CBS News, 37
censorship, 134, 140—53, 342, 346—58
Center for Media and Public Affairs, 24
Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942), 147—49
checks and balances, system of, 109
Cheever, Susan, 208
Chelmsford (MA) High School, 159
Cheney, Lynne, 254, 304
Chesterton, G. K., 133
Chicago, University of, 48n
Chicago Tribune, 229
Child Pornography Prevention Act (1996), 349
Communist victory in, 19
human rights problems in, 284
Japanese aggression against, 91
Chinese immigrants, 299
Christian Coalition, 336
Christianity, 255, 272—74, 276, 280, 294, 338
blacks and, 164
in Dark Ages, 334—35
feminists and, 287
heretical, 27—28, 54, 291—92
morality and, 142, 278, 293
shared beliefs of, 93
Cincinnati, University of, 246
Citadel, The, 108
Civil Rights Act (1964), 106, 227, 231, 242—43
civil rights movement, 25, 51, 230, 231
incendiary rhetoric of, 156
civil society, 327—28
Clark, Kenneth, 335
Clark, Ramsey, 19
Clay, Henry, 255
Cleopatra, 245
Clinton, Bill, 2, 38, 61, 73, 87, 115, 179, 183, 208, 284, 309, 338—41
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 2, 54, 86—88
Cohen v. California (1971), 99
Cold War, 26, 34, 283
Collier, Peter, 25
Colorado, constitution of, 112—14
Colorado, University of, 293
Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group, 132
Columbia University, 24, 36, 208
Columbus, Christopher, 254, 303
Commissioner’s Task Force on Minorities in New York, 302
Communists, 312
American, 24, 31
faith system of, 85
Soviet, 94
support of clergy for, 283
Vietnamese, 19
Compassion in Dying v. State of Washington (1995), 110—11
Comstock, Anthony, 60
Congress. U.S., 55, 255, 261, 284, 289 339
abortion and, 182
affirmative action and, 242
bureaucracies and, 324, 325
feminists and, 220, 225
Supreme Court and, 109, 115—17
Connerly, Ward, 243
conspiracy theories, 229
Constitution, U.S., 57, 97, 98, 100—101, 105, 106, 109, 112, 114—19, 173, 227, 254, 298, 306—7, 319, 321, 329
balanced budget amendment to, 270
English-only amendment to, 302
First Amendment, 98—102, 108, 113, 138.140, 147—49, 152, 289, 290
Second Amendment, 152, 166n
Fifth Amendment, 118
Tenth Amendment, 270
Thirteenth Amendment, 245
Fourteenth Amendment, 36, 105, 107, 110, 111, 118
contraception, 178, 280
Cornell University, 43—44, 48, 216
corporations, 327
affirmative action in, 234
diversity training in, 215
Council on Crime, 164—66, 169
Court of Appeals, U.S.
Second Circuit, 111
Ninth Circuit, 110—11, 187
crack cocaine, 161
Crandall, Candace C., 179
Crick, Francis, 175
crime, 3, 104, 154—58, 164—71, 326, 342
family and, 205
popular culture and, 127, 131
Cuba, Communist victory in, 19
Cuomo, Mario, 291
Dadaism, 130
Dante, 306
Dark Ages, 334—35
Darwin, Charles, 281, 294
date rape, accusations of. 215
Days of Rage, 30
Dean, James, 1
death penalty, 165, 172
Death with Dignity Act (Oregon, 1994), 187
Declaration of Independence, 56—58, 63—64, 66—67, 98, 320
Decter, Midge. 24, 194, 228
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 375
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 82, 272—73
Democratic Party, 7, 55, 130, 160, 282, 333
1968 National Convention of, 18
DePaul University, 309—10
Desert Storm, 221
Dickinson, Emily, 212
die, right to, 110—11
Dilulio, John, 161, 164, 165, 168—69
dinosaurs, extinction of, 261—62
diversity, 240
training in, 215
see also multiculturalism
divorce, 154, 157—58.204, 276, 340
Catholic church’s teachings on, 280
Dole, Robert, 130, 141, 143
domestic violence, 206, 207, 284
Donaldson, Sam, 191
Donohue, William A., 97
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 173, 318
drugs, 3, 50, 161, 340
blacks and, 229
due process clause, 107, 118
Dukakis, Michael, 243
Durkheim, Emile, 3
Eastland, Terry, 233
Edison, Thomas, 255
education, 342
bilingual, 301—2
decline of standards in, 250—55
feminism v., 208—18
higher, see universities
multiculturalism in, 302—13
power to discipline in, 104—5
Education, U.S. Department of, 216
Civil Rights Office, 236
egalitarianism, radical, 5, 10, 11, 30, 54, 66—82, 150, 154, 332
abortion and, 183
blacks and, 230
crime and, 166
and decline of intellect, 250—52, 256, 259, 265—68
and denigration of white males, 235
feminism and, 201
government bureaucracies and, 321—28
of intellectual class, 88, 93
judiciary, 105—8
religion and, 281, 286, 292
resistance to, 342
Egypt, ancient, 244, 245
Einstein, Albert, 255
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1, 76, 77
elderly, euthanasia of, 191
Eliot, T.S., 61—62
elites, selection of, 78
Ellington, Duke, 124
English language
immigrants and, 300—302
standard v. “black,” 307
Enlightenment, the. 4.58, 61.63—64, 92, 94, 276
Enola Gay (bomber), 90
environmentalism, 53, 274, 282
envy, 25, 68—69, 73—76
avoidance of, 93
Episcopal Church, 284, 286
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 236
equality, see egalitarianism equal protection clause, 105—8. 111, 113
Equal Rights Amendment, 324—25
Essay on Pauperism (Tocqueville), 160
Estrich, Susan. 243
ethnicity, cult of, 300
ethnic studies programs, 209, 244, 267
Eurocentrism, 297, 307, 311—12
European Union, 208
euthanasia, 172.185—92
evangelical movement, 286, 293, 336
evolution, theory of, 281, 294
exceptions clause, 116
exclusionary rule. 104
expression, freedom of, 99—100, 131, 147—48
expressive individualism, 88
Fair Deal, 67
Faludi, Susan, 207—8
family, feminism versus, 203—5, 224
Farrahkan, Louis, 226, 227, 229
fascism. 46—48, 94.153, 312
as faith system, 85
feminism and. 201, 202
rejection of rationality in, 264
nbsp; Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), 40, 341
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 106—7
Federalist Papers, 297
feminism, 53, 55, 125, 193—225, 228, 282.298, 299
and abortion rights, 179, 183
armed forces conquered by, 218—23
and decline of intellect, 251, 253, 267
intellectual collapse of, 198—200
multiculturalism and, 306, 307.311
politics and mood of, 200—203
religion and, 206, 284, 287—89
v. education. 208—18, 244
v. facts, 206—8
v. family, 203—5
Ferguson, Colin, 246
fetal tissue research, 183
Fight for the Water Hole, The (Remington), 90
Finley, Karen, 203
flag desecration, 55, 99—101, 116
Fonda, Jane, 19—20, 86
Ford, Gerald R., 200
Fortas, Abe, 101
Fortune Magazine, 95
irrationality in, 264n
student rebellion in, 17
Frankfurter, Felix, 118
fraternity, hope for, 296—313
Free Speech movement, 26
French Revolution, 29—30, 296, 317
Freud, Sigmund, 281, 294
Friedan, Betty, 204
Fuchs, Michael, 131
Fumento, Michael, 189, 190
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 334
Gallagher, Maggie, 138—39, 223, 224
gangs, 157
gangsta rap, 132, 143
Gardner, James, 92, 129, 130
gated communities, 334
gay and lesbian studies, 208, 267
gays, see homosexuality
gender norming, 221
gender perspective, 196—98, 205
genetic differences, 267
German immigrants, 297, 299
Germany, 222
millenarianism in, 28
Nazi, see Nazis
student rebellion in, 17
Gershwin, George, 124
Gershwin, Ira, 124
Gilder, George, 137
Gitlin, Todd, 23, 24
Glassman, James K., 322
Glendon, Mary Ann, 98
Glynn, Patrick, 295
Goldberg, Danny, 131—32
Goldberg, Steven, 211—12
Goldman Sachs, 51—52
Gomez, Carlos F, 189—90
Goodman, Benny, 124
Goodman, Ellen, 219
Goodman, Walter, 128
Goya, Francisco, 216, 217
Graglia, Lino, 114, 318—19
Grammy Awards, 132
Grant, Ulysses S., 255
Gray, John, 200, 320
Great Depression, 8, 22, 36, 88, 336
Great Society, 67
Greece, ancient, 244, 245
Greenberg, Paul. 101
Gregory, Dick, 227
Grenier, Richard, 80n, 86
Gross, Paul R., 265, 268
Grutter v. Bollinger, 358—59, 361
Gulf War, 91, 221, 222, 285
gun control, 166—67
Gunther, Gerald, 118
Guttmacher Institute, 180—81
Hackney, Sheldon, 309
Haggard, Merle, 342
Hand, Learned, 118
happiness, pursuit of, 56—65
Harper v. Virginia State Board of Elections (1966), 105
Hart, Gary. 221
Hart, Johnny, 291
Harvard University, 84, 98, 241, 242, 282, 334
Law School, 214
Hasidim, 107n
hate rock, 135
Hawaii, Supreme Court of, 112
Hayden, Tom, 26—27, 30, 87
Hayek, Friedrich, 83, 332—33
Hayes office, 141
health insurance, 322—23
heavy metal, 134—35
hedonism, 8, 11, 34, 51.281
Hefner, Hugh. 138
Heilbrun, Carolyn, 208
Hendin, Herbert, 188, 191
Heritage Foundation, 221
Herrnstein, Richard, 267—68
Hersey, John, 43
Hickey, Adm. Robert, 219—20
Higher Superstition (Gross and Levitt), 265
Hills, Carla, 200
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 59, 60, 268
Hippies, 50
Hiroshima, atomic bombing of, 90
Hispanics, 107, 212, 299
bilingual education for, 301
multiculturalism and, 302, 304, 309
preferential treatment of, 236, 239—41
Hispanic studies, 208
Hitchcock, James, 280, 292
Hue, Shere, 204—5
Hitler, Adolf, 102, 191
Ho Chi Minh, 19
Hofstadter. Richard. 251, 265
Hollander, Paul, 89, 262, 333
Hollywood, see movies
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 101—2, 334
home-schooling movement, 334
homicide, see murder
homosexuality, 53, 55, 103—4, 112—14, 298, 325, 363—77
and AIDS, 229
and feminism, 197
and multiculturalism, 304, 309, 311
and popular culture, 127, 129
and religion, 286, 288
sensitivity training about, 216
Horowitz, David, 25, 221
Hot, Sexy and Safer Products, 159
House of Representatives, U.S., 206, 289
Housing and Urban Development. U.S. Department of, 200
Howard, Gerald, 23—24
Hultgreen, Lt. Kara, 219—20
humanism, secular, 276, 295
Humphrey, Hubert, 231
Hussein, Saddam, 91
Iannone, Carol, 196
Ice-T, 125
identity politics, 195
Ideologies of Desire (book series), 212—13
illegitimacy, 3, 143, 154—64, 170, 276, 340
immigration, 296—302, 311
illegal, 243, 299
inclusive language, 287—89
income tax, progressive, 70—73
Indians, 90, 212, 254, 255, 323
affirmative action for, 223
multiculturalism and, 302, 304, 306—7, 309
individualism, radical, 5—6, 8, 11, 30, 88, 154, 331—32
abortion and, 183
and decline of intellect, 253, 256, 259, 267
historical sources of, 56—65
judicial, 98—105, 110—14, 140
popular culture and, 129, 133, 134, 152
religion and, 273, 281, 292
resistance to, 342
Indonesia, 300
Inevitability of Patriarchy, The (Goldberg), 211
infanticide, 178, 182, 183
Institute on Religion and Democracy, 206, 284
intellect, decline of, 250—71
intellectual class, 10, 52, 83—95, 321, 328, 334
British, 97
Equal Rights Amendment favored by, 324
and multiculturalism, 303
and popular culture, 133, 134
and religion, 277, 282, 289, 294
Internet, 135—38, 140, 147
Iraq, 91, 221, 222
Irish immigrants, 297, 299
Irish monasteries, 334—35
Iroquois Confederacy, 306—7
Islam, 208, 253, 299—300, 311
kibbutz movement in, 199, 223
women in armed forces in, 222, 223
Italian immigrants, 297, 299
fascist, 47, 94
student rebellion in, 17
Izvestia, 247
Jackson, Jesse, 227, 247, 352
Jackson, Michael, 128, 134, 135
ethical standards in, 276
in World War II, 90—91
Jarrell, Randall, 322
Jay, John, 297
jazz, 124
Jefferson, Thoma
s, 56—59, 66—67
Jencks, Christopher, 20
Jesuits, 288
Jews, 280
blacks and, 245
discrimination against, see anti-Semitism
immigration of, 297, 299
Nazi persecution of, 47
job stability, 322
John Paul II, Pope, 294, 337
Johnson, Lyndon, 20, 67, 233, 243
Johnson, Paul, 28, 164, 246, 295
Jones, Thomas, 44
Jouvenal, Bertrand de, 74, 81
Judaism, 142, 278, 294
Orthodox, 336
Justice Department, U.S., 261
Civil Rights Division of, 236
just wage doctrine. 279
juvenile justice system, 164, 168
Kalven, Harry, Jr., 70—71
Kelly, Michael, 87
Kennedy, Anthony, 214, 349
Kennedy, John F., 226
Kent State University, 44—46
Kerouac, Jack, 1
Kevorkian, Jack, 186
kibbutz movement, 199, 223
Kimball, Roger, 130
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 305
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 200, 352
Klein, Calvin, 125—26
Knight, Robert, 221
Knippers, Diane, 206
Koertge, Norecta, 195—96, 201, 209, 211
Korean War, 18, 19
Krauthammer, Charles, 3—4, 184—83
Kristol, Elizabeth, 187
Kristol, Irving, 23, 63, 70, 160, 276
Ku Klux Klan, 255
Kurtz, Paul, 270
Kuwait, 91
Kwakiutl Indians, 323
Labor Department, U.S., 88
Labour Party, British, 97
LaFollette, Robert, 118
Landolphi, Suzanne, 159
English, see English language inclusive, 287—89
Lasch, Christopher, 6, 68, 69, 142, 240, 274, 279
Lawrence v. Texas, 364—66, 374
Lawson, Dominic, 246—47
Lee, Robert E., 255
Lee v. Weisman (1992), 102
Lefever, Ernest W., 283
Lefkowitz, Mary, 244, 245
legitimacy, crisis of, 109
Lehman, David, 268
Leo, John, 126, 130, 138, 141, 306—7, 353
Lerner, Michael, 87—88
lesbianism, 197, 202, 205, 213—14
religion and, 286, 288
Letter to the Alumni, A (Hersey), 43
Levi, Edward, 261
Levin, Gerald M., 131
Levitt, Norman, 263, 268
Lewis, C. S., 274—75, 278, 338
Liberal Parents, Radical Children (Decter), 24
liberation theology, 282
Liberia, 300
libertarians, 150
liberty, rage for, 56—65
Lichter, S. Robert, 24
Limbaugh, Rush, 246—47
Lincoln, Abraham, 318
Lincoln-Douglas debates, 270
Lind, William S., 221
Lipset, Seymour Martin, 92—93
Little, Joyce, 287
Locke, John, 58, 247, 306
logocentrism, 264
Los Angeles ‘limes, 291
Loury, Glenn, 227
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 76—77
Machiavelli. Niccolo, 247
Slouching Towards Gomorrah Page 45