dom and wishes to advance the Kingdom!"
Lucifer was delighted with Pellecus. "He is making Crispin
look like an absolute fool," he said to Kara. "How embarrassed I
would be if I was a teacher at this Academy!"
"However, let me address those concerns later, " Pellecus went
on. "For now I wish only to portray a true picture of what I am
advocating. Dear brothers, I am not promoting any action that goes
against the sacred teachings given to us from the very hand of God.
We live in concert with those laws. In the entire span of the creation
of the angels until now there has never been even a hint of a rebel-
lious action taken by an angel. I do not advocate such action."
"So what are you advocating, dear Pellecus?" asked Crispin. "If
the astonishingly poor attitude I have witnessed in my classroom of
late does not smack of a rebellious spirit, then what have I witnessed?"
"Something you have not witnessed for some time at the
Academy, Crispin," said Pellecus. "Thinking. True thought. And to
182 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
one who fears thinking, new ideas might appear as rebellious. You
are witness to freedom."
"Freedom? Freedom from what?" asked Crispin.
"From...forgive me, Crispin...tiresome presentations of the
Lord's teachings to angels," replied Pellecus. "You seem to forget,
Crispin, that our Lord's words are living, vital and therefore fluid.
You make no provision for the possibility that the Most High
expects us to think through what He has taught us and to make
application as needed."
"As needed? By whom?!" asked Crispin loudly. "By you?
Must we apply the honored tradition of God's holy law of Heaven
to your academic whims? Or to the dubious ambitions of other
angels?" (He suppressed the temptation to look at Lucifer as he
spoke these words.) "Of course we are to think. But
within the parameters of truth--not outside of its scope."
"Truth has no parameters, Crispin. What you call parameters
I call chains! Are you so miniscule in your scholarship that you can-
not realize the depth of our Lord and that His words have no
parameters? So vast is His mind, that His truth is unending, ever
evolving. I choose to progress, Crispin, and so teach along those
lines of progression."
"And what do you teach, Pellecus?" said Crispin. "Please
enlighten us. What is it that you, and other highly placed angels so
strongly advocate?"
"Merely this. Our Lord is much greater than you give Him
credit, Crispin. You and these other teachers act as if He must be
protected--surrounded by a sacred shell that somehow preserves
His integrity. How dare you!? How dare you intimate that our
God--who is even now creating a vast and varied new universe--
must be represented by your narrow view? I suggest, Crispin, that
our Lord is bigger even than the Academy--and therefore can be
represented in many ways!"
"But where is truth in all of this?!" demanded Crispin. "If you
or I decide to teach some pet doctrine we will always find a way to
justify its existence. So long as there is no permanent basis of
truth--something binding and eternal--then all else drifts and
"This nonsense has gone far enough, Lucifer!" 183
obscures truth! I could teach that Lucifer is God and many might
believe! I beg your pardon, Lucifer, for the illustration!" Crispin
said, bowing slightly to Lucifer.
"Quite alright, dear teacher," said Lucifer, uncomfortable at
being drawn into the discussion in such terms. "It is the greatest
promotion I have ever had!" The room filled with laughter.
"But," continued Crispin, "eventually truth will reveal that
great as he is, Lucifer is not God...nor you...nor I."
"What is your point?!" shouted someone from the gallery in
the area where Berenius was seated. Several angels echoed the
"My point? That truth is not something to be played with and
tossed about and changed with every idle thought--truth is rooted
ultimately in the Most High!"
"I am not questioning the origin of truth," said Pellecus.
"Only your stagnant claim upon it!"
"I claim nothing save loyalty to the teachings of the Most
High God!" shouted Crispin. "It is you and your teaching that is
bringing disgrace to the Host!"
The crowd was getting tense as Pellecus and Crispin began
raising their voices and gesturing with great emotion. The tension
spilled out into the gallery as angels took sides and began arguing
back and forth.
"I bring disgrace?" retorted Pellecus. "It is your antiquated
teachings which bring disgrace, Crispin. You have lost the ability to
think clearly and therefore forfeit the right to interpret the sacred
"And you have so interpreted the sacred teachings that you
have forfeited the ability to think clearly--your eyes have been
veiled, Pellecus, by something dark!"
With that the room exploded. Some angels stood as if ready to
fight, while others watched in amazement. Everyone was shouting.
Berenius was leading a section of angels across the room, verbally
attacking those who opposed Pellecus. Lucifer was delighted with
the scene. Kara tried to regain some order but was shouted down.
184 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
Even Gabriel, who flew above it all and shouted for the angels to
calm down, seemed unable to stop the uproar.
"This has been a long time in coming," said Lucifer to Kara.
"Our side is passionate and willing to fight if they must! This bodes
"Lucifer, we must put a stop to this!" said Kara. "This is the end!"
"No, it's the beginning," said Lucifer, intoxicated by what he
saw. "Angels in disorder--this, Kara, is exactly what the Lord will
do anything to prevent. And this is only on a small scale! Picture
such chaos Kingdom-wide. The Lord will not abide such a display
of His inability to maintain control in general. Should it come to
this He will compromise." Kara had stopped listening to Lucifer
and was trying to arrest two angels who were starting to grapple
with one another.
On stage Pellecus and Crispin were seated, silently watching
the disarray. Crispin was horrified at the scene. He finally shouted
to Pellecus, "This is what your teaching begets, Pellecus! Angel
against angel!"
"Wrong, Crispin! You are witnessing the unleashing of free-
dom!" yelled Pellecus.
"Freedom!" Crispin said. "If this is the freedom you advocate
let me remain a slave!" He walked off the stage and exited out a
rear doorway.
Everywhere angels were involved in conflict. Polias was com-
pletely panicked. Some angels were arguing passionately while
others were actually sparring. Some were in the aisles while others
had taken flight and were battling in the air above the crowd.
Gabriel was holding two wisdom angels apart. Kara found himself
in the middle of the room helpless. And Lucifer drank it all in wit
satisfaction. He approached Pellecus.
"You see, Pellecus, how base angels are," he said. "They are so
easily agitated. This will prove to our advantage should it be nec-
essary to display force! Well done!"
"Thank you, lord, but I am not sure I made my point today,"
said Pellecus.
"This nonsense has gone far enough, Lucifer!" 185
"Perhaps not, dear Pellecus," answered Lucifer, surveying the
chaotic room. "But you made mine!"
Suddenly the doors burst open and a great shaft of greenish-
blue light filled the room, casting its color on every face. In the light
a silhouette could be made out. Whispers of "Michael" could be
heard as the room quickly quieted down. Lucifer watched as
Michael entered the room, envious of the respect this one angel
commanded. Angels cleared a path as the archangel walked to the
center of the room. All knew that the only time Michael's aura
shone was when he was extremely provoked. Lucifer was curious
as to how he would handle this.
Lucifer walked over to Michael and began to speak. "I was
just about to put an end to this, Michael," he said. "It seems the dis-
cussion was a little more heated than we anticipated."
Michael either ignored or didn't hear Lucifer. He simply stood
and looked at the angels around him, his aura slowly ebbing.
Gabriel joined him and did not say a word. Finally Michael spoke
"Such a display! What has happened to us? Never before have
I seen such an ugly and brutal side of this Host! You should all be
utterly ashamed...."
As he spoke a thunderous noise filled the room followed by a
crimson aura. Many angels were knocked aside as the reddish light
streaked into the room and surrounded Lucifer. From out of this
shell of light (which quickly disappeared) stepped three angels. It
was Rugio and his two closest warriors, swords drawn. The three
warriors pushed the angels closest to Lucifer away from him and
set up a parameter around him. Michael was disturbed by this
intrusion and looked hard into Rugio's eyes. Rugio returned the
stare defiantly, holding onto his sword.
"Ah, thank you, Rugio," Lucifer said calmly, "but as you can
see all is well here. The archangel, as always, has things in hand."
"You have trained him well," said Michael, still staring into
Rugio's proud eyes. "However, Rugio, in the future you will remem-
ber that you are under my authority and not Lucifer's. You should
have been here to keep the peace when this nonsense started."
186 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
"I'm sorry, lord Michael, " said Rugio, urged on by Lucifer
from behind. "I came to assist you if need be. And here I am."
"Hmmm. Very well." Michael turned to the room and shout-
ed, "These proceedings are closed. Now go...and repent of this
ugly episode. Go!"
The angels filed out of the hall and soon the room was empty
except for Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer, Kara, Pellecus and Rugio and
his two warriors. Polias was also in the room waiting his turn to
speak with the archangel. Michael walked past Gabriel directly to
Lucifer and began speaking.
"How did this happen, Lucifer?" he asked calmly.
"Well, Michael, it appears that angels are willing to fight for
what they believe," answered a rather smug Lucifer. He looked into
Michael's eyes and said, "I am not responsible for this."
"I'm afraid that I am the culprit," said Pellecus, "or rather
Crispin and myself. "You see, Michael, the discussion got a little
involved and, well, soon the whole room was participating in
"I see. And you, Kara--a respected Elder!" Michael recalled
his prior conversation with Serus that had revealed Kara's definite
sympathies for Lucifer. "Why didn't you attempt to stop this?"
"Don't accuse me, Archangel!" said Kara. "I jumped in the
middle of the brawl. Why not quiz your fellow archangel--he was
as ineffective as any of us."
Gabriel remained silent.
"Perhaps this illustrates in a small way how a group of deter-
mined angels can upset the balance of things," said Lucifer. "A dis-
turbing thought really, Michael. Something we should take up
officially one day--you being responsible for order in the Kingdom
and all."
"Do you realize what has occurred?" said Michael, upset once
more. "A division among the Host! This nonsense has gone far
enough, Lucifer. It stops now!"
"I have no arguments in Heaven," said Lucifer. "As far as the
division of the Host, however, I believe it runs far more deep and
wide than you realize. And I believe it has existed for a very long
"This nonsense has gone far enough, Lucifer!" 187
time. The fault does not lie with me. I suggest you search in much
loftier places in Heaven for your answers."
Michael ignored Lucifer's snide comment. "If a breech has
occurred in the Host, then we in authority must do what we can to
mend the breech," said Michael. "A divided Host cannot possibly
serve the Most High or honor Him."
Michael looked at Rugio once more. "Rugio, never again draw
your sword in my presence, for on that day I will see you cast
down!" Michael turned and left, followed by Gabriel and a stam-
mering, apologetic Polias.
"I will see him cast down one day," said Rugio, replacing his
sword. The other warriors attending him did the same.
"One day you will have that opportunity, Rugio," said
Lucifer. "One day we will all witness the collapse of Michael and
his righteous troop! But it will not be on his terms--it will be on
ours. Such arrogance these angels display! Kara, you must talk
with them and discover whatever Gabriel was doing at the Temple
complex. Go now!"
Kara hesitated. "That might not be wise," he said. "Michael is
rather put out with me. I believe he suspects something that might
prove an imposition to me."
"If we don't discover what he knows it will be an imposition
for all of us," said Lucifer, whose tone had a terminal ring to it. "All
of us."
Kara said nothing, but acknowledged Lucifer's serious assess-
ment. He nodded in agreement and disappeared, taking flight after
Michael and Gabriel.
"Michael is correct about one thing," said Pellecus. "The
house is divided. Two distinct camps are emerging."
"As it should be," said Lucifer. "The prophecy foretold it. How-
ever, we will have to have a credible show of support to succeed--
particularly if the Most High needs added convincing. The fact that
holy angels were actually fighting means we have cut a deep swath
in the Host. I find these independent rumblings encouraging."
"And the fact that so many exalted angels were unable to con-
tain the fighting is also encouraging," added Pellecus. "Only Michael
was able to stop the nonsense--and that by his mere presence."
188 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
"Yes," said Lucifer. "I saw that, of course. His presence swept
r /> the room like incense sweeping through the Temple." He turned to
Rugio. "It would be to our advantage that when the day of true bat-
tle occurs, Michael is not present."
"I understand, " said Rugio, patting his sword. "I will see to it
Chapter 13
"Was it really from this position
all of Heaven was to quake?"
Michael and Gabriel stood near a cascading brook under a
large flowering tree not far from the Academy. They said little as
the throng of angels leaving the disastrous debate continued walk-
ing by. When it was evident they were quite alone Michael looked
at Gabriel and spoke.
"Quite an academic exercise, hmm?"
Gabriel looked at him and smiled. "You mean an academic
battlefield," he said. "That was not a discourse but a deliberate test-
ing of the Host by Lucifer--and we actually abetted him in this.
"Even more shameful that we were unable to do anything
about it," came a voice from the pathway. It was Kara.
"Yes," said Michael, nodding in greeting to Kara. "That was
disturbing. The Host should have responded to your or Gabriel's
authority--perhaps they would have listened to Lucifer had he
attempted to quell them." Michael decided to be cautious with
Kara, but was curious as to where the conversation might lead. He
decided to venture a provocative thought. "Something is quite
190 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer
wrong, Kara--it's as if darkness is taking over the sensibilities of
the angels. I feel I am losing some of them."
"Nonsense, Archangel!" said Kara. "You will find that the
Host stands with their Chief Commander as always!"
"Yes," said Gabriel, "but who is their chief commander?" He
looked up at the two angels, amused at their startled looks. "I'm
only saying that the lack of respect for established authority causes
Exile of Lucifer Page 23