Unknown Touch

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Unknown Touch Page 23

by Gina Marie Long

  Eli had carried his own backpack, equipped with medical supplies. He gingerly walked up to Stephen, squatted down in front of his injured leg, and asked, "May I take a look at it?"

  Stephen nodded his approval, but also stated, "I doubt you'll need to do much to it."

  Having Eli in on the action allowed him to make use of his wonderful mediator skills. He wasn't a psychic, but with his vast knowledge in psychology and his medical degree, he knew how the mind functioned, and could say just the right things at exactly the right time. Eli was able to get people (or werewolves, in this case) to open up, to speak freely, and then he could offer his guidance, his counsel.

  Eli peeled up the pants on the injured leg, inspected it, touched and probed. Suddenly, he removed a bullet that had wedged itself in the muscle of Stephen's calf. Stephen only slightly flinched, then gave a small nod of gratitude that Eli had removed the bullet. As Eli applied pressure, he very quickly looked around for something substantial he could sit on and spotted a nice log a short distance away. Eli asked Dominic if he could move it with his mind to the designated spot he pointed to, and Dom complied without hesitation. Once he was able to sit more comfortably, he disinfected the area, applied more pressure to stop the new flow of blood, and began his counseling with Stephen. And Abigail.

  The rest of us respected the authority and confidence of Eli. I was well aware that Stephen was no longer a threat. The physical battle appeared to have ended. The others could even sense, without having psychic skills, that the incredible tension in the atmosphere had dissipated. Stephen's rage, aggression and need for revenge were under control with my help and massive behavioral manipulation. Dom and I stood on the opposite side of Abigail and Stephen, that way they would not be talking to Eli and have to be looking at us at the same time.

  The remaining members in our group lingered nearby, just in case Stephen decided to flip out again. David and Rachel rested against a tree. Daniel, Isaac, Tessa and Zac cleaned up their injuries using some of Eli's supplies, which kept them busy for a while. I noticed Daniel playing nurse to Zac, which I was vastly proud of and sent a subtle mental message to him, approving of his kind actions. Daniel kept his eyes on Zac's dreadful gash, but psychically responded to me with an emotion of love and concern. It looked like Daniel was actually stitching up Zac's arm like a pro. Amazing! What else was he capable of doing?

  Dominic tapped at my mind with a suggestion that if we moved back another foot, we could lean on a tree instead of hovering over Abigail, Stephen and Eli. I agreed. I was getting tired, too. I wasn't necessarily exhausted, but I definitely felt weak from all the excitement of the morning and the tremendous mental drain I experienced after having diligently worked my psychic magic on Stephen. And I was still monitoring him at that very moment. I had just ceased the mental manipulations, as I figured he could concentrate better and perhaps carry on a conversation more easily with Abigail and Eli if I wasn't infiltrating his brain so heavily.

  Stephen was instantly aware that I had drifted back to the far corners of his mind, to monitor only, and he looked over at me with fear in his eyes. He was afraid that I was now abandoning him. Just as so many others had. Leaving him to fend for himself. To fight his demons alone. He wasn't sure of himself. He didn't trust himself. I had taken away some of the bad emotions and ideas and made him feel better, feel different. He wasn't filled with rage anymore, but he had a hard time understanding and dealing with the positive feelings. He was more sad, confused, fearful of the future.

  I jumped into his mind, speaking directly to him this time, Stephen, I am here. I am not abandoning you in your time of need. I am merely stepping back, allowing you to work with what I've given you. Review all the wonderful images, the good feelings I've brought to your attention that are there for the taking. That you need to hold on to with all your might. I am here to guide and show you how to keep your own sanity. But, Abigail is your anchor to life. She is sitting right next to you. Reach out to her. She loves you, Stephen.

  Thank you, Stephen managed to relay as he reached for Abigail's hands to hold.

  I summarized what had just occurred with Stephen and me, and his mental state, to Abigail and Eli telepathically. He was going to need a lot of support. He reminded me of a drug addict or an alcoholic that if tempted, or under stress, could easily sink back into his old, destructive habits. Dom was linked up with me and was completely sensitive to the delicate nature of this situation. He gave me a quick squeeze around my shoulders, letting me know he was impressed with my abilities. And, I knew that his side hug also indicated to hang in there. I silently sighed.

  Eli had stopped applying pressure to Stephen's leg wound, dabbed it with antiseptic and attached a large bandage in its place. Stephen didn't need it. When Eli had pulled back the medical dressing to check for bleeding, it had already stopped. Stephen's super-charged healing ability had kicked into gear. But, Eli was used to following proper procedure and went through the normal motions of treating an injury.

  Stephen broke out into a half smile and said, "Hey, Doc, I'm fine. You don't need to do anything more to my leg."

  Eli responded, "Absolutely incredible how fast you werewolves heal! Well, Stephen, how are you feeling? Do you want to talk about all this? I would like to help you, too, if you'll let me."

  "Well, I guess I feel very confused. It's like I woke up from a nightmare. I'm seeing things differently now. I know Kara has shown me a new way to look at my life. She's helped me calm down and release the bad vibes. Abigail's appearance today was not at all expected. I never dreamed she would come out with everyone to hunt me down," Stephen confessed.

  Abigail piped in, "I, personally, wasn't hunting you, Stephen. I was searching for you. I wanted to find you and let you know I still have strong feelings for you and love you. I just said an awful lot of "you's" there! I guess I'm nervous and afraid you might switch over to the evil side if I close my eyes. I want us to be together, but not if your rage and violence can't be controlled."

  Eli brought up, "Stephen, no one came out here with the intention to kill you. We all wanted this to have a happy ending. We wanted to help you, as long as it wasn't too late and you would allow us to help."

  Stephen looked down and shook his head. "Abigail, I don't think I can live with you at Daniel's resort. Daniel and I are both Alpha males, and we'll never be able to handle living under the same roof. I'll admit it is extremely hard for me to say this. But with these new feelings I am having, I think I can understand Daniel's ways and the reasoning behind his methods and rules. I can respect him and what he's trying to do."

  Stephen glanced up at Daniel, and took notice of the unselfish, kind act Daniel displayed as he finished up Zac's stitches. Daniel knew darn well Stephen would rather get teeth pulled than openly compliment him or show him any respect, and yet, here he was, doing just those things. Daniel nodded and grinned in acknowledgment at Stephen.

  Stephen went on, "But two Alphas under the same roof is just NOT going to work out."

  "Don't worry about that right now," Abigail said. "We can figure that out later."

  Daniel added, "Several things will be changing in all of our lives. We need to look out for one another and lend support when we can. Stephen, I understand and agree with you, that both of us living under the same roof would not be realistic. Even with your rage under control, we would be butting heads too often. Abigail, you are under no obligation and will not be forced to stay at my resort. That decision will be yours alone as to where you want to live. Don't feel any guilt if you feel you need to move out."

  Isaac made one of the best suggestions of the day, "Why don't we start heading back to Simon's place? That's about a fifteen minute walk and it's past noon by now. The sky looks like it could snow and it would be nice for the humans in this bunch to be back in a secure, warm place before any nasty weather sets in."

  Abigail, Stephen and Eli stood up from their makeshift seating arrangements. The entire group loosely formed two lines, and
began the trek back through the woods to Simon's place. I was off the hook for a while having to deal with Stephen. I didn't sense anything with his attitude or emotions that I needed to worry about. At least for the moment, he had control of himself. It would be impossible to monitor him 24 hours a day, even if Dom and I took twelve hour shifts. We would have to put our trust in Stephen that if he felt negative feelings or thoughts coming on, he would alert us, ask for our help.

  Daniel and I walked together, his arm wrapped snugly around my shoulder. We both replayed what had transpired that morning in our heads. Suddenly he looked down at me and exclaimed, "You kept a secret from me. Rachel's pregnant. Although, I can see why you wanted to use it for shock value on David."

  David and Rachel were leading the pack and overheard our conversation. Rachel peeked back over her shoulder and gave me a big smile. Daniel wasn't going to let such a monumental event just slide by. Congratulations were in order! He picked up a stone and zipped it at David's head to get his attention.

  David started whistling, messing with Daniel, as if he wasn't even aware a stone just hit him upside the head. That's all it took for the horsing around to begin. Daniel ran up behind David, knocked his knees out, which made him almost fall down, and wrestled him into a headlock. They were playing. Rachel and I rolled our eyes and shook our heads laughing.

  "So, what's this I hear about Rachel getting knocked up?" Daniel jokingly asked, with David still in a headlock. "Are you ready to break the news to her parents?"

  David groaned, "In case you forgot, we are married. And have been for a while. Let go of me, you big lug."

  Daniel very briefly whispered something into David's ear. I almost didn't catch the subtle movement and I didn't have time to enter Daniel's mind to find out what they had planned. Then, David twirled around inside the headlock, broke free and grabbed Daniel's arm that had been wrapped around David's head. He jerked Daniel's arm up behind his back and triumphantly had the upper hand, so to speak. Well, I knew that wasn't going to last very long. Daniel happened to be facing the rest of us at that precise moment. He was having fun with this. He gave everyone this totally confidant, cocky smile, and purposely aimed his facial expressions at Stephen. With the agility of a gymnast; he back-flipped high up over David, which freed Daniel from David's hold. He was now standing behind David and in the blink of an eye, had David thrown flat out on the ground and down for the count. How cool! Daniel won that match, but there was a point being made here, I realized.

  Daniel ruffled David's hair for added teasing, jumped up off of him, extended his hand to David, and pulled him to his feet. They were done roughhousing for the moment. Daniel looked seriously at Stephen and explained, "Do you see what we did here? We were able to release some energy, wrestle around, without having all the aggression and violence mixed in. Stephen, none of us are saying you have to abstain from letting loose every so often. We don't expect you to chain yourself down. As long as you can keep yourself under control, go ahead and transform into the wolf, but do so discreetly and without terrorizing animals and people. David, this has been a learning experience for you, too. We were concerned about losing you to the dark side, but felt it was more peer pressure than anything else that was making you act out in ways you know are not right. Stephen, I really wanted to show you this example of David and myself goofing around, play fighting, if you will, just like wolves do in the wild. Do the two of you understand what I'm getting at here?"

  Stephen, once again, seemed to have made another revelation about how his lifestyle could be changed, improved, and how he could actually have the best of both worlds. He had Abigail back in his life. He could live a peaceful, harmonious existence with her and still be allowed to let some of his wild side free, minus the rage that had accompanied it in the past. Somehow, over time, he had just lost the ability to control his emotions. And now, was regaining that control back, that power, to overcome the werewolf aggression, the animal side of him.

  Stephen responded, "Yeah, I do get it. I see your point. Just don't give up on me. Don't drift too far off..." He looked at me when he said that last part. I nodded at him in support. David nodded in agreement and comprehended the entire situation, too.

  "So, Daniel," Stephen abruptly surprised us with an upbeat tone to his voice and a teasing comment, "Are you trying to freeze your woman to death out here?!"

  I had to put my two cents in and replied, "I wondered about that myself, Stephen!" I turned my eyes to Daniel and continued, "Yes, it sure must be nice possessing that lovely little werewolf trait of walking around in the winter time without feeling the cold! But I'm freezing! Can we go now? Are we there yet?" I smiled like a little kid sitting in the backseat of a car.

  Chapter 24


  Daniel rushed over to warm me up after Stephen's mocking comment that I was freezing. We had been outside for several hours, and I had become much colder as time wore on. I was physically and mentally drained from my heroic act of saving Stephen's soul. Abigail had played a huge part in that, providing the distraction to break down Stephen's mental block and allow me inside his brain to do my work.

  Daniel mentally said to me, I'm sorry, Kara. I forgot how cold you can get. Keep close to me and take in my body warmth. We've only got five minutes to go and we'll be back at Simon's. He felt guilty. I thought it was tremendously sweet.

  You should have been wrestling with me instead of David, while you were proving your point to Stephen. That would have heated me up instantly, I teased.

  Daniel gave me a huge hug, rubbing his hands up and down my back to warm me, and whispered in my ear, "You're putting ideas in my head, baby. Watch what you wish for."

  I announced, "Okay, everybody, let's get going. Did I mention yet how I'm cold, and tired, and starving?"

  I knew Zac would jump in on that last one. He was always hungry. "I totally agree with Kara on starving. It's about 2:00 and we haven't eaten since five this morning. Stephen, you think Simon will feed us? At least toss us a bone? Well, since you're werewolves, you might actually have bones lying around. So, forget the bones, how about real human food?"

  We were trying to draw Stephen into conversations to make him feel part of a group. To be needed, wanted, accepted, to help him stay balanced and not feel like an outcast. He, in reality, was an outcast, one to be carefully watched because of his previous actions. Everyone was still being cautious around Stephen, looking for any signs of violence or wildness waiting to erupt. But, we had to play it cool with Stephen and create an atmosphere of belonging, of friendship, with him. Some of us still feared for his ability to control himself, but we had to give him a chance, and try to trust him.

  Stephen replied, "I'm sure Simon's got plenty of food around to feed you, right, Rachel?"

  As Rachel was Simon's daughter, Stephen figured she would know how stocked up they were with food. She laughed and said, "Mom and Dad always stockpile food. I'm sure they will be ecstatic to throw a little snack attack together for everyone. Especially since we have a few things to celebrate." She glowed with happiness.

  Everyone was silent for a minute, pondering Rachel's comment. It was true. There were several things to celebrate. Stephen's return to sanity, even if he was walking a thin line, at least he was under control for the moment. And Abigail and Stephen resuming their relationship. David had had some sense kicked into him before having the chance to turn too violent from Stephen's bad influence. Rachel's pregnancy was a total shocker. And I would be staying in Kentucky with Daniel. Not everyone knew that yet. In fact, I believe the only ones with that bit of information were Daniel and Dominic.

  We emerged from the heavy tree line into Simon's yard. I can imagine we looked like a small army charging forth to his house. Simon and Lydia immediately flew out the front door and down the steps to greet us. Their eyes scoured over the group, making sure everyone was accounted for. Of course, their daughter, Rachel, was the uppermost priority. Seeing her standing with David and looking very cont
ent, made Simon and Lydia relax instantly.

  Daniel, always in charge, explained, "Simon, old friend, everything has turned out well for the day. But, the humans are cold, tired, some of us have been injured and everyone's starving. Lydia, your daughter insists you can get us something to eat. But, I don't want to be an inconvenience."

  "Heavens, no! I'm thrilled to see everyone here together. This is wonderful!" Lydia was so polite and truly breathing a sigh of relief.

  "Yeah, Mom, we've definitely got some things to be thankful for and need to fill you in on the details," Rachel was about to burst, wanting to spill the beans about being pregnant. But, she knew her mom needed to rush into the house to prepare for the onslaught of all these people. With the super human speed that a werewolf possesses, it wouldn't take Lydia very long to get everything together. Simon had us follow him into the house. He led us to a large family room that could accommodate our group. Rachel decided she better go help her mother whip up some platters of food.

  Simon walked over to Stephen and patted him on the back as a way to say that things would be just fine. Stephen was still feeling awkward and not too sure of himself. Anyone looking at his face could tell that. I touched at Stephen's mind gently, and asked, You doing okay? We're all here for you. Remember that.

  I'm okay. Still confused, but I have held onto the good thoughts you've given me, Stephen replied honestly. I was so glad to have broken through his mental block. We nodded at each other with a mutual understanding.

  Before long, Lydia and Rachel popped around the corner carrying several trays of goodies. I thought Zac's eyes were going to bulge out of his head. It was absolutely hilarious. I had to admit, I was famished, too, and all the finger foods looked so delicious. Everyone filled a plate, settled down and proceeded to pig out. As in the past with meals, most of the time, we would try to get the meal eaten first before diving into massive conversations. And there were a great deal of revelations, discussions, decisions to be made. Simon and Lydia were chomping at the bit wondering what had transpired out in the woods. Our group didn't feel we should discuss every single detail about the actual take down, the fight, between Stephen, Daniel and Isaac. We thought that would be difficult for Stephen to listen to, as it was so intense and emotional, and he didn't need to live through it again by the rest of us talking about it while he just sat there.


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