Keyboards and Kink

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  She couldn’t wait!

  The End

  Other Books by Raven McAllan:

  Virgins Behaving Badly



  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Daria tapped her nails in a quick staccato on the desk, glancing around her to confirm there was no one looking over her shoulder. Taking a deep breath she pressed the enter button several times. The chatter of her co-workers grew louder behind her as they came back from lunch. Daria swirled her chair around to see how close the group had gotten.

  “Come on…come on” She begged the computer monitor blinking before her.

  The screen went blank. Her private chat opened in a flash of color.

  Hey babe, What’s up? [Whiteknight1975]

  Hey there yourself. I wanted to talk with you but my lunch is almost over. [Blackqueen77]

  Daria blew her breath upward, ruffling her bangs.

  I have a few minutes. What would you like to talk about? [Whiteknight1975]

  I’m not sure I like this new job. I feel restricted. [Blackqueen77]

  She typed quickly before lifting her head to peek at the wall clock.

  How? I thought you said that was a great job. [Whiteknight1975]

  It is, I guess. I miss talking to you throughout the day. My other job gave me more freedom computer-wise. Here the security is tighter and you have to log in to do everything. [Blackqueen77]

  *Smile* you’re just jonesing for a little whiteknight1975 but I’m here and we can talk later. I have to go. Log on tonight and wear something sexy. L8TR. [Whiteknight1975]

  Daria closed out her chat and rose from her chair to stretch. Rolling her shoulders, she looked over her cubicle walls and peered at the sea of people rolling in from their lunch break. Pressing a hand to her mouth to cover a yawn, she left her tiny cell of an office and walked to the break room for a soda and snack before her lunch was officially over.

  It would have been smarter for her to make a run with everybody else but it seemed more important to talk with her cyber-lover whiteknight1975. They had been chatting for a few months after meeting in a chat room for chess players. Catching each other online, they played a few games, and soon they were connecting outside of the site in a private chat he’d set up. Sometimes they played chess, while on other occasions they talked but lately they had been getting more intimate. Daria stared at her reflection in the snack machine. She’d had the best sex of her life and it had been with herself.

  Pressing the buttons for her selection, she snorted. She was having a cyber-affair. Bending to pick up her potato chips from the machine, she straightened and backed into a solid wall of a body behind her. Apologizing as she turned around, Daria came face-to-face with a neatly ironed, buttoned down shirt covering a delectable chest. She followed the fasteners up, counting them as she raised her head. Opening her mouth, she closed it and then opened it up again before she spoke.

  “Oh hello.”


  His sexy baritone voice with the hint of Irish lilt reminded her of a hot fudge Sunday, warm and smooth. Of course she had to be the ice cream since her core was melting into her panties from one simple word. Clearing her voice, she found her voice under his watchful stare.


  Daria watched as the stranger tilted his head. Black hair curling around the collar of his shirt shifted to the side and a slow smile graced his lips, exposing a dimple in his cheek. The crinkles at the corners of his eyes dragged her attention away from his absolutely kissable, full bottom lip. Daria looked up and lost herself in the clear sky blue eyes of the man looking down at her.

  “Why are you sorry? I’m not.”

  His deep chuckle had her clenching her thighs. Where the hell had he been hiding? She’d been here a week and this was her first time seeing him. Holy Hotcakes, the man is fucking gorgeous. Daria stepped back and offered her hand.

  “Hi, ummm again, I’m Daria Reese.”

  “Ian, Ian Devenny.” His large palm enveloped hers. She jerked her hand back from the current of electricity that passed between their fingers. “I’m the one that should be apologizing. I should watch where I’m going.”

  “No harm done.” Daria glanced up at the clock. Her eyes widened at the time. “I’m sorry, I have to get back.” She turned, hurriedly pushing through the glass enclosure’s doors that led to the call center where she worked as administrative assistant to the manager. Glancing over her shoulder as she pushed through the last set of security entrances, she saw that the sexy man was gone.

  Between her administrative duties and acquainting herself with the computer system her day moved at a fairly fast clip. Refreshing her computer, she was slowly counting down the minutes until it was time to get off and she could log out.

  Suddenly, her computer went blank. Quickly tapping the enter button in a hurried tattoo, the monitor remained black. Moans and foul language could be heard across the room as one by one, everyone’s screen disappeared. Martin, her boss, opened his door and peered out. After looking across the room his gaze settled on her. He pulled the door completely open and stepped out of his office.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “No clue, I’m calling IT right now.” Daria gripped the telephone handset.

  “Good, keep me apprised of the situation.” He returned to his workplace and shut the door with a firm snap

  “Yes, sir.” She announced to thin air as she lifted the phone to her ear and dialed the Tech department, only to get a recorded message.

  Pulling the earpiece away from her face, she stared at it. Shaking her head, she pressed the disconnect button and growled in frustration. Dialing again she waited while the phone rang. Ticking off the rings, she watched Martin walk out of his office, briefcase in hand. Technical support answered her call at the same time that Martin spoke.

  “Wait, I mean hold on…please.” Daria looked up at Martin. “Yes?”

  Martin raised a brow before speaking in clipped tones. “I have an engagement this evening and I will be out of the office for the remainder of the night. I expect you to handle this situation and keep me posted on an hourly basis until it resolved. Are we clear?”

  Biting her tongue to keep from saying what was on her mind, Daria smiled. “Yes, sir, if you’ll please excuse me, sir, I have IT on the line and I’d like to get this issue taken care of also.”

  “Good then, put this problem to bed. I’ll see you Monday morning.” Turning to lock his office behind him, he dropped a few files in her inbox before leaving the area.

  Daria watched him walk away through narrowed eyes, wishing his back was a dartboard and she held some darts. Picking up the handset, she silently prayed the support person was still on the line.

  “I’m so sorry.” Daria waited for a response.

  “It’s a little busy here. If you’re calling about your computer, we’ve had a system-wide shut down. It looks like someone downloaded a virus.”

  “Yes, but I thought the call center was on a separate mainframe?”

  “It is. Understand the mystery? Listen, I have to go. Someone will be over to check your hard drives as soon as a person can be spared.” She sighed when the dial tone beeped in her ear. There went her weekend. Even worse she saw her cyber date crashing through the window and falling to its cyber-death.


  Ian hung up and raised his head to look out the glass walls of his office. His employees were all set to leave for the evening, looking forward to a couple of days off because of the weekend and then some idiot downloads a Trojan Horse Virus. Scrubbing a hand over his face, he picked up his laptop and turning his phone into a hotspot, plugged in. Signing into chess chat he left a message for Blackqueen77.

  The idea irked him that a person was stupid enough to leave the system open for a debilitating worm. The loss of his cyber date, which he hoped would lead to mutual masturbation, left him in
a bad mood.

  Ian raised his head while typing his message, taking a minute to crook his fingers at his associate, who was knocking on his door.

  So sorry babe, but something has come up at work and I have to stay to resolve it. I’ll message you later if it’s not too late. I’ll even play you a game of chess and let you win because of the delay. LOL. [Whiteknight1975]

  Clicking the send button, he looked up at Juan. “Well?”

  “We’re working on it but this bug is ugly. It’s jumping mainframes. If someone from one area logs in to another section while still in their current one then the virus travels to that unaffected sector.”

  “We have to get a handle on it or Mr. Hanson is going to be pissed when he gets back into town and the last thing we want is an angry CEO. No one will have a job when he’s done canning all our asses.” Ian closed his laptop and slid it back into its case.

  “Hey, how did you get on?” Juan narrowed his eyes at Ian.

  Chuckling as he lifted his phone. “Turned this into a hotspot. You weren’t the only one with plans tonight.”

  “Hmm, well, tonight was the night I was finally going to meet Sarah, after connecting through that singles site you recommended. Talking every night and trading pictures, we were finally going to have dinner at that restaurant you and I had lunch at and maybe take a carriage ride. But no, instead I’m stuck here looking at your mug.” Juan threw himself into the seat across from Ian’s desk.

  “Then we better come up with a plan fairly quickly. I had a chess game planned for tonight among other things. What if we each went to a different server and unplugged them all at the same time?”

  “That would be fine but first each one of us would have to get rid of the virus collectively before we could reboot. That way the nasty bugger wouldn’t be able to hide in any of the mainframes.”

  “Then let’s do it. I’ll take the Customer Care processor.”

  “Really? You’ve been trying to get back to that floor since lunch. This wouldn’t happen to have something to do with the new admin assistant that all the men are talking about, would it? Hmmm, a mocha skin princess with big brown doe eyes and a body built to worship.” Juan rubbed his chin. “Tell me you didn’t kill the CPU just so you could have a reason to be on that floor?”

  “Screw off and as your boss I’m telling you now get cracking on a plan. I want to get out of here.”

  Juan rose and touched three fingers to his forehead in salute before leaving Ian’s office. Ian threw a wad of paper at him as he closed the door. His phone chimed, telling him he had a message. Turning his chair around he Googled the chess site on his cell and logged in, smiling when he realized who the message was from.

  NP. It seems I have some issues that need to be addressed at work too. [Blackqueen77]

  Ian replied.

  I promise to make up for your bad day. There are a few things I really want you to try on yourself when we get a chance to talk. [Whiteknight1975]

  Ian put the phone aside and logged into his workstation. He wanted to get a handle on the Trojan worm so badly he was bordering on desperation. With his fingers flying over the keyboard, he built walls and dead-ends in an effort to corral the virus to one place so he and Juan could execute their plan.

  His phone dinged, telling him he had a message in the chat. Ian stared at the screen then looked at the phone. His head swung back and forth. Grunting, he grabbed the phone and pushed the button that would refresh his screen.

  Does your idea have me touching myself because I have to say Whiteknight1975 just thinking about what you had me doing last night has me very horny right now. #justsaying. [Blackqueen77]

  Damn, his dick was hard.

  Chapter Two

  Daria watched as the last of the customer service reps walked out, leaving her alone in the huge room. Automatically some of the overhead lights blinked off, leaving her in semi-darkness. Reaching over she switched on her desk lamp and her area was bathed in a soft white glow.

  Picking up the handset she dialed her boss’s number and left a message with his update. Without the computer system running she wouldn’t be able to flip the service numbers to the company’s care center in India. Daria tapped the enter button a few more times. The screen didn’t flicker, not that she expected it to, but she’d held onto hope with a death grip in both hands. Exhaling a deep breath she reached over and picked up the folders that Martin had left in her inbox.

  Her phone chimed, alerting her to a message.

  Thank goodness for cell phones with apps. Daria ran her fingers across the screen. The phone came to life, adding illumination to the dark corner of her desk. Her little rook swirled on the display. She pressed her finger on the chess piece and her message appeared.

  You’re killing me, babe. I’m sitting behind a desk with a serious erection. [Whiteknight1975]

  Smiling at his admission she typed back.

  You started it. I’m all alone here. Play with me. I’m wet with want… [Blackqueen77]

  Daria hit send and waited. The manila folders spread over her desk, forgotten. She stood and scanned the floor to make sure she was indeed by herself. Stepping away from her cubical she stalked the area and pushed against the glass doors to make sure the locks had engaged. Anyone wanting to get in at this point would have to have a company badge.

  There was a message waiting for her when she returned to her desk.

  Smiling she ran her fingertip over the miniature monitor.

  I don’t have much time, where are you? [Whiteknight1975]

  At my desk, everyone’s gone. My nipples are so hard. They are like sharp points pushing against the cups of my bra. I want you, my White Knight. [Blackqueen77]

  Daria glanced over her shoulder as she slowly unbuttoned the first few button on her blouse, pushed her hand under the fabric and beneath the elastic band of her bra. Taking the erect nub between her thumb and index finger she tugged. A small moan escaped through her lips as she rolled the bud between her fingers. In her mind she saw what she’d built up the white knight to look like. Dark hair flowing over broad shoulders, a body toned sleek, a fighter’s physique. He would have a captivating face with beautiful eyes. Funny, she could never decide on a color but now she saw them as a crisp clear blue. Daria imagined it was his hands groping her heavy orbs.

  She jumped when her phone chimed.

  What are you doing? [Whiteknight1975]

  Playing with my tits, tugging on my rigid nipples. Imagining it’s your hands on my body. [Blackqueen77]

  Daria licked a few of her fingers, moistening them, and reached into her clothes again. Using her wet fingers, she circled her areola. Her dark brown flesh pebbled under her administrations, and she dreamed it was white knight’s mouth sucking her nipples into his mouth. Pushing her legs straight out in front of her she dropped her head back and continued to unbutton her shirt. Completely exposed she brushed the sides apart and pushed her bra cups beneath her breasts. Placing a hand on each orb she pulled and twisted her nipples. Rubbing her thighs together, she felt the tug from her nubs pull in her pussy. Her juices pooled in the folds of her nether-lips and she rolled her hips from the warm sensation.

  The beep of her phone brought her back to reality.

  My dick could break this desk right now, I’m so hard. Dip a finger in your pussy and tell me how good you taste. Press your thumb against your clit and know it’s my tongue inside you. [Whiteknight1975]

  Daria pulled at her belt, anxious to fulfill his wishes. Her fingers kept slipping on the two metal clasps that held her pants together. Once undone, she grabbed the pull tab and the sound of her zipper slowly being lowered echoed in the empty room. She slid her hand along her taut belly. Combing her fingers through the soft damp hair of her vagina, she pushed through the small mass until she touched her wet folds. Moaning as she pressed her thumb against the hard bud of her clitoris, she dipped a finger into her honey-pot. Pulling her hand away, Daria placed the moist digit between her lips and sucked it
clean while pinching hard on her nipple.

  “Yes.” Her juices flooded her panties.

  After several attempts, she was able to type the words in response to his command.

  Baby, you feel so good. I want to come. Your tongue in my pussy is too much. I taste my cream on your tongue and it tastes so good. [Blackqueen77]

  Dropping the cell on her desk she gripped her tits, pushing and pulling them together, kneading them while plucking on her elongated nipples. Mewls reached her ears. She stopped and looked around before she realized the needy sounds were coming from her.

  Her phone buzzed.

  Not yet, sweetness. You can’t come yet. Put two fingers in pussy for me. Rub your bud while you ride your fingers. That’s me, baby, fucking you. Do it now. [Whiteknight1975]

  Daria lifted her hips and pushed her slacks and panties down around her knees. The rough texture of her chair scratched at her ass. She wiggled to get comfortable then pushed a couple of fingers into her wet channel. Sliding her fingers in and out she pressed her thumb against the hard nub and flicked the digit back and forth. She felt her passage walls quiver with each thrust. Rolling her hips she rode her hand. Beads of sweat formed on her brow. A tight ball formed at the base of her spine. She closed her eyes and took short breaths through her mouth to control the currents riding up her spine. Scissoring her digits she forced them deeper into her channel, bringing her wrist against her clit.

  She cracked one eyelid to find her phone. Pulling at the mobile until it sat in front of her. Daria pecked out a message.

  Pleassse let me commme. [Blackqueen77]

  Daria added another digit, thrusting deep into her throbbing pussy. Groaning, she bumped the back of her head against the back of the chair. Biting down on her bottom lip, sweat rolled down her temple as she tried to slow her momentum. Panting, she watched the phone, grasping it when the chimes sounded.


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