"This nonsense has gone far enough, Lucifer!" 167
"Knowledge apart from the Holy One is presumption,
Gabriel," said the man-faced Zoa. "Those who would presume
upon the Lord's knowledge must also be prepared for the conse-
quences of such a presumption."
"But that is exactly our concern," said Gabriel. "It seems,
lords, that the Most High is distant from this dark affair. Where are
the consequences of such blatantly arrogant behavior? Law we
know exists in Heaven--but where is order?"
"The law, Gabriel, is within your heart," said the lion-faced
one. "The Most High has created the Host with the capacity to
choose freely to obey Him, just as He will create man with freedom
to choose him as well. (This was the first use of the word man that
Gabriel had encountered.)
"Man?" asked Gabriel, his curiosity overcoming his discretion.
"Yes, Gabriel, man--who will inhabit the earth in the name
and authority of the Most High God. To man the Lord will give
stewardship and dominion. With man he will have fellowship and
enjoy holy communion. Earth is to be a place where the Lord will
inhabit the very praises of man, and man will in turn worship God
in the beauty of a perfect world."
Gabriel could not help but think of all the efforts of Lucifer.
"And what of the idea that an angel might rule over earth in the
Lord's name?" he asked timidly.
"Earth is not for angels," said the eagle-faced Zoa emphatical-
ly. "The Host have a home and a ministry here in the Kingdom God
has created for them. No, Gabriel, earth is for men. Not angels.
Earth shall be ruled by men. Not angels."
"But Lucifer..." began Gabriel.
"Lucifer will not rule earth, nor shall any angel rule on earth.
Earth shall be stewarded by men. Earth is not a completely spiritu-
al world--it is also a material world. God in His wisdom shall cre-
ate a being who is both physical and metaphysical--a material
being with an immortal spirit. Angels, Gabriel, have no place in
such a world--at least not in the capacity which Lucifer envisions."
"But what will Lucifer's response be when he discovers all of
this?" asked Gabriel. "He shall be devastated."
168 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
"I am sure you will do well in telling him, Gabriel."
"What do you mean, lord?" asked a grim-faced Gabriel.
"Naturally, as Messenger to the Kingdom, when the time
comes you shall carry the news. Lucifer will hear and understand
on that day. How he reacts only the Most High would know. But
that will be the choice and responsibility of Lucifer alone. Your
duty however is not to Lucifer, but to the Most High."
"Then tell him I will, when the time comes," Gabriel respond-
ed. "But from a distance I hope, my lords, from a distance." He
And suddenly they were gone.
Gabriel was very much alone. He was also surprised to find
himself in one of the outer courts again. He looked about himself
dazed and drained from the experience. He thought about the
encounter as he walked through the complex. The message was
both clear and puzzling at the same time--but the indication was
that come what may the Lord would prevail. It hit Gabriel swiftly.
Of course! Of course the Lord will prevail, he thought to himself.
How very weak was the faith of those who were attempting to protect the
interests of the Lord! We must not question the Lord's wisdom in this but
draw back and allow Him to work! And what an inspired work of creation
man would be!
Gabriel sensed a liberty he had not sensed in some time since
dealing with the whole Lucifer question. No angel can hope to
compare himself with the Lord's ability to handle any situation.
The Zoa had prudently but decisively rebuked him in this regard.
The task of the creature was to depend upon the Creator--to follow
His instructions and not question the circumstances. From this
point forward they must trust fully in the Lord's ability and wis-
dom! The weight of the burden suddenly shifted from angel to the
Maker of angels as Gabriel, refreshed from the meeting, fell to his
knees and began to worship the Most High with a freedom he had
never known before.
The discourse between Pellecus and Crispin was to be a schol-
arly presentation of viewpoints. There was to be some limited
"This nonsense has gone far enough, Lucifer!" 169
debate, but mainly the idea was to clarify the major issues of con-
tention, chief of which were the ideas of freedom and responsibili-
ty in the Host. Polias, the librarian of the Hall of Record, was
chosen to mediate the event. He now took center stage as the hall
became very quiet.
"Brothers! Greetings to you in the name of the Most High God,
praise forever unto His name!"
The crowd responded, "So be it forever unto the Lord!"
While Polias went on, Lucifer scanned the hall. He watched as
Gabriel entered the rear. He was obviously looking for someone.
Michael, no doubt, Lucifer thought to himself. Kara also was watch-
ing for Michael, who had not as yet appeared, and then glanced at
Lucifer to see if he had noticed Gabriel enter. Lucifer indicated that
he had seen him. Gabriel finally settled himself near the doorway
and focused on Polias' opening statement.
"...thus it behooves us, who are the custodians of the great and eter-
nal knowledge of the Most High God, to responsibly dispense such
Lucifer ambled over to Kara. "Polias always did like a platform--
he should have been given more opportunity to speak in the past so
his present ramblings might be more tolerable."
"Polias is a fool," Kara responded, still watching Gabriel. "But
Gabriel is not."
"Ah, Gabriel," said Lucifer. "Our dear friend...archangel and
chief Messenger to the Kingdom. Sometimes, Kara, one can be so
close to the source of truth that one misses it. Gabriel has no idea of
the events that will soon overtake him. Never fear." He stared long
and hard at Gabriel, noticing something about his appearance--a
look of vitality and freshness as he had never seen before. "Does he
look somehow different to you?"
As they spoke, Pratia, another of the Elders friendly to Lucifer,
came up to Kara and whispered. Kara's eyes shifted to Lucifer as
Pratia spoke and then, after a brief, friendly exchange with Lucifer,
slightly bowed his head and walked away. Kara looked carefully
around to make certain that those around them were listening to the
droning of Polias, and then spoke in hushed tones to Lucifer.
170 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
"Pratia tells me that Gabriel just returned from the Temple
complex--not the Host Temple, mind you--the Temple on the
"And?" asked Lucifer. "What are we to infer from this visit?"
"Well, one might assume that an announcement of some
importance is forthcoming," said Kara. "But the fact is that Gabriel
p; entered the complex unannounced--he was not summoned--and
that goes against all protocol and tradition."
"And how do we know this?" asked Lucifer, mildly concerned
but collected.
"Because Pratia has been engaged by me to make certain of
Gabriel's activities and movements," Kara answered, rather proud-
ly. "Your angels are not the only ears in Heaven, my lord. Also the
Temple warden is, as you know, favorably disposed to joining us
one day on earth. He gave the information to Pratia."
"Oh yes, Kreelor, the Temple steward," remarked Lucifer.
"One of the most prattling angels in Heaven--perfectly suited to
his task--which as Temple warden does not entail very much at
"Nevertheless if Gabriel did in fact have conversation with
someone at the Temple we must know if at all possible the nature
of the conversation," Kara said.
"And therefore, brother angels, it is with great anticipation that we
meet together--not as feuding brothers--but as truth seekers...not as
angels in conflict but as fellow travelers on an academic excursion..."
"That would be up to you to discover then, Kara," said
Lucifer, "you being the sympathetic advisor for Gabriel and his
group. But since all of the important angels are here I must believe
that he sought an audience with the Zoa."
"That would not be good," said Kara, himself considering the
"All the more reason why you must find out with whom he
spoke," said Lucifer.
"The Zoa are incredibly loyal to the Most High and will never
turn from Him. I must however believe that their reputation for
wisdom is exaggerated."
"This nonsense has gone far enough, Lucifer!" 171
"How so?" asked Kara.
"Because, Kara," Lucifer continued, "if the Zoa were truly
these curiously bizarre and completely wise creatures they would
have been aware long before now and we ourselves would have
been summoned. The fact that Gabriel went begging to them for
information tells me that our movements are unknown in even the
highest circles." Lucifer smiled and added, "Ignorance under the
very Throne, Kara. I rather wonder sometimes how our Lord main-
tains that Throne with such colossal ignorance in support of it."
Lucifer saw Gabriel walking in his line of vision over and behind
Kara's left shoulder. "Nevertheless, caution is always the byword.
Investigate this at once and find out what information was
exchanged with the Zoa. We must know."
"Agreed," said Kara, as they both turned to listen to Polias'
concluding remarks.
"And now we come to the event itself. May the Most High receive
all of the glory and honor from these proceedings...may His truth prevail
as always...and may we leave here as we came--brothers of the Host, ser-
vants of God, one in mind, one in action!"
Michael didn't know what to think about Serus. The angel
seemed contrite enough, even pitiable. Yet there was something
that Michael did not trust about him. Perhaps the long association
with Lucifer had so damaged his credibility that Michael could not
see clearly. He wanted to be fair with Serus if this was a true repen-
tance. Yet Serus still displayed the old defiance from time to time,
especially where Lucifer was personally mentioned.
"What exactly do you find yourself questioning, Serus?"
asked Michael. "I mean about your service to Lucifer?"
Serus looked about him nervously, as if unseen assailants
were closing in upon him. Michael looked around again, alert to
any presence around him but sensing none. He looked quizzically
at Serus, who began speaking in hushed tones.
"I believe in Lucifer, Michael," he began. "I believe that he is
the greatest angel in Heaven. I believe that the Most High created
172 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
him for great and holy service. I believe that he is called the Anoint-
ed Cherub because the Lord has lavished upon him a special grace
in the Kingdom. I believe that the Lord Himself could only surpass
his music. I believe that his destiny is assured and that the Lord cre-
ated him perfect in all of his ways. And yet," he remarked as he
looked at Michael intently, "the Lucifer I just described and the
Lucifer whom I serve are two different creatures."
"How so, Serus?" Michael asked almost tenderly.
"You knew Lucifer when he was different, Michael. You knew
him before his heart began to change. I began serving him after he
began to withdraw from the fellowship of the angels. Even so
Michael, I have seen his demeanor change even more drastically--
especially in the recent past."
"Since the Creation?" asked Michael.
"No. The Creation merely fits nicely into his plans," said
Serus. "I refer to the time you were named archangel. Since that
appointment was made Lucifer has been determined to make a
name for himself which is greater than any other name--save the
Most High's of course."
"Lucifer jealous?" said Michael almost laughing. "The
Anointed Cherub jealous of me? That's absurd!"
"Nevertheless true," said Serus. "And of Gabriel. Do you
recall when you saw me walking to the Elders with the music for
Gabriel's installation? You were with Gabriel at the time."
"Ah yes," said Michael. "I do remember that because I was
upset with the meeting I had just had with Lucifer."
"Well, that was not the only meeting held at the time," Serus
"Oh really?" asked Michael.
Despite his personal fears, Serus was enjoying the interview.
Here he was--an angel of no reputation holding the attention of the
archangel Michael. Lucifer had often said that words were the most
powerful weapon one could use when used with discretion. Now
he was proving Lucifer right.
"Yes, Michael," he answered proudly. "I convened on behalf
of Lucifer a meeting of the Council of Worship shortly after
"This nonsense has gone far enough, Lucifer!" 173
Gabriel's ceremony. And there were some very interesting words
exchanged at that meeting."
"Such as...?" Michael responded.
"Mainly they were talking about the Most High," Serus said.
"Mind you although I am intimate with Lucifer I am seldom
included in the meetings. I just know that a couple of the angels
were offended by their manner toward the Lord."
"Was Sangius one of them?" asked Michael.
"Why yes," Serus remarked with a bemused look. "How did
you know?"
"He came to me, Serus," said Michael. "And told me why he
had been asked to leave the Council."
Serus smiled, remembering that he had secretly listened to the
conversation in the Grand Square. "Oh yes! I recall that. Sangius
never did see things the way Lucifer did. He's not at all like the oth-
ers on that Council--brutal, proud and blindly loyal to Lucifer. I
must say I honor him for standing up to Lucifer as he did--though
as you say, it cost him his seat in the Council
as well as, I under-
stand, some trouble in the Temple services."
Serus shook his head in disbelief. "And now I am to under-
stand he is to be named the steward of the earth? Well that is what
he has been after. I pity the creatures on that world if he adminis-
ters earth in the same manner in which he treats the Council!"
"He has not been named yet," said Michael. "The Elders have
only sought to recommend him to the Lord."
"The Elders! Michael, do you realize the extent of Lucifer's
influence?" said Serus, shaking again in fear. "I was so ashamed for
Heaven the day they all arrived and Kara made his announcement--
as if Lucifer was hearing it all for the very first time. He is the most
cunning creature in Heaven."
"Serus," Michael said. "Lucifer assured me that he was hear-
ing these things for the first time that day. Are you telling me that
Kara is with Lucifer in all of this?"
"Of course," said Serus. "Kara has always loved Lucifer. But from
a distance. He sees in Lucifer a possibility for advancement--nothing
174 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
more. That is the extent of most of the love held for our dear wor-
ship minister!"
Michael began to replay in his mind the many confidences he
and the others had shared with Kara. How stupid of them! They
might as well have had Lucifer in on the meetings, too. He would
deal with Kara when the time came!
"I know that you are wrestling with yourself as to which mas-
ter you should serve, the one who holds you now, or the one who
never really let you go. The Lord Most High has never abandoned
you. He has never abandoned even Lucifer, although it sometimes
seems that Lucifer has abandoned Him. But that is between Him
and Lucifer. Serus, what about you? Will you allow Lucifer to take
you with him into this foregone catastrophe? He cannot win
against the Lord--you know this."
Exile of Lucifer Page 21