The Londum Omnibus Volume One (The Londum Series Book 4)

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The Londum Omnibus Volume One (The Londum Series Book 4) Page 17

by Tony Rattigan

‘Wait a minute,’ said Cobb holding up his hand to Adele and turning to Harlequin. ‘What are you, some kind of God?’

  ‘No,’ said Harlequin, ‘the Gods don’t lower themselves to dealing directly with mortals, they use my kind, I’m sort of an agent for the Gods.’

  ‘What, like Angels?’ said Cobb.

  ‘Hardly,’ said Harlequin with a grin. ‘But we are … Divine Beings, Immortals.’

  ‘We’re getting low on booze, can you turn water into wine?’ Cobb figured he was going to need a lot of alcohol in his system to get through today.

  ‘Yes, but I don’t do party tricks. Look Cobb, if Adele trusts you then I guess I’m going to have to, so I had better explain what this is really all about. We have a lot to get through and time is short. It is important that you believe everything I tell you. Your world, your Universe depends upon it.’

  Cobb looked at Adele, sighed resignedly and said, ‘Get on with it, I’m all ears.’

  ‘Yeah … and you’ve got a big nose as well.’

  ‘Why you-’

  ‘STOP IT, YOU TWO!’ shouted Adele, banging her hand on the table.

  ‘Sorry, sorry,’ said Harlequin. ‘Pour yourself another drink Cobb and pour Adele one too, she’s going to need it.’

  Cobb did as he was bid, while Harlequin paced backwards and forwards gathering his thoughts.

  ‘Dearest Adele, would you be good enough to show Cobb the stone, please?’

  Adele went to the cupboard where she had hidden her bag under the blankets. Cobb noticed that Harlequin’s eyes followed her every move. For some reason the hairs started to rise on the back of Cobb’s neck. Adele returned to the table and opened her bag. From it she produced an ornately carved wooden box, about six inches long, and placed it on the table. Undoing the catch, she flipped open the lid and Cobb gasped.

  Inside was the most beautiful stone that Cobb had ever seen or heard of, it was incredible. It was oval and approximately the length of his hand from wrist to fingertip. The body of the stone was like a diamond but clear as pure water. Periodically flashes of what looked like purple lightning ran through it. At the heart of the stone there was an irregular black shape about the size of a walnut.

  ‘What is that?’ Cobb asked incredulously.

  Adele said, ‘This is the diamond that I stole, it is known as The Heart of Infinity. Quist stole it from somewhere. Harlequin came to me and convinced me it was vital that it was rescued from Quist as soon as possible. So I stole it and ran away so he couldn’t get his hands on it again.’

  ‘And you believed him, just like that?’ asked Cobb.

  ‘Well, it isn’t every day that an agent of the Gods pops into your bedroom and tells you that you’ve got to save the Universe, so I thought I’d give it a go,’ she replied sarcastically.

  ‘So that’s why Quist wanted you found, funny, I didn’t think it was fatherly love. What’s it worth?’ asked Cobb.

  ‘Priceless but that’s not why he wants it. Apparently it has some special properties that can give him immense power,’ replied Adele.

  ‘What sort of power?’

  Adele and then Cobb looked at Harlequin.

  ‘The power to control or destroy everything. The Universe, time, space, everything. Even the Gods themselves would be helpless before him,’ said Harlequin.

  ‘I’m guessing this isn’t really a diamond then, is it?’ said Cobb.

  ‘Well spotted, what you’re looking at is actually solid energy. It has formed a barrier around that black bit in the middle.’

  ‘And what’s that thing, the bit in the middle?’ asked Cobb.

  ‘That’s the bit that is giving us the problem,’ replied Harlequin. ‘To explain what this is really all about I need to take you back to the beginning, the beginning of everything. Your scientists believe that the Multiverse began with one huge explosion, from which everything came. The “Great Blast” theory they call it. They’re right; this “Great Blast” created the multiple Universes, the Multiverse. Here in this Universe you know about these other Universes. You think of them as other dimensions. There is something about this Universe, maybe it’s the Magick, I don’t know, but you are aware of these alternate dimensions and the fact that walls between dimensions are thinner here than in most places. People have seen it, there have been breakthroughs from one side to another and it’s a well-documented phenomenon.

  ‘You’ve even been to those other dimensions, haven’t you Cobb? Yes, I wondered why you could see me that first time. Usually people can only see me when I want them to but you saw me. You’re a dimension shifter aren’t you? That’s why you could see me.’

  Cobb nodded wordlessly. It was true, that was how he knew that what Harlequin had said was the truth, what he had said so far anyway.

  ‘So,’ said Harlequin, ‘back to the plot. We don’t know exactly what happened, we weren’t there after all, but we reckon that there was this small amount of “Dark Matter” that exploded and from that came all the planets, stars, all the matter in the Universe.’

  ‘What’s Dark Matter?’ asked Cobb.

  ‘Stick with the story Cobb, this isn’t a science lesson,’ said Harlequin, impatiently.

  Adele said, ‘Scientists think it’s an incredibly dense material that is meant to be impervious to heat, light, gravity, you name it.’

  ‘To continue, when the explosion happened, there was a small piece that didn’t atomise like the rest of it. That’s it,’ said Harlequin, pointing at the stone. ‘It ended up in your Universe. So, in the same way that an oyster will grow a protective coating around a bit of grit that gets inside it, which becomes a pearl, the Universe grew a coating of pure energy around the Dark Matter to protect itself. The Gods learnt about this piece and searched for it for millennia until it was finally found here on Earth, thousands of years ago.’

  ‘So this is a piece of the original matter from which everything was created?’ asked Adele.

  ‘That’s right,’ replied Harlequin.

  ‘Why do you want it?’ asked Cobb.

  ‘You’ve no idea how dangerous that piece of matter is. Everything, everyone, comes from matter like that. But now it is in a diluted form, spread thin, if you will, spread out throughout the Galaxies. That remnant, there in the stone, is the pure form, which means it is immensely more powerful. Nothing can stand against it. If anyone gets their hands on it, manages to break through the energy barrier and exposes the Dark Matter, nothing, no one, not even the Gods will be able to stand against them. They will be able to bend space and time, change matter, even destroy it all and start over.’

  ‘So how did Quist get his hands on it?’ asked Adele.

  ‘When the stone was found on Earth, thousands of years ago in the Hermesetan Mountains, one of our agents was sent to the peasant who found it and it was explained to him exactly what it was and how important it was that it be hidden away from Man. With the help of the agent, he set up a monastery to house the stone, which became known as The Heart of Infinity.

  ‘Then he recruited a group of men who became monks at the monastery. They call themselves The Brothers of Infinity, whose sworn duty is to protect the stone. For thousands of years their descendants have kept the stone safe and hidden. Over the years they have developed their Martial skills to better help defend the stone. Those are the “Little Yellow Bastards” you referred to.

  ‘Quist has been after the stone for years and finally had the stone stolen from the monastery, we don’t know how but it happened,’ lied Harlequin. ‘Now The Brothers of Infinity have come to get their stone back. And they will hurt anyone who gets in their way. That’s why they’ve attacked you. You were seen to be an enemy who had to be dealt with because you were working for Quist.’

  ‘You put them onto me, didn’t you?’ asked Cobb

  ‘My pleasure. But now you’re one of the good guys, you’re quite safe from them.’

  ‘But what puzzles me is why didn’t you take the stone when it was first found and disappear of
f back to Valhalla, or wherever it is you go? Why leave it around for Man to find?’ asked Adele. ‘Or why didn’t you just vaporise Quist and take back the stone? Why have us running around doing your dirty work?’

  ‘What you don’t understand Adele is that the Gods are forbidden to interfere directly with Man and the world he lives in. It’s all to do with the Free Will thing. They can’t just control you all to carry out their bidding. They can’t just make mortals do whatever they want. You have to be free to choose to follow your own path whether it is good or bad. That’s why Lucifer can only take those souls that have gone over to him willingly. And I’m talking about the devil Cobb, not your cat!’

  Adele looked questioningly at Cobb but Cobb just shook his head and looked back at Harlequin but an alarm bell went off in the back of his mind.

  Harlequin continued, ‘That is why agents like me were created, to do the work of the Gods here on Earth. To try and influence certain people, certain events throughout history, so that things will flow in the way that the Gods want them to. We can only suggest, recommend, entice even but never, ever force things to happen directly.’

  ‘What do you mean, forbidden to interfere?’ asked Cobb. ‘Forbidden by who?’

  ‘Ah Cobb, you should know that there are always bigger fish in the ocean, further up the food chain. There are rules that must be followed, laws that must be obeyed. There are always others with more power that have the control … like, wives usually,’ he finished, almost wistfully, gazing thoughtfully into the middle distance.

  ‘You’re telling us there are bigger … fish … than Gods?’ exclaimed Cobb, dubiously.

  ‘Oh my word, yes,’ replied Harlequin. ‘There are sharks … and even a few whales. Who do you think created the Gods?’

  ‘Well who … what … are these bigger fish?’ asked Adele.

  ‘That, I cannot tell you.’ replied Harlequin, firmly.

  Cobb and Adele sat there in stunned silence. They had just begun to realize what a really BIG Universe it was and how small and insignificant one human being could be.

  Finally Cobb managed to rouse himself from his thoughts and pointed a finger at Harlequin, ‘I had a friend of mine look you up in a book.’

  ‘I’m in a book? How exciting. What does it say about me? Where can I get a copy?’

  ‘It says your name is Loki.’

  ‘It’s one of my names. I have had many names and many faces over the years, Loki is what those Scandinavians with horns on their helmets call me, yes, but you can call me … Harlequin,’ said Harlequin, with a sweeping bow.

  ‘It also says you are the Master of Mischief, the Lord of Misrule. You delight in misleading people. So why should we believe anything you’ve told us?’

  ‘I admit, that is the way I’ve been perceived over the years but that’s just me doing my job. Think about it. I interfere and ruin peoples plans, don’t I? That’s what I’m supposed to do. I push here, prod there, drop a word in the right ear and someone’s cunning scheme succeeds or fails. That’s my job. As for whether I’m doing that now, yes, I’m trying to ruin Quist’s plan. That’s why I have explained everything to you two, so you will help me.’

  Cobb looked at Adele, ‘What do you think? Should we believe him?’

  ‘What choice do we have?’ she replied. ‘Let me ask you something, if The Heart of Infinity is so powerful, why can’t we use it. We have it, why aren’t we a threat?’ asked Adele.

  ‘My dearest Adele, you could never be a threat to anyone,’ said Harlequin courteously. ‘But the truth is you would have to break through the energy barrier to expose the Dark Matter. That would take an incredible force of energy, combined with the right Magickal rituals and you’d need someone with Magickal powers.’

  ‘Which Quist doesn’t have,’ said Cobb.

  ‘No … but I have,’ replied Adele. ‘He wants me as well as the stone.’

  ‘That’s true,’ said Cobb, ‘so, we have to get rid of the stone. Can’t we just destroy it?’

  ‘It’s indestructible,’ said Harlequin.

  ‘We could post it in the Royal Mail and mark it “Fragile”. That would take care of it,’ quipped Cobb.

  Harlequin and Adele just stared at Cobb wordlessly.

  ‘Okay, okay, I’m just trying to lighten the mood here. What say we give it back to the Brothers? It’s their stone, they want it back, let’s give it to them. They’re better equipped to protect it than we are.’

  ‘That sounds like a plan,’ agreed Harlequin, ‘I’ll visit them and suggest that they collect it from you. I’ll tell them to come to this cottage tomorrow. They can collect it and be on their way. That should remove you and Adele from any further danger.’

  ‘Except from Quist,’ said Adele.

  ‘I reckon that we should be safe if we stay away from Londum,’ said Cobb. Once he knows we no longer have the stone, he should lose interest in us. I don’t think he’ll go to the trouble to hunt us down, there’s no percentage in revenge for him but if we were to wander round Londum, right under his nose, then he might be tempted.’

  ‘Right,’ said Cobb to Harlequin. ‘You have work to do elsewhere and we’d like to be alone thanks.’

  Harlequin looked at Adele for confirmation. She nodded, ‘You do have some people to see don’t you? And we need some time to take this all in, I think it’s best that you leave us now.’

  ‘Wait!’ said Cobb, ‘I have one last question, a personal one.’ Cobb was remembering the time after Esme’s death, when he had prayed for her return, for forgetfulness, for a release from the pain. He had even prayed, that if he could not have Esme back, for the Gods to take him as well. ‘You work for the Gods, tell me … why do they never answer people’s prayers?’ he said bitterly.

  Harlequin looked at Cobb for a long moment before replying, almost as if he knew what he was thinking. ‘All prayers are answered Cobb. It’s just that sometimes the answer is … No.’

  Harlequin turned to Adele, ‘Good day then, Dear Lady. Rest well tonight and may your dreams be full of Angels. Until tomorrow, I bid you Adieu.’ Almost as an afterthought he added grudgingly, ‘G’day Cobb.’ Then he vanished.

  They sat there in silence for a time, both lost in their own thoughts, then Adele said, ‘Well, if we’re staying here for another day, could you go down to the stream and get some fresh water please?’

  ‘Sure.’ Cobb could see that Adele needed to be alone for a while. He took the bucket and walked down to the stream. He made sure the horse was all right, moved him downstream a short distance so he had fresh grass to eat, then filled the bucket with water. He made his way back to the cottage. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard a sob from inside the cottage. He pushed open the door curiously.

  Adele was sitting on the bed just staring at The Heart of Infinity, which was on the table. She was holding her handkerchief to her mouth and trying to fight back the tears that were brimming over in her eyes.

  Cobb put down the bucket and knelt beside her. ‘Adele! What’s the matter?’

  ‘This is just too big, I can’t handle it. I didn’t realise the enormity of what I was getting myself into. I just wanted to get away from Quist and lead my own life. But now I find I’m responsible for the fate of the Universe! It’s too much for me; I’m just a schoolteacher! I can’t cope with this all on my own.’

  Cobb sat on the bed beside her and put his arm around her. ‘Adele relax, you’re not on your own, I’m here.’

  ‘But why should you get involved? You don’t have to. You could just go back to Londum and forget all about me.’

  ‘Before I left Londum, a diviner told me that you were in trouble and would need my help. That’s why I came to find you. Besides, if it helps to ruin Quist’s plans, then so much the better. Now come on, perk up. This isn’t like the Adele that I’ve come to know, the big, brave girl who dragged me out of the loch and saved my life by digging that crossbow bolt out of me.’

  ‘Oh Cobb, it’s just that I’ve been
so alone since my mother died. And then all of this, I feel like I’ve been fighting the whole world on my own.’

  ‘Yeah, I know that feeling. But I promise you Adele, you’re not on your own anymore, we’ll see this through together.’

  ‘Do you really mean that, Cobb?’

  ‘Yes, I mean it Adele.’

  Adele took hold of his free hand with both of hers and rested her head on his shoulder.

  Adele and Cobb sat around for the rest of the day discussing the far-reaching implications of what Harlequin had told them. It was in a sombre mood that they went to bed that night. This time there was no hesitation or argument. Cobb got into the bed and lay on his good side. Adele got in, facing him. They put their arms around one another and held each other tight. Two frightened souls huddled together for comfort in the dark, lonely night.

  Cantonese Takeaway

  Next morning Cobb and Adele brewed up some more of Adele’s herbal broth, it was all they had left of the food supplies. Never mind, they were meeting The Brothers of Infinity today and then they were free to return to civilisation. After they had finished, Adele cleared away the cups and tidied up the cottage while Cobb went outside and kept watch.

  Cobb wandered around outside the cottage for about an hour or so until he saw some figures approaching from across the moors. He hurried back to the cottage to warn Adele, she put on her coat, grabbed her bag and joined him outside.

  They could see the figures approaching; from the grey costumes they wore they could see they were The Brothers of Infinity. There were about ten of them and they were spread out across the side of the hill as they closed in on the cottage. They were approximately a hundred yards away from where Cobb and Adele stood when suddenly a shot rang out and one of the Brothers dropped to the ground. All the rest of the Brothers took cover behind rocks and bushes. Cobb grabbed Adele and pulled her down behind the cover of the small wall circling the cottage. Cobb opened Adele’s bag and took out her gun, his was somewhere at the bottom of Loch Dupp. He didn’t plan to use it unless he had to, for fear of drawing fire down on themselves. He didn’t want to put Adele at risk.


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