Exile of Lucifer

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by D. Brian Shafer

  Crispin. "These are in fact our brothers and perhaps there is hope

  for their fellowship again one day."

  The sound of someone running down the hall loudly knock-

  ing on doors, mixed with muffled voices, could be heard coming

  from outside Crispin's room. "What is going on now?" Crispin

  asked, heading to the door.

  He opened the door just as Grel, a teacher at the Academy,

  was about to pound on it. Grel was trying to tell Crispin something,

  but Crispin could not make any sense of it. He could see other

  "Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!" 59

  angels running about in the halls, all jabbering with similar excite-

  ment. A long trumpet blast sounded, signaling to all of Heaven that

  a major proclamation had just been made. Michael looked at the

  two angels and asked urgently, "What is it?"

  "The Lord Most High," said Grel, "has just announced

  through the archangel Gabriel the establishment of a new realm, to

  be populated with an entirely different creature! A physical realm.

  A world unlike any other. And we angels will be witnesses to this!

  Think of it, Crispin! We always hoped for this possibility and now

  it's happening! Come on!" Grel hurried out the door and disap-

  peared into the throng of angels.

  "What is he talking about?" asked Michael to a teary-eyed

  Crispin. "What is it?"

  "Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!" answered Crispin,

  who hurried out of the room to join the rest of the angels who were

  celebrating the news.


  Chronicles of the Host

  The Creation

  The greatness of our Lord was never made more manifest to

  the angels than in His Creation of the Heavens and the earth.

  Long discussed in Heaven, the announcement of the Creation

  stunned the Host. God in His wisdom and love had deter-

  mined to design a physical world--a dimension of material

  substance with which He might interact, having populated it

  with physical beings.

  Thus did the Lord announce through the angel Gabriel this

  joyous news, which was received by the Host in great excite-

  ment and celebration. To all it seemed a time and place of

  tremendous future service to the Lord; to some it afforded more

  personal advantages...


  Chapter 5

  "What are they searching for that

  they must go to Lucifer to find?"

  The streets of the City were filled with angels celebrating the

  wonderful news. There were buzzes of information everywhere as

  angels excitedly exchanged views on the event: "I hear that angels

  will be allowed to visit the new world." "It can't be as beautiful as

  the Kingdom." "I wonder who will govern the planet--an angel

  perhaps?" All sorts of information was flying about--all of it guess-

  es, most of it completely wrong.

  Lucifer was hurrying home through the crowd of noisy

  angels. Every few steps he stopped to agree with this or that angel

  on how wonderful this was. "Lucifer!" a voice shouted. "Lord

  Lucifer!" Lucifer turned to see Octrion running toward him.

  "So the Lord was going to announce another great ministry?"

  asked Lucifer as Octrion came near. "Octrion, you couldn't have

  been more incorrect."

  "Who would have thought this was to be the announcement?"

  said Octrion, a little embarrassed. "But doesn't it make sense that

  the Lord must at the very least name some more archangels to help

  administer the new world?" He smiled at an angel who bumped

  into him accidentally.

  62 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "Octrion, you overestimate our importance," answered

  Lucifer, who noted some angels gathered around them. "The Lord

  will choose whomever He deems worthy of such a task. Archangel

  or not, I intend to serve Him as always."

  "I'm glad to hear you say that, Lucifer," came a voice from


  Lucifer turned around and greeted Gabriel. They embraced

  each other for a moment and then Lucifer spoke up. "Well! The

  messenger at last! Since when do my friends keep such marvelous

  news from me?" He smiled.

  "I only learned about it a short while ago myself," said

  Gabriel, who nodded in greeting to Octrion. "I was summoned to

  the Temple and the next thing I knew I was handed a scroll and told

  to prepare for an assembly."

  "There was really very little to go on from the proclamation

  you read," said Lucifer. "All I could gather is that the Creation

  which everyone has speculated about for some time is actually

  going to happen. Is there anything else you know?"

  Gabriel looked at Lucifer and Octrion hesitantly. "Very little. I

  know about as much as everyone else. The angels will be witness to

  the event, that much I know."

  "Octrion was suggesting that perhaps the angels would also

  be involved in governing the new world," said Lucifer. "Isn't that

  what you heard, Octrion?"

  Octrion looked up at Gabriel and nervously responded,

  "Actually I...I mean I really can't be sure. There's so much talk..."

  He looked down, mumbling.

  "What do you think, Gabriel?" asked Lucifer. "You are so

  much closer to the source than I or poor Octrion are these days.

  What is to be the administration of the new world?"

  "Lucifer, I do not know any more than you," said Gabriel, a lit-

  tle tense at Lucifer's question. "But here's some good news for you!

  As part of the celebration of the event, you will have opportunity to

  create your most significant work--the Creation hymn! The Elders

  wanted me to convey to you that they desire an extraordinary

  "What are they searching for that they must go to Lucifer to find?" 63

  effort to celebrate this announcement. Hymns, praises, choir--

  everything. Your music will be remembered with the event itself!"

  Octrion offered his congratulations to Lucifer, who accepted

  them warmly. "The Elders? Please thank them for me," said Lucifer.

  "I am honored to serve them and the Lord in this capacity...as


  "Excellent," said Gabriel. "I shall tell them immediately! Just

  look at it, Lucifer! It's as if every angel in Heaven is coming to the

  Grand Square to celebrate this announcement. Good-bye, my

  friend. Farewell, Octrion."

  Gabriel disappeared into the sea of angels. Octrion looked at

  Lucifer and wondered why the worship minister looked so dis-

  pleased. Finally he said, "My lord, this is a great honor! The Cre-

  ation set to your music! I will serve you in any way I can in this

  effort. My deepest congratulations to you!"

  "And my deepest regrets," snarled Lucifer. "The most impor-

  tant event to happen to this Kingdom since its own creation and my

  part in it is to write more music!? Is that all they believe I am capa-

  ble of?" He looked at Octrion, who was astonished by Lucifer's

  words. "I'm terribly sorry, dear Octrion. Of course I am honored. I

  only hope my little contribution will be of some use. That is what I

  was trying to say."

  "Of course it will
be of use," said Octrion. "It will be inspiring

  to all of Heaven. And think about it: Apart from the Lord, you will

  be the only angel who is involved in the Creation itself. Not direct-

  ly, of course, since we are not God, but...I mean..." He dropped his

  voice to a nervous mumble.

  "Octrion, you have an annoying habit of never finishing a

  complete sentence, " Lucifer said. "I think Gabriel was right about

  all of Heaven turning out. Just look at all these angels. You'd think

  they were all going to be a part of this."

  Octrion felt uneasy and saw an opportunity to escape

  Lucifer's company. "There's my good friend Costas! I will talk to

  you again, my lord. Please call upon me when you need anything!

  Costas! Costas!" He melted into the crowd.

  64 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  Lucifer scanned the crowd, watching the angels come and go.

  A small ensemble of musicians began playing to add to the carnival

  atmosphere of this joyous time. Many angels were dancing with a

  joy Lucifer had not witnessed for a very long time. One angel tried

  to grab Lucifer by the cloak and pull him into the dance, but Lucifer

  politely refused. Finally he saw Kara, one of the Elders, approach-

  ing him through the throng.

  Kara was a strong ally of Lucifer. He was a wisdom angel who

  was widely respected and who sat on the Eldership. He was there-

  fore privy to the deliberations of the Elders and kept Lucifer

  abreast of what was discussed at the meetings. Lucifer enjoyed this

  information, which gave him a pulse on certain events in Heaven.

  Lucifer never quite understood why Kara held him in such

  esteem, but ever since they attended the Academy together Kara

  was devoted to him. Like Lucifer, he dreamed of greater things for

  himself and felt that by acting in the worship minister's behalf

  from time to time he was advancing both their causes.

  "What a joyous day, my brother," said Lucifer, embracing his


  "And a noisy one," replied Kara. "What do you think of the


  "What do you think of it?" asked Lucifer.

  Kara understood and motioned Lucifer to follow him. "Let's

  get out of this mob where we can talk," he said. The two made their

  way through the crowd until they came to a place between two pil-

  lars which were a part of the Great Hall of Assembly. They could

  see the Grand Square from here, filled with the noisy, happy, danc-

  ing, singing celebrants who were thrilled that God was about to

  embark upon a new creative venture.

  Kara made sure they were at a place where no angels might

  overhear their conversation. He looked at his old friend and smiled

  at him. "I know what you are thinking, Lucifer. And the answer is,

  I don't know."

  "What are you talking about?" asked Lucifer.

  "What are they searching for that they must go to Lucifer to find?" 65

  "Lucifer, since we both got out of the Academy and have been

  serving in our places of ministry--what is the one thing you have

  always aspired to do?" asked Kara.

  "Why, to serve the Most High with all my heart," answered


  "Yes. But it wouldn't hurt your feelings if the Lord gave you a

  more, shall we say, authoritative role in the Kingdom, hmm?" Kara

  looked at him with a penetrating gaze. "I know you. And the first

  thought which crossed your mind after the pronouncement was,

  Who will rule over this new creation? Am I right?"

  "And what were your first thoughts?" asked Lucifer. "Go on.

  I'm listening."

  "From what I gathered at our meeting the person responsible

  for ruling will be called a steward," said Kara. Lucifer tried the

  word himself, saying "steward" several times under his breath to

  see how it sounded. Kara continued, "The Lord intends to turn the

  new world, which will be called earth, over to this `steward' who

  will be responsible for all of its resources--wealth, creatures, every-

  thing! Who the steward shall be nobody knows."

  "So you believe that the Lord will select an angel to steward

  ...what was it called, earth? Is that what you are telling me?" asked


  "Yes, but I have no idea whom He will select. But He must

  choose an angel since there are no other creatures capable of such a

  task," said Kara. "And I presume He will allow the Elders to delib-

  erate with Him as to which angel is most capable and deserving of

  the task. Perhaps He will even consider a recommendation from

  us." Kara watched with interest to see what effect his words had on


  "Really?" said Lucifer. "Well, my interest in all of this is a sim-

  ple curiosity and nothing more. What with all the rumors flying

  about on the street already I am only attempting to divide the real

  from the ridiculous."

  "I'm afraid that is all I can tell you right now," said Kara. "And

  any future knowledge I come upon will put me at tremendous risk

  66 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  personally if I am too...casual with it. At least until the Chief Elder

  allows us to speak freely. You understand, don't you?"

  "Of course," said Lucifer, patting his friend on the back. "I

  would never want you to violate your office simply to satisfy my

  idle curiosity. Think nothing of it."

  "Now," said Kara, "it seems you are in for a great honor!"

  "Yes," said, Lucifer, "the Chief Elder has asked me to compose

  the music for the Creation."

  "Correct!" said Kara. "That's what I was coming over to tell

  you. I am the one who suggested the idea to him."

  "As if I was not burdened enough," fumed Lucifer. "Why did

  you do that?"

  "Because my friend, this will be a great opportunity for you to

  demonstrate your ability to...steward your talent. Understand?"

  "Yes," said Lucifer. "I believe I do understand." He thought to

  himself for a moment and then said, "I would imagine that a great

  many angels will be displaying their ministries in innovative and

  enthusiastic ways while the Lord decides who will govern earth.

  And I would also think that if a certain angel were selected he

  would be free to appoint certain other angels to accompany him

  and help administer. Particularly if that angel was well placed and

  able to...shall I say...motivate interested parties in the decision. Is

  that what you had in mind?"

  Kara was lost in thought, feeding upon Lucifer's words.

  "Yes," he said, as if in great relief, "of course." He looked around

  carefully to make certain they were alone. "You alone know that I

  desire a new work. Something that will take me away from the end-

  less drudgery that comes with serving as an elder. Please under-

  stand I love my office. But the possibility of something completely

  new...something I have control over..." He looked at Lucifer for

  some hint. "So you would take me to earth with you! You can be

  Chief Steward and I can..."

  "Quiet!" said Lucifer, looking around. "Kara, I admire your

  ability to sway an argument in the Council. But your ambition will

>   get the better of you one day. You're dreaming much too far in

  advance. You have us on the earth and it has not even been created

  "What are they searching for that they must go to Lucifer to find?" 67

  yet." He placed his hand on Kara's shoulder, sensing that the con-

  versation had shifted in his favor. "I am sure that whoever the Lord

  and the Elders select will be a worthy angel. But if I were present-

  ed with such an honor I assure you that I would want to bring with

  me the most talented angels in Heaven." He looked intently into

  Kara's deep green eyes. "You Kara, are remarkably talented."

  Kara felt an excitement building within him--a sense of

  warmness that one can feel brewing within their inner being when

  a destiny is being realized. He then said very seriously and in a

  hushed voice, "You asked me a moment ago what my first thoughts

  were when I heard the news about the Creation. These were my

  thoughts: Lucifer must be made steward. I must do whatever I can to get

  him appointed. That's when I spoke to the Chief Elder about the

  music. Lucifer, you must do well on this. You must exceed even

  your own abilities this time. The Elders must be as completely

  taken with it as I shall be!"

  "And so they shall," said Lucifer. He looked up in thought, his

  eyes scanning the Heavenly skies. "This work will be my greatest

  triumph--one which I will invest with all my talents and abilities."

  He laughed. "Actually I have been holding back a bit lately. But not

  this time. The Hymn to the Creation must be my greatest achieve-

  ment in all my service to the Lord. It will encompass everything I

  know about music. I want all of Heaven singing my songs about

  the Creation, humming my melodies about the Creation, hearing

  my music even while the Creation itself is unfolding." He looked at

  Kara boldly and said, "And throughout eternity whenever the

  angels think of the Creation, they will not be able to do so without


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