Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide

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Best of Both: When You Just Can't Decide Page 5

by Miranda Forbes

  Suddenly she is standing over me. I raise my eyes to meet hers and my jaw drops. Her presence is overwhelming. Her energy is heavy, raw, and she even smells like sex. She smiles at me and there is a demure innocence about her that I hadn’t noticed from a distance. I smile back. At least, I think I smile back.

  ‘Hey, can I bum a cigarette?’ she asks.

  ‘Um, I don’t smoke.’

  ‘Oh.’ She pulls out the chair beside me and sits down, crossing her long legs. I resist the urge to stare at the milky white skin between her stockings and her skirt. ‘Do you mind?’ she says as she is breaking off the corner of the half-eaten brownie on my plate.

  ‘Go ahead.’

  When she pops the pastry into her mouth I catch a glimpse of not one, but two piercings. Wet silver balls glimmering against her tongue. ‘You’re here a lot,’ she states.


  ‘What are you writing?’ she leans over to get a better view of my computer screen.

  ‘A screenplay.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘You?’ I ask as I motion towards her table in the corner.

  ‘The same.’

  ‘Of course.’

  We smile in camaraderie. Screenwriters are a dime a dozen here in the city of angels. ‘I wouldn’t have guessed that,’ I continued. ‘I thought you were probably an actress, or a model. You have a very unique look.’

  She laughs but her brown eyes darken. ‘Oh I am. Or I was. A model.’ She lifts her hands and indicates quotations on the word model.

  ‘Anyway, I need a smoke. See you later. I’m Scarlet by the way.’ She holds out her hand, nails painted red, and I take it.

  * * *

  Sitting alone in my small bedroom I do an internet image search with the words ‘goth model scarlet.’ I find her on the sixth page. I click on the image and it takes me to a website for fetish and BDSM porn.

  She is sitting on a couch, her legs spread wide, her white skin illuminating my dark room. Her full breasts are falling out the top of a corset, large pink nipples soft and hard at the same time. Her long black hair is in pigtails. Her pussy is shaved, plump pink lips spread apart by clamps attached to leather bindings. Her face is upturned towards a man who is holding a flogger. Her lips are parted and wet. And even though she is tied with her hands behind her back, she radiates power.

  I reach my fingers between my legs, almost angry to find how wet I am. But I begin stroking myself anyway. I imagine how it would feel to kiss her wetness. Wondering how she might taste. I lick my own juices off my fingers and moan.

  I imagine that I am the one standing over her. That I am the one holding the flogger that is striking her pale skin. I imagine the leather hitting her large breasts. I imagine the way she would scream as I flogged her there, between her legs. I imagine her spread before me, tied and helpless. I close my eyes and come hard. I come in waves of desperation and guilt. And afterwards I spend too long staring at her picture. Entranced. Just as I am in reality.

  A week later I am walking home from the post office with a package tucked beneath my arm. It’s a nice autumn day so I take the longer route home. I haven’t seen her for days and the longer route takes me past the coffee shop.

  Sure enough, she is sitting outside, scribbling away in her notebook. Our eyes meet and my breath catches. She is dressed in a schoolgirl outfit: a short plaid skirt, a white blouse, and a clearly visible black bra beneath. She waves at me, bouncing in her chair.

  As we greet one another I glance nervously from her face to my feet, swallowing hard as I think of the images saved on my laptop. She talks a mile a minute, telling me all about the “idiot hipster wannabe” she just broke up with.

  ‘Hey, do you want to go get a drink? I need a fucking beer or something,’ she says, as she begins scooping up her piles of paper and stuffing them into her bag. I nod my head stupidly and follow her, feeling a bit like a teenage boy in love.

  Soon we are seated in a booth at a nearby dive bar. She is still talking about her ex and I am nodding in sympathy. But all I can think about is touching her. I have never wanted to touch a woman, but that doesn’t matter. I want to kiss her. To reach my hands beneath her shirt and squeeze her breasts. To slip my fingers beneath her skirt and explore the folds that she so readily shows to the world.

  ‘What’s in the package?’ she suddenly blurts out mid-sentence.

  Immediately I turn the colour of the wine in my glass, the colour of her name. I pull the package closer against my hip. ‘Oh, I …’

  ‘What?’ She smiles slyly and raises an eyebrow. ‘You’re blushing! It’s something naughty, isn’t it?’ I love the way she says that word. Naughty. How her mouth opens wider and her pitch rises. ‘Oooo can I see?’

  I swallow hard and nod, slipping the large manila envelope across the table. She rips it open and pulls out the black flogger that I ordered online.

  ‘Mmm, this is a nice one,’ she coos as she runs the leather strips across her palm. ‘So is this for you, or for your boyfriend?’

  My fingers caress the stem of my wine glass. ‘Actually, I don’t have a boyfriend.’

  ‘Hmmm.’ She bites her lower lip in a delicious manner and my pussy begins to throb. Maybe it’s how unbelievable this scene is, or maybe it’s just the wine, but I suddenly feel light headed. I start to giggle.

  She cocks her head and smiles in response. ‘You’re cute,’ she says brightly, and I am amazed at how someone can be so childlike and so sexual at the same time. ‘Are you a top or a bottom?’

  ‘I’m sorry?’

  ‘Are you submissive or dominant? Do you like to be in control, or to be controlled?’ Her eyes look smoky now, and she is slowly stroking the long handle of the flogger.

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Of course you do. Why else would you buy this? Are you bi?’

  ‘I … don’t know.’

  She looks at me, a long silent moment, and then, her voice ripe with promise, ‘Do you want to find out?’

  We enter her apartment and I follow her into the bedroom. Though it reminds me more of a dungeon than a bedroom. Hooks and straps and other various instruments that I can’t name hang from the walls.

  My breath is shallow, my heart is racing and my pussy is soaking.

  She walks up to me, takes my hands, and places them on the soft curves of her breasts. Our lips meet and I can’t believe how yielding hers are. How soft and sensual our kisses are. It’s so different than kissing a man.

  I run my hands over her breasts, and she moans as my fingers skim her nipples. I squeeze her breasts, knead them, and her moans grow deeper. I kiss her harder, feeling the heat of her mouth and the smooth metal of the piercings against my tongue. My hands drift down to cup her arse beneath her skirt. Somehow I am not surprised to find she is not wearing any underwear. Her skin is smooth and warm, and I pull her soft body harder against my own.

  Soon our hands our everywhere. With fumbling fingers I unbutton the top buttons of her blouse, then yank down her bra to expose her beautiful full breasts. She is looking up at me, wide eyed, waiting, and I don’t think I have ever seen anything so lovely. I take her nipple into my mouth and suck. She moans and arches her back. I bite her, gently at first and she squeals. I bite harder.

  ‘Do you want to tie me up?’ she asks, though it sounds more like a request than a question.

  I nod. She strips naked then shows me how to tie the bindings that hang from the posts of her bed. In a few moments she is spread eagle, just as I have imagined her in my fantasies. But this is far better.

  I am standing over her and I can hear the blood pumping through my veins. I feel a strange sense of power that is both unfamiliar and welcome. Slowly I run my hands over every inch of her perfect body. She squirms and moans as I dip my fingers in between the lips of her cunt. I spread her wetness onto her clit and tease her. And then, I don’t know why I do it, but I slap her pussy. Hard. She cries out, but her cry is followed by a breathy, ‘yes.’

bsp; I slap both her breasts. Her nipples harden even more. I pinch her nipples and pull on them, watching as her face twists in ecstasy. ‘Harder, please,’ she moans.

  I obey. I want to fuck her the way I’m certain all the men in her life must. The idea of it makes my heart pound against my ribs. My hands are acting of their own accord, twisting, groping, slapping, and the rougher I am the more she responds. And the hotter I get. She is lifting her hips in the air, begging me to take her.

  I lean down and lay kisses up and down her thighs, licking and biting gently. She spreads her legs wider in invitation and I move in to kiss the wet lips of her cunt. I can’t help but moan as I take that first long lick. She tastes musky and sweet at the same time. She is soaking. She pushes her cunt forward and I bury my face in her, licking and sucking the way I liked to be licked and sucked. I lose myself entirely in her beautiful warmth and suddenly I understand why men like doing this so much. I slip two fingers inside her and flick her clit with my tongue. She whimpers and I seize her clit between my lips, sucking hard.

  ‘Oh God … yes … fuck.’ The pitch of her voice begins to rise. ‘Yes! I’m going to come!’ I pull away and sit back on my heels. She whimpers, a pout upon her face.

  ‘Not yet you aren’t.’

  I grab a pair of stockings off the floor and stuff them into her eager and obliging mouth. I pick up my new leather prize and run the long handle down the soft curves of her belly.

  ‘Such a naughty little slut.’

  In this moment I realise that there is no more guilt, no more confusion. There is only power and joy.

  I raise the flogger over her.

  Playing With Amy

  by Kay Jaybee

  ‘Are you free?’

  ‘It’s eleven o’clock in the morning, Jen. Of course I’m not free!’

  Jen grinned down the phone, her scarlet-tipped fingernails gripping the handset tightly, ‘If you could see what I can see right now, then I think you’d become free fairly quickly.’

  ‘All I can see is the business end of a leaking u-bend.’ Lee tried to ignore the husky edge to Jen’s voice. Knowing her, she could be looking at literally anything. Pictures of vibrators, paddles and butt plugs floated around his head as, with his mobile clamped between his neck and chin, he unconsciously sped up his plumbing task.

  ‘Such a shame, I could really do with your help here.’

  ‘Jen! I have to go. I need both hands for this job.’

  ‘Actually, I could say the same this end ... you should see her, honey, all naked, wet and desperate.’

  Already stirring within his boxers, Lee’s cock went rigid. ‘Her?’

  Jen laughed. ‘Yes, her.’ She licked her lips slowly, certain that he was visualising her doing just that. ‘I’d put her on the phone, but she’s a bit tied up at the moment.’

  ‘Tied?’ His voice was barely a whisper.

  ‘Well, tied now. You remember that fantasy we discussed, the one where I find someone who is willing to be a toy for us?’


  ‘Well, I found her. I’ve rubbed her nipples with a warm cloth, teased some ribbon over her nub, and kissed her butt cheeks ... she tastes faintly of grapefruits by the way ...’ Breaking away from the joy of recent reminisces, Jen continued brusquely, ‘Anyway, this is a two handed job as well. It could be a four handed job, but you’re obviously busy. I’ll see you tomorrow. Perhaps I’ll tell you all about it then ...’ Putting the mobile down with a satisfied thump Jen was confident that Lee was already on his way, leaking u-bend or not.

  Now, dressed in a white blouse and matching cotton knickers, sweeping her long chestnut hair from her face, Jen fixed all her attention on her willing captive. Checking the security of the scarf that gagged her moist lips, and the silk ties that fastened Amy’s slim wrists to the back of the pine chair on which she was sat, Jen experienced a fresh rush of erotic anticipation. Scrutinizing Amy intently as she undid her blouse, Jen was pleased to see her clear blue eyes flash with barely concealed excitement.

  When Jen’s final shirt button was undone, she ran her palms across her breasts. ‘You want to lick these, don’t you?’ Rolling the very tips of her nipples between her fingers, she felt tiny shocks of craving hit her pussy as Amy nodded emphatically.

  ‘Well you can ... soon.’ Jen dropped her hands lower, outlining her stomach and running her nails teasingly around the edge of her knickers. ‘When Lee’s here, if you’re a good girl, I’ll let you run your tongue over my tits.’

  Amy’s eyes were widened further as her companion continued to pleasure herself. Moving nearer, Jen towered over the wooden chair. ‘Perhaps, as a reward for your patience, I will let Lee suck on your teats. That would make quite a picture, don’t you think?’

  Again Amy nodded, as Jen added the condition, ‘it’ll all depend on how you behave of course.’

  Privately Jen marvelled at the younger woman’s composure. It had been over half an hour since she’d been stripped and teased with a cloth, a ribbon and a tongue. Since then Amy had received no physical stimulation of any sort, and yet her arousal was still blatantly growing.

  The click of the front door made Jen’s heart beat faster. She didn’t stir as her lover crept into the room, but carried on pinching her own nipples. Standing so close to the captured girl, that they were almost, but not quite, touching, Jen smiled as Amy shuffled as far forward as her restraints would allow. A muffled, tantalising groan escaped from the corners of her gag, a sound that was quickly matched by a more protracted, lower moan from Lee, as he stood mesmerised in the doorway, his gaze shifting from one woman to the other.

  Jen pointed to Amy. ‘What do you think, honey?’

  He gulped, trying to lubricate his suddenly dry throat, very conscious of the instant and uncompromising erection digging beneath his jeans. ‘Magnificent! Where did you find her?’

  Her hands still active against her own body, Jen said, ‘This is Amy, we met at a club a couple of nights ago. She’s been very well behaved while we waited for you. For this good behaviour I promised that she could kiss my tits. I imagine you’d like to see that.’

  Temporarily robbed of his power of speech by the erotic spectacle on display, Lee inclined his head.

  ‘Very well.’ With her pulse hammering in her neck, unsure how she was keeping her own exhilaration out of her voice, Jen carefully unfastened the gag. After allowing Amy a brief moment to stretch open her jaws, Jen climbed astride the girl’s lap and, placing the flat of her palm under her right breast, offering it up to Amy’s parted lips.

  The noises of mutual relief that flooded the room as Amy’s tongue met Jen’s taut chest were drowned out by Lee, who had finally found his voice. ‘Fuckin’ hell, Jen!’ His eyes glued on Amy, her elegant breasts rising and falling as her breathing quickened, her mouth frantically working his lover’s tit.

  Jen played strands of the girl’s soft yellow hair through her fingers, before silently beckoning for Lee to come closer. Immediately, his hands were everywhere at once; against Jess’s face, over her back, across Amy’s chest, and stroking the back of her neck. But as Lee’s industrious fingers descended towards her crotch, Jen took a step away from them both.

  Unable to disguise her disappointment as she was suddenly deprived of the succulent flesh on which she’d been feasting, Amy began to agitate her arms within their silken ties.

  Jen’s hands came to her hips and her forehead creased in mock disappointment. ‘You were being so good!’ She turned to Lee, ‘I had promised that you’d suck her tits too, but I’m not so sure now that she’s fighting her confinement; what do you think?’

  Lee, who was anxious to continue his exploration of the girl’s chest, said, ‘Well, if you promised I think you should allow it, but perhaps with a penalty. She mustn’t move again, or say anything.’

  ‘Sounds fair.’ Jen addressed Amy. ‘You will get the stimulus you require, but if you so much as shuffle or make a sound, it will stop.’

if she comes?’ As Lee asked the question he was painfully aware of how difficult it was going to be not to come himself, and for the first time since he’d entered the room, he was grateful for the restraining presence of his trousers.

  Staring directly at their prisoner, Jen’s eyes twinkled wickedly, ‘Oh, she is allowed to come, but she has to do it without movement or noise.’

  ‘How the hell can she do that?’

  ‘We’ll see ... won’t we?’

  Amy sat, biting her lips together, watching her two protagonists. ‘Amazing isn’t she?’ Jen spoke smoothly, ‘The perfect toy for us to play with.’

  Lee swallowed hard, still unable to believe that Jen had set up this scenario.

  ‘Would you like to oblige, honey?’ Jen pointed to Amy’s chest, her neat breasts were sticking out, invitingly firm.

  Flushed with the heat of anticipation Lee dragged his grubby charcoal-grey T-shirt over his head, and attached his mouth to their visitor’s right breast. Relishing the texture and taste of her skin, he moved quickly from one side to the other and back again. Flicking, nipping, and biting, he was determined to force the girl to a climax, just to see if she really could manage to neither wriggle nor groan.

  Not wanting to miss out, Jen bent to Amy’s free breast and nibbled at the almond tip, gliding one hand beneath the small globe, and the other up and under her hair.

  A couple of minutes later, Jen raised her head to study Amy’s determined efforts to keep both still and quiet. Her hands were clasped together behind the chair, and her nails were dug so deeply into her palms that they marked her flesh. Jen felt bizarrely proud of the girl. Amy was doing anything to take her mind off the urge to fidget, and her mouth was clamped so tightly that her lips had lost their ruddy gleam, making Jen wonder if she was wishing that the gag was back in place.

  Placing her fingertips over the girl’s right breast, knowing that the contrast in pressure between the male and female touch would be adding to Amy’s torment, Jen observed as Amy’s body began to quiver. Her cunt gushed, and her muscles visibly tensed, as an orgasm climbed within her. Squeezing her eyelids shut, Amy bit her teeth into her tongue, but still could not prevent her body from jerking uncontrollably in time to the unstoppable ripples that surged through her.


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