The Gunpowder Plot: Terror & Faith in 1605

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The Gunpowder Plot: Terror & Faith in 1605 Page 44

by Fraser, Antonia

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  Abbot, George, Dean of Winchester, ref 1

  Abercromby, Father Robert, S.J., ref 1

  Abergavenny, Catherine, Lady (née Vaux), ref 1

  Abergavenny, George Nevill, 9th Baron, ref 1

  Act Against Popish Recusants (1593), ref 1

  Act of Supremacy see Supremacy, Act of

  Act of Uniformity see Uniformity, Act of

  Albert, Archduke of Austria, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9

  Allegiance, Oath of, ref 1

  Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester, ref 1, ref 2

  Angus, Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of, ref 1

  Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII, ref 1, ref 2

  Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I: qualities, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; conversion to Catholicism, ref 4; arrival in England, ref 5; Household, ref 6; children and pregnancies, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9; Catholic sympathies, ref 10, ref 11, ref 12, ref 13; coronation, ref 14; receives presents from Spain, ref 15; public appearances, ref 16; in Ben Jonson masque, ref 17; visits Oxford, ref 18; congratulated after Plot, ref 19; watches trial of Plotters, ref 20; as potential victim of Plot, ref 21; absent from Garnet’s trial, ref 22

  Anne, Queen of Great Britain, ref 1

  Appellants: dispute with Jesuits, ref 1, ref 2; and conspiracies, ref 3; condemn equivocation, ref 4; advise on Oath of Allegiance, ref 5

  Aquaviva, Claudio, S.J., ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Aquinas, St Thomas, ref 1

  Arden family, ref 1

  Arnold, Benedict, ref 1

  Arundel, Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of, ref 1, ref 2

  Arundeil family, ref 1, ref 2

  Arundeil, Mary, Lady, ref 1

  Ashby St Ledgers, Northamptonshire, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

p; Ashfield, Robert, ref 1

  Ashley, Ralph: attends Tesimond on Holywell pilgrimage, ref 1; retreats to Hindlip, ref 2, ref 3; tortured, ref 4, ref 5; executed, ref 6

  Aubrey, John, ref 1

  Auden, W.H., ref 1

  Augustine, St, ref 1

  Bacon, Sir Francis: and James’s wish for Anglo-Scottish union, ref 1; at execution of Plotters, ref 2n

  Baddesley Clinton, Warwickshire, ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6n, ref 7

  Baghdad: bombed in Gulf War, ref 1n

  Bainbridge, Denis (Guy Fawkes’s step-father), ref 1

  Bainbridge, Edith (née Jackson; later Fawkes; Guy’s mother), ref 1, ref 2

  Baldwin, Father William, S.J., ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Banbury, Charles Knollys, 3rd Earl of, ref 1

  Banbury, Elizabeth, Countess of see Howard, Lady Elizabeth

  Banbury, Nicholas Knollys, 2nd Earl of, ref 1

  Banbury, William Knollys, 1st Earl of, ref 1, ref 2

  Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London (later Archbishop of Canterbury), ref 1, ref 2

  Barlow, William, Bishop of Rochester (later of Lincoln), ref 1, ref 2n, ref 3

  Barry, Sir Charles, ref 1n

  Bate, David, ref 1

  Bates, Martha, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Bates, Thomas: implicates Gerard, ref 1; confession, ref 2, ref 3; implicates Tesimond, ref 4, ref 5; joins Gunpowder Plot, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8; and discovery of Plot, ref 9, ref 10, ref 11; not initially suspected, ref 12, ref 13; on run after failure of Plot, ref 14, ref 15; captured, ref 16; trial, ref 17, ref 18, ref 19; executed, ref 20, ref 21

  Bath, ref 1

  Baynham, Sir Edmund, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Beauchamp, Edward Seymour, Baron, ref 1

  Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of Richmond, ref 1

  Beaumont, Christophe de Harlay, Comte de, ref 1

  Bedford, Lucy, Countess of, ref 1

  Bellamy, Anne, ref 1, ref 2

  Bellamy, Old (wine merchant), ref 1

  Bennett, Father John, ref 1

  Bernard of Clairvaux, St, ref 1

  Berwick-upon-Tweed, ref 1

  Bess of Hardwicke see Shrewsbury, Countess of

  Blackwell, Father George, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  ‘Bloody Question’, ref 1

  Blount, Father Richard, ref 1n

  Boleyn, Mary, ref 1

  Bonfire Night (5 November), ref 1


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