Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 19 - Purple God Light Page 2

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Extending his tiger palms, with more than one chi long blades as sharp as spears, Dai Mubai collided with Yan.

  Yan swung both fists, meeting him like a whirlwind, showing no weakness.

  With a loud explosion, Dai Mubai was blown back. Facing the head-on attack, he was unexpectedly flung back seven or eight meters by Yan’s strike.

  Amidst the loud explosion was still a crisp ding sound, coming from Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Stab aimed at Yan’s neck.

  Her and Dai Mubai’s cooperation was as tacit as that of Tang San and Xiao Wu. Dai Mubai attacking forcefully from the front, and her hidden like a specter behind him to deliver a fatal strike.

  But inwardly startling Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing with qi and blood roiling was that from Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Stab, Yan only had a white mark on his neck, without the slightest amount of damage, his blazing heat on the contrary grew even fiercer.

  Immense defense.

  Extreme heat, powerful attack, powerful defense. This was Yan’s spirit, Flame Lord.

  In some sense, his spirit should be classified as a Beast Spirit, because when it was used, this spirit also provided body enhancement. Having reached the fiftieth ranked, Yan relied on the first two spirit abilities to make his body solid to this degree, clearly revealing its might.

  His Flame Lord wasn’t just fire attribute, but rather dual fire and earth. Capable of becoming a member of the Golden Generation, how could he be commonplace?

  In the fight on their side, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai were suppressed in the first exchange.

  But on the other side, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun didn’t suffer losses even two against three.

  Xiao Wu had at some point undone her scorpion braid, floating in the air, her jet black long hair fell like a waterfall below her feet. Moving lightly, her black hair spread like a black cloud cover, and her body also floated out lightly, going straight for the vicinity of the opponents.

  Having carefully researched the Shrek Seven Devils, the opponents naturally understood the nature of Xiao Wu’s spirit abilities. Her strength could only display its greatest degree in close combat. As long as they were a bit careful, she wouldn’t be any threat.

  Consequently, one of the three opposing Battle Spirit Masters abruptly took a step forward, a layer of intense light accompanying his third spirit ring brightening. The radiance abruptly spread, changing into a large white halo, striking at ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu.

  Of course, the area it covered still included Ning Rongrong and Oscar behind them. This was unexpectedly an ability similar to Huo Wu’s Defying Flame Ring, just that the attribute wasn’t fire, but rather holy.

  “Straight line.”

  Xiao Wu shouted loudly, sharply spreading her arms.

  Ma Hongjun, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong all reacted extremely quickly. Relying on the flying mushroom sausage, at this moment their speed in the air was extremely astonishing. The three were arranged in a straight line behind Xiao Wu in only a split second, and this straight line was infinitely close to perpendicular to the opponent’s spreading white halo.

  The purple fourth spirit ring erupted from Xiao Wu, golden splendor engulfing her body. That white halo originally capable of sending them flying disappeared in front of Xiao Wu, leaving a gap in the ring.

  And with this gap it was also unable to affect Ma Hongjun’s trio standing in a straight line behind Xiao Wu as it spread.

  Accelerating, Ma Hongjun charged forward. After Xiao Wu released her fourth spirit ability, Invincible Golden Body, she also completely disappeared in a moment.

  Invincible, absolutely invincible. Within the several seconds Invincible Golden Body was active, Xiao Wu was completely invincible.

  Part 3 (TL by Bagelson)

  This ability matched Xiao Wu’s previous abilities, as if they had been planned in advance. Without this fourth spirit ability, Xiao Wu was only a close combat power, but after gaining it, keeping her from getting close was out of the question.

  Immediately after Invincible Golden Body came Teleportation, and the next moment, Xiao Wu was already next to the opponent who released that halo. The place she appeared was ingenious, just furthest away from the other two Battle Spirit Masters. Even if the other side wanted to use spirit abilities, they had to first move around their companion with the halo to affect Xiao Wu.

  The dark cloud cover of black hair wrapped around the opponent’s neck just like living serpents. Invincible Golden Body still hadn’t disappeared, and the spirit ability the opponent instantly used against Xiao Wu failed to have any effect on her. He wanted to grab Xiao Wu’s long hair, but that hair was slippery as if alive, and his hands were unable to hold on.

  His neck tightening, Xiao Wu poked one foot at the back of his waist[1]. Even though the techniques Tang San had from Tang Sect weren’t applicable for Xiao Wu, having been together for so long, Tang San had still long since taught Xiao Wu about the weak points of the human body.

  The back of his waist pressed, the opponent immediately lost strength. The next moment, Xiao Wu’s Waist Bow launched under the effect of Invincible Golden Body.

  Waist Bow already doubled strength on its own, and Invincible Golden Body boosted Waist Bow once again. Even a sixtieth ranked Spirit Master wouldn’t have any way to prevent being thrown by that instantly erupting strength, let alone this Spirit Hall Academy team member. The acupoints in his waist pressed, he immediately flew like a soaring cloud or rushing mist.

  Completing this one move, Xiao Wu didn’t chase after to use Eight Stage Drop on him, but rather shot up, leaping like a swimming fish, just avoiding the attacks of the other two Battle Spirit Masters. At the same time, she also perfectly drew their attention. With just another use of Teleportation, she successfully pulled out of their attack range.

  And at this moment, there was also a violent explosion in the direction that Spirit Master had been thrown.

  Thrown with Waist Bow, that halo releasing Spirit Master was instantly stunned for a short moment, and at this time, long since waiting for a chance, Ma Hongjun dropped from the sky. Evil Fire Phoenix fourth spirit ability, Phoenix Cry Sky Strike, launched.

  The opponent being stunned was the ideal timing for Ma Hongjun’s ability, and of course he wouldn’t let it slip by. Distorted light filled the air within a small range, a red hot column of flame instantly leaping up. With an explosion, the opposing team member was completely swallowed up by the column of flame.

  Ma Hongjun’s silhouette moved away from the flame column in the next moment, simultaneously aiming a foot at the flame column behind him. An already completely scorched black figure was instantly kicked out.

  “Treat him in time, or don’t blame me if he dies.”

  Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu met up. This moment was just when Xiao Wu’s Invincible Golden Body as well as the effects of everyone’s flying mushroom sausages ended.

  Relying on clever teamwork and fully exploiting their spirit abilities, they had successfully settled one opponent, shifting the current balance.

  Frequent cracks constantly echoed from within the red fog, clearly showing the intensity of the battle within, almost distorted close to severe whistling sounds along with clang after clang transmitting outwards. Nobody outside could see the battle within the red fog, but the other six Shrek Seven Devils all understood that nobody was able to help Tang San now, unless he voluntarily left the red fog on his own. The others entering the red fog would only hold him back.

  On Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s side, after the first time the two collided with the opponent, they immediately changed to a moving battle. Without engaging Yan from the front, they relied on Zhu Zhuqing ambushing from the sides, and Dai Mubai pulling from the front. Even though there was a large difference in spirit power, the outcome wouldn’t be settled for quite a while. After all, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing still hadn’t used their final killing weapon, Hell White Tiger. Yan also didn’t dare rush them. Despite being a Spirit King, he still couldn’t be sure of blocking the Hell White Tiger.
All he hoped for right now was that Xie Yue and Hu Liena could hurry up and deal with Tang San in the red fog.

  Just judging by these people outside, it now seemed that defeating the Shrek Seven Devils wouldn’t be too easy.

  Tang San’s expression revealed an ice cold light, his hands crossed over his chest. Each time the light flickered in his eyes, it seemed as if the air would freeze a bit. The Eight Spider Lances behind him were like eight pikes, constantly thrusting out from unfathomable angles, and the movement of his body also relied completely on the Eight Spider Lances to control.

  Xie Yue’s Moon Blades were even more formidable than Tang San had imagined. Each time those durable Eight Spider Lances collided with Xie Yue’s Moon Blades, a mark would be left behind. Some of the tiny barbs had even been cut off.

  In fact, Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances had already passed the amplification of two Man Faced Demon Spiders, as well as the forging of two great immortal herbs. This showed just how terrifying the might of those red glinting immense Moon Blades in Xie Yue’s hands was.

  At the same time, Tang San discovered that this spirit fusion ability had a kind of particular effect on Xie Yue’s body. There was an at least thirty percent chance that he would automatically dodge his attacks. And Xie Yue had a superb grasp of this dodge, never using the Moon Blades to dodge unless he was absolutely certain his body would be hit, instead constantly using the moon Blades to wear down Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances. Those frequent cracks rung out because of this.

  Xie Yue was very calm right now. Even though his and Hu Liena’s spirit fusion ability, Charm Demon, didn’t have any formidable attacks, it was precisely because of this that it consumed spirit power much slower than those attack spirit fusion abilities, and this red fog could be maintained for a long time. After fusing with Hu Liena, his spirit power had surpassed the sixtieth rank. He believed that under these circumstances, it was impossible for Tang San to win.

  The facts also proved his thoughts. Relying on his exquisite control over the Moon Blades, Xie Yue had already jolted open the Eight Spider Lances more than once. But just when he was about to get close to Tang San, Tang San immediately launched a Binding or perhaps Parasite to halt him, allowing him to break out of his attack range.

  Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances had immense strength on their own, and further adding Tang San’s strength and spirit power, the result was comparable to a fiftieth ranked Spirit King. But right now he was confronting Xie Yue who after all had sixtieth ranked strength. Ten ranks of spirit power was an enormous gap.

  If Tang San hadn’t supplemented the Eight Spider Lances with his own Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step and low level spirit abilities, he would already have been unable to endure.

  Tang San understood that, with the degree of sharpness of the opponent’s Moon Blades, no matter which spirit ability it was, it was impossible to trap Xie Yue. What he would do now was to consume the opponent’s spirit power, patiently watching for a gap.

  Despite being unable to defeat the opponent from the front, fortunately the opponent couldn’t use any other abilities, thereby not needing Tang San to worry about sudden attacks. Judging by how Xie Yue didn’t let the red fog envelop his companions, the Charm Demon’s ability had negative effects to the people on their side as well.

  Suddenly, after two attacks jolted open the Eight Spider Lances, Xie Yue abruptly turned, one the two moon Blades in his hands suddenly shooting out like lightning, flying through the air spinning.

  Tang San’s heart immediately skipped a beat. Relying on Purple Demon Eye, he could clearly see that Moon Blade’s arc slicing through the air directly at Dai Mubai.

  Tang San could be called the grandmaster of hidden weapons in this world, and the moon Blade’s flight angle and speed he could see how fierce this attack was. Even with the White Tiger Vajra Transformation and White Tiger Barrier, it was impossible for Dai Mubai to withstand the sharpness of a sixtieth ranked spirit power Moon Blade.

  “Mubai, careful!”

  Tang San shouted, glowering.

  Eight Spider Lances abruptly stuck into the ground, and again sending him shooting out like lightning, directly into the air.

  The direction Xie Yue threw this moon Blade was extremely sinister, first cutting the Blue Silver Grass that connected Tang San to Dai Mubai, making him unable to save him. Even though the red fog didn’t cover the group fight over there, it was still very close. A sudden sneak attack from behind while he was focused on the enormous pressure from the front would catch Dai Mubai unprepared.

  Yan hadn’t been working together with Xie Yue for just one or two days. Tang San’s loud shout admittedly warned Dai Mubai, but at the same time it equally got his attention. Both hands fiercely smashing the ground, Yan’s fourth spirit ring lit up.

  The air suddenly seemed to become thick, distorting and undulating, streams of dry hot air making everyone delay as if walking in quicksand. Stream after stream of lava bubbled up from the ground, swallowing towards the Shrek Seven Devils.

  When Dai Mubai heard Tang San’s voice, he first pounced forward. He already felt a chill making the pores on his back close up.

  However, Yan’s sudden fourth spirit ability was mainly aimed in this direction. A brief delay was often key to deciding victory or defeat. The Shrek Seven Devils schemed against their opponents, how couldn’t the opponents scheme against them?

  As the leader of the Golden Generation, even though Xie Yue was caught in Tang San’s plans at the start, he very quickly understood Tang San’s goal.

  He had launched a powerful attack against Tang San without batting an eyelid, but once he discovered he couldn’t win in a short time, he immediately changed tactics.

  As he watched, only a few meters remained between the Mon Blade and Dai Mubai. Xie Yue seemed to already be able to hear the sound of bones being cut and broken by the Moon Blade. Even so much that his face already held a cruel smile.

  * * *

  [1] “Loin Eye” refers specifically to acupoints on the small of the back. Like this.

  Chapter 128: Tang Sect’s Tenth, Batwing Rebound

  Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)

  But at this moment, layer after layer of black light abruptly rose below Dai Mubai’s feet, strands of Blue Silver Grass. The Blue Silver Grass immediately condensed together after rising, becoming extremely hard. Not only did it block the twisting streams of air outside, but at the same time also formed a fully seven layered barrier around Dai Mubai.

  With Dai Mubai in this kind of crisis, Tang San couldn’t help the spirit power consumption and launched the ten thousand year spirit ring’s ability, Blue Silver prison. Altogether seven Blue Silver Prisons directly aimed at Dai Mubai.

  An ear-piercing grinding sound instantly erupted where the Moon Blade and the Blue Silver Prison touched.

  One side was the Moon Blade supported by tyrannical spirit power, and moreover the amplification of the spirit fusion ability, while the other side was the unprecedented fourth ten thousand year spirit ability. Which would win in the end?

  Layer after layer of Blue Silver Prison broke under the grinding Moon Blade, but the Moon Blade’s red radiance also clearly weakened.

  Soaring through the air, Tang San didn’t stay idle. Dropping from the sky, his Eight Spinder Lances stretched out, directly throwing him at Xie Yue.

  With Eight Spider Lances plus four limbs, Tang San could at most attack Xie Yue from twelve different directions. On the surface it seemed that Xie Yue was already suppressed to a disadvantage, with Tang San’s battle capability able to completely unleash a twelve directional attack.

  However, at this moment Xie Yue revealed his power as one of the Golden Generation. He only used one simple move to break Tang San’s abrupt power.

  Body rotating one turn like lightning, the other Moon Blade surged out,
spinning at high speed as it cut towards Tang San, releasing an ear-piercing sharp hiss. In terms of attack power, it was unexpectedly even more powerful than the attack on Dai Mubai.

  The attack on Dai Mubai had to be unexpected, so Xie Yue couldn’t use his full strength in order to reduce the sound, but for this attack on Tang San, he naturally wouldn’t hold back.

  Seeing that Moon Blade coming towards him, Tang San couldn’t help being shocked. Because he discovered that the speed of that Moon Blade was extremely terrifying even when locked on with his Purple Demon Eye, and in fact, that Moon Blade even left after images. Tang San immediately judged that even his Eight Spider Lances wouldn’t be able to withstand that cutting power.

  By now, on the other side of the battle, the seven Blue Silver Prisons Tang San used to defend Dai Mubai were already completely smashed, but that Moon Blade also lacked enough remaining strength. Dai Mubai’s tiger claws ejected to swat the Moon Blade flying. But that Moon Blade practically only touched his tiger claws before it abruptly disappeared, reappearing in Xie Yue’s hand.

  A sneer appeared at the corners of Xie Yue’s mouth. Since the start of the match, it was finally entering his control. ‘So what if you can see me in the Charm Demon ability? By letting me take the advantage, you won’t have any chance again.’

  In midair, Tang San saw that Dai Mubai’s crisis was already dissolved. Even though he was blasted flying by a fist from Yan as he struck down the moon Blade, it shouldn’t be any major issue. Yan was also simultaneously pushed several meters away by a Hell Decapitation from Zhu Zhuqing, and on the surface the situation was still in equilibrium.

  The Moon Blades sharp whistling sound and the increasingly enchanting red lines on its surface provided enormous pressure on Tang San. But at this moment, his real combat attainment was revealed.

  Seeing the Moon Blade cut through the air as if pulled towards him, Tang San spread his arms and sharply withdrew them, simultaneously deviating in midair, as his left hand sharply flew out, the more than five hundred jin[1] Clear Sky Hammer emerged to meet it.


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