Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

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Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) Page 51

by Wells, Linda

  “I think that we will depart, you should not be hosting company when there is a crisis to address.” He turned to Harwick. “If you would be so kind as to lend us your coach?”

  “Oh, yes of course, I can walk home from here. Come, I will tell the coachman to take you all home, without me inside there will be room enough for everyone.”

  “We must wait for Lizzy.” Jane said softly. “Please do not rush her with Mr. Darcy. They may not see each other again for an extended time.”

  Mr. Gardiner looked at Mr. Bennet, who remained silent. “Bennet, do you anticipate any problem allowing Elizabeth to return separately? Perhaps Mr. Darcy could see her home before returning to his townhouse?”

  “Without a chaperone?” Mrs. Gardiner asked, then seeing the raised brows of the entire Matlock household she smiled. “I suppose they are already flaunting that under our noses.”

  “I will volunteer to accompany them …” Audrey began.

  “I will, too.” Alicia smiled. “But I am certain we will be declined.”

  Mr. Gardiner smiled. “Well, I am certain she will find her way back to Gracechurch Street before long.” He nodded at the family and they moved to the door. “I am sorry this has happened, sir. I can only hope that it is not as terrible as it sounds.”

  “Thank you; Gardiner. No doubt Elizabeth will be kept informed as much as we.” Lord Matlock turned to Mr. Bennet. “I am sorry that we did not have the opportunity to speak.”

  “No sir, your family has left me speechless.” Mr. Bennet bowed. “Good luck.” He nodded to Lady Matlock and went to take Mrs. Bennet’s arm.

  “But, but what of dinner?” She exclaimed. “We are to have dinner with an Earl!”

  “Quiet, Mrs. Bennet.” He said as he moved her from the room. Lady Matlock rolled her eyes and followed them downstairs to see them out, and the rest of the family took a collective breath before diving into their preparations for the journey.

  “OH.” ELIZABETH SWALLOWED and rested her boneless body heavily on Darcy’s chest. Darcy kept his arms tightly around her, placing his cheek on her hair, and closing his eyes as they both tried to regain their composure after finding their way into a darkened sitting room. “I am dying for you Elizabeth. I have been reliving your words to me constantly since yesterday. You want to touch me. Please, tell me where.” Lifting his head he looked to her eyes and kissed her warm swollen lips. “Please.”

  “I … I am too embarrassed to say.” She whispered. He responded with another rapturous kiss, and she answered by slipping her hands beneath his topcoat and up over his chest. Darcy groaned.

  “More, darling.”

  She swept her palms across his body to stroke his back; the waistcoat barely masked the heat that her touch generated. “More; please …” He begged, releasing her mouth for a moment. Her hands moved lower, to run over his buttocks, feeling the tight muscle through his well-fitted breeches and after another searing kiss, she brought them over his stomach and, “Oh please, please …” down to at last touch the hard shaft that pushed prominently forward. Darcy let go of her shoulders, but still kissing her, placed both of his hands over hers, moving them up and down, forming her fingers so that they stroked and cupped him. He let go and lifted her up in his arms, carried her to a sofa and sat her in his lap, then barely stopping to breathe, delivered without hesitation endless kisses.

  “Fitzwill …”

  “hush.” He whispered and finding the edge of her gown, slid one warm hand up her silky leg to her hip, then down between her thighs. Elizabeth jumped when his fingers found the moist warm folds, and moaned in his mouth when at last he began to rub the ache she had felt for years, and grew every time he was near. “Ohhh, please…”

  “More?” He whispered heatedly.

  “More …more …” His fingers, so long, so clever, knew just what to do. She jumped and arched her back, and then her writhing hips fell into a steady motion over his hardened muscle. “Yes, darling, yes.” He whispered, and slowly slid one finger inside of her, while still circling her swollen, sensitive pearl with his thumb. The kisses became scorching, and he profoundly wished to tear off her clothes and devour her breasts, but satisfied himself with touching that precious secret place he had dreamed of for so long. Elizabeth’s panting took on a desperate hitch, and she began to keen, unsure what she was feeling.

  “Let go, dearest, let go.”

  “oh oh … Fitzwilliam.” She gasped as his stroking hand at last came to a rest in her soft furred mound. He kissed her, then lifting her relaxed body, deftly unbuttoned his breeches. Elizabeth opened her eyes as he freed his rigid member, and watched his hand stroke over it. Their eyes met and she saw him silently encouraging her to touch. Her trembling fingers grazed him and drew away. “Oh, it is so hot.”

  “Please …” he begged and her hand again rested over the tight silky skin, and naturally shaped around him to stroke slowly. Darcy placed his hand over hers, watching as they glided together, then let go and lay his head back as she continued. It would not be long. He moaned softly and whispered her name.

  Elizabeth gazed upon him, his mouth was slightly open and his bottom lip caught between his teeth. She could feel his chest as it rose and fell in unsteady pants, and most of all, she felt his hands caressing her body, still stimulating her desire even as he sought his own release. She needed him to know that the same pleasure was spreading over her, exhilarating her senses. The surprise of her mouth suckling his lips abruptly moved him to rapture, he barely remembered to draw out his handkerchief in time before he pressed his mouth into her shoulder to muffle his cry. Elizabeth watched his face transform when his eyes squeezed shut and as he clutched her, his body shaking far harder than hers had. She knew exactly the glorious miracle he was feeling, and thrilled with the knowledge that he had found it by her hand. At last he relaxed, and they stayed embraced until Darcy looked down to the face resting on his shoulder. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  “This is just the beginning of all we have to experience together Elizabeth.” He kissed her, and then held her face in his hands. “I have never felt anything so powerful before.”


  Her shy question was answered with another deep kiss. “This … this is love dearest. Do you know how few people in the world will ever experience what we just did? And we have not even become one body yet.” Darcy clasped her to him. “I am eternally grateful that you love me.”

  “I feel the same for you, Fitzwilliam.” They silently held each other, impressing the details of this moment in their memories.

  Darcy’s lips caressed her ear before whispering, “I could not have left you without this, Elizabeth. I am facing something that I do not feel at all able to address. I know that this experience together was wrong, but I could not possibly …”

  His apology was silenced with her mouth over his, and again they were lost in their kiss. Finally pulling away, she held his face in her hands and kissed his temple, his eyes, and once again his lips. “You go and do what you must. No matter what you find, it is still our home, and I want you to bring me there.”

  He absorbed the strength that flowed through her touch. “I will. As soon as I am able, my love, I will.”

  Chapter 24

  “Alicia?” Layton opened the door between their bedchambers and looked inside. The room was dark except for the hint of sunlight through the window as the breeze moved the draperies. He advanced inside to see her in the bed, and stood for a few moments gazing down at her sleeping form. Drawing a long breath he sat on the edge, and brushed her hair back from her face. “I do not wish to wake you, but I do want to say goodbye. I … I want to apologize to you. Our marriage did not begin with love but we did have a good friendship, and I … I have squandered that. I am ashamed of my behaviour, not just towards you, but towards my future responsibilities. Seeing Darcy’s struggles has made me aware of how lazy I have been, and how neglectful. I have separated myself from you for months, and nev
er told you why. It is because I feared I might be carrying disease from my loathsome habits. I have ended them but I wanted to be sure of my health before coming to you. I do not hold with the belief that a cure is had by lying with one who is not ill, and I believe that all is well now, and I was thankfully never infected.” He touched her hand, and said softly, “I hope that when I return from helping Darcy, you and I might begin again.” He sighed and leaned down to lightly brush her lips. “Please forgive me.” He started to move away and was stopped when Alicia’s hands came up to embrace his face and drew him back down for a heartfelt kiss. “Alicia.” She sat up and they embraced. “Why did you not say what kept you from me?”

  “Why would I confess to visiting courtesans?”

  “I knew that you did. I always knew.”

  “And you said nothing?” He said as he leaned his forehead onto hers. “Why?”

  “I had no choice but to accept it, that is what I was taught. You are my master.”

  He laughed softly. “Have you not lived with my parents long enough to know who is really the master of this home?” Layton drew away and held her hands. “I was very set in my ways when we married. I have been given a great many lessons recently about how to be a husband and a man. May we start anew when I return?”

  “Yes.” She met his eye. “No more courtesans?”

  “Never again. Only you.” The clock chimed the half-hour. “I should go and eat before Darcy arrives. He said seven so it will surely be in ten minutes.” He smiled to see her agree. “How was Elizabeth when you took her home?”

  “Audrey and I left them alone in the carriage for a few moments. If Darcy had his way I think that he would have ordered it to leave for Pemberley that moment and kidnapped her.” Alicia smiled wistfully. “It is sweet to see how they need each other. It seems to be growing stronger each time they meet.”

  “I am happy for him.” Layton said with a slight smile. “I thought he was a fool for a long time, but I cannot discount the riches he reaps from his feelings for her.” He kissed Alicia and stood. “I will write to you when we arrive. Perhaps I will stop at Matlock while I am near before we return.”

  “Safe journey, Husband. Care for our cousin.” She smiled when he kissed her hand and left the room, then settled back to think about all that he said.

  HARWICK ENTERED THE BREAKFAST ROOM and was pleased to see his sister had already arrived. Catching her eye, he smiled slightly and sank down onto his chair. “It is good to have you with me, Eva. I was growing tired of my own company.”

  “Is that why you have continued to court Miss Bennet?” She asked and took a sip of her tea.

  “How long have you been waiting to say something?” He grew silent as he watched a servant bring him his plate and depart, leaving the siblings alone. “So I was a fool to try?”

  “Not at all. Miss Bennet is a sweet girl, of course she was burdened with the horrendous behaviour of her parents so I am sure that I hardly saw her at her best, but I have heard enough descriptions from you to have a fairly good picture of her in my mind.” She put down her cup and reached to take her brother’s hand. “Jeffrey, if you are not deeply in love with this girl, I think that the time to end this courtship has arrived.”

  “I never wanted to love her.” Harwick looked to the ring he wore in Ellen’s memory, so similar to Darcy’s symbol of love that he wore for Elizabeth, and thought once again about their conversation at Darcy House.

  Evangeline broke into his thoughts. “All right then, I have watched you mourn Ellen for two years, and supported your plan to marry without feeling, as much as I hated it.” Harwick looked up at her sharply and she smiled, “You are a warm and passionate man, and you need to be loved, and give it in return. Miss Bennet has no feelings for you in that way. Perhaps with time they would grow, but honestly she is too young to marry. Her mother has done a very poor job of preparing her for what is required. I want you to be happy, and what Miss Bennet would receive from you is a father figure to replace the one she has not had. You want a wife, not another child.”

  “But Miss Elizabeth is younger and seems very capable …”

  “Miss Elizabeth is an entirely different woman. She is young, but I sense that she is destined to be a very capable wife and mistress for Pemberley. Mr. Darcy is very young as well, and so burdened. I see these two leaning very heavily on each other as they grow and learn their roles, neither one has had enough time with their parents. You did not see Miss Elizabeth when you left to speak to Mr. Bennet. Her mother began complaining about where you all had gone, and how dare you speak to her that way. Miss Elizabeth let loose her tongue, which I rather imagined she had been barely holding in check that entire time. When she realized that Colonel Fitzwilliam was still in the room she was mortified, but he told me he was dying to do the same.” She sighed and saw the wistful expression in his eyes. “Yes, I see shades of Ellen in her, too.”

  “I miss her so much.”

  “Miss Bennet will never replace her in your heart.”

  “I do not wish to replace her!” He declared and worked to control his emotion.

  She smiled and spoke firmly “No, but you do not want to live a stoic existence either. I want you to marry again, but I want you to marry a woman, not a young girl who has much growing to do. You deserve to be happy, and your girls deserve a strong role model as their mother. I think that you know what you must do.”

  He sighed. “I had good intentions, and she seems to be less jealous of her sister now, and if her family had been … at all different …”

  “I know.” Evangeline squeezed his hand. “I believe that she does as well.”

  “Well, I told her that I would take some time to think it over, and I meant that. I told her last night that I would see her tomorrow since I was certain the house would be in an uproar today with Darcy’s departure. We both made a great effort to talk last night before everything fell apart, it was apologies at first but we were beginning to talk a little about how amusingly love struck Darcy and Miss Elizabeth were. I believe that we might have had a pleasant evening.” He looked up to see his sister’s smile. “I do not love her, but that does not make me unfeeling, Eva.”

  “I know that.” She smiled. “Take your day to think it through one more time, Brother.”


  She looked up from her untouched breakfast when Mr. Bennet entered the empty dining room. “I am well.”

  “You cannot fool me.” He took a seat and accepted the tea she poured for him. “You came in very late.”

  “There was much to discuss.” She said shortly. “Mr. Darcy’s family all had thoughts to contribute, and … he needed me.”

  “I imagine that he did. I have never seen a family rise together and support each other in that manner. I hardly knew what to do with myself.” Mr. Bennet saw her look back down at her meal. “I imagine they are on their way by now?” Elizabeth nodded and touched the locket. “Is that a gift from him?”

  Startling she dropped her hand. “Yes, he gave me a token.”

  “I see.” Mr. Bennet sighed. “I apologize again, Lizzy. He is an exceptional man and his family overwhelms me. I have not followed through with his recommendation that I educate your sisters. He offered to pay, but I believe that in order to redeem myself in his and your eyes, I should at least make that effort. I cannot really supplement their dowries, but at least I can try to give them some accomplishments and hopefully a chance to attract a suitor with their wit, as you did.”

  “Thank you, Papa.” Elizabeth said softly. “I hope that they do not give you any trouble for the effort.”

  “No, I imagine that will come from Lydia, but Kitty and Mary may welcome the chance.” He smiled. “And then your mother will count on you to put them in the way of rich men when they are properly out.”

  “I have no doubt.” Elizabeth said dryly and Mr. Bennet was glad to see the restoration of her humour.

  “I spoke with your uncle while we waited f
or you to return last night. Jane will remain in town after you marry. I observed Mr. Harwick with her, I fear that his offer will not come, and I do not wish for her to suffer your mother’s petulance as you did. I endured enough of it the last two nights, first following her lecture by Marianne, then last night in her worry that Mr. Darcy may never return to marry you.”

  Elizabeth sighed; she had heard it all through the walls. “Thank you, Papa.”

  “I apologize for making sport of you for so long.” He said softly. “I do not expect to be invited to your homes, but perhaps Mr. Darcy will allow you to visit on your own, or maybe the two of you may visit on your way to and from London.”

  Elizabeth looked up to see absolute contrition in his eyes. “I will speak to him about that.”

  “Thank you, Daughter.” He patted her hand. “You will be deeply missed, but Mr. Darcy deserves you, and you deserve the life he will provide. Now, your mother and I will return to Longbourn this afternoon. Whenever you have your wedding plans prepared, please tell us, and no matter what happens with Jane, do not fear me impeding your marriage. I hope that I will still have the honour of giving you away to Mr. Darcy. My brother has served in my stead for too long.”

  “I will, Papa. I hoped that you would give me to him.” Elizabeth stood and embraced him, and they held each other until Mrs. Bennet’s voice announced the ladies’ approach. She resumed her seat. “Perhaps while I wait for his return, I could visit Longbourn and pack up my belongings.”

  “You are welcome to travel with us today.” He offered.

  She hesitated when she saw the hope in his expression then shook her head. “No, I … I promised to help him with his letters and I do not wish to leave before I have word of his plans. Perhaps next week?”

  “Very well then.” Mr. Bennet smiled. “But be assured that your mother will wish to show you off to the neighbourhood. It is well that Mr. Darcy will be occupied, eh?”


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