Assassin's Baby (A Bad Boy Romance)

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Assassin's Baby (A Bad Boy Romance) Page 4

by Amber Branley

  Now there were no more bouncers. Miles smiled and looked around, “Come on in, everybody,” he said to the long line of people gawking at him.

  The crowd hesitated and then some of them began to file in behind Miles and Alexandra, who happened to be staring at him with an unidentifiable expression. Did she like what he’d just done? Or was she disgusted and frightened? Regardless, she held his hand tightly and followed him into the club, albeit full of hesitation and quick glances back at the bouncers who lay unconscious on the ground, who quickly were hidden from view by the large amount of people rushing in.

  Miles took off his sports jacket and ran his fingers through his hair to ruffle it slightly. He held his sports jacket in his arm and pulled off his tie, folding it carefully and placing it in his pocket, “There’s so many people in here now, they’ll never be able to find us once they wake up.”

  “I’d say they’ll be up pretty quickly. Some people looked like they were calling the cops.”

  “Fuck ‘em,” Miles said, “Let ‘em come. There’s a fire exit we can take in the back of the club.”

  “I don’t know if I’m scared of you for what you just did, or turned on. Either way, that was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Who are you?” She asked.

  Miles ordered them drinks and cocked his head sideways. He glared at her halfheartedly, “Just a guy who wanted to get him and his lady in the club. Let’s enjoy a drink here and then head out the back exit. I can feel the heat coming down.”

  Which was a bit of an understatement. Blue and red lights were already flashing outside the entrance, and the sight was followed soon after by the appearance of four police officers walking one by one into the bar. Miles sipped his drink as he watched them carefully. Guns hadn’t been drawn; that was good. They looked passive and calm, that was good. It meant they were nearing the end of their shift, so they were tired and ready to go home. He could take a couple cops at once, but four was unlikely. He’d have to make sure they were separated somehow, split up in twos.

  “There’s going to be a fight. Finish your drink quickly and then head to that back exit,” he pointed towards the back corner of the bar where a red-neon exit sign sat above a set of double-doors, “I’ll meet you out there.”

  His disguise hadn’t worked as well as he’d planned. One of the bouncers was already on his feet. He was a big guy, even taller than Miles. He hovered over the sea of people and the first place he ended up looking was the bar. He pointed quickly at Miles; his eyes widening upon catching sight of him. His lips moved quickly and angrily and he was pointing frantically toward him. Miles finished his drink and casually dropped a bill on the counter. He gave a quick glance toward the emergency exit where he saw Alexandra waiting nervously.

  He closed his eyes and zoned out for a few seconds, clearing his head in preparation for the oncoming fight.

  It came hard and fast, but now how he’d wanted. The four cops along with the bouncer began to work their way through the crowd, searching for him. He quickly ducked down and began to squirm through the sea of people, trying to avoid them at all costs. Then he stood up and looked over the crowd. He worked his way toward the bouncer who was standing with one of the cops. The others had separated to try and find where he went.

  He ducked down again. The club was extremely packed due to everyone coming in, which is what Miles had wanted. He wanted to be invisible. He wanted to be able to hide out in the sea of people. He could see the bouncer standing next to the cop through the sea of people, and he could see that the cop was holding a gun. Miles quickly turned around and decided that perhaps a fight wasn’t the safest move. Besides, it was an unnecessary risk given his career choice. If he’d been arrested then they might search his house and find all the weapons.

  He began to move through the crowd, still ducked down. He was heading for the back door where he knew Alexandra was waiting. He didn’t make it there in time. As he fumbled through the mass of people standing and dancing, a navy blue uniform came into view directly before him, and he bumped right into one of the cops.

  “Shit,” Miles looked up and stood face to face with one of the officers, another standing right by his side. The officer grabbed him by his upper arm and Miles knew he’d have to react quickly. He swung upwards and his fist made contact with the officer’s throat. The officer quickly fell backwards, crashing into the people hovering around them. The second officer reached for his gun but wasn’t quick enough; Miles caught him between the legs with a big, heavy kick to the balls.

  He doubled over; his eyes bulging and his face puffy, “Son of a…” Miles gave him a hard-hitting punch to the cheek and sent him flying downwards where he landed on top of his partner.

  And then Miles ran. He made it to the back exit and grabbed Alexandra by the arm, leading her out into the night where they booked it to his vehicle and got inside. He fired up the engine and pulled out at a normal speed, not wanting to attract any attention. They took a left to avoid passing the club and worked their way down to the 405 freeway. They drove in mostly silence until he reached the 10 which he swerved onto, heading toward Santa Monica.

  “Who are you?” She asked.

  “I’m not a good man for you. I’ve got a bad past and a box full of secrets,” he said.

  “Tell me, Miles.”


  “You’re so mysterious and so bad. And you know what’s weird? It makes me want you even more…”

  “You might not know what you’re getting yourself into. In fact, I can count on it.”

  “It’s things like that which turn me on. You make it sound like I’m about to enter a life of crime.”

  Miles turned and looked at her. He wanted to say that she was exactly right. He wanted to warn her off. He wanted to turn around and drop her off, never to see her again.

  But he didn’t really want any of that at all. He wanted her more than anything he’d ever wanted. And he was going to make sure he kept her.

  He was going to make sure that she was his.

  He started by touching her pussy when they got home. It felt moist and tender beneath her panties. Probably still sore from the night before. He’d go easy on her this time. No sex. They’d just fool around and maybe he’d get her to suck him off. Miles liked a good blowjob, and he used to like them from different women; but this one was changing him. He’d never think about cheating on her. She was all he wanted. Those long flowing locks of silky hair, those blue eyes… Not to mention the plump lips covered in lip stick. Her tan skin looked like she’d just stepped off a yacht. She was the perfect match for him; the perfect arm candy for a millionaire bad boy like himself.

  He rubbed her gently, not wanting to hurt her. He didn’t want to make it seem painful. Then he felt her lips press against his and she gently stuck the tip of her tongue in his mouth. He rubbed her harder, pressing his fingers against the satin material of her thong, and then sliding them down the lacy crack and squeezing her cheeks as she leaned back and gasped.

  She reached for his crotch and carefully unclasped his belt. Then she unzipped his pants and went to work like the sex pot he knew she was. She stroked him for a few minutes while they made out, and then Miles found himself pulling her dress down from her shoulders and staring at the cleavage in the tight coral bra she was wearing.

  He tore the bra off and let her tits flop out. They looked amazing. Gently, he licked each tit, back and forth, and then he began to suck on them hungrily. He squeezed her breasts as he sucked on her nipples, and she stroked his throbbing cock. After a few minutes he pulled away and lay back on the couch, letting her know what he wanted without having to say a word. She went to work on it, fast.

  Alexandra opened her mouth and let Miles inside. He was throbbing like a motherfucker by that point, feeling like he was going to blow his load any minute. She tightened her plump lips around his shaft and sucked. It wasn’t any old blowjob. Not like the ones where they just glide their mouth up and down your cock – no, Alexandra really
sucked – like she was trying to get Miles to spill his cum as fast as possible.

  Alexandra pulled away for a second and held Miles’ cock as she crawled to the floor. Beneath him, she rested on her knees as she craned her neck forward and put him back into her mouth. Up and down her head went, and Miles ran his fingers through her hair before clamping them against her head and guiding her mouth all the way up and all the way down his big cock. Her long nails ran along his loin as she deep throated him, and he blew my load in a matter of seconds.

  They ended up seeing one another every day after that. For a good week everything was pefect. No hiccups, no interruptions. The police never came, which Miles knew they wouldn’t. They didn’t go out, just hung out in Malibu and played on the sand. They got to know each other deeply; or as deeply as two people could get to know one another within a week’s time. They wrestled gently and fell into the tide of the cold Pacific together, hand in hand. Miles kissed her as the sea swallowed them up, and then he looked into her eyes as the tide retreated.

  Her hair was a mess. Soaking wet and covering her face in strands. She had sand all over her cheeks. Her eyes were bloodshot from the salty water. Her lips were cracked slightly from the sun.

  And she was so beautiful. And he wanted her more than he’d ever desired anything. She was his, and always would be.

  And then they found out she was having his baby.



  It started like it always did, with her missing her period. She’d just gotten off work and went to get a pregnancy test. After going to Miles’ house, she took it with him standing in the bathroom. It was positive. Miles hovered over her, staring at the positive result. He shook his head, “What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know. What do you think?”

  “It’s your body, your choice. But I think you should have it,” he said firmly.

  Her eyes lit up, “You really mean that?”

  “Let’s get married, Alex,” he said.

  “You mean it?”

  “I was prepared for this moment. In case it happened I… Well…” Miles kneeled down on one knee and grabbed something from his pocket. It was a gorgeous ring; the most beautiful and expensive looking that Alexandra had ever seen. He held it before him and it radiated in the bright lighting of the bathroom. The ocean was loud beneath them outside the window and the sunlight beamed and was reflected off the rose gold the ring was made of, “Marry me,” Miles said.

  Alexandra’s eyes bulged out; her face reddened and her lips trembled. She began to cry and she almost fell from the toilet as she slumped off of it and met Miles on the floor, “You mean this?”

  “More than anything I’ve ever met. But I need to tell you what I really do for a living… I…”

  “No,” she cut him off, “I know you’re not exactly what you say you are. I saw the way you took out those bouncers and the police. I know you’re a bad man, Miles… But you’re also a good one deep down. I don’t want you to tell me what it is you do.”

  “Are you going to say yes, or what?”

  Alexandra began to cry and laugh at the same time, “Yes, oh yes, I want to marry you.”

  They kissed for a long time. Miles held her in his arms and peered at the pregnancy test which lay in the trash can below him. He was going to have a baby, but would it force him to make changes?



  The wedding was in Vegas, which was sin city. Miles liked Vegas. He liked the lights, and he liked how the city was pure and honest. It didn’t try to hide what it was. The devils weren’t cowering in the shadows. They were out in the open, they were walking in plain view. It was quick and to the point, without any guests. Miles had no friends, and neither did Alexandra. Neither of them wanted friends since they had each other.

  After the wedding they stepped out into the warm desert air. It was mid-afternoon and the highs were reaching the low hundreds. Miles held the door for his bride and they hopped inside. Miles had a meeting in town a few hours later, and then the honeymoon would commence. They were going to the Caribbean, a place neither of them had ever been – and it just so happened that a job had popped up in the Caribbean.

  They drove to their hotel which was a penthouse on the top floor of a high rise overlooking the strip. The desert suffocated in the distance with heat waves rising from the hard dirt. Miles tossed Alexandra on the bed and pulled off his clothes. His tattooed body never failed to turn Alexandra on, and this time it turned her on even more. He was so ripped, so fit. He walked over to her and jumped on the bed. He tore off her dress and began to sandwich his face between her large breasts.

  There was a knock at the door, a quick steady beat of three knocks. Miles looked up and threw on his pants, along with a tank top, “Be right back,” he said.

  Alexandra waited on the bed. She wanted him to return and hated that they’d been interrupted. For the first time she was married, and she had a feeling it would be the last. She’d fallen hard for this bad boy, not even knowing what his real profession was. He’d shown her over the last month some of the books he’d written, and they were competently crafted thrillers that even she had to admit were good; despite not being a reader of the genre.

  So what did the bad boy do for a living? Something illegal? It certainly seemed so, because although his books were ranked extremely well in terms of sales, they alone weren’t enough to buy a ten million dollar house overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu of all places. As she lay on the bed waiting for her man to return, she heard the door open and then a gunshot ring out.

  She stood to her feet and hunkered down, frantically crawling to the bedroom door where she glanced out with worried eyes full of terror. Miles was on the ground and the groans of he and another man filled the air. He was wrestling with some unknown assailant, holding him pinned to the ground. Then the assailant flipped himself over with a great amount of struggled and was now holding Miles in a headlock. Alexandra wanted to rush forward and help him, but there was no need after all.

  Miles began to bite at the man’s ear and tore it clear off. The man slung his head back and howled in miserable pain as blood ran and spurted from the hole where his ear used to be, and Miles used this short interval to punch the man in the throat. The man’s howling turned to a choking gurgle and Miles kneed him in the balls before tossing him off. He stood up straight and kicked the man in the ribs before diving back down onto his knees and grabbing the man by his shirt collar.

  “Who are you working for? Who?” He screamed

  “Fuck… you.” The man chortled.

  Miles elbowed the man in the ribs and the sound of cracking filled the air. He put the man in a headlock and spun him around so that the man was sitting on his lap as he cut off his breathing, “I’ll ask you again, and if you don’t answer you’ll be facing some majorly painful consequences.”

  The man gasped, “Fuck you.”

  Miles twisted the man up to his feet and threw him to a chair. Then he turned and faced Alexandra, “Get me my briefcase.”

  Alexandra paused.


  She rushed to the bedroom and rummaged around their luggage until finding his briefcase. She took it to him and he grabbed it and quickly opened it. Inside were many tools and items, from handcuffs to pocket knives to rope. He pulled out the rope and began to tie the man to the chair, binding both hands and ankles to the arms and legs. Then he stood to his feet and wiped the sweat from his brow.

  “You just entered a world of misery. You come to my room and try to kill me, putting my wife in danger? You just signed your death warrant, you sick fuck.” He smacked the man in the face.

  “I work for no one,” the man gasped, “No one you’ll ever find.”

  Miles kicked the man in the crotch and sent the chair falling backwards. It landed with a loud crack as the back of the assailant’s head crashed against the floor. Miles grabbed the man by his hairline and pulled him back up, through the man�
��s screams of pain.

  “Tell me now,” he said calmly, “Who you work for.”

  The man spat against Miles face. His saliva was streaked with blood, and Miles closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he wiped it from his cheek. He stared at the man and grabbed him by the throat, screaming with fury as he shook and choked him. The chair legs rattled around the floor and Alexandra watched in horror as her husband tortured the man. He began to thrust his thumbs into the man’s eyes and only pulled out once the man finally started to speak through his savage cries some ten seconds later.

  “I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you… Just don’t kill me, please!”

  Miles withdrew his thumbs from the man’s eye sockets. He crossed his muscular, inked up arms and waited for him to speak, “I’m waiting.”

  “Gulliver Jones in L.A. I work for Gulliver Jones, okay? Please let me go now.”

  “Gulliver Jones?”

  The man meant a lot to Miles. In fact, Gulliver Jones was the man who’d employed him for more than a few hits. He was a real estate mogul on the West Side who specialized in properties in Santa Monica and the Pacific Palisades. He was very wealthy, much more than Miles, and he always seemed innocent except for the fact that he had many people on his hit list. Apparently, Miles had now become the next.

  “Why? Why did he hire you?”

  “To kill you.”

  “No shit, but why?”

  “I don’t know, man. He fucking hired me like he’s hired me before. He doesn’t tell me why, he just tells me who. Don’t you get it?”

  “Where is he now?”

  “Where is always is, L.A.”

  “He has a lot of property.”

  “I spoke to him last night before I left. He told me to be extra careful with you.”

  “Well you failed.”

  “He was at his house in Brentwood. He was watching TV and looked restless. He was chain smoking and seemed drunk.”


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