Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 9

by Wells, Linda

  Relief was evident and Bingley relaxed. “You do know how to frighten a man!” He shook his head and grinned, the clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Well, I am here to learn, what does a gentleman of leisure do to occupy his time?”

  Darcy smiled and chuckled. “Well, if you are this man, you work.”

  “COME ON JANE, WALK WITH ME!” Elizabeth urged. “After tomorrow, you know that it will not be safe with the men out shooting. I wish Papa would take me along.”


  “All they have talked about for weeks is the coming grouse season; it is as bad as listening to Mama and her lace theory!”

  “She has a theory over lace?” Jane smiled and added some more roses to her basket. They were outdoors escaping the stifling heat of the house and gathering flowers for making into scented water.

  “Surely you know it by now; the lace on your décolletage draws a gentleman’s eye to your best assets!” Elizabeth recited as Jane groaned. “She says that I need all of the help I can get because my assets are so limited.” Elizabeth looked down at her dress. “Am I truly so poorly formed?”

  “Lizzy, I am not even going to dignify that query with a response.” Jane snipped some more roses and turned away.

  “Very well, I will stop. I just wanted to see you react.” Elizabeth looked back at herself and covered up her concern with a smile. “If you will not walk with me, then I will go alone.”

  “If you do not wish to hear another speech from Mama, you will stay at home.” Jane shook her shears at her.

  “I miss London.” Elizabeth said softly, thinking of Mr. Darcy.

  Jane looked at her sister’s sad eyes and thought she was remembering the town. “Maybe Aunt Gardiner will ask you back again next Season.”

  “I am certain that she will.” She heard a gun fire and looked to see her father and Sir William shooting targets. “I imagine all the gentlemen are in the country now.”

  “The ones with estates are.” Jane smiled.

  “And the ones without are begging to stay with those who do!” Elizabeth laughed and smiled, recovering her humour. “Well, I am off then, if Mama is hunting for me, tell her I am searching for a husband in the lanes.”


  Elizabeth laughed and giving Jane’s hand a squeeze, set off on her walk, finally climbing up an old apple tree, and reclining within its branches. There in her privacy, she allowed the tears that she kept to herself to fall again. “You are being ridiculous, Lizzy.” She chastised herself. “Even if you had met him again in the park, what did you truly expect to have happened? Aunt Gardiner was correct when she told me that a gentleman must think very carefully when he chooses his wife. He must consider his duty to his family and estate even more so than his heart. Even if Mr. Darcy had feelings for me …” She choked and sobbed. “He could never act on them. I have no dowry, nothing to offer him. Nothing.” She stifled her sadness in her handkerchief. It was not just the loss of her dreams of Mr. Darcy and his smiles, but the cut from the other gentleman that hurt her. “It is clear that I must look elsewhere for … love.” Taking a shaking breath she let it out. “I will never forget you, Mr. Darcy. I will think of your smiles with pleasure, and … try to forget the rest.”

  She wiped her eyes and settled herself, remembering how kind her aunt had been, listening to her confession of her imaginary love affair. Elizabeth had not told his name, but almost everything else was blurted out. Never could she have spoken to her mother of such things, or even Jane. And she thought, after behaving so foolishly, she would probably never admit to her aunt if she let her heart be touched like that again. Her thoughts returned to her mother and she laughed. “If she had known I was receiving the smiles of a gentleman, she would have tracked him down and thrown me on his step!” One more deep breath and she let the sadness go again until next time. Opening up her journal, she took out a pencil that was tucked inside.

  11 August 1808

  This morning Papa asked me to visit some of our tenants. He had heard a story from Mr. Grassel that they were in need of aid and hinted that it was of a female nature. Mama, of course, would not go and Jane was forbidden, but she did not seem to mind at all that I was willing, although she said it was unseemly for a gentleman’s daughter to be traipsing around alone after tenants, so Papa asked if our steward was good enough company and she agreed. Mr. Grassel and I took a gig and set off together. I think that Aunt Gardiner would have had a fit of nerves to equal Mama’s if she had known that I was alone with a man like that! Well, we visited two homes, and the ladies were both very grateful to see me. I listened to their concerns, although it made me very nervous. They were both with child and were worried that the midwife who had served our area had moved away, and they were concerned about what would happen when their time came. I can understand why Papa wanted to avoid this conversation, but to send an unmarried girl to solve the problem was, well I hardly know the word, but inappropriate comes to mind amongst others. I asked Mr. Grassel to take me to the apothecary and then said that I would walk home. I spoke to Mr. Jones and he said that he was sending out word that a midwife was needed in our part of the county and assured me that he would keep us informed if he heard anything. I walked home wondering of so many things, and I realized that if I ever marry and become mistress of an estate I will be sure to visit the tenants, and not travel there alone with a man!

  Elizabeth closed the book and closed her eyes, knowing that her trip that morning had been an error, even if it did do some good. “If I did not realize that Mama truly did not see the impropriety, I would say that she was purposely setting out to see me compromised. But to a steward?” She put the back of her hand to her forehead and laughed. “Oh the flutterings of my poor heart!”

  “AH, I JUST LOVE A COUNTRY DANCE!” Bingley smiled. “Come Darcy, I must have you dance; you cannot stand about in this stupid manner!”

  “Bingley, I am the master of Pemberley, I do not dance with my tenants.” Darcy looked at him sternly. “I sponsor this Harvest Home; I make my appearance, drink a tankard of ale, then leave.”

  “Well where is the pleasure in that?” Bingley’s eyes scanned the room. “There are many pretty girls here …”

  “Tenants, labourers, townsfolk. Not your peers, man. Have I taught you nothing over the past two months?” Darcy sighed. “Very well, dance, but in two days when you depart for school, do not whine to me about leaving your love behind, she is not in this room.”

  Bingley laughed. “Well wherever she is, she will have to wait another year before I come of age and can even consider the notion of marriage. Until then …” He walked over to a blushing girl and bowed, then looked up at Darcy and winked.

  “Bingley certainly has a great deal of enthusiasm.” Layton drawled. “Have you had your fill of doing good for the less fortunate?”

  “You still dislike him?”

  “It is not a matter of like or dislike; he is not one of us.”

  “So he could never rise in your esteem, no matter the fortune he possesses.” Darcy studied his cousin. “What does your father have to say about your attitude?”

  “He would prefer that your friend at least own an estate, however … he has said nothing derogatory other than noticing his youth.”

  “Ah.” Darcy turned back to face the crowd.

  “What would your father say of this friendship?”

  Darcy automatically looked down his sleeve for the black armband and remembered that it had been retired that morning, a year and a day after his father’s death. “I think that he would be glad that I had a friend, but would hope he would find an estate.” He smiled slightly to hear his cousin’s laugh. “I am not blind to the favour I am doing for him.”

  “hmmph.” Layton regarded him and decided to take him unaware. “So tell me of this lady who has captured your imagination.”

  Darcy startled. “Lady? There is no lady.”

  “Then why are you flushed and clenching your fists?” He lau
ghed. “Come on, Darcy, Richard is not here to interrogate you properly so it goes to me to discover who she is. I have witnessed you looking out of windows and not seeing the scenery far too many times during our visit.” He chortled with the thought and noticed how his cousin’s face had set into a smooth expressionless mask. “What did I say?”

  “Nothing at all.” He looked towards the dance, the set had ended. “It is time to leave. I will collect Bingley.”

  Layton watched him walk away and crossed his arms. Darcy made his way through the crowd, visibly relaxing as he walked through his people and spoke to the tenants, stopping to hear their thanks and their concerns, and clearly making a point to remember what was said. Layton realized that his cousin actually knew their names. It was certainly not something that he could claim to do for Matlock, and wondered if his father could. Thoughts of his fitness to be master took over his musings, and replaced the desire to tease his cousin.

  “MAY I INTRODUCE YOU TO MR. STEWART?” Sir William beamed. “He is a cousin to Captain Carver and is staying at Netherfield for the shooting.” He turned to Stewart. “This is Miss Jane Bennet, and Miss Elizabeth Bennet. I believe that you have met their father already?”

  “Yes, we have taken many birds together in the past few weeks.” He smiled warmly at them both, his eyes passing from one sister to the next, first stopping to consider Jane, then alighting on Elizabeth. “I am delighted to meet such lovely ladies, and I hope that I might request a set from each of you this evening.”

  Jane smiled serenely and looked down. “It would be my pleasure, sir.”

  Elizabeth studied his soft brown eyes and expectantly raised brow. “I believe that I may have a set available, sir.”

  His eyes crinkled with amusement. “I would surmise that to be so as you are not presently dancing, Miss Elizabeth. Perhaps our set might be first?”

  Unembarrassed she nodded. “If you insist, I shall remain available for the next, and refuse all others.”

  Chuckling he bowed and walked away. Jane grabbed her arm. “Lizzy! What has gotten into you? How can you speak so impertinently?”

  “He asked for a dance, Jane, not a courtship!”

  “He will never ask for more if you do not curb your tongue!” She chastised.

  “Then I will leave him to you.” Elizabeth smiled and the sisters linked arms, walking around the room and speaking to neighbours and friends until the music ended and Elizabeth found herself suddenly staring into Mr. Stewart’s striped waistcoat. “I see that you have remembered our set, sir.” She took the offered arm and they walked to the line.

  “I am not so old to have forgotten so quickly, Miss Elizabeth.” He smiled and the music began. The couples on either side moved and they remained staring at each other until it was their turn. “Tell me, why are you so defensive?”

  “Am I?”

  “There it is again.”

  Elizabeth flushed. “Forgive me, I … I …”

  “You are very pretty; otherwise I would not have asked you to dance. There, is that better?” He smiled to see her face brighten. “I think it is.”

  “It does not hurt to hear a compliment, sir.” Elizabeth relaxed and they moved through the pattern. “So sir, you are the cousin of our illustrious Captain.”

  He chuckled. “Illustrious? That is hardly the term I would assign, but then I am family. Yes, I am. I live mostly in town.”

  “Oh, and how do you occupy your time?”

  “I am the second son, so I studied law. My cousin urged me to the sea, but that is not for me. And with this war raging on, I am glad to be free of it. I am also glad to come and keep my cousin’s family company while he is away.”

  “Mrs. Carver must be desperately worried.” Elizabeth said softly as they passed each other. Stewart smiled at the compassion he saw in her expression.

  “She is indeed. I read the papers and give her any news I can glean, but it is a long wait. We are not entirely sure where he is at this point.”

  “Will you stay in the neighbourhood long?” She met his smiling eyes then looked down.

  “I will be here until November when court resumes, then return in December until court again resumes in January. Beyond that, I have no fixed plans. Will you and your family be here during this time?”

  “We will, however my sister Jane, Miss Bennet, will be leaving for town tomorrow to attend to our aunt in London.” She looked up and saw that he seemed only slightly disappointed with the news. The music came to an end and he bowed.

  “I hope that I will have the opportunity to call on your father during my stay.” He smiled at her and she blushed. “Would he object, do you think?”

  “No sir, I think that he might be pleased with the honour.” Elizabeth returned the smile. He nodded and offered his arm, returning her to Jane who took his other arm and followed him out to the floor. Mrs. Bennet slid up next to Elizabeth as she looked after him curiously.

  “Oh, that was nicely done, Lizzy! I know that he is but a second son, but his father is an Earl, so that makes him quite suitable for you. He is a gentleman. Now then, keep smiling and remind him that you are there. You must not miss this opportunity!” She reached up and began pinching her cheeks.

  “Mama, please stop!” Elizabeth whispered furiously.

  “Miss Lizzy, you have failed to secure a man in town, and that is because I was not present. Your aunt clearly does not know what she is about, so it is up to me to make sure that this attachment takes its proper course!”

  “Attachment? We had one dance together! I do not know him! How can you …” Elizabeth closed her eyes and reopened them only to see her father across the hall, laughing at her discomfort with her mother. She flushed again and tore away from Mrs. Bennet and headed outside to get some air. Charlotte followed her.

  “Are you well, Eliza?”

  “No.” She wiped her eyes with her hand. “Why must Mama ruin everything?”

  “She is only seeing an opportunity. My mother would be doing the same if he had asked me to dance.”

  “He did dance with you.” Elizabeth looked up in confusion.

  “But he did not ask. Papa pushed me onto him and he was too polite to say no.” Charlotte smiled sadly and squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. “Do not wait to secure him.”

  “Charlotte! You are as bad as Mama!” Elizabeth stared and began to laugh.

  “I only see what is clearly before me.” She shook her head at her young friend and they reentered the hall. The rest of the evening passed pleasantly, however by the time that they arrived home, Mrs. Bennet was loudly expressing her anger with Mr. Stewart for not asking for second dances and rounded on her daughter.

  “What did you say to him, Lizzy?”

  She sighed. “Nothing, Mama. He simply did not ask again. I notice that he did not dance twice with anyone besides Mrs. Carver.” She turned to her father. “He did wonder if you would accept his visit, Papa.”

  Mrs. Bennet’s ears perked up and she purred. “Oh, did he? Well, that is fine.” She patted Elizabeth’s shoulder, approving of her again. “And you will of course accept him, Mr. Bennet.”

  “I will. I like him. I enjoy speaking to a person with sense and have enjoyed the hours I have spent in his company this past month.” He smiled and saw Elizabeth flush and Jane bow her head. “I would find him a suitable mate for either of you girls.”


  He shrugged. “I will not demand that you marry anyone if you are not so inclined. I am simply saying that if you wish to pursue this avenue, I will not stand in your way.”

  “Thank you for the blessing, Papa, as unnecessary as it is.” Elizabeth said dryly. He chuckled and watched as the girls went upstairs to retire.

  Jane dressed in her nightclothes and crawled under the covers while Elizabeth plaited her hair and sat staring at herself in the mirror on their dressing table. “He liked you, Lizzy. Do you return the admiration?”

  “I hardly know. I do not feel … fluttering in my chest wh
en I look upon him as I did with …” She stopped and blushed.


  “Nobody.” Elizabeth sat up and blinked away the blurriness in her eyes. At least you have spoken to Mr. Stewart, and danced with him. What have you done with Mr. Darcy besides smile? She turned to Jane and smiled. “Just someone I imagined.”

  “That is all of those novels you read.” Jane sank down under the covers. “This is real life, and we must think of our futures.”

  “You do not wish to marry for love anymore?”

  “Of course I do. Can you love Mr. Stewart?”

  “I just met him!” Elizabeth stood up and blew out the candle. “Do you seriously think that he is wondering if he could love me? Besides, he may be just as interested in you or any other girl of the neighbourhood.” She climbed into the bed and drew the covers around her. “Good night, Jane.”

  “Good night.” She whispered.

  Stewart poured himself a glass of port and settled into his chair in the Netherfield library, and looked at the crackling flames in the fireplace. “Well, you have finally met the famous Bennet sisters, renowned as the beauties of Hertfordshire. Miss Bennet is a beauty without a doubt, and by watching her tonight, I am sure that she would make a pleasant and compliant wife, if a bit dull. However, Miss Elizabeth, you are a rose about to come into full bloom, with a personality that is a mix of impertinence and compassion which is very appealing.” He smiled at the memory of her insecurity. “You do not know how beautiful you will soon be, and what a lucky man I would be to capture that beauty before any others have the opportunity.” He rubbed his glass on his chin while he thought, then lifting it to his lips, swallowed the burning liquid. “Well, we shall see.”

  “MAY I TOP OFF YOUR GLASS, STEWART?” Mr. Bennet asked.

  “No sir, I have had enough. I am not in the habit of beginning so early in the day.” Stewart smiled.


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