Resurfaced_A Little Mermaid Retelling

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Resurfaced_A Little Mermaid Retelling Page 3

by Wendi Wilson

  “Sorry about that,” he says, chuckling.

  “No, you’re not,” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “You’re right. I’m not.”

  Laughing, I pulled him into a tight hug. We twirl in the water, spraying droplets in an arc around us. Our movement slows and I pull back to gaze into Bryce’s eyes. Their blue color deepens to indigo as he slowly, and purposefully, brushes his tail against mine. The touch is light as a feather, but the impact it has on me is catastrophic.

  Electricity zips through my entire body and races back to pool in a ball in my abdomen. My eyes fall shut, but not before I see the look of pure ecstasy on Bryce’s face. He breaks the connection and, careful to keep his tail away from mine, kisses me briefly before putting some space between us.

  “Sorry. Sorry,” he mumbles quickly. “I just wanted to see what would happen.”

  I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. When my heart rate slows to a more normal pace, and I think I can speak without stuttering, I say, “It’s okay.” I cringe, hearing how breathless my voice sounds.

  He drifts forward and takes my hand. We swim side-by-side, heading toward the shore where Ana waits for us. I could stay out here forever, but we have plans to make. Now that we know that the spell worked, and that we can travel to Delmare together, we have to figure out how we are going to find my parents, release them, and get us all safely back on land.

  We’ll figure it out. We will save them, Kai.

  I tighten my grip on his hand and smile. With Bryce by my side, I feel invincible. We can do anything as long as we’re together. Anything at all.

  Chapter Four

  “Bran and I made you something,” Celine says as we walk in the door.

  Bryce and I spent the last 20 minutes on the beach, describing everything that happened in the water to Ana. Well, almost everything. By silent agreement, Bryce and I left out the tail-touching-sexual-feelings part. I know I’ll end up telling her later, but I would rather do it when Bryce is not around. It’s bad enough he knows everything I’m feeling. I don’t need the embarrassment of actually discussing it with Ana while he’s present.

  I already felt embarrassed enough, trying to get my skirt back on over my tail in the shallow water before it changed back to legs and I was caught completely naked from the waist down. Thank God, Ana found the skirt floating in the waves while Bryce and I were still out in the water. I tried, really hard, to keep my eyes averted while Bryce slipped his shorts on. At least I can say I tried.

  “What is it?” Bryce asks when I don’t respond.

  “It’s a little protection charm your mother and I put together.”

  “Is that my mother’s locket?” I ask as Bran dangles the necklace from two fingers.

  “We really hope you don’t mind,” Celine says, nodding her head. “We assumed you would feel comfortable wearing this and would want to keep it with you.”

  “It’s nothing major,” Bran says, holding the locket out to me. I wrap my hand around it as he continues, “If anyone you encounter has mal intent toward you, the locket will heat up to let you know.”

  I latch the necklace around my neck and cover the locket with my hand, pressing it hard against my chest. “So, it’s like an early warning device?”

  “Exactly,” Celine says. “If you come into contact with anyone down there and the locket heats up, get away from them as fast as you can.”

  “Son,” Bran says, getting Bryce’s attention. “We made one for you, too,” he continues, glancing at me nervously. “I’m sorry if we overstepped, Kai. We used this.”

  Pulling his hand from his pocket, he opens his fist to reveal my father’s watch. When I don’t respond, he sets the watch on the table and shoves his hands back into his pockets. I stare at the timepiece without speaking for several seconds. I’m having a hard time imagining not wearing it, when it’s been such a big part of me for so long.

  “We’re sorry, Kai,” Celine says, taking a step closer. “Using something that is so connected to you, and knowing how you and Bryce feel about each other, how you, yourselves are so connected, makes the charm much stronger and more effective. We can use something else if it makes you feel uncomfortable to give it up to Bryce.”

  She reaches for the watch, but I snatch it from the table before she can touch it. Taking a step toward Bryce, I lift his hand and strap the watch around his wrist. I rub my thumb across the face before releasing his wrist to twine my fingers with his.

  Take care of it for me.

  I will. I promise. I can feel his conviction as his thoughts brush across my mind.

  “Are you sure?” Celine asks, pulling my focus away from Bryce.

  “I’m sure. I would give up anything to protect him.”

  That must’ve been a good answer, because her smile nearly blinds me. I can’t help but smile back. Gaining their trust, convincing them to believe that I’m worth all of the trouble I’ve put them through, warms me from the inside out. The sound of a throat clearing behind me pulls me from my thoughts and I turn.

  “Sorry,” Ana says, “but I have to go. I have a lit test in fifth period and I need to get to school before lunch is over.”

  I pull her into a hug and whisper, “Thank you so much for being here. I don’t know if I could do this without you.”

  “Of course, you could,” she says, pulling out of my embrace. “Take care of yourself, okay? I won’t be able to make it back out here to see you off. Mandatory family dinner and movie night. You need to call me as soon as you get back.” She holds out her pinky. “Pinky swear.”

  I loop my pinky around hers and say, “I’ll call you. I promise.”

  She nods at me, the look on her face solemn. “Bye,” she calls out to everyone else before heading through the door and closing it gently behind her.

  I’m still staring at the closed door when an arm loops around my waist from behind. “We’re going to be fine. You’ll see her again,” Bryce whispers in my ear.

  I turn in his arms and wrap mine around his neck. “I hope you’re right.”

  One side of his mouth ticks up. “Of course, I am. Have I ever been wrong before?”


  My noncommittal grunt makes him laugh. His chuckle is contagious and I can’t help but smile. He always knows how to break the tension and make me feel better. It’s one of the many reasons I fell in love with him. I lean forward to kiss his cheek, but he turns his head at the last second so my lips meet his. I jerk back quickly, heat rising to my face.

  Your parents are right there!

  He chuckles softly and pulls away from me, wrapping his hand over mine and linking our fingers together. Sparks tease my palm as it presses against his. He turns to face his parents, but I keep my eyes glued to the floor. Logically, I know it was just a peck, but it felt like they caught us full-on making out. The blush I’m sure is staining my face right now is only making things worse.

  “Kai and I are going to hang out in our room and relax. We have a long night ahead of us.”

  Oh my God, could he make things any worse? Our room? I think I might kill him. Keeping my head down, I peek through my eyelashes to gauge Celine and Bran’s reactions. They look distracted, and Celine waves us off in the direction of the staircase.

  “We’ll call you when dinner is ready, if you’re not down by then,” she says, turning back to Bran.

  “Thanks, mom,” he says, pulling me away. “We’ll see you guys in a while.”

  Bryce jogs up the stairs, refusing to acknowledge the death threats I’m sending through our telepathic connection. He pushes me through the door, closing it behind us, then leans back against the wooden surface. I turn to glare at him, crossing my arms over my chest and trying my best not to tap my foot.

  “Okay,” he says, holding his arms up in a placating manner. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you. But, Kai, I just wanted to show you that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re not some random girlfriend I brought hom
e who needs to impress my parents. You’re the one. Not only are you and I synergetic, but we’re soul mates. Literally.” He takes a step away from the door, slowly, as if approaching a wild animal. “Besides, my parents already adore you and think of you as a member of this family.”

  My posture relaxes and my shoulders slump forward. “Are you sure? I mean, I think they like me, but I’ve never had a boyfriend before so I’m not sure how parents usually act in this situation.”

  He takes another step closer. “Well, for one thing, this situation is unlike any other, so you wouldn’t be able to compare anyway. And two, hello?” He taps his forehead. “I can feel people’s emotions. And my mom and dad have incredibly strong feelings of affection, admiration, and protectiveness when they are around you.”

  I drop my arms to my sides. “If you’re there too, how do you know those feelings aren’t directed at you?”

  He closes the gap with one final step and wraps his arms around my waist. “Because,” he whispers, nuzzling my neck, “I just know. The feelings are a little stronger when they focus on me, but they’re the same feelings. They already think of you as a daughter.”

  My thoughts start to scatter as his lips make their way around my neck to the other side. “So, would that make me your sister, then?” I quip before I lose my wits completely.

  Bryce’s head jerks back, the pained look on his face priceless. “Eww, no,” he says, tightening his grip on my waist. “I wanted to say daughter-in-law, but I didn’t want to freak you out.”

  The twist of his lips tells me he’s hoping to do exactly that by saying it now. A little payback for the sister comment. I pucker my mouth and pretend to be deep in thought.

  “Hmm, in-laws, huh? Kailani Howell does have a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

  My words are meant to make him cringe, to sputter, or to laugh, but none of those things happen. His arms grow rigid like steel bands encircling me and his blue eyes go even darker as they snag mine in an unbreakable gaze.

  “I-I was only kidding,” I stutter, suddenly nervous.

  Say it again. Out loud. His lips remain in a tight line as his thoughts brush against my mind.

  “I was kidding.”

  “No,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. “Say the name.”

  “Kailani… Howell.”

  His body shutters as his eyes slam closed. “Again.”

  “Kailani Howell.”

  My voice drops an octave as the heat from his body warms me. I feel my blood pulsing through my veins, circling my body and pooling into my lower abdomen. It’s a lighter, slower moving version of what happened when our tails touched in the water earlier, but just as shocking.

  “Sounds good to me,” he murmurs as his eyes pop open.

  The storm brewing in their dark depths only serves to heighten my excitement. I can tell the moment he feels the surge from me, because his hands drop to my butt and jerk me forward. His lips seal against mine, firm and demanding, yet somehow gentle. My eyes close and my bones melt. I have no choice but to lean even further into him.

  Keeping our bodies melded from lips to hips, Bryce walks me backwards until my legs bump against his bed. I feel him steer me around and my eyes pop open for the first time as I feel myself falling forward. The feeling only lasts for a second before I find myself stretched out on Bryce’s bed with him beneath me, my thin skirt and his board shorts the only barrier between us. I close my eyes as a flash of fear lances through me. I try to erase the panic and clear my mind, but it’s too late. Bryce’s lips are no longer on mine.

  “Kai,” he says, his voice soft.

  I take a deep breath and blow it out through my nose. Squeezing my eyes tighter, I shake my head. I wish I could disappear right now. This is so humiliating. Why did I have to ruin this perfect moment?

  Kai, please look at me.

  His thoughts weave their way through my mind, gentle as a summer breeze. I know I’m being ridiculous. I can’t very well lay here on top of him with my eyes closed forever. I have to face him. I have to face the disappointment I know I’ll see etched across his face.

  “Oh, for God’s sake, Kailani. Stop it. Open your eyes.”

  His use of my full name and the irritation in his voice catch me off guard and, unbidden, my eyes open. Our faces are so close, I can’t focus so I rear back a bit. Bryce’s arms tighten around my waist, keeping me from moving off of him should I decide to flee. Probably smart, because the thought of running sounds very appealing right now.

  “Kai,” he says, pulling me from my musings, “you didn’t ruin anything and you certainly are not a disappointment.”

  “How…” I start to ask but trail off. I know how. I was projecting my thoughts again.

  He rolls to the side, taking me with him so we’re lying face to face. His arms still keep me pressed tightly against him as he tangles his bare legs through mine. Bees start buzzing in my belly as thoughts of- no, stop it. I try to clear my head, focusing on a wisp of hair brushing against his forehead. I can’t let my emotions get out of control again or he’ll feel it and this will only get more awkward.

  His loud sigh breaks my concentration and my eyes flit to his. “Kai, stop trying to hide what you’re feeling. For one, we’re touching and about as close as two people can get without being completely naked, so I can feel every nuance of your emotions. Two,” he pauses to release his grip on my waist and brush the hair away from my face, “I can hear most of your thoughts when your emotions are heightened. There’s no resistance at all. I’m sure, if you concentrated, you could have heard all of mine a few minutes ago.

  “And last, but not least,” he continues, returning his arm to my waist and pulling me in tighter, “I love every feeling that pours out of you. I love your wonder, your joy, your excitement.” His voice lowers to almost a growl. “Your passion.” He pulls away slightly giving me some breathing room. “I even love that flash of fear. The one that reminds me we’re not ready, that tells me to get myself under control and not push you too hard.”


  “No,” he interjects, placing a finger against my lips, “no buts. I’m the one who should be sorry, not you. I’m sorry I let things get out of hand. When you combined our names… I know you were teasing me, but something inside me snapped. An avalanche of feelings hit me, hard. Lust, pride, possessiveness. I know it sounds stupid because if we were normal, we’d just be two teenagers caught up in the spell of first love.”

  “But we’re not normal,” I whisper.

  “No, we’re not,” he agrees. “I’m a witch who can sense emotions and you’re a mermaid fighting for her life and the life of her family. The two of us together wield a power strong enough to defeat evil incarnate and we’re telepathically connected. Our souls are twins that found each other just when we needed it the most. We’re definitely not normal and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Neither would I,” I say, a smile lifting my lips.

  He smiles back briefly, then his face grows serious once more. He leans forward and brushes the tip of his nose against mine before kissing me and pulling back. That storm is brewing in his eyes again and my heart starts beating double time.

  Bryce nods before gently pushing me onto my back. He leans over and kisses me, a kiss full of longing and promises, one that curls my toes. With what little wits I still have about me, I open my mind to see if I can really feel his thoughts like he said.

  God, this feels so good. I just want to… stop, Bryce. Slow down. Neither one of us is really ready for this. You love her too much to have your first time together be overshadowed by the danger ahead.

  I feel his kisses slow down with that last thought. With one final press of his lips against mine, he pulls back and smiles at me gently. Stretching out an arm, he presses the buttons on his digital clock, setting an alarm for four p.m. He rolls back onto his side and pulls me closer. I turn so that my back is pressed against his front and he curls his knees up beneath mine.
  “Let’s try to get some sleep,” he whispers. “It’s going to be a long night.”

  “Sounds good,” I say, my voice groggy. All the up and down emotions of today have really worn me out.

  “I love you, Kailani Ericson.”

  “I love you, too, Bryce Howell.”

  I barely get the last words out before sleep claims me.

  Chapter Five

  “Do you have your necklace?”

  I pull the locket from beneath the top of my dress and hold it out to Celine. She smiles as I tuck it back in, her eyes roaming down to where the dress ends mid-thigh. I wonder if she regrets loaning it to me, knowing that it could get destroyed while I’m in Delmare.

  “Kai,” Bryce says, leaning against the doorjamb, “I’m sure the last thing my mother is worried about is whether or not she’ll get her dress back in one piece.”

  My glare should have killed him on the spot, but he just laughs. A light pressure on my arm draws my attention and I turn back to see Celine with a concerned look on her face.

  “He’s right, Kai. I’m not worried about a silly dress. I was actually thinking that it looks way better on you than it ever did on me,” she says with a chuckle.

  I look down at the royal blue material hugging my body from the bust down. I have a hard time imagining someone’s mom wearing this, ever, but an even harder time imagining myself going out in public in it. Everyone thought it a wise choice because I can pull it up to accommodate my tail and back down when I get my legs back. It’s embarrassingly tight, but less embarrassing than coming out of the sea naked because I lost the skirt again. At least it will be the middle of the night and I’ll be heading straight for the ocean. My butt probably looks huge.

  I think your butt looks fantastic. In fact, when we get back, I’m going to buy you a few more of those dresses.


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