Unknown Touch

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Unknown Touch Page 12

by Gina Marie Long

  Daniel rallied the troops together and stated, "We are now on Plan B. I want to keep this hunting group small. I will be the only werewolf going. As it stands, that gives us six total. Zac and Tessa, you have your weapons in case we need to use them. We still must determine that Stephen is the one who committed these crimes. So, don't shoot to kill. At least not yet. I will confront him alone. He won't feel as cornered, or feel that it's a trap, if I go to him by myself. The rest of you will remain very close, but hidden in the woods, able to view and hopefully hear everything between Stephen and myself."

  "Is this cabin easy to get to?" Zac questioned.

  "Not like it used to be. The dirt road is barely considered a road anymore. It is massively overgrown with tree limbs, weeds and debris. I'll hook up the car trailer to the truck and load the four-wheelers. Let's see, if we double up riding on the ATV's, then we'll need three of them. Lucky me, I've got about four on the property. Zac, I would appreciate it if you'd help me with that tonight," Daniel politely asked Zac.

  "Yes, sir, no problem," his military discipline was kicking in.

  Daniel continued, "Tomorrow morning, we'll drive to the campground nearest his cabin. Then, do some off-roading with the ATV's until we can get a little closer. We'll walk the last half mile to his cabin to eliminate the noise from the vehicles. He very easily could be out and about and discover us anyway. Once we are near the cabin, you guys can hunker down in the trees as I head up to the front door. Zac, you can position yourself however you deem necessary. I can handle my own fights, but if something goes awry, it wouldn't hurt to have you in a prime location to take a shot at Stephen. Again, I wouldn't attempt a shot meant to kill, just to slow him down. My hope is that he will be honest and confess to these acts of violence, if he did commit them. Many times, our kind likes to brag about things we've done, to show off, and maybe he'll do just that."

  I piped in, "Your kind? Ha - males in general, of all kinds, like to brag."

  All the men in the room, at that exact moment, turned and scowled at me. Then, it seemed, they were nodding in agreement. Yes, definitely some strong male arrogance could be found in that room. I loved them all, though.

  "Anyway…," Daniel went back to the plan of attack, "His answer to whether he is the responsible party will determine what happens next. With Kara being so near to him at that point, hopefully she will be able to make a mental connection with him. Even as I talk to him, Kara, if you're able to work your magic on him right then and there, go for it. Do your psychic manipulation on his emotions. Or if you and Dominic can read his mind, pick out any important details, a way to let us know if he has slipped to the dark side, obviously do so. After confronting him, I plan to just walk away, if he'll let me. There are so many possible scenarios that could play out here. We're going to have to wing some of this. We don't have a crystal ball, and unless you two psychics can see into the future, we have no way of knowing what Stephen's answers will be or how he will react to me."

  Eli spoke up, "As soon as Zac and Daniel finish loading up the ATV's, everyone needs to get to bed."

  The group broke up and went their own way. Tessa mentioned to Zac that she was going to quickly prepare the guns and choose some other weapons that the rest of us could carry for protection. Lovely. I could just see me wielding some long-edged knife trying to defend myself. Maybe she had some mace. I could handle that.

  Eli and Dom seemed to be chatting up a storm about the situation tomorrow. Dom looked over at me and held up one finger, then he mentally said, Give me a second then we'll head back to the cabin.

  Zac and Daniel were heading out the entrance door. They would be getting the trailer and four-wheelers ready to go. As Daniel walked by me, he paused, and said, "Interesting position you were in earlier while you took a nap. I hadn't forgotten that little scene, in case you were wondering. Don't worry. I'm not going to beat him up or anything. Dominic and I are friends, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little playful bantering. Just to let you know."

  While most of the group were still in the lounge, Daniel gave me a lengthy hug, then glanced up at Dom who was, of course, watching us, and winked at him. Then, he walked out the door to catch up with Zac. I sensed everyone's curiosity with Daniel's affection towards me. I stood there, smiled and gave a wave as if to say, "Hi - I'm standing right here and can see you're all still staring at me."

  Dominic walked over to me as Eli headed back to the kitchen. He thought he'd engage in some good-natured teasing with me. He must have read pieces of Daniel's mind a few seconds ago, as he said, "So, are you ready to hit the bed?" Again, that was another expression that could be taken two ways. He deserved the flick I gave his shoulder. We waited a few minutes for Eli to return, and the three of us headed to our cabin.

  * * * *

  The next morning arrived and everyone awoke early to make the final preparations for the day's undertaking. The land that Hamlin occupied was on a peninsula. We would be driving to the opposite side of this peninsula, where Blood River flowed from Kentucky Lake and offered more beautiful scenery. Blood River. What a fitting name considering what we were dealing with. I was actually curious how it came to be called that. And I wondered if it had anything to do with legends about werewolves or even vampires.

  We entered the campground and drove as far back as we could get the truck and trailer. There were no campers or visitors on site at this time. I know I sure wouldn't be out here camping at the end of November. Too cold for my taste. I was quite surprised when Daniel said someone at a campground had been killed. But Daniel had mentioned how some people go hunting during this time of the year and will park trailers at the campgrounds. The lone hunter had unwittingly crossed paths with, we presumed, Stephen, and met his untimely death. This was not the actual campground where the hunter had set up his trailer. That particular campground was presently flooded with detectives, who were seeking evidence in the murder investigation.

  Daniel brought up, "I hope we don't inadvertently bump into the police while on our escapade. Stephen's cabin is located a few miles from here, so I imagine they'll stick close around the area where the murder took place, which was only one-fourth of a mile from his trailer. And I haven't heard any warnings to stay away from or cease all activity in other campgrounds or areas. Obviously, we can't go nosing around the scene of the crime, but we should be fine parked here. "

  We piled out of Daniel's extended cab truck. I made sure before we left to layer my clothes as we had no idea how long we'd be outside. Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing as I glanced around at the attire. Zac and Daniel immediately started unloading the ATV's.

  Tessa suggested we take a quick detour to the farmer's property where the cattle had been killed. Daniel had previously talked with Tessa and Zac about the possibility of doing that before we left the resort. With both of their superior tracking and hunting skills, especially Zac's, perhaps they could identify some specific footprint, track, anything, to help clue us in on who to blame for that incident. As far as we knew, the police were not surveying the pasture for any evidence, they were focused on the human killing. The farmer's property was just a mile away, and it would be foolish not to check it out.

  Daniel locked up the truck and secured the trailer. Zac and Tessa had attached various weapons, guns and gadgets either to themselves or onto the four-wheeler. Tessa handed out some knives with sheaths for the rest of us. Just in case. I watched as Daniel strapped his own personal knife, one that he had removed from under the seat of his truck, onto himself as well. The ATV's were ready to go. Obviously, Zac and Tessa would ride together. Dominic and Daniel had full intentions of driving their own vehicles. Eli and I stood there not sure who we should climb on board with.

  Dominic spoke first, "Come on, Kara. Let's go."

  Daniel spoke second with, "Yeah, Kara, you can ride with me. Hop on." He was fairly firm in stating this. I knew I wanted to ride with Daniel, but poor Dom's feelings would get hurt.

  I mentally s
aid to Dom, Sorry.

  Without further ado, Eli got on with Dom, and I excitedly climbed on with Daniel, snuggling close to him for warmth, comfort and the closeness that I craved from him.

  We traveled the short distance to the farmstead where the cattle had been killed. Daniel's heightened senses were called into play as he sniffed out the exact spot where it had happened. Daniel did have an idea of the approximate location, just from what information he had picked up from his contacts the night before. But the blood is what Daniel's sense of smell homed in. There was a tremendous amount of it splattered in a large area, and even remnants of the cow's body, still all over the ground. He had also made sure the farmer wasn't anywhere near so we could thoroughly investigate the area without being caught trespassing.

  Daniel immediately made an observation, one that only he would have been capable of doing. He was confused as he said, "I am catching the scent of Stephen in the area, but there is something unfamiliar to me. Something, maybe, that is masked? Cloaked? Something trying to remain undetected…I can't be sure. The farmer had already disposed of the cow's remains, as best as possible, after he had found it late yesterday afternoon. But, there is still so much blood all over, too messy for a werewolf kill or even the removal of the body by the farmer…it makes me think the wolf had literally rolled around in the blood to cover up his scent. I know that sounds strange."

  Zac found footprints of a werewolf. Perhaps two sets, it was a little hard to tell, since most footprints all looked about the same. Daniel stood observing the tell-tale marks in the dirt. He said, "Two different sets. I am assuming one set has to be Stephen's. I don't know who to guess for the other, unless possibly David. Remember me telling you, we weren't sure about his mental state? This just doesn't seem like anything David would do, though."

  Zac, Tessa and Daniel carefully surveyed the area one last time, but nothing further was gained. We walked back to the ATV's, which we had parked about two hundred feet away. We were mystified by the fact that there were two werewolves seemingly involved in this attack on the cow. Daniel did not doubt himself in his ability to identify two sets of footprints. We climbed on the vehicles again. This time we were headed to Stephen's cabin.

  I held onto Daniel tightly as we bounced along through the wilderness. We had to go through some pretty precarious spots which included crossing a stream. At times, we really had to slow our pace and crept along trying to get around trees, limbs and rocks. I sensed Daniel's tension and confusion with having to confront Stephen. I gently touched at his mind, easily reading it. Daniel didn't know what to honestly believe about this situation. I decided to use my psychic ability to instill thoughts and emotions of confidence, strength, and cunning to out-wit Stephen. I completely understood Daniel not wanting to have a true conversation with me at this time. For one thing, he needed concentration on maneuvering us safely through the woods to get to Stephen's cabin. Secondly, he was mentally sifting through all the information and knowledge he had attained about Stephen and this latest killing spree. He wished we could have scoped out the spot where the hunter had been killed. There might have been more evidence and clues at that crime scene. He was also playing out the different possible scenarios during the impending confrontation between Stephen and himself.

  Daniel acknowledged my presence in his mind with a quick squeeze on my hands that I had wrapped around his waist. I was fairly sure he was even aware I gave his emotions a positive boost. He would suspect I would to try to help stabilize his mind, to balance his thoughts, in a time that required clear thinking on his part. We were entering enemy territory. He had to be in control of himself and all moves he chose to make. He needed to be one step ahead of Stephen, and be ready to react smoothly, making use of all his resources, everything around him.

  Daniel slowed down our pace, signaling to Dom and Zac to follow suit. We came to a complete stop and Daniel turned off the ATV. He had me climb off first, then he got off and said to the group, "From this point, we walk. It's probably a half mile away or less. Zac, Tessa - bring all you have and hand out what you need help carrying."

  Most of the items Zac and Tessa had were easily transported by themselves. In fact, I think they preferred it that way. After several minutes of shuffling around duffle bags and securing weapons, a metal case, was handed to Dominic to carry. Then we stood there, as a team, and looked to our guide, Daniel, to lead the way.

  It was mid-morning. Thankfully, the sun was partly out. The temperature was a brisk 55 degrees. The winds were calm. The atmosphere was acceptable at this time, but we had heard the forecast for the afternoon was not so fair. The temps were going to drop and possibly rain. If it got too cold, then it could sleet. Daniel had mentioned that the lack of breeze was a very good thing, since it could carry our scent, and his scent, and alert Stephen of our arrival. We were trying to go for the element of surprise so Stephen would not have time in advance to plan a counter attack. Daniel was surmising that if Stephen had been running wild of late, then he would have been out during most of the night hours. Since it was morning now, chances were very good that Stephen would be found at the cabin, probably sleeping, and not scanning his surroundings for intruders.

  I walked next to Daniel. At this stage, the whole group had to know that Daniel and I had strong feelings for each other. You'd have to be blind not to see that. Not once had any of them made any snide comments about our relationship, except, Dominic. And that was because he had hoped I would become his girlfriend. I know he kept that option open, not wanting to close the door to the possibility I might have a change of heart. He didn't shun me, although it appeared I was choosing Daniel over him. He would never win in a physical fight with Daniel over me and I would never approve of them fighting. Also, I would never forgive Daniel if he hurt Dominic due to fighting over me. As we kept pace with Daniel, I grabbed his hand to show my support and affection for him.

  As we got closer, Daniel distanced himself many feet in front of us. He was pushing his senses to their full maximum capability. After several minutes, he signaled us to slowly, quietly walk closer to where he was.

  He whispered, "I believe Stephen is in the cabin. I am sensing another wolf, too, but the scent is not fresh. As we discussed earlier, Zac and Tessa, position yourselves in the trees or bushes for the best visibility of the front porch but stay concealed. If you have headsets to communicate, discreetly use them. Eli, Dom, Kara stay back behind these bushes, but Kara, try to get a clear view of him."

  We all started moving into our designated positions. I hesitated the longest as I wanted to privately wish Daniel luck. As the others cautiously crept away, I turned and gave Daniel a powerful hug, burying my head into his shoulder. He pulled back enough to lean down to kiss me. I hoped to God that no harm came to him. Again, I psychically shoved all those positive emotions and images of success, confidence, strength into his very being, hoping it would help somehow. But I didn't have any control over how Stephen with his emotions would react or behave.

  Daniel walked me over to where Dom and Eli were crouched. They were staking out the cabin, trying to find the perfect break in the bushes for me to peer through, that way I could get the best view of Stephen when he walked outside. The closer I was to Stephen improved my chances of picking up his vibes, his emotional state and enhancing my ability to enter his mind.

  Daniel and I squatted down right next to Dominic. They looked squarely at each other. Daniel seemed to be sizing him up, then simply stated to Dom, "She's under your protection for now. I trust you and know that you care for her. Do the best you can to keep her safe. I'll return."

  It felt like Daniel had just handed me off to Dominic. He physically moved me directly next to Dom's side as he stood up. He entrusted Dom to protect me while he went into the battlefield. Tears were hanging on the rims of my eyes, as Daniel walked off to meet Stephen head on.

  Chapter 13


  Everyone remained absolutely still as Daniel made his way to t
he front porch. My heart was pounding from the anxiety. No one really knew what was going to happen next. We were on high alert, completely in tune with our surroundings. I watched as Daniel walked up the rickety old steps. The cabin was falling apart from years of neglect. It was amazing that anyone would attempt to live in it. Then again, we were not dealing with a human, but a werewolf.

  I quickly sent a mental message to Zac and Tessa, Do you have him clearly in your line of sight?

  They answered in unison, Yes.

  Daniel was now standing on the front porch. He pounded on the door twice and shouted, "Hey, Stephen! It's Daniel. I know you're in there. We need to talk."

  There was the distinct sound of a snarl coming from within the cabin. A few moments passed. Daniel stood patiently waiting, taking two steps backward. I would assume we had caught Stephen off guard, possibly sleeping, or maybe he needed to get dressed before coming outside. That snarl was definitely meant as a warning.

  And then the door flung open. Stephen. He made his grand entrance, stepping onto the porch. The images that Daniel and Isaac had given to me during my failed effort to enter Stephen's mind were very accurate. I was now able to gaze at him in the flesh. He was a superior being. And he knew it. His arrogance to that fact dripped off him so heavily it was sickening. Even so, he was handsome, in an Old World sort of way. I memorized his features, his physical traits, any interesting idiosyncrasies he displayed. At this point, he was still too distant from me. Like a stranger. No contact. I kept focusing.


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