A Year of Extraordinary Moments (A Magnolia Grove Novel)

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A Year of Extraordinary Moments (A Magnolia Grove Novel) Page 26

by Bette Lee Crosby

  “Lucas, thank you for sharing your mama with me and allowing me to love you with all my heart. I wasn’t there when you took your first steps, but I promise that now I’ll love and support you in every step you take for the rest of your life. Please accept this gift as a symbol of my love for you.”

  Gabriel had searched for months trying to find the most appropriate gift to include Lucas in the celebration. For girls, a locket or bracelet was usually suggested, but for boys there was nothing. Finally, he’d made the decision on his own. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a gold key chain with an engraved fob, then offered it to Lucas. “Will you allow me the honor of being your daddy?”

  Wide-eyed, Lucas looked up at Tracy, who beamed. Then he looked back at Gabriel and nodded.

  Gabriel smiled, gave him a hug, and stood, but before he could move back to Tracy’s side, Lucas reached up and tugged the tail of his jacket.

  “Wead it to me,” he said.

  Gabriel squatted again, and the room stilled as his voice softened and he read the words aloud.

  “You will forever have the key to my heart.” Gabriel’s voice quivered, then cracked as emotion threaded his words. He sucked in a breath, then continued. “My love for your mama made us a family, but my love for you makes me your daddy.”

  Lucas grinned. “Mr. Gabwiel, does this mean you’re my weal daddy?”

  Gabriel nodded. “Yes, Lucas, I’m your real daddy.” He pulled the boy into his arms again and kissed his forehead.

  Quickly swiping at his eyes, Gabriel moved back to stand beside Tracy, and Lucas followed along. A twitter of laughter ran through the audience as Lucas positioned himself in between the bride and groom. Pastor Dale’s lips curled, and he could no longer hold back the grin.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband, wife, and family. You may kiss the bride.”

  Lucas stood looking up as Gabriel wrapped his arms around Tracy and covered his mouth with hers. The kiss was long, sweet, and filled with passion. When it ended, the organist again stomped on the pedals, and the joyous sound of “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” filled the room.

  Gabriel scooped Lucas into his arms, and the three of them started back down the aisle.

  Tom leaned into Meghan and whispered, “Well, that was certainly an extraordinary moment.”

  Meghan turned with a smile. “It’s been a year of extraordinary moments.”

  Lila overheard her daughter and gave an imperceptible nod. Truly it had been a year of extraordinary moments. Sisters coming together, love finding a way, and, perhaps most importantly, letting go of the past.

  With George’s sister, Phoebe, on one side and Charlie on the other, Lila followed Meghan and Tom back down the aisle.

  That night Lila returned to the house alone. She brewed a cup of chamomile tea and sat at the kitchen table recalling the events of the day.

  If only George could have been there.

  That thought triggered another one. She crossed the kitchen and opened the drawer where she now kept his bucket list.

  Returning to the table, she unfolded the yellowing paper, smiled as she read through the items on his list, and then crossed off “See both girls happily married.”

  It had been a year of extraordinary moments, and George had not missed a one. He’d planned for them all, and in the end, he’d left a note telling her so.

  The moon was already high in the sky when she climbed into bed and remembered the last item on George’s list: “Retire and move into a nice little condo.”

  “I’m still working on it.” She sighed and snapped off the light.


  Although no one can see it now, Lucas will open Alice’s envelope on his sixteenth birthday. Inside, he will find a seven-page letter written on pale-blue stationery. In it, Alice will tell of the DeLuca family and how the farm once rang with laughter and happiness and how she had known him for such a short time and yet loved him so completely. Along with the letter, he’ll find pictures, some so faded you can barely make out the farmhouse. On the back of each picture is the family history Alice has penned in blue ink.

  After so many years, Lucas can hardly remember Alice’s face, but in the pictures, he will see her as a young woman sitting alongside Joe with their baby girl in her arms. She is smiling as if she expects only the best of life. There are other pictures also: Daddy DeLuca standing proud in front of the Magnolia Grove courthouse, a field of peanut plants stretched out for as far as the eye can see, and countless photos of Dominic as a boy, then a young man, his shoulders pushed back and his head held high.

  Of all the photos, the one that will be Lucas’s favorite is the one where he is sitting at the dining room table with Alice. In front of them is a board game, Chutes and Ladders, he thinks. Even though many of his childhood memories have faded, he remembers those afternoons of being together. He will tuck that picture into the frame of the mirror that hangs above his dresser, and whenever he catches a glimpse of it, he will smile.

  Just as Alice has hoped, it will be a memory that lasts forever.


  When a reader holds a finished book in hand, they see only the face of the author, but in truth, many people contribute to the successful making of a novel. I consider myself blessed to have had the wonderful team at Lake Union working with me on the development of this book.

  I am truly grateful to my agent, Pamela Harty, for introducing me to Lake Union and continuing to provide day-to-day support with such unending grace and wisdom.

  I am extremely fortunate to have been paired with Alicia Clancy, my editor. She goes above and beyond what might be expected and comes to know my characters as well as I do. Her advice is both wise and insightful. I am delighted to have her as my partner on this exciting journey.

  I also owe a debt of gratitude to Lindsay Guzzardo, my developmental editor, for forcing me to dig deeper and find the treasure trove of emotions hidden beneath the surface.

  My utmost thanks also goes to Karen Brown, my copy editor, and Nicole Pomeroy, my production manager, for their attention to detail and thoughtful edits. Also to my author relations manager, Gabriella Dumpit, for carefully following up on each and every detail, answering my endless questions, and seeing this project through to completion.

  A sincere note of thanks to Ekta Garg, fellow author, beta editor, adviser, and friend.

  I would be lost without Coral Russell, the do-everything person who keeps my blog on target, organizes fan events, and steps in to help when I need a third hand. Thank you for all these things and the thousands of others you do.

  And to the ladies in my BFF (Best Fans & Followers) Clubhouse, I am eternally grateful. They read my books, share them with friends, review them on Goodreads, and eagerly await each new release. Loyalty such as this is something to be treasured.

  For things too numerous to count, I thank my husband, Dick. He is, and will always be, my greatest blessing.

  About the Author

  Photo © 2017 Brian Adams Photography

  Bette Lee Crosby is the USA Today bestselling author of nineteen novels, including the first Magnolia Grove novel, The Summer of New Beginnings. She has been the recipient of the Royal Palm Literary Award, Reviewer’s Choice Award, FAPA President’s Book Award, International Book Award, and Next Generation Indie Award, among many others. Her 2016 novel, Baby Girl, was named Best Chick Lit of the Year by Huffington Post. She laughingly admits to being a night owl and a workaholic, claiming that her guilty pleasure is late-night chats with fans and friends on Facebook and Goodreads. To learn more about Bette Lee Crosby’s work, visit www.betteleecrosby.com or check out her Amazon Author Page.



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