I really do, but we’ve got to do as he says. Your people need you, and if this is the only way to prevent your death, then we have to try.”

  Ontarii’s face softened. His fists uncurled, and he took her hands in his.

  “All right, but only because you want to.”

  Chapter 30

  The shuttle was equipped with a small room behind the main chamber. It had a bed for sleeping, a desk, and little else. His mate walked into the room and took a seat on the little bed.

  His mate.

  He still couldn’t get over it, but he realized that she was all he’d ever wanted in a female. He was proud to claim her as his mate. No matter how long it lasted.

  “I apologize for the timing and circumstances under which our mating will take place,” Ontarii began, wanting to explain to her how special she was to him, and how much he’d wanted this moment to be perfect.

  She should be settled into a shell bed on the shores of his colony, nestled like a beautiful pearl to be mated in the moonlight. Instead, they were stuck on a ship headed back to help change the fortunes of his planet in the war against their enemy. Not very romantic.

  “No need to apologize.” She awarded him with a sweet smile. “We get to be together again, and this time on a bed.”

  Ontarii laughed, again marveling at the female he’d chosen as his.

  “Besides,” she said, her face turning serious. “I was certain we wouldn’t ever get this opportunity again. This is a blessing. Let’s treat it as such.”

  She’s right. Ontarii went to her, dropping to his knees on the floor before her and nestling himself between her thighs. He leaned in to give her a kiss. It started out as sweet, but before long it exploded into something that engulfed them both.

  His mouth devoured hers until they were both moaning. His teased her with his tongue, licking at her lips while she tried to force him to tangle with her own tongue.

  He laughed into her mouth as she growled, then gave her what she wanted.

  As he kissed her, he pulled down the zipper of her flight suit. Ontarii was sick of the damn thing, of always having to pull her out of it, only to have her seal herself back inside it again. He imagined her in the clothing that Zantharian females wore and his cock swelled under his sarong.

  “Ontarii,” she mewled, her head falling back and her eyes sliding closed. “I need you. So badly!”

  “Me too, baby,” he said, nuzzling her neck as he exposed her shoulders. “Let’s get you out of these damn clothes.”

  He stood, helping her to her feet, then impatiently pushing down the flight suit. She hopped out of it, then pulled off her undershirt and bra, then panties. Finally, she stood gloriously nude before him.

  Ontarii gave her a wide smile, appreciating what he saw. Then he undid the ties on his sarong and stepped out of it. They were both as naked as when they were born, and he pulled her close to feel her skin against his.

  “My little human,” he sighed into her ear. “I want you to be sure this is what you want. Once we do this, I will be forever connected to you. If you insist, I will try to let you go, but I cannot promise that. I will never want to let you out of my sight, and when we are apart, I will go mad with anxiety until I see you again.”

  He frowned down at her. “I know you have a career, and it would take you far away from me. I’ll attempt to accept that, but I don’t know if I can.”

  His human gave him a slow smile and put a finger up to his lips to silence him.

  “Hush,” she whispered sensually. “I know what I’m doing.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his mouth. “Besides, I don’t think I’d like being separated from the man I love either.”

  “You love me?” The words were like the elixir of life. His heart swelled in his chest.

  “Of course I do. How could I not?”

  Ontarii picked her up and swung her around and around in the small chamber.

  “Stop it!” she cried out with a laugh. “I’m getting dizzy!”

  “Space captains don’t get dizzy,” he said, but he stopped his twirling even if he didn’t let her go. “I love you too. How it happened so fast is beyond me, but our union was blessed by my gods no doubt.”

  He laid her on the bed and climbed on, pushing her thighs open to crawl between them. Taking his time, he moved to his knees and ran his finger down her swollen sex as she closed her eyes and lifted her hips, whimpering softly.

  “Fuck me,” she murmured and reached out, stroking his cock with a tight grip.

  "Yeah. I want to. Every night for the rest of my life.” He crawled up her body and splayed out across her, pressing himself deep inside of her and groaning.

  “So tight and wet, Jennifer.”

  “Only for you.” She dug her nails into his back and desire tore through the center of him, the intensity of it leaving him breathless.

  He glanced up, pressing his elbows by her face and watched her as he began to pump in and out of her luscious body. She looked so perfect, and he wished he could stop time and enjoy her for as long as they needed together.

  The frenzy rushed up the center of his stomach and caused him to cry out. He worked faster, undulating his hips rapidly as he took her with him toward ecstasy. This time was different. He thought he'd experienced pleasure before, but this time was insanely intense. Every other instance of joy seemed a paltry shadow beside the bright sun of this coupling, of their mating.

  "You feel incredible. Like heaven against me, Jennifer,” he moa
ned against her lips.

  She cried out and leaned up, kissing him hard and stealing his breath.

  He wanted to make love to her, but the frenzy wouldn’t allow anything but a hard fuck between them. He drove into her, over and over again, each thrust taking him higher, pushing him closer and closer to the pinnacle of pleasure.

  There was no turning back. He could feel that this was different, that for the first time in his life, he was going to release his essence. In only a few more strokes, his seed would enter his mate. Nothing had ever felt more right.

  Her hips bucked up to meet his thrusts and he could tell she was close to her own climax. Ontarii bit his lip, trying to hold out, trying to make sure she came hard.

  "I can't stop myself," he moaned, driving into her as deeply as he could. "Come with me. Now."

  Jennifer obeyed his command.

  As his orgasm ripped over him, making his entire body shake, he felt her inner walls clench around his cock. It took him to a level of elation that bordered on agony. He felt his seed spurt from him and into his chosen mate, and knew that he'd reached the culmination of his life in that moment.

  Afterwards, they lay together, her head resting on his shoulder. He felt her sigh of contentment against his neck and smiled.

  This is what perfection feels like.

  Chapter 31

  Brook might have felt embarrassed when Drake knocked on the door to inform them that they'd be landing on Zanthar in fifteen minutes. She might have, if she weren't so exhausted.

  She'd been napping, curled up around her mate, the first real rest that she'd had since the whole ordeal began. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and hoping she'd have enough energy for what came next.

  Brook glanced over at her man and couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Ontarii was staring back at her, his midnight eyes now the darkest thing about him. His skin was a light green color, as it had been when he met her, although she could catch sight of a few purple spots here and there.

  "We're home," he said, sitting up to plant a kiss on her head before standing.

  She watched as he wrapped his sarong around himself, and her breath caught in her chest at his beauty. His body was masculine perfection.

  And he's all mine.

  Brook was still amazed at the whirlwind of events that had brought them together. But as she stood and put her own clothing on, she thanked every god in the universe for putting her in his path. This was the man she was made to love, and against all odds she’d found him. Now she would never let him go.

  They piled out of the room and into the main chamber of the ship. Brook’s attention was instantly drawn to the view screen where JL-398, better known as Zanthar, was growing in size.

  It was a lovely planet, almost entirely water, with swirls of purples, blues, and greens. It reminded her of Ontarii’s skin in all of its myriad shades.

  He moved up beside her, taking her hand in his. Meanwhile, Drake was steering them towards the surface, hard at work at his console.

  “I managed to convince them that I am who I say I am, but just barely,” he said. “I don’t know what kind of greeting we can expect, but I’m heading into the hangar now.”

  The shuttle landed, and Brook took a deep breath, preparing to meet her mate’s people in earnest for the first time.

  Her jaw fell open when the first person she saw when the shuttle door opened was the lost human scientist, Dr. Sylvia Cohen. Standing beside her was a large Zantharian male.

  “Supreme Regent,” Ontarii said, walking forward and holding out his hand.

  “Halt,” the man said, holding up his own hand. “Initiate energy exchange.”

  Drake laughed. “Good to see you too, brother.”

  The regent scowled, holding out his hand and emitting a charge of electricity that Ontarii matched from his own hand. Drake did the same, and their identities were verified.

  “Long time no see, brother,” the regent said, slapping Drake on the back. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. But first, what about the human female? She needs to be tested.”

  Ontarii’s chest swelled, his voice turning tough like leather. “No one touches the female but me, understood?”

  The regent cocked an eyebrow at him. “It’s like that, is it? Okay, you test her yourself then.”

  “She doesn’t need to be subjected to that! We just proved our identities. It should be enough that…”

  Dr. Cohen stepped forward, addressing Brook directly. “I see your mate is as protective as mine. To protect me, he has to make sure you are who you say you are. So instead of these two alpha males butting heads, let’s just get this out of the way so we can move on to discussing important things.”

  Brook nodded, then placed a soothing hand on Ontarii’s arm. “You did it before. I can take it. Just do it.”

  Ontarii’s face was rigid, his color lightening to yellow. Despite his anger, he extended his hand and touched hers, running a charge through it.

  Brook stumbled, but her mate was there to catch her. He held her gently in his arms, and she knew that no matter what happened, as long as they were together, things would turn out all right.

  Drake and the regent began talking in low, urgent tones.

  Dr. Cohen put an arm around Brook once Ontarii released her, drawing her into conversation. “These Zantharian males are a bit irresistible, aren’t they?”

  Brook blushed. “Yeah.”

  “Your crew has informed me of your mission. Let me assure you, I’m alive and doing well.”

  “My crew? You’ve talked to them.”

  Dr. Cohen nodded. “Yes, they’re here. I’ve asked them to assemble in the conference room, well, I call it a ‘conference room’. I haven’t quite figured out Zantharian protocol completely yet.”

  Dr. Cohen’s words filled Brook with joy. Her crew was alive! And safe!

  In a daze, Brook followed behind the human female as she led her into an adjoining room. At least part of her crew stood assembled there.

  Dr. Tan and Amanda Chao were talking quietly to each other. Their faces lit up with twin smiles when they caught sight of her.

  “Captain!” Chao said. “You’re alive!”

  Brook gave them a wave. “Glad I can say the same about you.”

  Lieutenant Brunt, a.k.a. Lieutenant Cheerful, looked to be anything but happy at the moment. He was talking to a Zantharian female, his hands gesturing wildly, his face frustrated. “You aren’t listening to me!”

  Brook moved beside him and coughed politely, but that didn’t seem to capture their attention. So, using her Captain’s voice to its fullest, she said, “Lieutenant, report!”

  He trailed off mid-word, noticing her, and immediately grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. “Captain! I didn’t think we’d ever see you again.”

  There was a growl from behind her. “Get your hands off my mate or lose them.”

  Brook moved away from her second-in-command and looked back over her shoulder to see Ontarii, having gone full yellow.

  “It’s okay,” she said, wondering what she’d gotten herself into. They’d have to have a talk about overprotectiveness soon.

  Turning back, she spared a glance at the lieutenant’s companion. The Zantharian female was tall, her body lithe and muscular. Her dark eyes were boring into Brook’s, looking confrontational. Her skin seemed a shade lighter than before.

  Hmm… What’s going on here?

  “Fill me in on what’s happening,” she told her crew.

  “After you’d left with this one,” Cheerful said, gesturing at Ontarii, “we waited. After a few moments, you both came back. He told his crew to remain on the ship with you, Talia, and the others, while the rest of us were taken to the flagship. We thought it was you, so we followed orders, even though I didn’t want to leave you alone.”

  Brook nodded. “It’s understandable.”

  He continued. “On the flagship, we met this one, Kat’Chinna, Ontarii’s second. Long story shor
t, we figured out that the Ontarii we’d brought back wasn’t the real one.”

  He frowned suddenly. “Where’s Mike? And Diego? And Talia?”

  Brook shook her head sadly. “Mike and Diego didn’t make it. Talia was the Hareema plant. Although there had to be more.”

  “Oh, there were more, at least two others.”

  “How do you know this?”

  Cheerful gave her a smile. “Because I caught one, and it talked.”

  Kat’Chinna frowned at her companion. Apparently his enthusiasm didn’t sit well with her.

  Ontarii sounded amazed. “You have a Hareema prisoner? We haven’t managed to catch one in centuries. How did you do it?”

  “It’s all in the wrists,” the lieutenant joked.

  This made the Zantharian female’s expression darken even further.

  The Supreme Regent stepped forward and silence reigned. “We will discuss all of this further shortly. We have briefings scheduled all day. For now, I’d like to discuss assignments.”

  Brook felt overwhelmed suddenly. She’d just broken out of prison, escaped death at the hands of the Hareema, and landed on an alien world. What she really wanted was a hot meal and an even hotter shower.

  Dr. Cohen came up beside her with a knowing smile, and patted her on the shoulder. “We’ll make this quick,” she whispered, “then I’ll show you to your quarters.”

  The regent jerked his head toward Ontarii. “We need to debrief, obviously, and I want your help in interrogating the Hareema prisoner. Drake informs me that you have information about a rebel alliance among the enemy. I want to see what our captive has to say about that.”

  Ontarii nodded, and the regent moved on, focusing on the lieutenant and his companion. “You two, you’re charged with recovering the missing Earth vessel and reclaiming it from the Hareema. I want this done as quickly as possible. I think the next step in this war will be a trip back to Earth, and I want it to be in your vessel.”

  “Wait!” Brook didn’t like taking orders from someone she’d just met, especially where it concerned her ship. “If anyone is going on this mission, it’s me. It’s my damn ship.”


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