The Santa Trap

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The Santa Trap Page 6

by Fiona Davenport

  Fat, white snowflakes had been drifting down, forcing me to drive slower, particularly since the plows hadn’t been by yet. Holly would be loving it, though, and that thought alone brought a smile to my face and an appreciation for the scenery, rather than being frustrated at the crawling pace I’d had to keep.

  At last, I’d pulled into the driveway of a cute, white, bungalow house. It was decked out in garlands and lights, the lawn sporting a life size, jolly Santa in his sleigh and all of his reindeer. I couldn’t help chuckling. Holly always lamented at how much her mother loved Christmas but the truth was, Holly adored the holiday too.

  I’d zipped up my coat and wound a scarf around my neck before opening my door. Crystals of snow dusted my hair and shoulders in seconds, and I’d jogged around to the trunk knowing I’d be soaking wet in minutes if I didn’t hurry.

  Shifting things around, I’d finally spied the gold rope of the bag I was looking for. I’d pulled out the swath of red velvet and checked to make sure it wasn’t missing anything. After closing the trunk, I’d rushed carefully up the path to the front door, which thankfully, had an awning.

  For a couple of minutes, I had simply stood there and took deep breaths to calm my racing heart. Anticipation got the best of me and I’d knocked firmly on the door.

  Now, I was staring at a vision, even more perfect than any of my dreams or memories. Holly was adorably mussed, clearly having just woken up. Her shoulder length, chocolatey-brown hair was a little wild and when she’d opened the door, her matching brown eyes were heavy lidded but spitting fire. Then she’d seen me and they’d widened with shock as her plump, pink lips opened from her jaw dropping. That mouth had been the star of many, many fantasies. I shifted the bag in front of me strategically.

  My eyes swept hungrily over all of her. It was obvious that she’d been asleep and forgotten that she was only wearing an overly large T-shirt that said Santa, Don’t judge me, Bro and knee socks covered in tiny reindeer. She hadn’t gotten any taller than the five foot two she’d been the last time I saw her. But, her curves had filled out and my hands suddenly ached to be filled with them, causing me to tighten my grip on the ropes of my bag. She was so fucking gorgeous.

  “Hello, Holly Berry,” I greeted softly. I reached out and gently closed her mouth with a finger under her chin.

  “How—but—what are you—l can’t believe—” she stuttered. A smile stretched across my face at how damn cute she was.

  “I’m here to deliver your Christmas presents,” I drawled with a wink. “Just think of me as your own personal Santa Claus.”

  She still stood there, unmoving and staring at me. I laughed. “I’m not a spectre, baby. I’m real. Are you going to let me in?” Her head bobbed, and she stepped back to hold the door open for me to pass through.

  Spying the half eaten plate of cookies on the mantle and the empty glass of milk, I laughed again. Holly had told me stories about that tradition, it was one I intended for us to continue with our children.

  I hadn’t laughed or felt that happy in a long time, and I was practically vibrating with energy. The front door clicked shut and I turned towards it. Holly watched me, a slightly sheepish look crossing her face when she glanced at the plate. “You’re never too old to put out cookies for Santa,” I smirked. She laughed and shrugged.

  Looking at her, so beautiful and bright, I was filled with renewed determination. Holly was mine, I wasn’t going to budge on that fact, but I was hoping she would choose us on her own. I held out my hand and waited.

  After only a moment’s hesitation, she laid her warm palm on mine and my fingers immediately closed around her hand. Holding it firmly, I led her to the couch and sat before taking ahold of her luscious hips and guiding her down to sit on my lap.

  “How are you here?” she breathed, finally speaking a full sentence. “I feel like you aren’t real—I wished for you and…” she trailed off, and her cheeks dusted with pink.

  I pointed at myself with my thumb. “Santa, remember?”

  She giggled and batted at my hand playfully. “Seriously, Jacob.”

  “You don’t believe me?” I asked with mock offense.

  “I don’t,” she sniffed haughtily.

  “What evidence do you need besides your senses?”

  She frowned prettily. “I don’t know.”

  “Why do you doubt your senses?”

  “Because little things affect them. You invade my dreams at the simplest sight or smell. So, tell me, how do I know I’m not dreaming?” She blushed even harder, and I could tell she had a solution in mind but was too shy to say it.

  If her dreams had been anything like mine, I would bet I was thinking of the same thing and it made me hard as a fucking rock. It was impossible to hide from her, given her lack of clothing and the fact that she was sitting on my lap. Her blush turned to a full flush and she squirmed, her eyes becoming impossibly dark as they filled with desire. I groaned and let my head fall back on the couch, then took deep breaths to try and regain some control. Later. We would most definitely be getting to that later. Patience, Jacob.

  Lifting my head back up, I stilled her with my hands on her hips. “Let’s just go with it for now, but I promise to prove it to you soon.”

  She cocked her head to the side and studied me curiously, then shrugged. “Okay.” She started to move off of my lap and I tightened my grip, my fingers digging into her flesh.

  “I like you right where you are, Holly Berry,” I growled. She raised an eyebrow but didn’t continue her attempts to move. I kissed the tip of her nose, wishing it was her mouth. I knew if my lips were on hers I wouldn’t be able to stop.

  I’d dropped the bag on the ground at my feet and leaned around Holly to fetch it and put it next to us. Pulling out the first brightly wrapped package, I placed it in front of her. I was a little nervous about this gift. It truly bared me to her and made me vulnerable.

  Holly’s eyes twinkled as she tore at the ribbon and wrapping paper. Underneath was a brown, leather-bound journal.

  “A journal?” she asked, giving me an odd look.

  “Look inside,” I encouraged. She untied the twine that held it closed, opened it and gasped.

  The inscription on the first page said:

  Memories of Holly Lane ____________

  In my heart, always.

  ---Jacob Marley

  “I don’t understand,” she admitted quietly.

  Rubbing slow circles over her back, I explained, “Over the years, anytime something made me think of you, or I found myself wanting to tell you something, I wrote it down. It started with this journal. The chocolate-brown leather reminded me so much of your eyes. I bought it and wrote down that thought on the first page.”

  She flipped through to the end and glanced up at me in surprise. “It’s full?”

  I nodded. “I thought of you a lot. I have two more completely filled as well.”

  Her eyes misted and she looked away, blinking rapidly. With a little sniff, she turned back to me, confusion written on her face.

  “If you wanted me so much, why did you stay away?”

  Chapter Four


  Her voice was small as she asked the question and it squeezed my heart painfully.

  “There were things we both needed to do, Holly Berry,” I hurried to explain. “And, I think deep down, you know that.” She didn’t confirm or deny it, only gave me a thoughtful expression and gestured for me to continue. “I busted my ass for the last three years and three months, putting everything I had into school and”—I grinned victoriously. This felt so good to say—“I finished my courses a couple of weeks ago. I have to do an internship and won’t officially graduate until the spring, but for the most part, I’m done.”

  Holly’s face lit up and she smiled brightly, pulling me into a tight hug. “Holy crap, Jacob! That’s amazing, congratulations! I’m so proud of you!”

  “Thanks, baby. I wanted to wait to be with you until I could truly be w
ith you. It was motivation enough to get done as fast as possible.”

  She was practically glowing when she let me go and sat straight. Hope was written all over her face when she asked, “What does that mean for us? You do want there to be an us, right?”

  I cupped her face in my hands and steeled myself against the onslaught of desire I was about to slam into. Placing a soft kiss on her lips, I held fast to my control, even as my cock swelled so big I was a little worried it would burst. I mentally high-fived myself when I managed to pull back without deepening the kiss. “How about I answer that with your next present?”

  “I get more presents?” she asked excitedly. It was unbelievably cute and my heart filled with love for her, warming me all over. Some of the heat may also have been due to the fire raging in my belly.

  Fishing out a specific gift, I handed her a small box with a glittery silver bow. She lifted the lid and peered inside before lifting the item out. A glass heart dangled on a string from her fingertips. The words Our First Christmas and the date were etched in the center.

  Holly seemed to turn boneless and she melted into me, resting against my chest with a contented sigh. “I love it,” she whispered. My arms closed around her, and I kissed the top of her head.

  “I love you,” I answered without thinking.

  She stiffened in my embrace, even her chest stopped its rhythmic rise from breathing. Then she exhaled slowly. “You love me?”

  “Of course I do, baby,” I murmured. She went boneless again. After a minute of silence, I demanded, “Now, tell me you love me too.”

  “What makes you so sure—” I pushed her away, just enough that I could cut her words off with my mouth crushing down on hers.

  Without breaking the kiss, I took everything from her hands and put it on the table next to us. I put my bag on the ground again, and then deftly maneuvered us so that Holly was trapped below me on the couch.

  I wanted her so fucking bad, my cock was pulsing hard, making me a little dizzy. My tongue plunged into her mouth and we tangled together, tasting and teasing. “Fuck,” I groaned when we finally broke apart to breathe. “You feel a million times more amazing than I remember.” One hand slid underneath her shirt, over her ribcage, and up to cup one of her full tits. The other hand went around her to palm an ass cheek. “Soft here,” I murmured, giving both a squeeze. She moaned and writhed restlessly. The fingers on the hand on her breast closed around her peaked nipple and the others slipped into her panties and went straight to her clit. I pinched both and growled, “But not here.”

  “Jacob!” Holly cried out, her back arching and her hips bucking. I almost came right then from her reaction and the feel of her center pressing into mine.

  My fingers started to circle both buds, staying just far enough away to torture her a little. “So wet. I remember how my fingers used to slide through this pussy. All the while I wondered if you were slick enough to take my cock.”

  She whimpered and squirmed, trying to shift so that I would touch her in the right places and give her relief. I tisked and drew bigger circles. “Noooo,” she moaned. “I need you.”

  I passed the pads of my fingers over the tips lightly, the sound of her cry causing my dick to start leaking come furiously. “Tell me you love me and I’ll give you what you want, baby.”

  “I love you, Jacob.”

  I groaned as the words washed over me, my cock no longer able to withstand anything, exploding in my pants. I kissed her deeply as I pressed on her nipple and clit, then pinched them, setting off a small orgasm. It would be enough to give her some relief, but still leave her wanting.

  “Fuck,” I grimaced. “I can’t believe I came in my pants. If I can’t control it now, how the fuck will I have enough stamina the first time my cock is gloved in your tight little pussy. It’s not like I have anything to compare it to.”

  Holly’s eyes flew to mine and a smile began to grow. “You don’t? You’re a—I mean, you waited for me?”

  I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand from her panties. “Of course I did, Holly Berry. I wouldn’t let another woman touch what was yours.” Lifting my fingers to my mouth, I hesitated and looked back down at her sternly. “I won’t love you any less, but I really fucking hope your cherry is still mine.” She nodded, and I sighed happily before licking my fingers clean. “Mmmmm, you taste amazing. I need to have my mouth on you.” I dipped my fingers inside her again before bringing them back to my mouth and sucking her arousal off of them.

  But, before I put my face or cock in her pussy, there was something I wanted. I got up onto my knees, and straddled her, then whipped her shirt over her head before she knew what was happening. “So fucking sexy,” I said raggedly. Her generous tits were round and mouthwatering, topped with dark pink nipples. I’d seen her tits before, but those belonged to a teenager, these belonged to a woman.

  Her arms moved to cover her chest and I caught them swiftly, holding them apart. “Don’t hide from me, Holly Berry,” I purred. “I don’t see a single inch of you that isn’t perfection.” Her arms went limp, and I let them fall to her sides. Her cheeks were a sweet shade of pink, but she didn’t try to cover up again.

  I reached down to retrieve the last two gifts from the bag and then sat back on my heels. I set one on her chest, in the valley between her tits, and grinned. “Makes me want to wrap you up like a present, just so I can open it.”

  “Something to look forward to later?’” she asked cheekily.

  “Fuck, yes!” I tweaked her nipple and she laughed, smacking my hand away. She started to grab the box on her chest, but I took her hand. “Not yet, this one first.”

  I took the small box and scooted back, helping her sit up because this gift was a little bigger and weighed more. She took the package and set it in her lap before opening it. Inside was a porcelain plate that said Santa’s Cookies, a milk jug that said Santa’s Milk, and a small bowl that said Reindeer Treats.

  Holly’s dark eyes sparkled as she smiled at me. “It’s so charming.”

  I kissed the tip of her nose and told her, “I know the cookies and milk are a big tradition for you and I want to continue it with our own children.”

  “Our children?”

  I gestured to the plate. “I guess that depends on your answer.”

  Confused, Holly frowned and looked back down at the plate. Her eyebrows lifted and she gasped, her hand covering her mouth. The center of the plate was a chalk board for kids to write a message to Santa. It currently said Will You Marry Me?

  I put the remaining box on the plate. She glanced up at me with tears in her eyes and then ripped open the gift. Inside was a platinum band, adorned with a two carat, round diamond, and on either side it was flanked by a cluster of three tiny round rubies and an emerald shaped like a leaf. It was cheesy, but I didn’t care. When I thought about my ring on her finger, it was all I could see.

  “Jacob,” she sniffled, “I love it.” Her eyes lifted to mine and they were filled with happiness, soothing the worry that had popped up with her tears.

  “So?” I asked eagerly.

  She jumped to her feet and set the dishes aside, then climbed back on the couch and straddled me. Her arms encircled my neck and she squeezed me to her. “Yes!” she yelled. “I’m going to marry Jacob Marley!”

  I laughed and hugged her close, then set her back so I could slip the ring onto her finger. “This,” I whispered, tenderly kissing my ring on her finger. “This is what I was waiting for.”

  Holding her firmly, I stood and walked with her to the back of the house. She directed me to her old room, which she had thankfully updated with a queen size bed instead of her old twin.

  I laid her down on the mattress, and then drew her panties down her legs so she was completely naked. “I wanted to wait to make love to you until you were wearing my ring.” I shed my clothes and leaned over to cage her between my arms. “Now you’re going to be mine in every way, Holly. I’m going to pop your sweet little cherry and make you come
so hard you see stars.” I began to kiss my way down her body and mumbled, “First, I need to make sure you’re ready for me.”

  I placed a kiss over her pubic bone, and then stood and walked around to the end of the bed. Grabbing her ankles, I dragged her to me until her ass was almost hanging off, then knelt between them and put a leg on each of my shoulders.

  “Damn, you smell good,” I groaned, practically burying my nose in her smoothly waxed pussy. “So pink and wet. Do you want my tongue inside you, baby? Will you give me more cream to lick and taste?” Talking dirty had always made Holly squirm, and it was definitely turning her on. Just from talking, she was gushing out sweet liquid and I enthusiastically lapped it up. It fueled my lust too, and I was dripping with my need. I reached down to squeeze the base of my dick, trying to relieve some of the building pressure.

  I put my hands under her ass and lifted her pussy to my face, putting it at the right angle so I could take the whole thing in my mouth and suck. Then I swirled my tongue around before plunging it inside her.

  “Ah! Ah! Jacob! Yes!” she cried out, her hips starting to buck rhythmically, chasing her orgasm. I fed on her sex, eating her like a starving man until she screamed my name and her body convulsed.

  I gentled my ministrations until she calmed, but didn’t give her time to rest before pushing a single digit inside her. “Fuck! You’re so tight,” I growled. Shit. I was going to need to work her, make sure she stretched to fit my considerable girth. I latched onto her clit again and started plunging my finger in and out.

  “No, Jacob,” she whined. “I can’t—oh! Oh my gosh!”

  “You have to, baby. To make sure you can take my cock.” I inserted a second finger and glided a hand up her body to play with one of her nipples. Her cries escalated and I added a third. She was still gripping my fingers like a fucking vice, but I was pretty sure that if she came again, she’d be ready for me.


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