It Won't Prosper: Parable On Infidelity In Marriage

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It Won't Prosper: Parable On Infidelity In Marriage Page 10

by Genevieve Woods

  Paige was passed furious and said, “Kevin, you really need to have this conversation with Julia Michelson. She needs to know, and I need to know you will not allow her or anyone else in your family to disrespect me. You pursued me. I have been nothing but open and honest with you. Now, if you want to keep me, it is your job to keep your beast of a mother out of my face. I am warning you; if she continues to come at me like she has been, like she is all that, as if I am some common chicken head, then hood it will be!”

  “Fine, Paige, I’ll speak to Mother.”

  Kevin gave up this battle. It had been a stressful forty-eight hours, and he had no wins when Paige’s sister from the hood persona, Raige, was out. Finally, the traffic started to move, and he could not wait to get another person in the car to break the tension between him and Paige.

  As he drove, only the sounds of Ben Tankard streaming through his car’s speakers could be heard. Paige had shut him out. He had to admit that Paige was right, and he had to set his mom straight about her attitude. He intended to be with Paige permanently. He already purchased the engagement ring. His mom would have to accept Paige and stop pushing her buttons to have her acting like a hood rat. Paige could go from a sharp, classy woman to her ghetto persona, nicknamed Raige by Camille. He knew Paige had this self-preservation persona because of her childhood. She was left abandoned in the apartment with her mother’s corpse after she overdosed on heroin. Paige spent three days alone at the age of six, caring for herself and her dead mother. When Paige had been found by the authorities, she was clean, fed, and the apartment was spotless. Apparently, Paige had been taking care of herself and her drug-addicted mom since she was four or five years of age. She was taken in by an aunt who lived in the same housing projects where her life was full of hurt, rejection, and abuse. It would have been easy for Paige to stay in the projects and continue the cycle of poverty, but she didn’t. Instead, Paige did the exact opposite. She had been on her own since she was eighteen. Leaving her aunt’s home, who was only interested in the monthly food stamps and state check she received while Paige was a minor, Paige worked two jobs for years and put herself through college. She was now the director of a health insurance agency. Kevin loved Paige with all of his heart. He reached over, grabbed her hand, and kissed the back of it.

  “Paige, I am sorry. I will deal with my mother, just be patient. I love you so much.”

  Paige’s anger broke. She gave him a smile and leaned in to kiss him.

  “Ok, Kevin, I don’t want to fight anymore. I am worried about Camille, and I should have never begged her to come to the play. She would have hated it anyway. I know what she finds entertaining, and she would tell you an urban stage play was not the genre she preferred. She probably would have left during intermission, citing a headache.”

  “Paige, this is not your fault. Things happen in life; unexpected circumstances come into play. Besides, Benjamin is feeling Camille.”

  Paige looked shocked. “Really? They haven’t had much time to get to know one another.”

  Kevin hunched his shoulder. “Ben told me earlier he felt a connection with her. The two of them spoke on more than one occasion before the date. He said ‘they had a tether that bound them.’ He dang near ripped my head off when I questioned him why he felt the need to stay by Camille’s side.”

  Paige smiled and held Kevin’s hand tighter. “Well, I guess we will see what happens.”

  Chapter 3: Introductions & Reunions

  Downtown Trauma Center

  “So, it’s settled,” Ben stated to Karen. “I will come into the office with you Monday. You can show me around, and I can be the liaison for you and Camille as she recovers.”

  “If that is what Camille wants, then I’m fine with it.” They both turned and looked at Camille who was playing with Nikki and her toy Shopkins on the bed.

  Camille glanced up. “We have no other choice, Karen. Benjamin is a senior vice president at a Fortune 500 company, and he is volunteering. I don’t want you weighed down with your job and mine. Besides, someone has to take care of our princess, Nikki.” Camille held out her arms to Nikki for a hug although it caused her pain. Hugging her god-niece was worth it.

  Benjamin sat observing the trio as they played with the little vegetable toys. Nikki pointed to him and said, “This one is Chloe. She is a cauliflower, and she likes leafing around. This one is Silly Chilly, and he is a pepper that eats hot dogs. My favorite is this one, Juicy Orange. She keeps juicy secrets—shhh.” Nikki put a finger to her mouth to quiet everyone down.

  Ben laughed, little Nikki was three going on thirty. He asked, “Is that all of the Shopkins?”

  “No, sir. There is Dipping Avocado and Corny Cob, but Momma says I have to stop pulling clips for acting bad in daycare before I can get them.”

  Ben winked at Nikki. “I have a feeling you will be getting them all soon.”

  “Really!” Nikki screamed.

  “Yeah, really!”

  Nikki turned to her mom and Tee-Tee to tell them what Ben said. Ben was amazed at the striking resemblance between Camille and Karen. It was as if the two had the same demeanor only their skin tones were different. Camille more a milk chocolate while Karen was a smooth hazelnut. Their interaction with one another was more of familial than friendship or boss and employee. He caught himself before he asked if they were sure they were not related.

  A knock on the door made all heads turn, and Camille gave a softly slurred, “Come in.” Seeing J. D. enter, she managed to squeal out, “Daddy,” as he walked toward her hospital bed with nothing but love in his eyes.

  “Baby girl,” he whispered as he lowered his lips to Camille’s forehead. Her eyes sparkled with tears. It had been so long since Camille had last seen him. J. D. doted on her while she assured him she was doing better and progressing faster than the doctor and specialists predicted.

  After ten minutes of conversation between just the two of them, Camille finally said, “Daddy, let me introduce you to my friends.”

  J. D. looked around and said, “Pardon my rudeness, I just did not expect to see my baby girl this way.” Everyone expressed their understanding.

  Camille began with Karen. “Daddy, this is Karen Locke, my assistant, and friend, and this little Shopkin is Nikki, Karen’s daughter and my god-niece.”

  J. D.’s expression was awestruck. It was as if he had seen a ghost. The entire room noticed the change in his disposition as J. D. reached out his hand and said, “Nice to meet you, Karen and little Nikki.”

  He scanned them both over from head to toe as if he knew them. Karen, in an effort to break J. D.’s stare down, said, “Nice to meet you, Mr. James. It’s a pleasure to put a face to a name.”

  “Yes, it is, but please everyone, call me J. D.” J. D. gave an awkward smile and said hello to Benjamin as Camille introduced him as a friend of Kevin’s. It was not lost on Benjamin that she did exactly what she informed him of earlier. Nonetheless, he gave a manly handshake to J. D. James.

  “Well, Daddy, you know Paige and Kevin.”

  “Of course I do, thanks for the lift, and the update on Mille although I still was not prepared.”

  Kevin said, “No problem that is what friends are for. How long do you think you will be in town?”

  “I don’t know, but as long as it takes my baby to be well.”

  They all turned to look at Camille, but she had drifted off to sleep. J. D. looked concerned. “Is this normal?” he asked. He was expecting Paige or Karen to answer, but Benjamin started.

  “Yes, she was experiencing some pain earlier, so the nurse gave her pain medicine. It normally keeps her out about three or four hours.”

  J. D. was caught off guard by Benjamin responding. He scratched the side of his head. A look of bewilderment was clearly evident on his face. Who was this man to Camille? She introduced him as a friend of Kevin’s. Why would he be answering questions? Camille had not mentioned a special man in her life. Had she? He turned to Benjamin and asked, “Exactly
. . . what is your relationship with my daughter?”

  Benjamin cleared his throat and said, “I am a friend, sir.”

  Karen immediately said, “Benjamin is also helping with some of Camille’s responsibilities at the office while she recovers.”

  J. D. said firmly, “I see. Well, I am going to my hotel for a shower and a little rest. I will be back in the morning unless she wakes and needs me. I will catch a cab.”

  Kevin interjected, “J. D. that won’t be necessary. I am happy to take you.”

  “No, Kevin. I need the time alone, thank you.” He exited the room.

  After J. D.’s departure, everyone in the room exhaled. Karen spoke first. “Geez, he is intense over the phone, but my goodness . . . he was looking at me like I was the one who hit Camille with the SUV.”

  Paige rubbed Karen on the back and said, “J. D. is always intense, don’t worry about it.”

  “Okay, I will try not to, but can I ask a favor? A coworker dropped Nikki and me off. Can we catch a ride home with you and Kevin?”

  Kevin said, “No problem, but I have to stop at the office to check messages and see if there are any leads in finding the perp that hit Camille.”

  “No problem,” Karen said.

  “Well, you three go ahead,” Paige stated. “I will stay here with Mille.”

  Kevin frowned. “Paige, you have stayed the last two nights, I thought we could—”

  Benjamin cut into the conversation. “I’ll stay.”

  “Ben, I can’t ask you to do that. You have done more than enough. You need rest before you go to the office tomorrow,” Paige explained.

  “No, I am fine here. When Mr. James returns, I will leave. Please, you all go, I have it covered here.”

  Kevin pulled Paige in an obsessive manner that made Karen frown, but she said nothing. She gave a friendly wave good-bye to Ben and said, “See you in the morning.”

  Little Nikki pointed a finger at Benjamin with one hand and with the other hand on her hip said, “Take care of my Tee-Tee, Mr. Ben.”

  “You got it, Little Ms. Shopkin.” Benjamin kneeled down and gave Nikki a handshake to seal the deal.

  Three Months Later

  Camille sat up, feeling slightly out of breath from tying her shoes. She was waiting on Benjamin to come for their evening walk. She could not believe the turn her life and circle of friends had taken in the last few months. First, she hated to admit to herself, but Benjamin was taking up more room in her heart, mind, thoughts, and soul than she felt she could make room for. However, she was grateful for how he stepped in at ITS and had aided Karen in running the company as if she was still there. When she tried to compensate him, he declined saying he did not need any more income to pay taxes on.

  Then there was Karen—running into Frankie Jones at Kevin’s office, the day he and Paige were taking her home from the hospital. Frankie was the postal courier for the District Attorney’s office, and apparently, the one-night stand that fathered little Nikki. The paternity test was back, and Frankie was, as Maury Povich would say, “indeed 99.99%, the father.” At first, Karen was unsure of how she wanted to proceed, but Frankie said he wanted Nikki to know his family. His twenty-year-old twin daughters, who were in college, and his ex-wife, who was his best friend.

  Camille shuddered at all the drama in her world. Immediately, her thoughts went to Paige and Kevin, and their tumultuous trip to Atlanta that landed Paige in jail for twelve hours for assaulting Mrs. Michelson, Kevin’s mom. Fortunately, Kevin and his dad got Mrs. Michelson not to press charges. No one had given Camille the details because they did not want to hinder her healing, but how could being in suspense and worrying, help? She shook that off as her mind wandered to her father. J. D. had been there for the past three months, but he seemed on edge like something was bothering him other than her health. Camille knew her father and knew there was more. What could she do, but wait until he was ready to open up and talk to her. Until then, she would focus on the doctor’s orders, and do her daily mental and physical workouts, so she could get back to business. Just then her doorbell rang, and a smile spread across her face for she could feel Ben’s presence near. She walked as fast as she could with her light limp to greet him.


  “Hi, Cam.” Ben greeted Camille with his new moniker for her as he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the temple and squeezed her tight.

  “Hi, handsome.” Camille returned the hug one hundred fold.

  “Is my girl ready for our walk?” Ben asked as he pulled back from her to peer down her body. She was becoming more beautiful every day. There was barely a scar left on her radiant face. Benjamin, who never cared for weaves, thought Camille’s looked as natural as her own hair. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever had the pleasure of viewing.

  “Earth to Benjamin,” Camille said. “I am ready for our walk. Let me get my water bottle, and we can go.”

  “Um . . . okay.” Benjamin wondered when being in her presence would become easier. She always made him drift off thinking of her beauty.

  Thirty minutes into their walk they had hit one and a half miles and the conversation was flowing smoothly. Ben turned to Camille and said, “I want you to come to Sunday dinner to officially meet my family.”

  Camille blushed. “Ben, I have met your mom. Dare I say, we are friends. Mrs. Ellen is one of the most beautiful women inside and outside that I have ever met.”

  Ben warmed at that comment. “Thanks, Cam, but I am ready for you to meet my aunt, uncles, and grammy.”

  Camille gave a smile that spread across her entire face. “Really, Ben, so soon? I mean you have been a lifesaver for my company, and a caretaker for me, personally. However, outside of that, you don’t know the 100 percent Camille James. You sure you want to introduce me to the extended family?”

  Ben stopped their walk, grabbed Camille’s hand, and looked her in the eye and said, “I. Have. Never. Been. More. Sure. Of. Anything.”

  Camille gave an embarrassed chuckle and raised up on her tiptoes, kissing Ben gently on his lips and said, “Yes, I would love to meet them.”

  They proceeded back to her apartment completing the two-mile journey in forty-five minutes. It wasn’t lost on Ben that it was their best time yet. He also cleared his thoughts of what his body wanted to do after that wet kiss Camille bestowed upon him. Things were heating up for them.

  Kevin’s Downtown Condo

  “Paige, I am trying to understand why I had to convince my mother, of all people, not to press charges against my girlfriend. Please give me something that can help me understand what would cause you to freaking flip out like that.”

  Paige, who was sitting on his couch, did not speak or look Kevin’s way. Kevin was close to the edge of losing it on Paige and continued to question her.

  “Who assaults their future mother-in-law?” Kevin shouted at Paige. She had sat stubbornly staring into space like a zombie until the last phrase was yelled into her face.

  Paige whipped her head around. To Kevin, she looked like the girl from The Exorcist, as fast as her head twirled in his direction. He braced himself for her hood persona.

  “Kevin, what do you mean future mother-in-law? I do not have a ring on my finger, and the way your mommy dearest treats me—and you and your father allow her to—I don’t know that I want a ring from your spineless ass!”

  Kevin threw his hands up. Here we go, and Paige from the hood is out. He asked her as calmly as he could, “Why profanity, Paige?”

  “Why profanity!” Paige screamed until her voice became hoarse. “Because there are no dignified words to articulate how fed up I am of you trying to get me to be a doormat for your raggedy momma.” Paige was up and standing toe to toe with Kevin. “That so called lady of sophistication . . .” Paige made quotation marks with her fingers as she said sophistication. “Had the nerve to tell me I was not good enough for you. You want to know why?”

  Kevin was sure that was a rhetorical question, so he remained quiet.r />
  “I am not good enough for you because I came from a drug addicted whore. She went on to say that whore, which is my mother mind you, did not have enough sense not to overdose on heroin. Then the great Mrs. Michelson told me the apple had not fallen far from the tree and, that I am nothing more than a gold digging whore like my pathetic mother. To follow up those insults, she spits in my face. So tell me, Mr. D. A., how do I respond to that?”

  Kevin knew that too was rhetorical. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and tried with all his might to keep his anger in check. He had no clue his mother could be so cruel. He wanted to reach out and comfort Paige, and tell her it was ok to stop this closing argument in her defense. Shamefully, he had lost the ability to speak or move, so he just stood listening.

  “I will tell you how I responded! I put my foot up her—” Paige caught herself before more profanity slipped out. “Let me say the appropriate word for you, derriere. I wanted to physically kick her into the next century. Then I proceeded to snatch every extension out of her bald head. I slapped her so hard, her glued on eyelashes went flying across the room. I grabbed her by the neck making that Tiffany of New York necklace snap, and I would have choked the very life out of her had you and Mr. Michelson not come in. I was Hell bent, excuse me . . . I was determined to allow Julia to make acquaintance with my whore of a mother in Hell! Where she is surely on her way. Now, you still want to give me a ring?” Paige asked sarcastically.

  Kevin stood there stunned and speechless.

  “Oh wow, Mr. District Attorney,” Paige sneered. “No rebuttal? Well, there is no need because I rest my case and withdraw from this tired-ass relationship. Oops, there is that hood persona again. Forgive me, Kevin, let me rephrase to your legal terms. This relationship is no longer giving me what I need to be the best person I was destined to be. Therefore, I would like you to lose my freaking number and never speak to me again.” Paige grabbed her purse, retrieved her cell phone, and called a cab. She informed the cab company she would be waiting outside the Mississippi Waterfront Condos.


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