Deadly Past

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Deadly Past Page 18

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Before we go into Hal’s I want to talk to you about something.” She looks nervous, and I don’t blame her, this is her personal business, and I’m going to intrude on that.

  “I’m going to be quick, and I’m not going to lecture you or anything like that. I just want you to know that if you want to talk to someone who isn’t family, I’m here anytime you need okay?”

  She smiles at me, “Thank you, Morgan, that means a lot and I may take you up on that.”

  “Good, because I know you need someone to help when you’re ready. So, I have a card for Safe Horizon. They are an organization that will help you, they have safe houses and counseling and support groups.” I hand her the card, she takes it and puts it in her pocket.

  “Thank you. If I need help can I come to you?” It’s a question that takes me entirely by surprise, I thought she would go to her family for help and support.

  I offered to be someone she could talk to because I won’t tell her what to do. I’ll offer advice but won’t try and force her to do something she clearly isn’t ready to do.

  “It’s okay you don’t have too. If I need help, I’ll go to Safe Horizon.”

  We walk into Hal’s and sit down, she looks like someone kicked her puppy. I forget that she’s only twenty-five.

  “I want to, you just surprised me that was all. I thought you would go to your family for help. Honestly Hailey, anytime you need me just call, and I’ll be there. You can either stay at mine place or Sabine’s. Eric doesn’t know where we live, and you’ll be safe at either house okay?”

  The server comes over, and Hailey quickly looks down at the menu, I order a grilled cheese sandwich, and a latte then wait for Hailey to say what she wanted to.

  “Are you sure?” She sounds so uncertain of herself, and I hate it. I know I hardly know her, but there is something about her that makes me want to protect her.

  “I don’t want to be an inconvenience.”

  “You’re not an inconvenience, and I’m perfectly sure,” I tell her as the server brings over our coffees, I thank her as I take a sip.

  “Hailey, what’s going to happen with you and Scott?”

  Her brows furrow “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you kissed, and you told him you loved him. Doesn’t that mean something to you?” I ask her as I’m genuinely confused, how can she just brush it aside as if it doesn’t mean anything.

  “What am I supposed to do? I have been in love with Scott for years, and as soon as he finds out I’m with Eric, he wants me. I don’t get it.” She must feel so confused.

  “Scott loves you, Hailey.” She starts shaking her head at me, and I nod mine at her, “Yes he does, he told me after you ran out.”

  She sighs and looks away from me, “You know, that is all I have wanted. What am I supposed to do now?”

  “What do you want? Deep down you know the answer.” I tell her honestly.

  “I want Scott.” Her reply is instantaneous. She has her answer, just what is she going to do about it?

  “But I can’t be with him, I’m with Eric.”

  “Hailey, you’ve just told me you want Scott, what is stopping you from ending things with Eric? You told Scott that you don’t know if you love him, so what is keeping you with him?”

  I didn’t mean it to come across as though I’m judging her, I just want to understand why she won’t leave him and be with the man she really does love.

  “It’s difficult okay. I don’t know what to do.” She’s shaking her head, she is really torn, and I feel so bad for her.

  “Like Vivian Greene said, ‘Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain’. You just have to decide if you’re ready to dance in the rain?” It’s one of my favorite quotes, and it suits this situation perfectly.

  “I know, and I want to learn to dance in the rain, but I’m scared.” She’s being honest, and that is all I can ask.

  “What am I going to do?”

  The server comes with our food, and I wait for her to leave before I answer Hailey.

  “Are you going to end things with Eric?”

  “Yes, he’s away for the next two weeks. As soon as he’s back, I’ll end things. Thank you, you have really helped. My mind is finally clear, and I know what I want. How are things with you and Luke?”

  I smile at her, happy that she knows what she wants now.

  “Things between us are amazing, the only problem we have is that my dad is coming tonight and he’s staying at my house, which Luke isn’t happy about.”

  “Oh, and why’s that?” She has a small smile on her face, probably because we’re not talking about her. I quickly fill her in on what happened with my dad, and once I’m finished telling her, she looks like she’s ready to cry.

  “Oh Morgan, I’m so sorry. What are you going to do about Luke? I’m so happy that he wants to reconnect with you. I just hope that he means it.”

  “I’ve asked him to be polite. I can’t deal with them being hostile with each other; I just want peace while he’s here.” I’m so tired from work and trying to find out what Alex has been up to.

  “Hopefully he’ll do as you ask. Luke isn’t the type of guy that will purposely hurt someone just because it’ll make him feel better. Well, I thought he wouldn’t hurt a woman, but he hurt you.” She says with a scowl on her face.


  We pay for our food and leave Hal’s and start to walk back to P.I.G.S. “How the hell do you know about that? And he didn’t hurt me, just my feelings.” I want to make sure that she doesn’t think Luke hurt me on purpose, he hurt my feelings. But I’m more concerned with who the gossiper is. Both Luke and I kept our relationship very private, so private in fact that the only two people who knew about it were Sabine and Scott.

  “I know, he still hurt you and I know why, I heard what happened.” She tells me, and I can only assume that it was Scott. She confirms my thoughts when she says “Scott was telling Nathan how much of a jackass Luke was. So, I was so happy when I found out that you two had gotten back together.”

  “Geez, the guys are worse gossips than girls!” I’m not surprised, I work with men, and they all like to talk about what everyone is doing.

  “I know, I get more information listening to them bitch or gossip than I would from my girlfriends. Not that I have any.” She tells me, and I wonder why she doesn’t.

  “Look at me being a Debbie Downer. What time is your dad arriving?”

  “Dad will be here at six-thirty. He doesn’t have a return ticket yet, I think he wants to see how it goes. You never know, he could be flying home tomorrow on the first flight out of here.” I’m making fun of it, but it’s my worst fear. I don’t want him to realize that he made a mistake and leave.

  “That won’t happen, and if it did, then you are better off without him. You don’t need people like that in your life.”

  We arrive outside P.I.G.S, and she looks at her watch and sighs. It’s time for me to go. I’m glad I came to lunch with her, I actually had fun.

  “Thank you for lunch, I had a wonderful time. I don’t have any girlfriends except Sabine, but she doesn’t count. I’ve known her for so long that she’s my sister.”

  “Me too. You’re a good friend Morgan and thank you for helping me.” She gives me a hug and then goes inside. Leaving me standing outside wondering how I managed to make a friend so quickly.

  “Well, look who it is. If it isn’t Luke’s big mistake.” It’s that nasty nasally voice that grates on me, I don’t have to turn around to see who it is.

  “Hmm, what are you doing here? Let me guess, you’re here to see Scott? My my, what will Luke say?”

  I spin around and face the evil bitch.

  “Not everyone is a slut like you Alex. For your information, I was here to see my friend, who is a female. Not that it’s any of your business. What about you? Hmm? What are you doing here?” I don’t know how anyone hasn’t slapped this bitch yet.

ll now, that isn’t any of your business either, now is it? So, are you still with Luke?” She has a hopeful glint in her eye.

  Thankfully I’m about to shatter that hope into shit. “Yes, Luke and I are still together, sorry to disappoint you.” I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help the smug look that comes on my face.

  “That’s okay, you won’t be with him for much longer.” It’s an empty threat, I know it is. She’s the one to have a smug look on her face now.

  “Once you’re gone, Luke will be mine again.”

  “You do realize that I’m a police detective. Threats like that can land you in my custody.” I watch as that pathetic ‘who me’ look shows up on her face, she’s acting all innocent, when I know damn well the bitch is up to something.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She looks at her watch, “Oh, would you look at the time, I have to go otherwise I’ll be late for my meeting. You go on home and put your feet up.” She acts as though she’s in a rush, but I see through the bullshit and wonder if this ‘meeting’ she’s supposedly attending is a meeting where stalkers meet and conjure up new ideas. Also, what’s with the go home and put your feet up bullshit?


  I call Sabine on my way to the train station, I hate driving if I’m not working, she answers straight away since she isn’t working today.

  “Hey, Sim, what have you been up to today?” I wonder if she’s coming over to see Dad today?

  “Hey, Moy. I’ve spent the day cleaning and doing laundry. Adulting sucks sometimes but at least my house is clean. When’s Bryson meant to be here?” She’s anything but happy that my dad will be coming. She hates him for completely ignoring me like he didn’t care about me.

  “Six-thirty. I don’t know Sim, something doesn’t feel right. I’m so happy that he’s decided that he wants to be in my life again, but there’s a niggling thought in my head of why now. Does that make sense?”

  I hate that I second guess everything, I was so happy when he told me that he wanted to make amends and that he was coming to see me. I was overcome with excitement. That excitement has turned to dread as I think there may be some other reason he’s coming.

  “I don’t think I can see this objectively. I hate the man, and that isn’t ever going to change. Maybe talk to Luke about it. He may see it more clearly than I can. By the way, I went to the store to get detergent, and I bumped into that crazy chick. Seriously, Morgan, that woman needs to be checked by a professional.” She sounds pissed, and I wonder what Alex said to her?

  “You saw her today too? Fuck me, she sure is making the rounds. I’ve just met her outside P.I.G.S. She seriously is delusional? What did she say to you?” She has to be stalking us, how on earth does she always seem to know where we are? It’s not a coincidence, there is no such thing.

  “Oh, get this, she told me that you’re nothing but a liar and you’re out to get her. That Luke is hers and always will be. I told her to fuck off and get a life. It wasn’t exactly the smartest thing to do, but it’s done now.”

  Something else happened; I can tell by the way she’s brushing it off, acting as though everything is fine.

  “How did she take it?” Knowing full well, that someone like Alex doesn’t take too kindly to being told to fuck off.

  “Yeah, well not that well, the bitch slapped me. She’s lucky I didn’t hit her back. But I reigned in my anger and told her to fuck off again.” She laughs, and I can’t believe how crazy that woman is.

  “Did you call the police? Did she leave a mark?” I’m so pissed right now, how dare she hit my best friend, this has nothing to do with Sabine, her problem is with me.

  “No, I didn’t call the cops, I’m fine, there isn’t a mark on me and if there were I’d cut a bitch.” She starts laughing, I know that she’s okay, but I’m not! This shit has to stop, and it has to stop soon.

  “Moy, I promise, I’m okay. She didn’t hurt me, and she ran off like the weasel she is. But she really does need to be assessed by a physician. I think she may be mentally ill.”

  “I know Sim, but I don’t like it. She shouldn’t be going after you. This has nothing to do with you, this is Luke and my problem, and I’m raging. I’m so sorry you had to deal with her.” I’m on the verge of tears from my anger. I never wanted my friend to be hurt because of me.

  “I know, but I promise I’m okay. Go home and get ready for your dad. I’ll come later on, I hope that he’s changed otherwise I’ll be getting into another argument. Toodles Moy, I’ll see you later.” She’s so full of joy and makes me smile and I always feel better just talking to her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  As soon I arrive home I notice that something is different. Something isn’t right, something feels off. I’m on high alert, and my hand is on my gun as I approach the front door. It’s ever so slightly ajar. You wouldn’t notice until you were up close. I draw my gun and go in, my house is thoroughly ransacked, and not a thing was left untouched.

  I call the station and get the crime scene unit into search the house for clues, even something I may have missed. I call Sabine next, so she doesn’t worry. I also call Luke who is in a meeting but tells me he’s leaving straight away.

  The crime scene tech searches my house, Luke arrives followed by Scott, Nathan, Ryder and a guy from P.I.G.S, - I saw him earlier, he was one of the three men to walk out of the meeting room in P.I.G.S when I met Hailey for lunch, his name is Asher. He’s tall and muscular, with short dark hair. He’s absolutely gorgeous. Luke rushes over to me and engulfs me in a hug. It's bone crushing but at the same time so comforting.

  “Do they have any clue as to who did this? Could it be a burglary?” Nathan asks, but even I can tell by his tone that he doesn't believe that it's a burglary.

  I shake my head before he’s even finished his sentence.

  No, nothing is missing at all, everything is ransacked, and a few things ruined. It’s more of a mess than anything.” I'm making light of the situation. It's fucking scary knowing someone has broken into my house. My place of comfort, the place you're meant to feel safe. It's playing with my mind, I don’t feel safe here.

  “I know who did this,” Luke says ferociously.

  I know who he’s going to say, he thinks it was Alex.

  “We have no proof unless they find prints or something else to tie her to it.” Even to my own ears I sound defeated. As if it’s inevitable, there won’t be any prints, and they won’t find anything to tie it to her.

  I’m still in his arms, and I lean my head against his chest, listening to the sound of his beating heart. The sound of it thumping calms me down a bit, soothing me.

  “Who do you think it is?” Nathan asks sounding annoyed, and I don’t know why.

  Luke looks to Scott, who rubs his hand across the back of his neck, looking as though he’s dreading telling him who it is.

  “Alex," Scott says it quickly.

  I watch as Nathan’s face morphs from annoyed to furious in less than thirty seconds. He looks as though he’s about to kill someone.

  “When did that fucking bitch get back? Why didn't you tell me? Does Steven know?” Whatever he sees on their faces answers his question as he starts to shake his head.

  “Of course, he does! So why wasn't I informed?”

  “She’s back to get Luke back! So that means she wants Morgan out of the way, so we didn’t inform you because this is the first time anything serious has happened.” Scott tells him, and Luke just tighten his arms around me.

  “This is the same woman who planned on kidnapping my fiancée and wanted to kill her. Her own fucking sister! Why the hell didn’t you tell me she was back in town? I deserve to know.” He’s angry, and I don’t blame him, I would be too if I were in his situation.

  “Look, we didn’t tell you, and maybe we should have. You know now, what are we going to do. There is no way in hell this wasn’t her crazy ass. She’s the only person who has a grudge against Morgan.” Luke growls o
ut, and I wrap my arms around his waist, trying to comfort him, the same way he’s comforting me.

  It sort of works as he kisses the top of my head and whispers, “I’m so fucking sorry baby, this is all my fault.”

  “It’s not your fault; it’s hers if she is the one who did this,” I say whispering back to him, once again he kisses my forehead, and I kiss his chest.

  “Okay, so Alex is back, and she wants Luke back. By the way, you Dallas boys sure like your women crazy.” Asher says causing Nathan and Ryder to laugh.

  “Excuse me, I am standing here,” I say affronted. I’m not crazy.

  “Obviously you’re not included in that. I can’t really say much for Luke as I only know of you and the crazy lady, whereas with Scott it is pretty fitting. So, what are we going to do about the bitch?” Asher says while giving me a smirk, that smirk is freaking lethal. I wonder if he has a girlfriend.

  Now isn’t the time to think that.

  “Leave it to me, I made her disappear the last time, I’ll make her leave again,” Scott says, and I can’t believe I’m listening to this; I don’t want this crap right now.

  I look at the time and see that it’s four thirty, two hours before dad gets here.

  “No, nobody goes! No matter what happens, I don’t want any of you going near her. If it was her that wrecked my house, let the police deal with it.” I tell them, all I can see is if they go to see Alex, she’ll get them arrested, and I don’t want that.

  “Morgan, you can’t be serious. After her stalking you and now she’s broke into your home.” Luke tells me as he pulls back from me to look at my face.

  “Completely serious. Look we've absolutely no proof that she is stalking me, only that she’s been in the same place as me a few times. Yes, she’s crazy, and she’s said things to me, but she hasn't actually done anything to me. Dad will be here soon, and I want to get somewhere for us to stay tonight.” I tell him. I know if I tell Sabine she’ll want us to stay with her, but I don’t want to be a burden.


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