The Devil's Pride (Wild Beasts Series)

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The Devil's Pride (Wild Beasts Series) Page 29

by T. Birmingham

  “I’m sorry, Man Bear,” she said, pulling him in tight. No excuses. No ifs, ands, or buts. Just, “I’m sorry,” over and over again as she held him. Their moment was broken by the pounding of feet as James ran across the parking lot. She expected censure and anger as well, but instead James looked worried. Before she could ask what was wrong, he shattered her world with one sentence.

  “Mindy’s missing.” His voice was rough, his eyes bloodshot.

  “Since when?” she asked as the urgency of the moment heated her blood. “Why didn’t you call us?”

  “I did! I just got here twenty minutes ago. Caty Rios was here checking on Mindy since she didn’t show for work this afternoon, and then I texted you guys as soon as I realized no one knew where she was. No one has seen her outside of the apartment. I checked the apartment to see if she’d left a note. Nothing.”

  Alexia looked at the phone in the bag slung across her body. She didn’t really like it on her all the time, and she realized she hadn’t looked at it since meeting up with everyone in the parking lot to the state park earlier in the day. When she looked down, there were over a dozen text messages on her notification screen ranging from, “Did you talk to Mindy?” to “Alexia Maria, I know this is the tenth message I’ve sent, but do you know what’s going on?”

  She felt herself falling. She felt herself losing touch with reality. Mindy missing when Dormants were being targeted on the night of the new moon. She couldn’t breathe. She heard Devon and James talking, but all she could see was red. All she could feel was that ancient, primal anger mesh with her Skröm and Vuković. And suddenly, she wasn’t human. She was wolf. And she was running.

  Alexia transformed in a blur, and her red and silver fur was more beautiful than anything Devon had ever seen. It was her eyes, though, that called to his soul, that were the physical proof of what he’d known all along: his mate was Light. He watched her race across the parking lot and he knew her Alpha wolf instincts were searching out her friend.

  He quickly stripped out of his clothes even as James shredded another pair himself, and as they both raced across the parking lot after his Red, they shifted not even trying to hide their forms. Good thing, humans rarely gave any thought to what they saw.

  Devon and James stopped around the corner from the yoga studio where Devon had followed Alexia that first night, and then it hit him. It smelled of wolf and Skröm, and he could have kicked himself because he’d scented it that night, but he’d dismissed the scents especially after the Shadows had attacked.

  They’d been this close all along. Right near the south trail head where the Anderson’s had been found. A few blocks away from the east trail head where the camping family had been found. Close to the small businesses in town. Close to the nightlife. Had they been feeding from other townspeople? Were there others missing, and they’d just missed it in the rush to catch the serial killer?

  Devon slowed down and prowled around the corner as he came up behind his Red. She’d stopped and was sitting on her haunches licking her front paws. Waiting. For him, apparently, because she turned her head as he approached and even in wolf form, he knew that, well, get your butt over here look. Devon changed back to his human form and walked to his little wolf mate with James still in his own wolf form at his side. At least in wolf form, their scent wouldn’t be too strange.

  They had stopped right outside a large, brick house that stood adjacent to the entrance of the state forest. The area was densely covered in woods, which provided good cover for the large, brick home that housed at least twenty wolves and Skröm if the smells were anything to go by. Alexia whined and pushed at Devon with her muzzle until he was blocking her from James’ view and she shifted back to her human form.

  “I’ve got to call Nicky and Uncle Graham,” she whispered. She’d caught the smells as well. He could tell from her agitated state that she wanted to race inside, but they would wait for the others. “There’s a payphone a mile back right at the edge of town. It’s for the hikers since there’s no signal in this area.”

  “You don’t need to call your Uncle Graham, Alexia Maria,” James said, after shifting back as well. “I’ve already called him. He’s been following us with your friend, Nicky. And Nicky called Ginny. As soon as I realized Mindy was missing, I reached out. I’ve had Nicky’s number since that first night we came into town. I sort of borrowed it from your phone,” he said, not at all sheepishly. Devon had known James for half of his life, so although he wanted to be mad at him, he understood. And shit, but, at the same time he’d probably been checking her phone, Alexia had been with Nicky learning secrets she hadn’t shared with any of them. Devon took a breath.

  “I also knew Graham was in the area. Hell, I’ve known for a couple decades now that he was only about an hour from The Lodge in Dunham. Figured if my youngest brother wanted to talk after more than twenty years, he’d come to me. He didn’t.” What the fuck was wrong with her family? It explained James’ reaction to the howls they’d heard after her first change, though. He hadn’t seemed surprised at all. Devon had wondered at who the other wolves were. He’d thought of Nicky of course, but the other howl had surprised him. It had not, however, surprised their fearless leader.

  “You knew he was around? He knew you were around? And you guys didn’t talk to one another?” Devon looked to Alexia. “Is this a family trait? Keeping secrets? Trying to protect each other? Being completely stubborn asses?”

  Alexia pulled Devon in for a hug, and he let her. He’d never be able to deny her, no matter how angry he was about the fact that she’d felt she’d needed to keep secrets from him. He would have supported her no matter what. He felt her remorse through the bond, so he didn’t need the apology, but he knew he’d get one anyway.

  “I am so sorry, Man Bear.”

  Devon nodded, unable to hold back the look of frustration he knew was plain as day on his face, but he leaned down, kissed her forehead anyway, felt her calm down because of the gesture, and all while still managing to shield her naked body from her father. She really was very human as James liked to say.

  She shook her head and looked at her father, and Devon had to admire the Alpha Vuković in her. She was totally take charge when it counted. “How close are they if they were just following?”

  James waited a breath, and then pointed behind him just as Ben and Carrie positioned themselves on the roof of the large home, high above, so they could use their mental abilities to communicate and connect when needed.

  Hercules and Tinkerbell are here, his Red thought excitedly, and Devon snickered right before she turned back into a wolf. Yes, his girl was very human. Nicky, Alexia’s Uncle Graham, Councilor Roman, and Ginny Zolanski rounded the corner with two other Skröm allies, and two other wolves.

  Devon knew when they realized his Alexia wasn’t the typical Vuković. Her orange eyes were bright in anticipation and fear for the upcoming battle, and their gasps gave him a boost of pride.

  Devon thought, and smiled at the realization, that this moment was practice for the wolves and the Skröm. They would have to get along at some point because his Red was going to lead them both and every generation afterward would as well for both Clans. Every generation. Their kids. Devon and Alexia’s kids would lead those Clans, and they’d revolutionize the system for the better.

  There was a reason the Vuković and the Skröm didn’t get along. There was a reason they fought, but Councilor Roman and Ginny had already tried to change things for the Skröm, and it was a long road.

  Of course, that was for tomorrow’s problems. They’d get friendly soon enough, or at least as friendly as they needed to be for this fight. Once they moved a little closer to the house, those inside would sense the presence of the Clan outside. Ben and Carrie, as Taryn’s, could block their presence at least for now.

  Another addition showed up not long after, and Devon did not smile as Cam walked down the trail head.

  “Thanks for the call, brother,” Cam spat at Devon. />
  “You shouldn’t be here,” Devon looked around and his gaze landed on Nicky, and he had another reason to hate the guy. “You?”

  “I didn’t know. I thought he was Clan. We knew each other from back in the day, and I was near the precinct when James here called my cell,” Nicky said, his voice serious and low. Commanding. Devon could see the harshness to the other man, and as someone who’d experienced many of the joys and the pains in life, he understood. He didn't want to. He didn’t want to see Nicky on his level, but Devon had never been one to hold a grudge. But, the danger to Cam was all too real, and Devon would not stand for that level of incompetence even from someone with obvious power and usual competence.

  “He’s still a Dormant!” Devon yelled, and Alexia bit into his back for minute to keep him in check. He felt the sharp teeth of a wolf before he relaxed into her grip.

  Devon could sense her simmering frustration over the fact that Mindy was locked up tight inside the building right across the way, and he pet her hide in support, but also as a way to keep himself in check.

  “He doesn’t smell like a Dormant,” Nicky said, and the others sniffed at Cam and tilted their heads.

  “I’m not a Dormant,” Cam puffed out, and Devon felt heat emanating from his twin’s body.

  “What the fuck have you done, Cam?” Devon asked, sniffing again. He growled in frustration. “You smell the same as you’ve always smelled to me. How are you not a Dormant?”

  “I haven’t been a Dormant since I was seventeen and nearly beaten to death by the man you left me with.” Cam’s eyes flashed silver and gold, and Alexia nuzzled him. Devon felt her hot breath against his legs, and his bear whined inside at the contact and at the pain in his brother’s eyes. “You left me with a man who tortured me and beat me until I became a monster. So, fuck it all if I’ve finally realized I’m okay being that monster. I’m gonna go get whoever the fuck has been killing people in my town, and then I’m done with this shit. I’m done with Mindy. I’m done with you. I’m done with everyone telling me who I should and shouldn’t be. I’m done with pretending to be something I’m not.”

  Devon was horrified. “I don’t understand—”

  Roman moved between Devon and Cam and sniffed before Devon could ask anything further. The Councilor towered over them, and it was probably the first time Devon had ever felt safer with a Skröm in his corner – other than his mate.

  “We’ve got a dragon on our hands,” Roman said, and it was one of the few times Devon had ever heard excitement in the ancient Skröm’s voice. Devon had met the Councilor three times before, not including his last meeting at Trappe’s less than a couple hours earlier. The times Devon had seen Councilor Roman had always been after an attack from the Skröm or the Others, when tensions were high, and honestly, when the Skröm weren’t really wanted or needed even though the Council required that all leaders be there to investigate afterward.

  “But that’s impossible!” Devon said, his voice was unsure. “You’re wrong, Councilor Roman.” He felt the wet nose of his mate and her fir as she rubbed against him. She whimpered loudly and her hair was on end. Was she afraid of Cam?

  “James,” Devon said, a question in his voice. “You said that wasn’t possible.” Devon was on rocky road. He felt like a kid again, powerless and afraid. “Dragons are Other. They aren’t Clan. They’re Dark. Like the Skröm became when they broke off from the Clans. They’re a myth, James.” Devon pleaded with James. Ginny made a squeak of protest at the statement about the Skröm, but didn’t say anything. Devon couldn’t spare anyone’s feelings. His world was crumbling. How had this happened? How had he missed it? How had they all missed this?

  “You say you were tortured?” James asked from where he stood just behind Cam. And without turning his head – still looking at Devon with pain and anger and silvery-gold eyes – he nodded.

  “And what happened to the man who hurt you, Cam?” Alexia’s Uncle Graham had joined the mix, and he apparently knew what something, just as James and Roman did.

  “He got what he deserved is what happened to him,” Cam spat out.

  “Did you kill him?” James asked, joining in and standing closer to his brother now.

  “No,” Devon whispered, but his voice lacked conviction. “No, I didn’t kill him directly, but I hired the hit.” Cam still hadn’t removed his gaze from Devon. His eyes weren’t changing back. He had a permanent silvery-gold color that disoriented Devon and made him want to look away. There was a darkness in that gaze that Devon had never thought to see in his own brother’s eyes.

  “And you’d already started experiencing the symptoms of the dragon. Have you killed anyone else, Cam?” Graham asked.

  “Just him.”

  “A human,” Roman whispered. “Yes, that would do it.”

  “Fuck that! This isn’t my fault. This was Matthew Waters’ fault. He turned me into a monster, and I’ll be damned if you blame this on me!” Cam roared, and as scales broke out across his skin in silvery-gold plated slivers, Devon heard the loud bang of opening doors as those in the house across the way emerged. Devon shifted into a bear but the others didn’t.

  The element of surprise had been lost, and Mindy was being held at knifepoint by Reece as Devon turned back to the large, abandoned home, and he let Councilor Roman deal with the dragon behind him.

  Cam was a dragon, an Other. Not Clan. Devon shook his head. Deal with it later, he told himself even as a part of him was dying inside.

  Reece moved forward with ten other wolves, ten Skröm, and at least a dozen Shadows, and Devon took his large paw and placed it on his mate’s back and used their bond.

  We’ve got this, Red, he whispered into her mind, and he felt her complete and utter faith in him. It soothed his bear that he could do something right.

  His Red nodded and walked forward.

  Alexia moved forward confidently, but she turned for a moment to check on the people behind her. She saw that the Skröm and the Vuković on their side were calming down and steadying themselves. Even the dragon – the one whose eyes were so familiar to those of the dream monster from over a month ago – took a breath and its skin returned to the same pale shade of the Cam she knew.

  But his eyes.

  His eyes stayed the same silvery-gold, and Alexia let loose an involuntary shudder at the thought that they appeared to be permanently in that state now. Oh God, Cam, what have we done to you? Alexia squashed that thought as soon as it entered her mind. The thought had her mate written all over it, and because of their bond, she could feel his emotions. She turned to him, in her wolf form, and she nuzzled his big, bear legs.

  Alexia forced herself to focus on the moment at hand, on the battle to come, on saving Mindy. A growl tore from her throat, though, when she looked to the ten Skröm who had emerged with Reece. A Skröm stood to one side, the obvious leader, and both Alexia and Grandpa Roman recognized her right away.

  “Delilah Darmov, your parents would be disappointed in such an open display. We may be Skröm, but even we don’t fall prey to human mental illnesses like sociopathy and becoming serial killers.”

  “I go by Delilah Haig in this town, don’t I Alexia?” And the Skröm turned toward her. Alexia growled low, so tempted to shift, but not willing to let go of the strength she had in this form. The woman tsk’d at Roman, her red eyes prominently on display despite the fact that Alexia had only ever seen the brown – apparently contacts – Delilah wanted her to see. “And a sociopath? You should know better. Is that what you think this is, Roman?” the tall, beautiful, redheaded Skröm asked, snidely refusing to address her grandfather as Councilor. Sociopath was right.

  Delilah Haig had worked alongside Professor Anderson. She’d gotten the reference for her administration position from Annabelle Monroe. She had her hands in all the pots at the school. She’d brought the Dormants right to her, waiting for the perfect opportunity to use them. For what, other than murder, Alexia didn’t know, but she knew Delilah. The woman love
d talking about herself. They’d find out soon enough.

  “Do enlighten us, Delilah,” was all Roman said, coldly.

  “Reece? Would you like to do the honors?” And the smarmy bitch actually had the nerve to sit down on the front step of the house as though they weren’t a threat. Alexia hoped to prove the crazy Skröm very wrong.

  Reece just looked at Alexia, Mindy in his tight grip, and she realized he’d looked at her in a similar way the first night they’d met. She’d ignored it, because at first she’d been discovering James was her father, but then she’d been so angry with Reece, she hadn’t wanted to look at him for fear it would set off her mad and she’d try eating him like the badass bitch she hadn’t known she wanted to be back then. She wanted to badass bitch him right now. Goddamned asshole needed to let her best friend go.

  “Well, if he won’t pipe up, I would love to do the honors.” Delilah too looked at Alexia. “We heard a little rumor that the young mutt set to take over the Skröm Clan was not only a descendant of the great Councilor Roman, but also the daughter of James Vuković. You can imagine how the joining of the two Clans caused poor old Reece here to see how a mutual relationship might be beneficial.”

  “Oh, Reece,” James said, pain in his voice. He and the others had stayed in their human forms while Devon and Alexia had transformed.

  “Yes, James,” Delilah continued. “We struck a little deal. Since the power can never go back to James, and we needed an heir on the Skröm side who wouldn’t destroy our way of life—”

  “You mean killing,” Ginny said, her voice hard.


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