Bella (A Sagatori family saga-A Mafia Romance Book 6)

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Bella (A Sagatori family saga-A Mafia Romance Book 6) Page 3

by Kimberly Blalock

  Anthony laughed, “Almost home.”

  I tightly closed my eyes waiting to land.

  The plane hit the ground with a powerful force slowing after several moments of intense grinding.

  “You can breathe now.” Tony chuckled again while tapping on my shoulder.

  “Thanks,” I said sarcastically. I really hated to fly. The only time it was even somewhat bearable was if Jax were sitting next to me. That was the only time I was comfortable on a plane or anywhere for the matter.

  “It’s safer in the air than it is in a car. There’re more accidents on the road than the sky.” He unbuckled his seatbelt standing once the crew had rose from their seats.

  I stuffed my iPad and phone into my bag and unbuckled my own seatbelt. “But the likelihood of surviving a car accident far surpasses the likelihood of surviving a plane accident. If the plane goes down you’re not coming back from that one.” I raised a brow.

  His eyes lifted to the left as he considered what I’d said. “You’ve got me there.”

  “Exactly.” I preened as the crew ushered us off Jax’s plane.

  Once we were on solid ground, I sighed a breath of relief. Tony held the door signaling for me to enter the black Yukon. His walk was guarded, as he stood close. I’d known Tony my entire life. He was a surrogate brother, which made it easy for me to recognize when something was off. He’d drummed his fingers nervously with worry. I shook my head turning to the right gazing out of the darkly tinted window. He wouldn’t tell me what worried him just like Jax wouldn’t. Everyone in my family kept something from me on a daily basis.

  We drove in silence to the penthouse, three SUV’s following with the one I was in being in the center. I rested my head against the warm glass watching as the trees quickly passed. A white car drove along the side; a little girl playing with a toy as she sat in her car seat, her parents in the front holding hands.

  They had a normal life, he probably worked as a banker or insurance agent while she was likely a schoolteacher or stay at home mother, I imagined. There were no guards, no one at risk of getting shot or harmed because of what he did for a living. They could freely travel alone as a family and embrace one another without someone watching their every move.

  My palm covered the left side of my face shielding the saddened expression I’d felt paint my face. I drew in a deep breath readjusting into the leather seat. We were only a mile from the penthouse, and I needed to decide what I would do once I arrived.

  Would I stay? Would I go? I wouldn’t go, and as much as I hated that Jax had spoken to me with such dominance, I’d also grown up in this life. Living in the presence of the boss of bosses my entire life groomed me for what was to come. Being the wife of the boss came with certain responsibilities. I knew that, I did, but I didn’t like it; I didn’t like any of it. I wanted Jax to throw his jacket on the chair when he came home from work, sip a brandy, and tell me about his day while I lay my head in his lap.

  The three vehicles pulled through the security gates of the parking garage in unison as each one bounced over the metal threshold. My eyes fixed on the familiar surroundings of the garage seeing vehicles I’d seen every day. I was attempting to focus on something other than what I knew I’d needed to. The velocity of what had happened in Detroit was beyond measure. How was I going to continue in this marriage after what had happened?

  I sighed feeling the car complete its stop at the entrance to the building.

  The driver, whom I didn’t know, gave a slight turn nodding as he unlocked the doors. I didn’t speak, not even a breath left my lips as my heels scratched against the concrete below me.

  “Ma’am.” Able, one of Jax’s men, nodded as he held the door. I didn’t know him and honestly I couldn’t have cared less about him just then. I’d normally have nodded or politely smiled thanking him, but the feelings for good decency had been washed away. I was empty and void of all emotion.

  I began stepping toward the elevator, hearing my heels clank with each step. Tony remained close and as we approached the elevator, he swiped the keycard underneath the red scanner. Quickly the door opened revealing an empty box I’d once again be forced into. With another sigh I stepped inside and stood gripping my bag below my waist at my front.

  The elevator held only Tony and myself and yet I didn’t feel any more relieved that those men weren’t hovering over me. I wanted to be completely alone, a bath, maybe sleep until I could feel something other than emptiness.

  Tony held his hands in front of himself as he drummed his fingers along the dorsal of the other. Something was off—strange, my life was changing. MY LIFE! And yet, no one offered an explanation. I shook off the thought knowing it was futile. My position in this life meant I’d never know. I wanted to be angry, I wanted to force him to tell me something, anything, but I didn’t feel anger, I felt… nothing.

  I took a deep breath forcing the stale air that lingered inside the elevator into my lungs, dropped my head, and closed my eyes. Eventually the doors opened presenting the entrance of the empty penthouse. Likely, Alessandra was home, but I hoped she wasn’t.

  My bag dragged alongside as I walked through the opened door it catching the jamb as I entered. The loud clank of keys and a thud from the door echoed in the silence of… home.

  A hand—guarded— sat upon my shoulder. “You okay?” Tony asked.

  My hidden expression was flat—monotone—without feeling. I stared at the mirror Jax straightened his tie in every morning still as an image of me standing beside him played in my mind— me at his left, him at my right, a smile resting on his lips, and a raised brow reminding me of the amazing night we’d had.

  I wasn’t okay.

  I drew in a breath feeling it catch before my lungs had completely filled. I tried to speak, to say something, anything that would make me feel strong. I supposed I knew it wouldn’t matter—the words would almost certainly have no meaning, no distraction from the—nothing I’d felt.

  “Bella?” Tony’s hand fell from my shoulder as I stepped forward in approach of the stairs.

  Without a word spoken I clung to my bag as I continued dragging it alongside. I slowly ascended the stairs to my room two doors standing tall on either side of me after my climb. I slipped deeper into a dazed state the longer and further I was away from Jax, the numbness beginning to consume me. Why wasn’t I angry? Why wasn’t I… sad? Why wasn’t I there, coveting him, from whatever it was that threatened us?

  I tucked loose strands of hair behind my ear letting my hand fall to my tummy—the tiny baby bump. I drew in a deep breath and turned to my room opening the door slipping inside. A hole remained in the wall from before we’d left. I smoothed my fingers along the drywall that surrounded the broken and jagged indention. He’d been upset when he’d smashed this. He knew something bad was coming. He’d warned me so many times not to leave Papa’s house. I dropped my hand from the wall fully entering the room.

  I slipped my shoes off dropping my bag onto the floor along the way. Unfolding the blue satin and floral duvet I slipped in between the cool silky sheets. With a deep breath his scent filled my lungs pulling at me. I wrapped my arm over his pillow in hopes to feel closer to him as I slid it to my chest squeezing tightly. The first warm tear slid against my cool cheek as my eyes closed sending me into the darkness of sleep.

  I was exhausted, drained. My insides were numb as I slipped further into my subconscious. His face—the perfection of his silhouette—the hardness of his stare coveted me and brought me the comfort I craved. His comfort and protection were the only things I craved more than my own life. I loved him.


  “Bella?” I heard while feeling a soft nudge on my shoulder.

  The voice was low as if she wasn’t sure that waking me was entirely the right decision. I wasn’t ready to face the world yet as my subconscious fell back into the darkness.


  An uncomfortable pain and grumble from hunger followed with a kick from Ennio woke me
from my sleep. I blinked trying to gain focus on the room as I pressed my palm against Jax’s pillow while lifting my head.

  The room filled with darkness whereas when I’d fallen asleep light from the sun had filled it. I had hoped I’d at least sleep till morning. Needing to eat and use the restroom, I stood from the bed and padded across the room. Once I’d finished I padded through the room and out of the door. The entire apartment was silent and dark.

  Passing the living room, I turned toward the kitchen excited to fill my starving tummy. The cool stone floor chilled my toes as I searched through the fridge for anything that could sate my hunger. Three small covered dishes sat front and center filled with food.

  “Oh,” I said removing the closest investigating its contents. Pasta with red sauce filled the small container. “This will do nicely.” I smiled.

  After microwaving the food, I padded across the apartment seeing Tony sleeping on the couch. I smiled, sat my dish on the small table next to the couch, and covered him with a throw blanket.

  Once I was certain I hadn’t disturbed him, I continued to Jax’s office. I liked going there when he was gone. I suppose I felt close to him there—his personal space that had been christened by him and I many times over. I clutched my food dish in one hand turning the handle with the other. Immediately his fragrance hit my senses. A smile formed on my lips thinking he’d gotten home within the last few hours I’d been sleeping, but I knew that would be impossible if he were going to fix whatever had been going on.

  My smile quickly faded to a soft frown as I fully took in the empty room. I flipped on Nessum dorma and curled inside of Jax’s leather chair enjoying the sounds as they filled the room.

  I finished my food long after the song had ended resting the dish on the shiny desk. I drew in a deep breath closing my eyes as I curled back into his chair once more falling asleep.


  “She must be exhausted.”

  “I’ll put her into bed.”

  “No—leave her be. She’s there to be close to him.”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  I heard Alessandra’s soft voice. I wanted to open my eyes and acknowledge the two in the room, but I couldn’t.

  “Let me repay your kindness.” I heard a kind male voice—Tony—say with the pressure of a blanket covering my body. “Sleep well, Bella.”


  My neck screamed as I repositioned myself inside of Jax’s chair. “Oh!” I winced, waking as the muscle I’d pulled crippled me.

  The door quickly opened. “You okay?” Dominic flung himself at me with worry. “Is something wrong?”

  I blinked rapidly seeing only his dark eyes. “I’m—yeah, it’s just a pulled muscle.” I placed my palm on his suit-clad chest pushing him back.

  “Oh sorry.” He stood to his feet reaching his full height.

  “What time is it?” I slid my foot from under my bottom placing it to the floor.

  “Ten in the morning.”

  “Oh I must’ve been tired to sleep in this chair for the few hours I did.”

  He laughed. “You’ve been asleep in this chair for a full day and two before that in your bed.”


  “Yeah, it’s been a few days.”

  I jumped to my feet. “What?” I panicked, quickly regretting it as I had to pee. The baby was probably starved and jumping on my bladder seemed the likely retaliation.

  I quickly made my way to the guest bathroom closing the newly fixed door, barely making it to get my business completed. I emerged from the bathroom once again feeling refreshed. I stretched smelling something amazing in the air.

  Dominic followed on my heels as I crossed the penthouse laughing under his breath. The kitchen filled with the most glorious aroma I’d ever smelled in my entire life.

  As I padded deeper into the kitchen, I saw Alessandra working. “What are you cooking?” I leaned in filling my nose.

  She jumped letting an Italian curse word escape. “Isabella! You’ll give this old woman a heart attack.”

  Dominic joined Tony at the table while I leaned in on the fresh croissants. “Wow, they smell amazing!” I grinned.

  “My dear, you must be starving half to death.” She reached into the cabinet presenting a small plate. I’d started eating the warm croissant before the plate clanked against the countertop. “Well, I see I was right.”

  “Sorry,” I said with a large bite stuffed inside of my mouth.

  “I’ll make you a full breakfast.” She raised a finger hurrying through the kitchen finding eggs then bacon inside the fridge.

  I turned toward Tony and Dominic. “Where is Jax?” Clearly by sleeping as much as I had I’d been exhausted, but now I was fully rested. I wanted to know where my husband was.

  “Check your phone,” Sal said as he entered the kitchen catching everyone’s attention.

  I quickly padded through the apartment ascending the stairs to my room. I searched the floor for my bag seeing that it was no longer there. I searched across the room finding it lay on the chair near the large window. Alessandra had clearly been in here cleaning up.

  I reached inside pulling my phone into my palm. Fourteen missed calls and twenty-two texts.

  Emily had called three times and Jax eleven. I began searching through the texts seeing Jax had asked me to call him over and over. I nervously stared at the phone not knowing why I feared whatever it was he would say.

  I pressed the call button holding the cold phone to my ear.

  “Bella.” Jax answered almost immediately.

  I breathed feeling my heart flutter inside my chest. “Hey.” My voice cracked.

  Silence filled the phone.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. No—I’m not fine.” I heard a familiar song in the background taking me from what I was admitting. “Is that Madam Butterfly?”

  “Yes.” Just as he spoke the voice lifted an octave followed with the orchestra.

  Neither of us spoke as the song played.

  “Jax, I need you to come home. I need you to come home now.” I fought every emotion I’d been without three days ago.

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can be.” He was usually vague with those responses, our phones were likely tapped.

  “There’s a lot that needs to be said.”

  “Bella—” I could hear a loud noise—a car motor— in the background. “—I’m not going into this.” His voice muffled into the phone.

  “When you’re home?”

  A rustling noise came from Jax’s end of the call. “No.” He became silent. “I’ve gotta go, I’ll call later.” He disconnected the call without a goodbye or I love you.

  “Bye…” I stared at the phone I gripped in between my fingers.

  I tossed the phone back into my bag and headed into the kitchen. I was starved and knew Alessandra had been making breakfast. I’d deal with Jax after my energy was up and I’d gotten a shower.


  The metal door clicked as I entered seeing Rebecca. She was fried from Victor’s persuasive techniques. Her blonde hair stuck against her sweaty face while her head rested against the chair.

  Victor had been in and out of the room for three days trying to get what he could from her. He stood from a small metal chair moments after I’d entered.

  Slipping his round glasses from his face he approached. “Got a lot in that pretty little head of hers.” He nodded toward Rebecca. I waited for him to continue. He cleared his throat as he began, “Two Russians approached her days before her car exploded. Told her she was in danger, showed proof.”

  “Proof?” I rubbed at my clenched my jaw.

  “Said they had audio.” His brows rose as he eyed me.

  “And?” I crossed my arms leaning on the wall.

  He reached for a yellow rope twisting it over his hand. “After they showed her their proof, she agreed to go with them. She’s been with them since.”

  I squinted my brows. “She said she was working f
or Bella’s father.”

  “Nah, I don’t think that meant anything. She never did give in on that one.”

  “She just made that shit up?”

  His brows rose as he turned to her. “Trust me, if there were anything there she would’ve given it up. The real question is why she’s here now.” He twisted the rope between his fingers looking up to me again. “But you know that already, don’t you?”

  No one knew of the secret I shared with Anthony Sagatori on his deathbed. And no one had known before him, no one but Bella’s actual father—the Russian president. He had contacted Anthony shortly before his assassination. He’d hoped Bella would be safe within the Italian family. He’d figured the men that wanted him dead would never look for her there and since Bella’s mother who’d died giving birth to her was Italian, he assumed she’d easily pass as Anthony’s child.

  “I have no fucking clue.”

  “If you say so.” Victor’s presence was always a quiet one, but if you knew him at all, you’d see that right then he didn’t believe my bullshit. But he didn’t need too, no one did.

  “I do say so.”

  He shrugged. “Okay, but—”

  “But what?”

  He shook his head then skimmed his hand through his dark messy hair. “Jax, I think you got a bigger problem here. I think they’ve been using her, and now—” he squinted, “—here she is.” He jerked his head toward Becca. “And here you are workin’ her up just like they’d had to of known you would, all while—” he stopped mid-sentence, “—whatever it is they want from you they just might be getting it.”

  Thoughts, visions— whatever the fuck they were— flashed one after the other. They sent Becca here and— “And Bella!” I had never in my life felt my heart fall like it did when I realized what why she was here. If they’d wanted her alive, they wouldn’t have sent her here. Likely, killing her, is exactly what they thought I’d do. But that would take me from Bella. The fact that I’d been here for days without her had me at a disadvantage.

  “Jax?” Victor asked as I hurried into my pocket for my phone.

  “Get my plane fueled. I want to fly out as soon as I get there.” I didn’t even wait for a response before disconnecting the call.


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