Wolfsbane, A Paranormal/Urban Fantasy (The Maurin Kincaide Series)

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Wolfsbane, A Paranormal/Urban Fantasy (The Maurin Kincaide Series) Page 6

by Rawlings, Rachel

  For the briefest moment I caught concern in Agrona's usually emotion less eyes. No remorse or sorrow, just concern. I knew it wasn't for the wolf pack. "Why didn't Olwyn inform us of Roul’s death herself?"

  "That would be hard to do since she's dead too." My throat was suddenly dry. I nodded toward Kedehern and the bar. She didn't object so I walked over to the bar as Kedehern poured me a drink.

  "He killed the Omega?" Agrona was on the edge of her seat.

  I slammed the, holy Hades, Wild Turkey and waited for the burn to pass before I spoke. "I killed her."

  "You?" Agrona said surprised.

  "You are a violent little creature aren't you? Do tell Maurin, why did you slay the she-beast?" I had once again drawn the attention of the creepy, beautiful but creepy fae. He was suddenly very interested in the conversation. A chill ran down my spine and I fought not to shake it off.

  I avoided looking at the fae, choosing instead to direct my response at Agrona. "She went insane the moment Cash killed Roul. She shifted. There was nothing left of Olwyn, her wolf had completely taken over. She attacked me. I had no choice."

  "That isn't uncommon among the shifters. When one's mate dies they follow soon after. Most are put down. It takes a remarkably strong will to survive severing the mating bond." Kedehern explained as if he were giving a lecture on shifters and not discussing his former Councilman.

  "It would seem there is yet another vacancy on the Council." Kellen looked to his brother. Neither spoke a word to the other but something had definitely passed between them.

  "There are already two courts by my count among the fae. We are not creating a third here in Salem. The Wolves will keep their seat for now." Agrona snapped.

  And there was the reason for the concern. Something was happening in faery and these two fae were looking to make a power play here in the Council.

  "So you vouch for the wolf then?" Kellen asked.

  "I do not need to vouch for anyone. The last time I checked I was still head of this Council. You would be wise to remember that." Anger flushed Agrona's face with the blood of her last meal.

  "The last time I checked this wasn't a dictatorship. You would be wise to remember that Carnage." There was a history between them - and certainly no love loss - if he was referring to her by her nickname. Maybe she fed on more than humans back in England. Kellen's ice blue eyes lasered in on me. "Be a good little girl and fetch the wolf."

  I flicked my gaze to Agrona. I didn't know what Kellen was up to but something told me it wasn't good.

  "You don't need to look to her for approval. As a councilman you answer to me as well." Muscles twitched in his jaw as he fought to control his temper. He ran his hands through his long pale blonde hair when he realized I saw it. When I made no move to get Cash his fair skin darkened to an almost sickly gray. "You seem reluctant. Perhaps I can persuade you."

  Conry whimpered as he was painfully forced to heel at Kellen's feet. Shit. I tried not to flinch. If I wasn't careful I could find myself in faery with Mahalia and I had no desire to be stuck there with her as a cell mate and him as my jailer. Before I could tell him I would find Cash I was hit with the weight of his magic. He was pulling from the between and force feeding it to me. The more I resisted the more he shoved into me. When my skin felt like it was about to split wide open, spilling the magic that made up the place between places all over their fancy carpet, I stopped fighting and let the between take me. I landed hard on my ass in the nothingness that was the between and focused on Cash just like I did when I was looking for my sister. I concentrated until I felt that familiar pull in my core and let it take me to Salem's new Alpha.

  The pack was still on Winter Island. For the first time since learning how to move through realities I felt like I was going to throw up. I stopped a few feet away from the old hanger and tried to settle my stomach and my nerves. I hated leaving Conry behind.

  "Who the fuck are you and how the fuck did you get here?" Someone growled behind me.

  "Who the fuck are you?" was my answer. I heard the distinct sound of someone cocking a gun.

  "Nolak put the gun down. Damn girl, are you trying to get yourself killed?" Cash called out from the doorway into the hanger.

  "If you're not going to use that gun could you maybe put it away?" Healing bullet wounds was a bitch.

  "Maurin this is Nolak. He's running security. Nolak the woman whose head you're contemplating blowing off is Maurin Kincaide." Cash walked toward us as he made introductions.

  "That's all she had to say." Nolak grumbled as he lowered his gun and marched off.

  "Next time try letting me know you're coming. What are you doing back here anyway?"

  "I didn't have time to call ahead. Who's the muscle?" I asked.

  "He's a friend from Boston." That was all the explanation I was going to get.

  "Is he staying? I have to report that to SPTF remember?" It dawned on me then that at some point I would have to pay a visit to Masarelli to tell him there's a new Alpha in town.

  "He's not staying. So are you going to tell me why you came back here tonight? I thought you had a wedding to go to."

  "I have one last Council errand to do tonight." I said.

  "I take it that has something to do with me." Cash crossed his arms over his chest.

  "I need to take you to the Council."

  "Yeah, sure. I'm not doing anything important like burying two bodies, exerting my dominance over my new pack. No big deal." He sounded pretty pissed that I even suggested he leave tonight.

  "Wasn't it you who said something about not blowing off Council responsibilities?" I tried using his argument against him.

  "Yeah well if I had any that might work but since I don't the Council can wait." He was already walking away.

  "As a councilman I'd say you have a serious obligation to them." I yelled at him.

  "What?" He growled as he rounded on me. "I don't want a seat on the Council."

  "Well too bad because Agrona is giving it to you and you're going to take it." I poked him in the chest, emphasizing each word.

  "Like hell." He said.

  "We don't have time for this crap. You're going to see the Council. The fae are looking to make a power play for the empty seat on the Council and Agrona's looking to use you to keep it from happening." I held out my hand hoping he would just come willingly. I'd drag him through the between if I had to.

  "I don't want to get caught up in that political bullshit." Cash was looking at my hand like he would catch leprosy if he touched it.

  "Well then you shouldn't have killed the last Alpha. We're leaving now so you might want to let someone know." I told him.

  After stringing an impressive amount of curse words together he called for Tybalt and Nolak. Cash filled his wolves in on where I was taking him and gave them instructions to finish the burial and to keep the pack on Winter Island until he got back. The ceremonial hunt could wait until then. I knew this was terrible timing. Cash needed to be here with the pack. Anytime a new Alpha comes to power by challenge he is vulnerable until the pack bond has taken hold - which is why most Alphas are challenged within days of taking over a pack. Unfortunately we didn't have days. We needed to nip this Council shit in the bud.

  I grabbed Cash's hand and started to pull us through the between. Nolak drew his gun and had it aimed center mass before Tybalt forced him to put it away. It wouldn't have mattered. There wasn't enough of my physical body left on Winter Island, by the time the first bullet shot from the barrel Cash and I would have been in the between. I didn't blame him for trying though. It's not every day some girl, far less physically intimidating than a werewolf, comes in and makes an Alpha disappear.

  We were both breathing heavy when we got back to the Council. A wave of nausea threatened to empty the contents of my stomach for the second time. Which wasn't much so I would have just ended up dry heaving. I took another deep breath and tried to force the feeling away. I hadn't eaten anything since, well I couldn't rem
ember. I was drained. Cash was obviously able to pull a little strength from the pack because he wasn't even close to shifting this time. He looked like he had a mild case of motion sickness but this was definitely his best reaction to the between so far. It was my worst. I needed to refuel, I was using too much energy.

  "So this is the new Alpha? A fine specimen wouldn't you agree brother?" Kellen asked the fae to his side.

  "Much better than the beast at your feet." Ian said eyeing up the werewolf across from him.

  I could tell that Conry was still being forced to stay there and fighting against Kellen was causing him a lot of pain.

  "I don't know what's going on but I do know that if you don't get your fucking hands off my dog you and I are going to have a serious problem." I gave a whistle for Conry to come when I was sure Kellen had released him.

  My guardian stood and slowly walked across the room. He barely made it to me before his massive body collapsed at my feet. I knelt down next to him and rubbed his side. It took all I had not to unsheath one of my daggers and fling it at Kellen's head. Unfortunately I needed to keep my cool and let this play out. I still didn't know what the hell was going on or why he could shove magic through me - not to mention control Conry.

  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Cash's hands shaking. Agrona and Kedehern saw it too because they were moving in on the fae. The air was suddenly thick with magic. I could feel my hair standing on end from the static charge.

  A growl formed in the back of Cash's throat. "You aren't going to force me to shift." Cash was pulling hard on the pack to keep Kellen's magic at bay. It said a lot about him as an Alpha that he could do that so soon after the challenge.

  My hand instinctively went for one of my daggers. I slid it from its sheath and let it fly. It buried itself to the handle in Kellen's shoulder. He staggered back as blood darkened the sleeve of his gray tunic. Cash rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck as he stalked toward the fae. Agrona and Kedehern moved in for the kill, each sliding behind one of the brothers. Held in the vampire version of a rear naked choke the fae were forced to concede defeat.

  "So the fae think they can strong arm the Council into doing its bidding? Be sure to pass this along to your queen for me." Agrona sank her fangs into Kellen's neck. When she had her fill of faerie blood she released him. He crumpled at her feet. "Interesting. You don't speak for your queen." She nudged his limp body with the toe of her Jimmy Choo. "Perhaps I should have a talk with her myself. When she chose you to represent your people this side of faerie I don't think this is what she had in mind. It certainly won't gain you any allies in the fight against the darkness creeping through the faerie mound."

  Kedehern let Ian go without spilling or drinking a drop of his blood. He scrambled to collect his brother and return to faerie. Feeling confident we had gained the upper hand we let them go.

  "You knew they were going to do that if Cash won the challenge, didn't you?" I asked.

  "Of course I did. It's my job to know." She went to the bar, took a cocktail napkin off the counter and dabbed her mouth. "I've never cared for the taste of faerie blood, gives me a terrible hangover."

  "I recall a time when you thirsted for nothing else." Kedehern laughed.

  "I didn't say I didn't enjoy the power boost." Agrona's eyes were brighter than I had ever seen them.

  "Why didn't you just drain them when you found out what they were up to?" I was too exhausted to put it together on my own and still had a wedding reception to get to. I missed the ceremony as predicted.

  "That wouldn't have been nearly as much fun or had the desired effect. Rook takes pawn." She replied.

  "Kellen is a descendant of the animal clan. If he was successful in dominating our new Alpha he would have control over the Council by majority. I don't think Roul would have passed the test. It was an impressive display of power on your part." Kedehern nodded to Cash.

  "You think he'll just stop?" Cash asked.

  "Things work a little differently in faerie. Ruthless and often deadly politics rule the mound. This was mild compared to how things are usually done." Kedehern explained.

  "But what was the point? And how does him being from the animal clan give him the ability to shove magic down my throat like that?" I really wanted an answer to the magic part.

  "The Fae are in trouble. Their magic is failing. Most of their power comes from nature. The rate at which man reproduces, the growth of cities and harvesting of natural resources has been devastating to the fae. Some have turned to darker magic to survive and it is spreading through the mound, contaminating it and the creatures who inhabit it. Kellen hoped to overpower us tonight and force us to help them. As for you? I think he was borrowing power from the queen. Though it might be wise to follow up with your father on that front. The most important thing is tonight we showed the fae that while they are growing weaker we are growing stronger. Even you Maurin, were able to strike a blow against them." He said.

  "You don't think this will be a problem going forward? How the hell are you supposed to get anything done with the fae trying to force you into submission every chance they get?" Cash barked.

  "I believe the correct question is how are we going to get anything done. You are a councilman after all." Agrona laughed. "Tonight was a battle of wills, which we won. If the fae want our help cleaning up their mound they will have to ask for it. They won't cause any more trouble on the Council."

  With that the meeting was concluded. Cash wasn't just the new alpha of the Salem pack but a councilman as well - reluctantly filling the vacancy he created. I offered to jump him back to his pack but he opted for use of the Council car service. Being a councilman did have its perks.


  I made it to the reception before the dj announced Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun. After giving Conry explicit institutions to stay in the lobby doing his invisibility trick I grabbed my place card on the way into the elegant ballroom of the Liberty Hotel. I finally found my table and took my seat. It wasn't with the rest of the family but hey it wasn't the kids table either.

  Frankie and Michael walked in to a thunderous applause, the entire room oblivious to the premarital drama that ensued earlier in the day. She looked happy as he spun her onto the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. Michael caught sight of me as he twirled my sister and I could practically see the sweat beading on his forehead. I didn't foresee a lot of holidays at the Calhoun's. Appetizers that I didn't have to serve this time came and went. Filet mignon was served followed by chocolate soufflé. Followed by several top shelf drinks from the open bar. Couples danced and moved about the room socializing. I was still sitting at my table polishing off yet another amaretto sour when a hand extended in front of me.

  "Nobody puts baby in a corner."

  "I'm not in a corner but I am a little concerned that you were able to pull that movie line." I let Cash take my hand and lead me out to the dance floor. "I should warn you I can't dance."

  "Sure you can. It's like fighting, imagine you're in a ring moving around your opponent. And for the record it was my mother's favorite movie. It's iconic."

  "Iconic is not the word I would use." I laughed. "So councilman what brings you to the social event of the season? Don't you have a ceremony of your own to attend?"

  "Yeah, I do but..." He stopped leading me around the dance floor. I caught that same look I saw him give Tybalt when they applied the Wolfsbane.

  "What? What is it?" Something told me I really didn't want to know the answer.

  "I needed to be sure." He hesitated.

  "This dance is about to be exactly like a fight because I am going to knock you on your ass if you don't spit it out." I wouldn't make good on the threat in the middle of my sister's wedding reception and Cash knew it but he had the good sense to pretend I would.

  "I needed to make sure the Wolfsbane was working." He blurted out.

  "What? Why the hell didn't you do that before? Like at Risqué? It would have been a hell of a lot ea
sier to cover up me shifting and attacking a pole dancer than an entire wedding party!" I managed to yell in a whisper.

  "It's not like I haven't had a lot going on. You haven't displayed any signs of shifting. I just needed to be sure." He said.

  "If I haven't shown any signs then why are you here?" I asked.

  "Because you're in a room full of Boston's elite and I'd rather you not try to eat the bridal party in front of them." He smirked.

  "Nice. While most days I wouldn't mind feeding my mother to a pack of wolves, I actually like my sister." I teased.

  "The full moon is at its peak. I think it's safe to say you're not going to go all big, bad wolf on the bride and groom." Cash started moving us around the dance floor again. "You just heal so fast and I was second guessing myself. I just wanted to be sure you were alright."

  "And why wouldn't she be alright?"

  "Aidan." His name escaped my lips in a breathy whisper. He looked amazing in Armani.

  "Mind if I cut in?" Aidan held out his hand.

  I took his hand and let him pull me out of Cash's arms and into his. I think Cash said something about calling him if I needed anything but I was too lost in Aidan's eyes to hear it.

  "You're back early." I said as he led us in a waltz. The dance was a little slow for the music but I wasn't complaining as long as I was this close to him.

  "I followed every possible lead in Iceland. Unfortunately they all pointed in one direction. Salem." I thought he would elaborate but instead he abruptly changed the subject. "I went to your apartment and you weren't there. It occurred to me that you might actually attend your sister's wedding. I had hoped to be your plus one but I see I'm too late and you've already found an escort for the evening." Aidan actually looked worried.

  "We already had this conversation." I cut off his response with a kiss. I didn't care if people were staring. His lips parted, opening his mouth enough for me to slip my tongue inside. I couldn't get enough of him. I ran my tongue along his teeth, intentionally pressing against a fang causing just the smallest drop of blood to well up. It was enough to get a small groan out of him. We kissed until I couldn't breathe any more. I nibbled his bottom lip as he pulled away for me to catch my breath.


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