Picture Perfect

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Picture Perfect Page 21

by Maguire, L. E.

  “Shhh, Em, baby. It’s going to be all right.”

  Jake led me over to the couch, urging me to sit as he crouched down in front of me. Lucina handed me a tissue and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Wiping my eyes, I thanked her, and then proceeded to loudly blow my nose. Jake gave me a little smirk.

  “You know, Em, you aren’t the only one worried about this evening,” Jake said softly. “Do you think it’s going to be easy for me to see him after what he did to you?” Placing his hands on my knees, he gave them a gentle squeeze.

  His words stopped me short. I knew Jake was suffering because I was, but I had not stopped to give a thought to how tonight would be for him. Grabbing his hands in mine, I squeezed them tightly.

  “Jake, I’m so fucking sorry. It didn’t even cross my mind about how tonight would be for you.”

  Lifting our joined hands, he placed a tender kiss on the back of each of my hands. “I know, baby girl. I didn’t say it so you would feel bad. I just want you to know that I can sympathize with how you feel.” He smiled at Lucina who was still standing behind me. “Besides I’ll have Lucina there to keep me from pounding his fucking face in.” We all let out a shaky, little laugh. “Now,” Jake tapped the box sitting on the couch next to me. “Let’s get this opened. It was delivered by messenger from Eli.”

  Looking down at the box, I had completely forgotten that Eli said he would take care of everything for this evening, including my dress. My hand hesitated for a moment. What if I hate it? What if it doesn’t fit?

  “Come on, Ember. You’re killing me, girl,” Lucina said loudly, causing me to jump.

  Without a second thought, I flipped the lid of the box, peeled back the tissue paper, and froze. Jake whistled as he peered into the box over my shoulder. Lucina gasped and covered her mouth as she leaned over the back of the couch to get a better look. I just sat there and stared at the sparkly black sequin and shiny beaded material that stared back at me.

  Carefully, I reached into the box and lifted the dress out. The light from the end table had the dress shimmering as it moved. Standing up so I could get the long dress out of the box, I held it up in front of me. There was no denying how beautiful it was. The dress was full-length, pooling slightly on the floor at me feet. There was a plunging V-neck that was really going to showcase my generous cleavage. The cap sleeves had cutouts covered in shiny, black beads on beige mesh, making it look like the beads rested on my bare skin. The same beige mesh cutouts covered the low diamond cutout back as well.

  Jake, sitting on the floor at my feet, whistled loudly as he gave the dress an appreciative once over. Lucina still looked like she was in shock with her hand covering her gaping mouth.

  “Em, you’re gonna look like a million bucks tonight,” Jake said.

  Jake’s voice seemed to snap Lucina out of her trance. She approached me cautiously as she tentatively reached out a hand to touch the dress. Her eyes widened and she gasped when she looked at the label.

  “Oh my God. It’s a Monique Lhuillier,” she said, looking up at me with wide eyes.

  It’s a what? Why did I not think to look at the label before? Whipping the dress around, I found Lucina was right.

  “Wow,” she said, still looking at me with big eyes. “This is like an eight thousand dollar dress.”

  Very carefully I laid the dress back down in the box. Feeling a headache of epic proportions coming on, I closed my eyes and rubbed at my temples.

  Jake’s hand gently wrapped around one of my wrists as he pulled my hand away. “Have a seat,” he said, smiling at me. “I’ll fix us something to eat.”


  Hours later, I was standing in front of the full-length mirror on the back of my bedroom door, staring at the woman before me in disbelief. Jake was right. I looked like a million bucks. I looked like a celebrity ready to walk down the red carpet at The Oscars.

  The dress showcased my cleavage and clung to my curves. The black beads and sequins shimmered in the low light of my bedroom. The dress made me feel beautiful and confident. It was exactly the kind of dress every woman who is about to face her cheating ex for the first time should be wearing.

  As I walked into the living area, Lucina was tying Jake’s bow tie. When she spotted me, her mouth hung up, causing Jake to whirl around to see what had her sudden attention. His eyes grew large and he let out a low whistle as he made his way over to me.

  “Holy fucking shit, Ember. You’re gonna knock that bastard on his ass. You’re stunning.”

  Smiling, I dropped my head down, feeling my cheeks heat. Jake’s thumb and forefinger grabbed my chin so he could lift my face to his.

  “Don’t hide that beautiful face.” Releasing my chin, he grabbed my hand and slowly turned me around. Stopping in front of him, my eyes met his and he gave me a face-splitting smile.

  Lucina was now standing beside Jake. She looked beautiful in a cobalt blue dress that came down past her knees and hugged every curve. It was not until then that I finally got a good look at Jake. He was devastatingly handsome in his traditional black tux. The black jacket made his shoulders look broader and his arms thicker. The black bow tie was untied around his neck. Reaching up, I started to tie it.

  “Jake, you look so unbelievably handsome in your tux.” He frowned at me. “What?”

  “I was going for formidable.” Now it was my turn to frown at him. “I’m not going to let him hurt you, Em. I promise.”

  Tears stung my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Jake lifted me off my feet and spun me around before setting me back on my feet. Kissing my cheek, he headed for the kitchen.

  “You really are a knock out, Ember. He’s not going to know what hit him,” Lucina said.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think I might have some competition.” I raised my brows at her. “You look gorgeous in cobalt blue.”

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Holding the skirt out in her hands, she spun around. “Jake picked it out.”

  Glancing over at Jake, I winked at him before leaning in to Lucina. “That doesn’t surprise me. He’s with you so obviously he has good taste.” Pulling back, I winked at her. She opened her mouth to speak, but the doorbell rang.

  “I’ve got it,” Jake said, dashing out of the kitchen.

  I could hear Eli and Jake greet each other and then the sound of their shoes as they headed down the hall. After gathering up my clutch bag and shawl, I turned to greet them and froze.

  If I thought Jake looked unbelievably handsome in his tux then Eli was devastatingly handsome. The black material was as dark as his hair with the lapels and vest a shiny satin, which complimented my dress nicely. It was obvious he had planned that.

  As he approached me, his piercing blue eyes ran up and down my body hungrily. When our eyes met and he stopped before me, my stomach clenched at the desire I saw present in their blue depths. Knowing I was not ready for any kind of relationship just yet, I offered him my cheek as he leaned in to kiss me.

  “You stole my breath, Ember,” he whispered in my ear. “Simply stunning.”

  “I could say the same about you,” I said as he pulled away.

  Giving me a glorious smile that I could not help but return, he offered me his arm and announced to the others that the limo was waiting.

  Eli held the door open for me. Carefully, I lifted my dress and slid across the cool, black leather seat. Jack and Lucina sat in the seat across from me. Eli sat next to me close enough that his entire left side was rested against me. Stretching out with his long legs in front of him, he swung his left arm behind me, resting it on the back of the seat. For reasons I did not want to think about at this moment, I was relieved when I realized he was not going to wrap that arm around me.

  It was a very short ride to the gallery. My stomach became a jumble of nerves as our limo rounded the corner and stopped in front of the gallery. There were a few reporters milling around, who paused as our limo stopped, trying to see through the tinted glass. Jake reached over and
squeezed my hand, assuming my nervous reaction was due to the reporters when in reality it had everything to do with seeing Evan again.

  “Let Lucina and I out first,” Jake said to Eli. “I’ll take care of the media. Just get her inside,” he said, gesturing to me.

  Our driver opened the door, allowing Lucina and Jake to exit. Eli immediately followed, turned, and held his hand out to me. As soon as I stepped out of the car, reporters began to crowd in as flashes from their cameras started to go off like strobe lights. Jake stepped in front of them like he was my bodyguard, keeping them from crowding around me. He narrowed his eyes at Eli, motioning to the door, urging him to get me inside. But for whatever reason, Eli paused.

  Suddenly the media’s attention was diverted to the limo that was directly in front of ours. Glancing over to see whom it was, my stomach dropped as soon as my eyes met the familiar emerald greens of Evan’s. He was just standing there on the sidewalk staring at us with a pained look on his face. Looking more handsome than Jake and Eli combined in his black tux, I braced myself waiting for the beauty that I knew had to be accompanying him to climb from the limo. But no other person exited. The driver closed the door, walked around to the driver’s side, and drove away, leaving Evan standing on the sidewalk, now surrounded by reporters, staring at me. Evan had shown up to the gala alone.

  He took a couple of steps toward us, but hesitated and then froze when Eli’s arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me up against him. The reason why Eli had hesitated to get me into the gallery just become abundantly clear. Glancing up at him and seeing the smug smile on his face directed at Evan confirmed my suspicions. Eli knew Evan was in that limo and he wanted him to see us arriving together.

  A wave of anger washed over me, and I was not even sure who I was directing it at more. Eli for purposefully wanting to hurt Evan, Evan for having such a pained look on his face as our eyes connected, or myself for even caring that Evan might have been hurt by Eli’s display.

  Pushing out of Eli’s embrace, I headed into the gallery only to come face to face with Daniel.

  “Ember, my God you look gorgeous,” Daniel said loudly. Gripping my shoulders tightly, he leaned in and planted a kiss directly on my lips before I could turn my head. “I could’ve taken you farther than Evan and Eli combined,” he whispered in my ear. The cloying sweet smell of his cologne coupled with his words turned my stomach.

  Jerking my head away, I glared at him. He actually thought that I hooked up with Evan and Eli to further my career? My body began to shake with anger.

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I said through clenched teeth, “How dare-” I jerked when I felt Eli’s arm slid around my waist once again.

  “Ember, darling, is everything all right?” Eli whispered in my ear.

  Closing my eyes for a few brief seconds, I inhaled deeply before looking up at Eli and nodding. Internally, I was groaning. What a long night this was going to be.


  An hour, and several glasses of champagne later, I found I was actually enjoying myself. The positive response to the Soft Caresses campaign was more than I could have hoped for.

  Evan kept his distance, though Jake made sure he was always within a few feet of me. I could feel Evan’s eyes on me constantly as I moved around the room. My traitorous body responded to the heat of his gaze, turning my nipples into hardened peaks that painfully rubbed against the lace of my bra, and my panties soaked with the evidence of my arousal. Feeling light headed from all the champagne and frustrated over the reaction my body was having being so close to Evan, I excused myself to the ladies room.

  Pausing with my hand on the doorknob, my mind raced back to the first time Evan cornered me in this ladies room. Part of me was secretly hoping that such an encounter would happen again. After several seconds, and the absence of a hard body pressing up against me from behind, I pushed the door open with a heavy sigh.

  Exiting the stall, I walked over to the sink and stared at my reflection as I washed my hands. There was no denying that I still loved Evan deeply. Part of me wanted to walk up to him and kiss the shit out of him and the other half wanted to punch him in his handsome face. God, I did not realize how much I missed him until I saw him. My memory of him didn’t do his gorgeous face any justice. My body was coiled up tightly begging for his touch. I should have listened to what he had to say a week ago. I needed to talk to him now, and I can only pray that it’s not too late.

  Pushing off the sink, I turned and quickly headed for the door. Just steps away, the door suddenly swung open and in walked Evan with a purpose. He came to a screeching halt as soon as his eyes met mine. For several seconds, we just stood and stared at each other. My body temperature started to rise as the blood flowed hot through my veins at his nearness. My God, I wanted him.


  “Shut up,” he said harshly. Holding his hand up, he closed his eyes, scrunching up his features as if he were in physical pain.

  It was all over his face how much he was hurting, but he did not seem the least bit happy to see me. My pulse, racing with desire, turned to ice as fear shot through me. Fear that I waited too long. Fear that he no longer wanted me. Perhaps this was not going to be the reunion I all of a sudden desperately wanted, needed even. The very realization that I could so easily forgive him rocked me to my very core, but then again I never loved David the way I love Evan. My love for Evan was life changing. Why hadn’t I realized this sooner?

  After scrubbing his hand down his face, he glared at me. “How could you?”

  The cold and angry tone of his voice and the dead look in his eyes had me staring at him in disbelief. The Evan I loved, my Evan, was gone. The man before me was a stranger.

  “How could I what?” I asked, taking a step back.

  “Condemn me to this hell without even hearing me out. You didn’t even let me explain,” he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “I’m sor-”

  “Don’t say you’re sorry,” he said, holding his hand up to silence me. “I don’t want to hear it.” Taking a few steps closer to me, he reached into his jacket and pulled out some photos. “Here,” he said, thrusting them at me.

  Reaching a shaky hand out, I took the photos from him. My heart immediately sank as soon as I started going through them. They were pictures of Evan sitting at the table with that model, but what the media had not shown was Raphael and his son sitting at the table directly across from them. Raphael’s son was clearly flirting with the model heavily as you looked at the consecutive photos.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered, allowing the photos to slip from my hand and spill onto the floor.

  “Do you see it now?” I squeezed my eyes shut unable to look at the photos or Evan. “The few moments I spent leaning in to tell her that I think she should be careful with Raphael’s son, the media latched on and never let go.”

  “Evan, I’m so sorry,” I said in a rush. Looking up at him, I took a step in his direction. When he did not move, I reached for him, but he jerked his arm back with a look of disgust on his face. My already shattered heart broke into even smaller more jagged pieces. My eyes stung with tears and the pain in my chest was making it difficult to breathe.

  “How could you, Ember? I fucking loved you. We spent the entire night before I left wrapped around each other, but yet you still believed everything the media was spewing the next morning as if it were gospel.” His voice broke. The pain evident in his beautiful green eyes was more than I could bare to look at. Dropping my head, I stared at the floor.

  He was right. I believed it all without even talking him. I thought all his calls were made out of guilt, but they were not. How could I be so stupid?

  “You acted as judge and jury, condemning me to this life without you, and you didn’t even hear me out. I’m in fucking hell. Can you not see that?” When I didn’t answer, he stepped closer. “Look at me,” he said angrily, but I still couldn’t bring myself to look at him. His hand roughly grabbed my chin, lifting my face t
o his.

  Tears welled up in his eyes blurring his beautiful emerald green irises. Dark circles were evident under his eyes. His face looked thinner with his cheekbones more pronounced. What have I done to him? What have I done to us? My hands fisted as I fought the sudden urge to punch the wall behind me. Hot tears streaked down my cheeks.

  Reaching up, his fingers gently brushed my cheeks, smearing my tears. His face softened as he stared into my eyes. “I get that you had been hurt and trust is difficult for you, but I thought I’d proven myself to you by now.” He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath before continuing. “Do you not remember the story I told you about my mother? About how my father had an affair and broke her? He broke her so fucking badly she killed herself,” he said, finishing in a whisper. “How could you possibly think that I would do the same fucking thing to you?”

  My fists clenched and unclenched as I now fought the urge to wrap my arms around him. How could I have forgotten the story about his mother? Suddenly remembering how angry he still was at his father, there was no way he would treat me the same way, and here he stands before me looking so….broken and it’s all my fault.

  We stood and stared at each other for what felt like minutes. His eyes started bouncing between my eyes and my lips. Without warning, he slammed into me, pushing me up against the wall. My hands grabbed onto his biceps to steady myself. His hands dived into my hair, wrapping around the strands. Jerking my head back, he forced me to look up at him and then his mouth was on mine. It was a hard, angry kiss, but the feel of him pressed up against me had my whole body coming alive.

  Snaking my arms around his neck, I held onto him tightly as his lips moved with mine. Both of us moaning into each other’s mouths as our tongues roughly dueled with each other. The feel of him, the taste of him, that familiar manly smell of his just overwhelmed me. My memory had not done any of this justice.


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