Strangers in Atlantis (Seaborne)

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Strangers in Atlantis (Seaborne) Page 1

by Matt Myklusch

  Text copyright © 2017 by Matt Myklusch

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Myklusch, Matt, author.

  Title: Strangers in Atlantis / Matt Myklusch.

  Description: Minneapolis : Carolrhoda Books, [2017] | Series: Seaborne ; book 2 | Summary: “Reformed pirate Dean Seaborne is blackmailed into one last job. Dean must rob a secret resort for globetrotting royals. When he tries, he discovers an underwater kingdom below: Atlantis, on the brink of civil war” —Provided by publisher.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2016021192 (print) | LCCN 2016037723 (ebook) | ISBN 9781512413755 (th : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781512426915 (eb pdf)

  Subjects: LCSH: Atlantis (Legendary place)—Juvenile fiction. | CYAC: Atlantis (Legendary place)—Fiction. | Pirates—Fiction. | Spies—Fiction.

  Classification: LCC PZ7.M994 St 2017 (print) | LCC PZ7.M994 (ebook) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

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  9781512432770 mobi

  9781512432787 ePub

  9781512432794 ePub

  For my mom, whose heart is bigger than the ocean

  nowhere to run

  Chapter 1

  Trouble in Paradise

  “I’m telling you, Seaborne, that girl wants you dead.”

  Dean Seaborne’s eyebrows went up. “What?”

  Ronan shrugged as if he’d said the most obvious thing in the world. “If not, I’m confused. Looks to me she’s doing her best to get you killed. That’s not even the worst part.”

  Dean groaned. “Don’t be so dramatic.” He didn’t need to ask his friend what “the worst part” was. Ronan would be happy to hold up both sides of the conversation all by himself.

  “The worst part is, I’m likely to be there when she gets you killed, which means she’s going to get me killed too.”

  “Oh, that’s the problem.”

  “It surely is. This won’t end well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Dean said. He sat on his surfboard, bobbing along on the waves and keeping his eyes on Waverly. “Speaking of dreams,” Dean grinned, “you think this place is everything she dreamed it would be?”

  Ronan gripped his own surfboard tightly. “I don’t care if it is or not. We shouldn’t be here. We should never have come here to begin with!”

  “All right,” Dean said. “Calm down, I’m only kidding. I agree it’s time to go.”

  Dean could tell Ronan was about to blow his top, and he wanted no part of that. Ronan wore his heart on his sleeve, but that sleeve also included (down near the end) a large fist Ronan used to make his point whenever words failed him. Dean had been threatened with Ronan’s fist many times, and even felt it crunch his nose on one occasion. That was back before he and Ronan had become such good friends—but Dean didn’t want to push his luck. Ronan was as big as a house, and Dean liked his nose the way it was. He took a long last look at the beach and sighed. “You have to admit, it’s quite a sight.”

  “Aye, and if we linger too long, it’ll be the last thing we ever see.”

  The two boys were floating off the coast of St. Blanc, a tiny, unspoiled island in the Caribbean Sea. An endless stretch of white sand went on for miles with nary a rock, pebble, or twig to be found. Crystal clear water sparkled where the ocean met the land, as if diamonds had been scattered in the surf.

  It was late in the afternoon, and the sun was sinking down toward the sea. The sunlight laid down a golden streak toward the horizon, as if charting a course to paradise. Dean felt like he was already there. He might have wondered why anyone would leave this place, if he didn’t already know the answer. He knew the stories. He knew why no one ever came to St. Blanc. Dean and his friends had been lucky so far, but the smart move would be to quit while they were ahead. Convincing Waverly of that was going to take something of an effort.

  Waverly Kray was within shouting distance of Dean and Ronan, surfing a nearby wave. Ronan had been trying to call her in for ten minutes now, but she couldn’t hear him. Either that or she had pretended not to. In the end, Dean and Ronan were forced to paddle out and get her.

  Dean didn’t mind all that much. On the way out, he marveled at the way Waverly commanded the ocean on her board, surfing inside the curl of a massive wave. The wave began to chase her as it collapsed, but Waverly crouched down low and put a hand out, grazing the surface of the water as she maintained her lead on the break. Dean watched her ride up to the crest and make a sharp turn back into the heart of the crashing wave.

  Water sprayed out from the wave’s lip as Waverly turned on it. She quickly swerved around again to continue streaking ahead of the curl. The cutback turn was a simple move for Dean to execute on his wheelboard, but it required one very important ingredient. Land. In the water, Waverly turned the move into something special. She did it with a kind of slashing elegance and seemed to move in slow motion, her silhouette backlit by the sun.

  “She’s something else, isn’t she?”

  Ronan let out a terse laugh. “I’ll grant you that, Seaborne.”

  Waverly rode her wave to the end and dove into the water, another liquid mountain conquered. She climbed back onto her board, brushed a few wet locks of auburn hair out of her face, and shook away the rest. She looked exhilarated. It made Dean happy to see her that way. He had never known a girl like Waverly before. Growing up as he had—raised by pirates, stowing away on ships, and lying to everyone he met—he had never had the opportunity. Dean counted himself lucky to have Waverly in his life, even if he did sometimes wonder if she had some kind of death wish. An old sea dog had once warned Dean that when it came to girls, the pretty ones were always a little crazy. Waverly’s tanned skin, soft features, and emerald eyes covered the first part of that statement. The way she attacked waves big enough to snap a man’s neck proved the rest true. She spotted Dean and Ronan and paddled over.

  “Having fun, Princess?” Ronan asked.

  Waverly splashed water at him. She hated being called Princess and he knew it. Her distaste for the word had only grown since it had become her rightful title. But at that moment, her spirits would not be dampened by a little friendly teasing. “The waves here are perfect! Are you two ready to give it another go?”

  Dean shook his head. “Sun’s getting low. We have to head back in. Now.”


  “You know why. It’s not safe.”

  Waverly groaned. “You sound like my father. Just a little while longer. Please? I can teach you. There’s no better place to learn to surf.”

  Before anyone could argue, a monstrous roar ripped through the air. All eyes turned down the beach, toward a wild animal in the shape of
a man, only much bigger and hairier. Seconds later, a whole pack of them burst out from the trees at the end of the shoreline.

  “The Parkoors might disagree with you,” Ronan said.

  Waverly’s smile vanished. “That’s them?”

  Dean’s face turned grim. He nodded. The creatures were giant gorillas with black pelts and white, skull-like faces—and, according to the French explorer who first discovered this island, extraordinary athleticism and razor-sharp claws. Dean couldn’t verify that last part at his present distance, and he had no desire to get close enough to find out.

  “I told you,” Ronan said as the animals tore down the beach. “I told you!”

  Dean heard Waverly take in a short breath. When he turned to reassure her, she was already gone. “What are you two waiting for?” she called back. “Paddle!”

  “Brilliant!” Ronan said with no small amount of sarcasm as he and Dean turned their boards around to follow Waverly.

  The three of them lay flat on their stomachs and paddled hard for shore on their surfboards. By the time they made it to dry land, the Parkoors were closing in on their position. The beasts moved across the sand like galloping horses, charging on all fours. Dean, Ronan, and Waverly abandoned their boards and ran for their lives.

  “I told you this was a bad idea!” Ronan barked, smacking Dean in the shoulder.

  “Not now!” Dean said, running hard for the trees.

  “Down!” Waverly called out as the animals threw rocks at their backs.

  Dean dove into the sand as stones sailed overhead as if shot from a cannon. “These things are smarter than they look.”

  Once the rocks stopped flying, Ronan shouted: “Go!”

  “Wait!” Waverly said. “The packs!”

  She doubled back and grabbed the three backpacks they had taken with them from their ship. She tossed one each to Dean and Ronan. “Just in case.” The three of them ran into the jungle at the edge of the beach, as unlikely a trio as there had ever been—a pirate, a spy, and a princess. At least, those were the lives they had left behind.

  Three months had passed since they had set sail together from Zenhala, the island where gold grew on trees. Three months since Dean’s life had changed forever. He had gone to Zenhala as a reluctant spy for One-Eyed Jack, the Pirate King of the Caribbean. Dean had been sent to steal the island’s fabled golden harvest, and he would have succeeded, too, had his heart been in the job. In the end, Dean followed his heart elsewhere. He relinquished any claim he had on the priceless treasure and left with something more valuable. Freedom. He had been denied it all the days of his criminal life, but those days were done.

  Dean also left Zenhala with the first real friends he had ever known. There was Ronan, who had come to help Dean steal the island’s treasure, and Waverly, a noble girl of thirteen who had more in common with a couple of reformed pirates than she did her fellow blue bloods. Together, they struck off in search of adventure and the chance to chart their own course in life. It had been Waverly’s idea to make the trip to St. Blanc—“the world’s most perfect beach.” Dean had known the risks going in, but he had a hard time saying no to Waverly.

  Ronan didn’t have the same weakness where Waverly was concerned. He had argued strongly against making the trip to St. Blanc. He had worried about the island’s proximity to waters controlled by the English navy, though that was true of almost everywhere in the Caribbean, now that One-Eyed Jack was gone. With a little help from a sea serpent who lived off the coast of Zenhala, Dean had seen the cutthroat captain off to Davy Jones’s Locker. But mostly, Ronan had worried about the Parkoors.

  Dean, Ronan, and Waverly fought their way through a tangled web of tropical vegetation, trying to put some distance between themselves and the wild animals behind them. The dense thicket slowed them down considerably, but it had the opposite effect on their simian pursuers. Dean noticed a complex network of vines in the trees overhead. The vines crisscrossed throughout the jungle canopy, strung from branch to branch. In a flash, the Parkoors caught up to the trio. One of the Parkoors dropped out of the trees, right in Dean and Ronan’s path.

  Running too fast to stop, Ronan barreled into the creature. He sandwiched the Parkoor against a palm tree and knocked its head hard against the trunk. Dean slid toward them feet first, taking out the Parkoor’s legs before it could take out Ronan. They hit the dirt in a tangled mess. Dean rolled hard to the right as the gorilla growled and took a swipe at him. Its nails tore his shirt, cutting his skin.

  Razor-sharp claws. Check.

  He got up quickly as Waverly tossed something his way.

  “What am I supposed to do with a coconut?”

  “What do you think? Hit him!”

  Dean clocked the beast in the head hard enough to break the coconut apart. The Parkoor’s eyes rolled up toward the back of its head, and the creature went to sleep. “That’s one down,” Dean said, helping Ronan up.

  Ronan looked back the other way. “We’re going to need a lot more coconuts.” Another wave of Parkoors bounded through the trees, hard and fast. They danced across the vines and jumped off tree branches, launching themselves forward.

  “This way,” Waverly pointed. “Up the mountain.”

  “That’s why you grabbed the packs,” Ronan grumbled. “You still want to make that jump.”

  Waverly nodded. “If it keeps us alive. Come on!” She ran for the rocks up ahead. Dean and Ronan followed. What else could they do?

  Mont Blanc stood five hundred feet tall, right in the center of the island. It rose up out of the jungle to a barren peak that overlooked the many bays and inlets of St. Blanc. A man named Verrick, one of Waverly’s loyal subjects and as seasoned a sailor as Dean had ever known, had their ship waiting in one of those bays.

  The Parkoors continued to gain ground as Dean and his friends scrambled up the mountain. The animals were superior climbers by far, but Dean, Waverly, and Ronan had the high ground and used it to their advantage. As soon as they reached a stable plateau, they stopped to throw rocks back the other way. Ronan had an arm like a cannon and threw hard enough to puncture a ship’s hull. The relentless Parkoors flew up the mountain like leaping spiders, but Ronan picked them off with stones and sent them tumbling back down.

  Waverly reached the mountaintop first, with Dean and Ronan close behind. As mountains went, Mont Blanc was rather small, but it boasted a spectacular view from the summit just the same. The three friends stopped to catch their breath on a rocky crag overlooking the island. “It really is beautiful here,” Waverly remarked. “Imagine what it’ll look like on the way down.”

  Dean tugged on the straps of his pack. “You’re sure these will work?”

  “I packed them myself,” Waverly assured him. “They’ll work.”

  “I don’t like this,” Ronan said.

  “Have you got a better idea?” Waverly asked.

  “No,” Ronan answered grudgingly.

  Waverly stifled a laugh. “Then I’m heading for the ship.” She backed up a few paces, then ran full bore at the edge of the mountain. When she jumped, she let out a gleeful howl.

  Dean shook his head. Just like the old man said. Crazy.

  He watched as a folded shroud of silk flew out of Waverly’s backpack and opened up with a loud whomp. It caught the wind like a sail, and she drifted down to safety. Ronan shook his head. “I can’t do this.”

  “No choice,” Dean said, looking out for the Parkoors. They were still coming up the mountain. “Time’s wasting.”

  Ronan didn’t budge. “You go first.”

  Dean studied Ronan. He had never known his friend to be afraid of anything, but the look in Ronan’s eyes told Dean he’d rather face the Parkoors than the cliff. “I’m not going to jump until you do, Ronan. Get to it.”

  Ronan refused. He was scared of the leap. So was Dean, but the thought of getting torn limb from limb by a family of wild gorillas scared him more. Grunting and growling sounds drifted up the mountain path.

bsp; Dean grabbed Ronan and shook him. “You hear that? Now you’re the one who’s going to get us killed. Come on, Ronan! Jump!”

  The Parkoors came into view, and Ronan came to his senses. He cursed Dean under his breath as he backed up from the ledge and got ready to jump. A moment later, he was in the air, gliding along like a child strapped to a giant kite. It was Dean’s turn next. He got a running start and leaped, just as his friends had done.

  But it was too late. The Parkoors had reached the summit. One of them tackled Dean in midair. They plunged through the sky, grappling at each other. Dean kicked the beast off and prayed that its claws had not torn the fabric inside his pack. If he wanted to live, he had two seconds to release the portable sail he carried.

  It took him three.

  Chapter 2

  Jungle Hunt

  The straps of Dean’s pack dug in underneath his arms. His body jerked upward as the silk canopy flapped open, but his feet were already nearing the treetops. The last thing Dean saw before he reentered the jungle was a ship approaching St. Blanc. It was headed for the same sheltered bay that harbored Verrick and their ship, the Tideturner.

  The next thing Dean saw was an extreme close-up of palm leaves, vines, and tree bark. Dean bounced through the foliage, hitting branch after painful branch all the way down. Everything went black, and for a moment, Dean’s world ceased to exist.

  • • •

  Dean woke up with his feet dangling in the air. His lines and rigging had gotten caught in the trees, and he was swinging from a branch like a wind chime. He rubbed his aching head and took stock of his situation. Judging from the position of the sun in the sky, he hadn’t been out for very long. He slipped out of his pack and climbed down to the ground.

  Dean’s stomach tightened up when he heard more Parkoors in the distance. He had to keep moving. Verrick had the Tideturner in a cove not far from where he stood. Dean knew that. He had seen it. He just had to get there. Waverly and Ronan would be waiting for him on board the ship, assuming they didn’t think he was already dead.


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