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Damaged Page 6

by Indigo Sin

  “Seth’s going to help us,” she explained. “Dammit, I’m not doing this right now, Jack! Just listen to me for once!” She was raising her voice. She hated yelling at them, but she was at the end of her rope and Jack was pushing as usual.

  Sarah, however, was on board with the plan. She already had her jacket on, and a bag slung over her shoulder. “Can we just get out of here? We can argue later. Right now, I just want to get out of this disgusting place.” When Jack turned to spout his anger on her, Sarah ignored him. She had learned long ago how to handle her twin, and engaging him in a fight was pointless.

  Without a word Seth started grabbing bags, slinging two over each shoulder before standing back and looking to Jack. Jack tried to stare him down but failed. “Fine, whatever,” he barked as he picked up the last one and started for the door.

  Seth stopped him when he reached the doorway, shaking his head. “Yo, wait up there, sport. Take your sister’s too.”

  “What? Why?” he spat. “She can carry her own.” He tried to move past Seth once again, but came to a stop when Seth stepped in front of him.

  “Because that’s what a gentleman does for a lady. Doesn’t matter if it’s you sister, your mother, or your bus driver. You treat them with respect.” Seth’s voice was low and even, and much to Monica’s amazement, Jack turned and took the bag from Sarah’s hands. He wasn’t happy about it, but he did it. Sarah’s eyes went wide as well. Clearly she hadn’t been expecting him to give in that easy either.

  “Go ahead. I’ll follow you,” Seth said, giving Sarah a comforting smile. “He’ll be fine. Just a bruised ego is all.”

  Sarah shook her head and made her way to the door. “Hey, I’m not judging, man. That was awesome.”

  Monica was equally impressed. “How did you do that?” she asked as they moved down the dank hallway toward the stairs. “I mean…I’ve never seen him respond like that.”

  Seth shrugged. “Sometimes boys need a little more guidance. Trust me, I know.”

  “I’ll take it.” Stepping onto the sidewalk, she looked down the block with a perplexed look. “Where’s your car?”

  “Right here,” he stated while tossing the bags into the bed of a big, blue extended cab truck. It was beautiful, shiny, and probably worth more than her entire apartment building. The rims reflected the afternoon sun, surrounded by sleek black tires, and it looked like it had recently been waxed to perfection. “Were you expecting a police cruiser?”

  “I don’t know what I was expecting, I guess,” she mumbled, smiling softly at the way Jack stood admiring the vehicle. He was enthralled with the machine, and her heart ached for him. He would never have a father to work on cars with. To talk motors with. Jack’s most prized possession was his collection of Hot Rod magazines. Judging by the way he gingerly set the last bag into the bed of the truck, he had packed them away carefully.

  They loaded up, and in no time, were on their way. Monica sat silently in the passenger seat, very aware of Seth’s frequent glances in her direction. She was scared to death. She didn’t know him, he didn’t know her, and she was moving in with him. Was she doing the right thing? Would Sarah and Jack adjust?

  Of course they would.

  What was she thinking? Their entire lives had been nothing but adjustments. Moving frequently, changing schools, they were resilient, and they accepted it all in stride. Hopefully this time, things would change for the better. Scraping by and keeping below the radar was draining, but until she knew Dan and her mother were out of their lives for good, she’d have to continue playing the game.

  The city passed by in a blur. Wrapped up in her thoughts, she barely remembered the ride. Asphalt eventually gave way to gravel, and before she knew it they were turning down a long lane, headed toward a big, white farm house. Like something straight out of her dreams, the picturesque acreage came into view. Apple trees lined the driveway while stout oaks flanked the home. She was utterly speechless. There was a barn and two other sheds on the property, all painted a deep red. Monica’s eyes struggled to take it all in at once, finding herself eager to explore. She’d never seen anything so beautiful and inviting in her life.

  It took her a moment to realize that Seth had stopped the truck, and when she looked over at him, his lips were pulled up into a sexy smile. “Do you like it?” he asked, nodding toward the view beyond the windshield.

  Monica shook her head in awe. “I don’t even know what to say. It’s stunning.”

  “You can check everything out later,” he said, as if he’d read her mind. “Let’s get you guys in and settled first.”

  With hardly any belongings to settle, it didn’t take long. Sarah and Jack had separate bedrooms, and had retreated to them shortly after supper, leaving Monica and Seth to clean up the mess. She was okay with it, though. For the first time in a long time, she enjoyed cooking and cleaning. Seth’s kitchen was massive, lined with rich cherry wood cabinets. An island with a marble countertop filled the center of the space, while a rack filled with pots and pans hung overhead. The appliances were stainless steel, and everything was spotless. Seth was a good housekeeper, which she found incredibly attractive for some reason. She could definitely get used to living like this. It would take time, but things were definitely looking up for once.

  * * * * *

  Six weeks later…

  Standing at the sink, Monica wrung out the washcloth she’d been using, before draping it carefully over the faucet. Cooking and cleaning had become something she truly enjoyed in the few weeks living at Seth’s. For the first time she felt like she had a home. Not just a place to sleep, or a place to tolerate. A place she felt safe—able to relax. A genuine home.

  Setting the dishwasher to start, Monica turned her attention to the view from the kitchen window, overlooking the farm. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t heard anyone else enter the room. It was then that she felt Seth’s presence. His arms wrapped around her from behind, and her heart kicked up in her chest. It wasn’t panic, though. It was a longing she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  His scent invaded her senses, cologne mixed with masculine soap. His arms were strong, protective, and as she turned around to face him, she fought the tears that threatened to fall. “I want to thank you for this, Seth. This means more to us than you will ever know.”

  Seth stared down at her, his eyes gentle, kind. “It’s the least I could do. I know what it’s like to be where you’re at, and it’s no place to be without support.”

  Monica’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean you’ve been where I’m at?” Glancing around the massive home, she shook her head. “You’ve got everything you could ever want.”

  “I didn’t always live like this, Monica. C’mon. It’s past time we talked. I wanted to make sure you and the kids were settled before I told you any of this, but I think you deserve to know.” Seth took her hand in his, and began leading her down the hallway opposite the side of the house where her room was. They stepped down into a room with a fireplace and a big flat screen television. A plush leather couch and several recliners filled the space. It was dark, masculine, and smelled like Seth.

  “Make yourself at home,” he said, pushing the door shut behind them. Being closed in with him was oddly comforting, as much as she hated to admit it. She was beginning to find trust in Seth, and it was terrifying.

  Monica curled onto the couch, tucking her legs under her bottom while she waited nervously for him to sit. She was intrigued by what he had to say, so when he began to speak, she was all ears.

  “I grew up on the streets,” he started, sinking into the couch next to her. “I was abandoned by my mother when I was four, and spent many years in and out of orphanages and shelters. I took the wrong path, befriended the wrong people, and ended up in a lot of trouble.” Seth ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “I started stealing at a young age. From stores, people, it didn’t matter. I took what I could get my hands on so I could trade it for things in the orphanage.”

/>   Monica chewed her bottom lip as she listened. His story was heartbreaking—not much different from her own. “What things did you trade for?”

  Seth shrugged. “Food, toys, candies…anything I wanted, I guess. But when I hit the streets alone at seventeen, the things I stole were bigger, riskier. I got caught one night breaking into a car and spent thirty days in juvie for it. It sounds fucked up, but I was actually relieved. In the detention center I didn’t have to worry about where I was sleeping that night, or if I would get to eat. I had stability for once.”

  Tears stung at her eyes as she nodded. “I know how that goes,” she said softly. “It sucks.”

  Seth turned his head, his expression solemn. “In the end, I met a man, Samuel, who took me under his wing, taught me to work on cars and gave me a job in his body shop. I eventually saved up enough to take some classes, and then enrolled in college. I came out of the academy with high marks. Had a job at the station within a week of graduating.”

  The realization that he truly did understand what she had been through chipped away at her distrust for him. “That’s amazing, Seth. You were very lucky to be given a second chance.”

  Seth nodded before reaching across the couch to pull her into his lap. Without hesitation, Monica let him cradle her. He was so big, so warm…so safe. “When I saw you on the streets, I had to take a chance. There was something about you that pulled at me.” His breath was warm against her forehead, and the way he stroked the exposed skin over her jeans where her shirt had ridden up sent tingles throughout her body. “I’m rambling,” he chuckled. The sound was a low rumble in her ear, amplified by the way she pressed against his chest.

  “No you’re not,” she assured him, raising her head to meet his gaze. “What you did for me and the kids shows what kind of a person you are. You’ve lived, you’ve made mistakes, and through it all, you didn’t let it destroy you. You’ve got it all now. A big house on a beautiful farm, vehicles, a paycheck. I’m envious.”

  Monica’s heart stuttered as his gaze dropped to her lips. With the pad of his thumb, he tracked the line of her lower lip, and heat coiled in her belly.

  “I don’t have it all. I have no one to share it with,” he said, his voice raspy. There was nothing more to say. Monica’s eyes fluttered closed as he cupped her cheek and lowered his head. Their lips met, and liquid fire surged through her veins. Seth broke the kiss, and looked her in the eye. “I want you, Monica. I want you so much I can barely breathe.”

  Chapter Eight

  She went still, staring back at him like he’d grown a second head. “You don’t want me, Seth. You deserve someone much better. I don’t have a damn thing to offer you,” she whispered, looking down at her hands in her lap.

  His need for her was overwhelming. With her curled up in his lap, he felt grounded, and her words made him sad. She thought she wasn’t good enough for him? He barely felt worthy to be in her presence. Brushing the hair from her face, he cocked his head to meet her gaze. “Why do you think so lowly of yourself, Monica? You’re a beautiful person. You’ve just been dealt a shitty hand at life, but that can be fixed.”

  “I’m damaged,” she stated, shaking her head. “It would never work. Look, Seth, my past…it’s not a fairytale, and I’m still hiding from it. You don’t need that burden in your life.”

  Seth watched her for a moment, gauging her emotions. She was tense, and the mention of her past had her on edge. Someone had hurt her, badly. “What happened?” he asked, unaware that he was practically speaking through clenched teeth.

  “I don’t talk about it. To anyone, and I prefer to keep it that way,” she responded, making a move to climb from his lap.

  Seth tightened his hold, pulling her right back down. “All right then, so we won’t talk about your past. We can just keep talking about us.”

  “Seth…” she started, but he was done talking for the moment.

  “Never mind. We can talk later,” he ground out, unable to fight the temptation any longer. Running his hand up her slender back, he cupped her neck before pulling her to him. Her lips were soft and warm pressing against his mouth. Her scent, her taste, it made his head swim in a clouded haze of lust. He initiated the kiss knowing full well he’d never be able to stop once it started.

  She gradually relaxed, wrapping her arms around his neck securely as she slanted her mouth over his. That one simple act of trust made him groan with satisfaction. He was breaking through her walls. He let her take what she needed. No rushing, no coercing. Scaring her away was the last thing he wanted to do. Tentatively, her tongue licked at the seam of his mouth, exploring, becoming bolder by the moment.

  Sensing her inexperience, Seth opened for her, allowing her to take her time. He swallowed her soft moan when their tongues met, rolling together in an erotic dance. She was pressing closer, becoming more urgent by the moment as the kiss deepened. Sliding his hand under her shirt, he stroked her back, loving the way she responded to him. Her skin was like velvet under his rough hands, so feminine and sweet.

  Little by little he took control, shifting them until he had her on her back under him. Her nails bit into his scalp, stinging with erotic pain. From her mouth, his lips moved to her jaw, her ear, down her neck. She arched from the couch into him, as if she were seeking closer contact.

  “Seth, oh God…” she sighed quietly. “More.”

  He chuckled against her flesh. “Slowly, baby. Let’s do this slowly, okay?”

  Monica made a noise of disappointment that ended on a moan. When his hands had her shirt pushed up over her bra, he kissed lower, licking and nipping over her collar bone, and finally over the swell of her breast. His cock was so hard it was painful, pressing between her legs urgently, but he held back, savoring every second.

  Holding her gaze, he unsnapped the front clasp of her bra. She looked nervous, swallowing hard as he pulled the cups away from her chest, but she didn’t stop him. Her breasts were a perfect handful, tipped with pert, rosy nipples that begged for his attentions. Cupping them at the same time, Seth squeezed the firm mounds gently, eliciting a pretty gasp from her lips. God he was strung tight and he was rapidly losing control. She watched his every move with rapt attention, as if it were her first time.

  Seth went still at the thought. What if it was her first time? She’d propositioned him that first night when he’d had her pinned down, but that didn’t mean she would have followed through.

  “Monica?” he asked. “You’ve done this before, right?”

  “No…yes…I mean, not like this,” she stammered, her voice breathy, frustrated. “Please don’t stop.”

  Seth nuzzled at her breast with his face, desperate for a taste. “What do you mean ‘not like this’?”

  Monica whimpered, rolling her hips against him, making him suck in a breath. “Like, slowly. I’ve never…it’s never felt this good.” She blushed and the animal inside him roared to life at her show of innocence.

  Oh he was going to make her feel good, all right. There was no doubt about that.

  Letting his lips close gently around her nipple, he growled low at her little moan of pleasure. Every time she moved against him, he could feel the warmth of her pussy through her thin mesh shorts. Tracing the hard bud with his tongue, he licked and laved at the firm flesh until she was begging, before switching to the other.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” she panted.

  They’d both be fucking crazy before it was over.

  Her soft cries drove him on. He couldn’t get enough—probably never would. Kissing a path down her flat belly, Seth licked around her belly button, dipping his tongue in to tease. He was rewarded with a sharp jerk of her hips and a feminine growl that made his cock throb with ferocious intensity. She was like a livewire, sparking to life under him, little by little. She was relaxing, melting for him, and he couldn’t wait to taste her.

  Nipping at her hipbones, Seth hooked his fingers in the waistband of her shorts and panties before pulling them off slowly. Mo
nica lifted her hips for him, watching him from above with a hooded gaze. She was stunning in the low light, face flushed, body exposed for him. God it had been too long since he’d had a beautiful woman naked under his roof. Having it be Monica made it well worth the wait.

  Her fingers threaded in his hair and her hips rolled as he tossed her clothes aside. She was wet, her folds glistening invitingly. Pushing her legs apart, Seth growled at the scent of her arousal, nuzzling at the strip of dark curls there. Slowly, Seth spread her lips with his fingers, exposing the delicate pink flesh before licking up her slit, gathering her essence on his tongue.

  Exotic and sweet, her taste invaded his senses, but that was nothing compared to the animalistic moan that fell from her lips at the contact. Moving to his belly, Seth hooked his hands around her hips to hold her still, and suckled the firm bud of her clit between his lips in the most intimate of kisses.

  “Yes,” she whispered, arching her back from the couch. “Oh…yes, please!”

  His mouth moved over her slick flesh, watching her face in awe as she gave in to her passion. Her thick dark lashes rested against her cheeks and her mouth was parted slightly, her breaths coming in shallow pants. She was right on the edge, but he wanted to be with her when the time came. Seth shook his head before nipping at her inner thigh gently. “You’re so damn beautiful, Monica.”

  Rising from his spot between her legs, he pulled his shirt off, loving the way her hungry gaze raked over his body. She looked wild, liberated. He wanted to take her higher than any man before him had ever taken her, and when it was all said and done, she would remember none but him. He wanted her to feel his touch at all times. He wanted her to see him loving her every time she looked in the mirror. He made it his personal goal to make sure he burned a place so deep in her soul, there would be no want for any other man again. Ever.

  Her eyes tracked his every move, especially when his hands dropped to his belt. He loosened the buckle and slid the leather from the loops in one smooth movement. Before he could finish, her hands were on the button, popping it free before lowering the zipper. As if she were embarrassed by her own boldness, she lay back against the cushions, her lip captured between her teeth. It was very apparent that she’d never had a man make love to her properly before.


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