The Jews in America Trilogy

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The Jews in America Trilogy Page 133

by Birmingham, Stephen;

“I saw that you needed”: ibid.


  “Given hindsight”: Ned Brower to author.


  “I got the chance”: Ralph Lauren to author.


  “I did all the designs”: Theoni V. Aldredge to author.


  “practically wound up in a hospital”: Ralph Lauren to author.


  “The apartment seems all wrong”: Peter Carlsen to author.


  “found himself staring”: Lyons, p. 34.


  “to a wealthy, big-hearted man”: ibid.


  Sarnoff’s predictions: Wisdom, Sept., 1958.


  Random House story: Cerf, pp. 286–287.


  “I don’t watch CBS”: ibid., p. 286.


  “You may not realize … off on vacation”: ibid., p. 287.


  “We’re not going to argue”: ibid. p. 287.


  Bronfman funeral: Newman, p. 151.


  Goldwyn’s last years: author’s impressions.


  “Oh, we have”: Frances Goldwyn to author.


  The Goldwyn-Zanuck exchange: ibid.


  Goldwyn on Chaplin: ibid.


  “I’d be lost”: ibid.


  “The doctors say”: ibid.


  “Just think”: ibid.

  Selected Bibliography

  Applebaum, Phillip. The Fischers: A Family Portrait. Detroit: Harlo Press, 1982.

  Bermant, Chaim. The Jews. New York: Times Books, 1977.

  Cerf, Bennett. At Random. New York: Random House, 1977.

  Cohen, Mickey. Mickey Cohen: In My Own Words. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1975.

  Cooney, John. The Annenbergs. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982. Dreher, Carl. Sarnoff: An American Success. New York: Quadrangle, 1977.

  Eisenberg, Dennis, Uri Dan, and Eli Landau. Meyer Lansky: Mogul of the Mob. New York: Paddington Press, 1979.

  Fishman, William J. Jewish Radicals. New York: Pantheon Books, 1974.

  Gosch, Martin A., and Richard Hammer. The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano. Boston: Little, Brown, 1975.

  Hecht, Ben. A Child of the Century. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1954.

  Howe, Irving. World of Our Fathers. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.

  Lyons, Eugene. David Sarnoff. New York: Harper and Row, 1966.

  Manners, Ande. Poor Cousins. New York: Coward McCann and Geoghegan, 1972.

  Newman, Peter C. Bronfman Dynasty. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978.*

  O’Higgins, Patrick. Madame. New York: Viking Press, 1971.

  Rubinstein, Helena. My Life for Beauty. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1965.

  Schoener, Allon, ed. Portal to America: The Lower East Side, 1870–1925. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.

  Siegel, Richard, and Carl Rheins. The Jewish Almanac. New York: Bantam Books, 1980.

  Woollcott, Alexander. The Story of Irving Berlin. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1925.

  Yaffe, James. The American Jews. New York: Random House, 1968.

  Yezierska, Anzia. Salome of the Tenements. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1923.

  ——. Red Ribbon on a White Horse. New York: Scribner, 1950.

  *Published in the United States under the title King of the Castle, in somewhat different form, by Pocket Books, 1979.


  Adams, C. M., 122

  Adenoids Riot, 4, 11, 24

  Aldredge, Theoni V., 375–76

  Alexander II of Russia, 37

  Alexander III of Russia, 37

  Allgemeiner Jiddisher Arbeiter Bund, 38

  Altman, Addie Richman, 12

  Altman family, 15

  Amboy Dukes, The, 274

  Ameche, Don, 278

  America First Committee, 265–66

  American Hebrew, 24

  American Jewish Year Book, 73

  Anastasia, Albert, 283

  Andrews, Lincoln C., 212

  Annenberg, Leonore Cohn, 246–47

  Annenberg, Moses L., xii

  Annenberg, Walter, xii, 246–47

  anti-Semitism, 275, 339–40, 343

  in Dearborn Independent, 138

  among Jews, 12, 14–15, 20–21, 22, 23–24, 313–14, 350–51

  Lindbergh speech, 265

  Nazis, 258–67, 270–72

  of other ethnic groups, 77–78

  in Poland, 80–81

  in Russia, 36–38

  at West Point, 341

  Apfelbaum, Maximilian, 287–88

  Apple Tree, The, 368

  Arden, Elizabeth, 225

  Arlen, Harold, 188

  Arrowsmith, 208

  Astor, John Jacob, 104

  Astor, Vincent, 104, 106

  Astor, Mrs. William, 12, 15

  Atherton, Gertrude, 111, 197

  Auden, W. H., 222

  Avedon, Richard, 32

  Bacall, Lauren, 32

  Baline, Isidore. See Berlin, Irving

  Bankhead, Tallulah, 197

  Banky, Vilma, 195–96

  Bara, Theda (Theodosia Goodman), 189, 192

  Baron de Hirsch Fund, 20

  Barondess, Joseph, 70

  Baxter, Anne, 371

  Beach, Rex, 197

  Begin, Menachem, 259, 281

  Belasco, David, 86

  Belfrage, Cedric, 254

  Bell, Alexander Graham, 317

  Belmont, Alva (Mrs. Oliver H. P.), 13, 59, 71

  Ben-Gurion, David, 281, 286

  Bennett, Arnold, 176

  Bennett, James Gordon, 100–01

  Benny, Jack (Benjamin Kubelsky), 189, 192, 371

  Berg, Gertrude, 347

  Bergson, Peter, 259, 260, 263, 264, 266, 280

  Berkman, Alexander, 3, 114, 129

  Berlin, Ellin Mackay, 349–50

  Berlin, Irving (Isidore Baline), 189, 190, 272

  childhood of, 182–83

  early career of, 183–87

  marriage of, 349–50

  music of, 187–88

  reasons for success of, 190–91

  Bern, Paul, 111

  Bernhardt, Sarah, 92

  Best Years of Our Lives, The, 296–97

  Beverly Hills Supper Club (Newport, KY), 212

  Bilsky, Lucy. See Bronfman, Lucy

  Bingham, Theodore, 28–30

  Birth of a Nation, 88

  blacklist, 344–49

  Blaustein, Jacob, xiii

  Blaustein, Louis, xii–xiii

  Bond, Carrie Jacobs, 182

  Bonnard, Pierre, 174

  bootlegging, 151–55, 162, 210–12, 293

  Borscht Belt, 48, 80, 191, 192, 272

  Brandeis, Louis, 259

  Brice, Fanny (Fanny Borach), 176, 189, 190, 191, 192

  Brinkley, David, 351

  Bronfman, Abe, 155, 156

  Bronfman, Allan, 156, 161, 215, 223, 271

  Bronfman, Ann Margaret Loeb, 332, 364–65

  Bronfman, Bessie, 156

  Bronfman, Edgar, 250, 293, 332, 337–338, 363–69

  Bronfman, Ekiel, 155, 156–57

  Bronfman, Georgiana Eileen Webb, 367

  Bronfman, Harry, 155, 156

  Bronfman, Jean. See Matoff, Jean Bronfman

  Bronfman, Laura, 155

  Bronfman, Lucy Bilsky, 161

  Bronfman, Melanie Mann, 367

  Bronfman, Minda. See Gunzburg, Minda Bronfman de

  Bronfman, Minnie, 155

  Bronfman, Phyllis. See Lambert, Phyllis Bronfman

  Bronfman, Rose. See Rady, Rose Bronfman

  Bronfman, Saidye Rosner, 161–62, 215, 224, 250

  Bronfman, Samuel, 32, 268

  childhood of, 156–57

  as executive, 222–24, 333–38
/>   family of, 155–57, 293, 331–32, 337–38, 361–69

  funeral of, 380

  trip to Israel of, 354

  Meyer Lansky and, 155, 159–63, 210

  in liquor business, 157–63, 210, 213–16, 222–24, 241–52, 293, 328–31, 333–38

  marriage of, 161–62, 215, 224, 250

  personality of, 215, 222–24

  philanthropy of, 271, 354

  Lewis Rosenstiel and, 245–48

  Seagram’s Seven Crown and, 243–44, 331

  Seagram tower and, 361–62

  social aspirations of, 214–15, 216, 328–29, 331–32

  son Edgar and, 337–38, 364–65

  Bronfman, Samuel, II, 366–67

  Bronfman Dynasty, 334–36

  Bronx, NY, 140, 176–78, 320

  Bronx Tabloid, 177

  Brower, Ned, 375

  Buchalter, Louis “Lepke,” 149

  Burns, George (Nathan Birnbaum), 189

  Butter and Egg Man, 274

  Byrne, Dominic, 366, 367

  Cahan, Abraham, 99

  Campbell, Ralph B., 122–24

  Cantor, Eddie (Isidor Iskowitch), 32, 176, 189, 190, 192, 231

  Cantor, Ida, 231

  Carnegie, Andrew, xi

  Carpathia, 106

  Carpentier, Georges, 234, 235

  Castle Garden, 21

  Catherine II of Russia, 35–36

  Catskill resorts, 47–48

  see also Borscht Belt

  Cedarhurst, NY, 321, 323

  Century Country Club (New York City), 313–14

  Cerf, Bennett, 378–80

  Chancellor, John, 351

  Chaplin, Charlie, 262–63, 382

  Child of the Century, A, 280

  Children’s Strike, 4

  Churchill, Winston, 381

  City College (New York City), 178–80

  Clark, Senator Bennett Champ, 265–66

  Cobb, Lee J., 192

  Coburn, Charles, 304

  Coca, Imogene, 272

  Cocteau, Jean, 174

  Cohan, George M., 183

  Cohen, Mickey:

  descriptions of, 278–79, 339, 356–57

  downfall of, 356

  Benny Siegel and, 302, 305, 306, 307

  temper of, 356

  Zionism and, 280–85, 300

  Cohn, Harry, 84, 202, 246, 351

  Conn, Leonore. See Annenberg, Leonore Cohn

  Coleman, McAlister, 72

  Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 318

  Columbia Pictures Corporation, formation of, 202

  Commentary, 274

  Commercial Cable Company, 101–02

  Communist witch-hunt, 343–52

  Coolidge, Calvin, 115, 315

  Coughlin, Father Charles, 339

  Crawford, Joan, 292

  Cronkite, Walter, 351

  Cukor, George, 381

  Dan, Uri, 356

  Dance, Charlie, Dance, 274

  Dark Angel, The, 196

  Da Silva, Howard (Howard Silverblatt), 345–46

  Davies, Marion, 196

  Davis, Bette, 371

  Davis, Sir Mortimer, 214

  Day, Richard, 229

  Dearborn Independent, 138

  Debs, Eugene V., 69, 108

  Dee, P. S., 125, 134

  Del Rio, Dolores, 196

  DeMille, Cecil Blount, 86–88, 93, 195, 196, 201

  DeMille, William C., 86–87

  Dempsey, Jack, 159, 234, 235

  Dewey, Thomas E., 294

  DeWitt, Margaret, 121–22

  Dillingham, S. W., 125, 134

  Disney, Walt, 267

  Dix, Richard, 203

  Dodsworth, 208

  Donghia, Angelo, 376

  Duer, Katherine Alexander. See Mackay, Katherine Alexander Duer

  Dufy, Raoul, 174

  du Pont, Eugene E., 199, 200

  du Pont, Henry F., 199, 200

  du Pont, T. Coleman, 199, 200

  du Pont family, xi, 368

  Earth and High Heaven, 268

  Eastern European Jews. See Russian Jews

  East Side (New York City):

  Lower, 3–6, 9, 12–13, 18–19, 22–23, 26–27, 29, 31, 32, 77–79, 138–41, 147

  Upper, 12–13, 146, 175–76

  Einstein, Albert, 315

  Eisenberg, Dennis, 356

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 341, 342

  Ellis Island, 42

  Emanu-El, Temple (New York City), 292, 310–13

  Epstein, Jacob, 32

  Espionage Law, 119

  Espy, Reeves, 229

  Eternal City, The, 208

  Evlanoff, Michael, 225

  Fairbanks, Douglas, 192, 208, 381

  Famous Players—Lasky, 92–95

  Farnum, Dustin, 87, 88

  Farrar, Geraldine, 197

  Faye, Alice, 278

  Ferber, Edna, 230

  Fiddler on the Roof, 346

  Fine, Sylvia, 272

  Firpo, Luis Angel, 159

  Fisher, Max M., 165

  Fisher, William (Velvil Fisch), 165

  Five Towns (Long Island, NY), 321–24

  Flamingo Hotel (Las Vegas), 301–08

  Flowers, Maude B., 116, 119–20

  Ford, Henry, xi, 138, 269, 313, 339

  Ford, John, 232–33

  Ford Foundation, 313

  Founding Father, The, 257

  Fox, William, 112, 191

  Foy, Thelma Chrysler, 289

  Frank, Helena, 69

  Freeman, Monroe E., 341, 342

  Frick, Henry Clay, xi, 3, 130n.

  Front Page, The, 274

  Gable, Clark, 192

  Gardner, Ava, 278

  Garfield, John (Julius Garfinkle), 192, 346–47

  Garland, Judy, 278

  Garson, Greer, 293

  Gebhardt, Florence E., 116, 121, 134

  Gelbfisz, Shmuel. See Goldywn, Samuel

  General League of Jewish Workers in Russia, Poland, and Lithuania, 38

  German-American Bund, 339

  German Jews, 11–24, 145–47

  gambling and, 79–80

  Reform Judaism of, 13–14

  Russian Jews vs., 12, 15, 20–21, 22, 23–24, 291–92, 309–14, 332–33

  wealth of, 11–12, 15, 20

  Gershwin, George, 188

  Giannini, Amadeo Peter, 197, 206

  Gibson, Charles Dana, 52, 70

  Gide, André, 174

  Gilbert, John, 205

  Glyn, Elinor, 111

  Goddard, Paulette (Pauline Levee), 192

  Godsol, Frank Joseph, 198–201, 202

  “Goldbergs, The,” 347

  Goldfish, Sam. See Goldwyn, Samuel

  Goldman, Emma, 3, 114, 122, 129

  Goldwyn, Blanche Lasky, 85–86, 93–94, 202–03

  Goldwyn, Frances Howard, 203–08, 229, 230, 273, 292, 297–99, 380–83

  Goldwyn, Samuel (Shmuel Gelbfisz), 32, 262, 264, 268

  career in films of, 85–95, 191, 195–201, 208, 227–33

  daughter Ruth and, 94, 202–03, 270

  divorce of, 94, 202–03

  early career of, 84–85

  emigration from Poland, 33–35

  as executive, 227–33

  film financing and, 197–201

  generosity of, 237, 270

  Goldwynisms of, 229–30

  forms Goldwyn Pictures, 95

  Danny Kaye and, 272–74

  last illness of, 382

  marrage to Frances Howard, 203–08, 380–83

  marriage to Blanche Lasky, 86, 93–94, 202–03

  feud of, with Louis B. Mayer, 228

  forms Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 201

  reaction of, to Nazis, 258

  Louella Parsons and, 296

  as publicist, 195–96

  social aspirations of, 295–99, 351

  Squaw Man and, 87–89

  views of, on television, 319

  Anzia Yezierska and, 110, 111–12

bsp; Adolph Zukor and, 93–95, 201

  Goldwyn, Samuel, Jr., 336, 382

  Gompers, Samuel, 71

  Gone with the Wind, 261

  Good Citizenship, 75–76

  Gordon, Leon, 294

  Gould, Anna, 331

  Gould, Jay, 331

  Gourielli-Tchkonia, Archil, 225, 293

  Grable, Betty, 278, 279–80, 282

  Graham, Gwendolyn, 268

  Grand Concourse (Bronx, NY), 177, 178, 320

  Graustark, 231–32

  Great Gatsby, The, 374, 375

  Griffith, D. W., 88

  Guggenheim, Benjamin, 105

  Guggenheim family, 12

  Guinness, Mrs. Loel, 289

  Gunzburg, Baron Alain de, 332

  Gunzburg, Minda Bronfman de, 332, 361

  Gussev, Sergei, 254

  Guzik, Jacob “Greasy Thumb,” 149

  Haganah, 281, 282

  Halkett, Sarah Phelps Stokes, 58

  Hall, John, 232

  Hamilton, Gertrude, 120

  Hand, Learned, 95

  Harding, Warren G., 315

  Harlem (New York City), 320

  Harlow, Jean, 111

  Harmonie Club (New York City), 314

  Harper’s Bazaar, 59, 60, 65

  Harper’s Weekly, 29

  Hayward, Leland, 262

  Hebrew language, 14, 24

  Hebrew Standard, 24, 64–65

  Hecht, Ben, 258–62, 263, 264, 265, 274, 280, 281, 284

  Helleu, Paul, 174

  Hellman, Lillian, 231, 344

  Hello, Dolly!, 381

  Helpful Thoughts, 10

  Hepburn, Katharine, 381

  Herberg, Will, 73

  Hespeler, William, 216

  Hewlett, NY, 321, 322

  Hill, “Chick,” 306

  Hill, Virginia, 302–03, 305, 307

  Hillcrest Country Club (Los Angeles), 267–68

  Hillquit, Morris, 70

  Hine, Lewis W., 46

  His Girl Friday, 274

  Hitler, Adolf, 255, 275, 287, 289 see also Nazis

  Hoffman, Dustin, 87n.

  Holiday magazine, 337

  Hollywood Black List, 344–49

  Hollywood Ten, 345

  Holman, Libby (Catherine Holzman), 189

  Hoover, Herbert, 315

  Hoover, John Edgar, 114

  Hopper, Hedda, 264, 345, 349, 351

  Houdini, Harry (Ehrich Weiss), 189

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 343–49, 351

  Howard, Frances. See Goldwyn, Frances Howard

  Hughes, Howard, xi

  Hughes, Rupert, 110, 197

  Hungry Hearts, 110, 111, 113

  Huntley, Chet, 351

  Hurricane, 232–33

  I Can Get It for You Wholesale, 274

  International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), 70–73

  Inwood, NY, 321, 323

  Irgun Tzevai Leumi, 259, 281, 282, 284


  American Jews and, 353–54, 358–59

  creation of, 280–86, 289

  Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 259–60, 263

  James, Harry, 282

  Javits, Jacob, 23, 32

  Jerome, V. J., 219n.


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