To Save America: Abolishing Obama's Socialist State and Restoring Our Unique American Way

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To Save America: Abolishing Obama's Socialist State and Restoring Our Unique American Way Page 32

by Newt Gingrich

  hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs)



  Independent Office of Congressional Ethics


  Indianapolis Star

  The Innovator’s Dilemma (Christiansen)

  Institute for Policy Innovation

  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

  Interior Department, U.S.

  Intermountain Healthcare

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

  International Action Network on Small Arms

  Interstate Commerce Commission

  IPCC. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change




  IRS. See Internal Revenue Service





  Jackson, Andrew

  Jackson, Lisa

  Jackson Hewitt



  Jamestown, Va.


  Jargowsky, Paul

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jefferson, William



  job creation: bureaucracy and; energy development and; government and; healthcare reform and; private sector and; small business and; taxation and

  Joe the Plumber

  John Adams Project

  John Paul II, Pope

  Johnson, Hiram

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson, Paul

  Joint Committee on Taxation

  Jones, Phil

  Joscelyn, Thomas

  Judicial Reform Act of 1802

  Judicial Watch

  judiciary: elected representation vs.; Left and; religious expression and; religious freedom and

  The Jungle (Sinclair)

  Justice Department, U.S.



  Kaiser Commission

  Keegan, Lisa Graham

  Keep America Safe

  Kellogg food company

  Kelo vs. City of New London

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.

  Kennedy, Ted

  Kerry, John

  Kim Jong-Il

  Kirk, Mark

  Korsmo, Jeff

  Krauthammer, Charles

  Kroft, Steve

  Kurtz, Stanley


  Labor Department, U.S.

  Labour Party (Britain)

  Laffer, Art

  Lal, Murari

  Lamb, Brian


  Land, Ken

  Landrieu, Mary

  Lawson, Nigel

  Lazio, Rick

  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)


  LEED. See Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

  Left: academia and; big business and; bureaucracy and; corruption of; economic policy of; energy production and; environmentalism and; healthcare fraud and; ideology of; Judiciary and; lobbyists and; media and; political machine of; realism and; secularism and; socialism and; trial lawyers and; values of; voter fraud and. See also secular-socialist machine

  Lehman Brothers

  Lenin, Vladimir

  Levin, Carl

  Lewis, Peter

  Liberal Fascism (Goldberg)


  liberty. See freedom

  Liberty Council

  Liberty Tax

  Library of Congress

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lindbergh, Charles

  litigation reform

  Littleton, Chris

  Lizza, Ryan

  lobbying, lobbyists

  Long Island Railroad

  Los Angeles Times


  Louisiana Purchase

  Luntz, Frank

  Lynn, William J.


  Madison, James

  Magna Charta

  Malkin, Michelle

  Manhattan Project

  Mann, Cindy

  Manning, Preston

  Maple, Terry L.

  Marcus, Bernie

  Markey, Edward

  Marques, Honey


  Marx, Karl



  Mayflower Compact

  Mayo Clinic

  McCain, John

  McCain-Feingold Act

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McClellan, Mark


  McDonnell, Bob

  McKitrick, Ross

  media; automobile bailouts and; Left and; secularism and; secular-socialist machine and; tea party movement and

  Media Matters for America

  Medicaid; bureaucracy and; entitlement replacement and; healthcare bill and; healthcare fraud and

  Medicaid Statistical Information Statistics (MSIS)

  Medicare; entitlement replacement and; healthcare bill and; healthcare fraud and



  Mehmet, James

  Merrill Lynch

  Merritt, David


  Miller, George

  Miller, Matt

  Mitchell, George

  Mohammad, Khalid Sheikh


  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh


  Moore, Steve

  Morales, Evo


  Moran, Jim

  Morse, Samuel


  Motor Voter law (1993)

  Mourdock, Richard

  Muñoz, Cecilia

  Mutual of Omaha


  Napolitano, Andrew

  Napolitano, Janet

  NAS. See National Academy of Sciences

  NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  National Academy of Sciences

  National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

  National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare

  National Bureau of Economic Research

  National Cancer Institute

  National Council of La Raza

  National Crime Information Center

  National Federation of Independent Business

  National Health Care AntiFraud Association

  National Health Service (Britain) (NHS)

  National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)

  National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Britain) (NICE)

  National Institutes of Health

  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

  National Partnership for Women and Families

  National Recovery Administration

  National Review

  National Rifle Association (NRA)

  National Science Foundation

  national security; biological warfare and; China and; cyberwarfare and; electromagnetic pulse attack and; honesty and; terrorism with nuclear weapons and; twenty-first century threats to

  National Security Agency

  natural gas


  Nazi Germany

  Nazism, Nazis



  Nelson, Ben

  Nelson, Bill



  New Deal

  Newdow, Michael

  New Hampshire

  New Jersey

  New Republic

  New York

  New York Times

  NHS. See National Health Service (Britain)


  NICE. See National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Britain)

  NICS. See National Instant Criminal Background Check System

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

  Nixon, Richard

  NOAA. See
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

  North Dakota

  North Korea

  Northwest Ordinance of 1787


  NRA. See National Rifle Association

  Nuclear Energy Institute

  nuclear power

  Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  nuclear weapons


  Obama, Barack; abortion and; ACORN and; agenda of; American exceptionalism and; American people and; big business and; bipartisanship and; broken campaign promises of; bureaucracy and; climate science and; coal industry and; dishonesty of; economic policy of; education and; energy and; entitlement programs and; EPA and; healthcare bill and ; housing subsidies and; job creation and; litigation reform and; lobbying and; presidential signing statements and; reviewing legislation and; secular-socialist machine and; socialism of; stimulus bill and; taxation and; terrorism and; terrorists’ lawyers and; voter fraud and

  Obama, Michelle

  Obama administration: automobile bailouts and; bribery and payoffs and; secular-socialist machine coercive tactics and; UN and


  Obamanomics (Carney)


  Obey, Dave

  OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

  Office of Internal Oversight Services

  Office of Legal Counsel


  Oil-for Food fiasco


  Oliver, Wayne

  Olney, Richard

  One Second After (Forstchen)

  OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert


  Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  organized labor. See unions

  Ortega, Daniel

  Orwell, George



  Panama Canal

  Paper Kills 2.0 (Merritt)

  Patterson, Mark

  Paul Revere’s Ride (Fischer)

  Paulson, Henry

  Pearl Harbor

  Pelosi, Nancy; agenda of; big business and; bipartisanship and; dishonesty of; economic policy of; entitlement programs and; healthcare bill and; secular-socialist machine and; socialism of



  people. See American people

  People for the American Way

  People United for the Separation of Church and State


  Perdue, Sonny

  Perry, Mark

  Philip Morris


  Pickering, Charles E.

  The Plague (Camus)

  Pledge of Allegiance

  Podesta, John

  Podesta Group

  Poe, Richard


  political action committees (PACs)

  political correctness

  political machine. See secular-socialist machine

  “Politics and the English Language” (Orwell)


  Postal Service, U.S.

  Post Office, U.S.


  prayer in schools

  presidential signing statements

  prison ministry

  Progressive movement of 1896- 1916

  Progressive Party, Progressives

  Project Vote

  Proposition 13 (California)

  Proposition 74 (California)

  Proposition 76 (California)

  Proposition 77 (California)




  Rangel, Charles


  Reagan, Ronald; 25-year economic boom and; bureaucracy and; economic policy of; education and; environment and; federal spending and; foreign policy of; monetary policy of; realism and; taxation and



  Reid, Harry: agenda of; big business and; bipartisanship and; dishonesty of; economic policy of; entitlement programs and; healthcare bill and; healthcare reform and; secular-socialist machine and; socialism of

  religion: Founding Fathers and; morality and; in public life; separation of church and state and; tolerance and

  religious expression; courts and; judiciary and; Mojave desert cross and; personal; Pledge of Allegiance and; school prayer and. See also God; religious freedom

  religious freedom: academia and; Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and; assault on; churches and; Constitution, U.S. and; Declaration of Independence and; education and; First Amendment and; Founding Fathers and; freedom of speech and; God in the public square and; government and; healthcare and; history of; judiciary and; morality and; prison ministry and; protection of; right to assemble and; right to life and; secularism and. See also God; religious expression

  religious liberty

  Renewing American Leadership

  representation: bureaucracy and elected; taxation and

  Republican Party, Republicans: bipartisanship and; conservatism in; failure of; healthcare bill and; slavery and


  Reuters, Thomas

  Reveille for Radicals (Alinsky)

  Rich, Frank

  Riedl, Brian

  rights: of assembly; to bear arms; of conscience; Declaration of Independence and; foundation of; Founding Fathers and; God and; property; secular-socialist machine and

  The Road to Serfdom (Hayek)

  Roesgen, Susan

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  rule of law

  Rules for Radicals (Alinsky)



  Ryan, Paul


  Salazar, Ken

  Sanchez, Loretta

  Sandler, Herb and Marion

  San Francisco Chronicle

  Santelli, Rick

  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

  Saudi Arabia

  Sawhill, Isabel


  schools. See education

  Schwarzenneger, Arnold

  science; climate; conservatism, conservatives and; energy development and; neuro-; trial lawyers and

  Sebelius, Kathleen

  Second Amendment

  secularism: First Amendment and; Left and; meaning of; media and; religious freedom and; secular-socialist machine and

  secular-socialism: America, threat to of; American traditional values vs.; anti-Americanism and; big government and; bureaucracy and; Democratic Party, Democrats and; dictatorship and; God and; government and; healthcare bill and; ideology of; Left and; morality and; terrorists, protection of and; totalitarianism and; work vs. theft and

  secular-socialist machine: academia and; in action; America, threat to of; automobile bailouts and; big business and; bribery and payoffs of; bureaucracy and; business and; climate science and; coercive tactics of; Constitution, U.S. and; corruption and; defeating; dishonesty and; economic policy of; education and; employment and; energy and; entitlement programs and; environment and; freedom and; funding of; government and; healthcare bill and; honesty and; language, perversion of and; Left and; litigation and; media and; replacement strategy and; rights and; secularism and; small business and; taxation and; trial lawyers and; unions and; voter fraud and. See also Left

  September 11

  Sevan, Benon

  The Shadow Party (Horowitz and Poe)


  Shirley, Craig

  Shlaes, Amity

  Siemens Corp.

  Sierra Club

  Sinclair, Harry

  Sinclair, Upton


  60 Minutes


  small business; American Solutions jobs plan for; entrepreneurship and; government and; healthcare reform and; job creation and; secular-socialist machine and; taxation and

  Smith, Adam

  Smith, E. Michael


  Smith, Winston

  socialism; bureaucracy and; business and; capitalism and; economic policy and; economy and; environment and; Founding Fathers and; healthcare and; Left and; taxation and; totalitarianism and; wealth distribution and

  social justice

  social networking

  Social Security

  Social Security Administration

  Soros, George

  South Africa

  South Carolina

  South Dakota

  Soviet Union

  speech: freedom of; hate; political

  standards of living

  Stanford University

  Stealing Elections (Fund)

  Stern, Sol

  stimulus bill; Obama, Barack and; pork barrel spending and

  Stop Paying the Crooks (Frogue)

  Stuart, Mac

  Stupak, Bart

  Suarez, Xavier


  Sukup, Eugene

  Supreme Court, U.S.; Dred Scott decision and; religious expression and; school prayer and

  Sutter Health




  Tamany Hall political machine

  TARP. See Troubled Asset Relief Program

  taxation; American traditional values and; Bush, George W. and; cap-and-trade energy; capital gains; Clinton, Bill and; corporate; death; energy; energy and; environment and; job creation and; Kennedy, John F. and; Obama, Barack and; payroll; Reagan, Ronald and; representation and; secular-socialist machine and; small business and; socialism and; state

  Taxpayer’s Tea Party (Cooper)

  teachers: incompetence of; recruitment of; religious freedom and; work vs. theft and. See also education

  Teach for America

  tea party movement

  Tea Party Patriots

  Teapot Dome scandal

  Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)

  Ten Commandments


  Tenth Amendment

  terrorism, terrorists: consitutional protection of; as enemy combatants; nuclear weapons and; Obama, Barack and; threat of; war on


  Thatcher, Margaret

  A Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith)

  The Third Wave (Toffler and Toffler)

  This Week


  Titus, Roger W.

  tobacco industry

  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  Toffler, Alvin and Heidi

  Toler, Nate





  Treasury Department, U.S.

  trial lawyers: Democratic Party, Democrats and; healthcare bill and; Left and; science and; secular-socialist machine and. See also litigation reform

  Trotsky, Leon

  Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

  Trumka, Richard

  Trump, Donald

  Twenty-first century intelligent health system: affordability of; appropriateness and; availability and; culture and society and; delivery and; electronic administration of; financing method and; individual and; principles of; research and development and


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