Caged Moon

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Caged Moon Page 7

by Rachel Deagan

  "Can't. Bad ankle."

  The grin on Liam's face grew.

  "What?" I asked, feigning innocence. He shook his head, but didn't answer. His hand still lingered on my jaw and I heard the rush of my pulse in my ears.

  "So did your brother change?" I asked, trying to say focused on the conversation. It seemed strange that I never met him, if he had.

  The tips of Liam's fingers turned cold on my skin and he slowly retracted them back into his lap. "He did." Liam fidgeted and quickly got up.

  The sudden absence of his touch and mood change left me feeling empty and exposed. Part of me knew I shouldn't ask, but I did. "Where is he now?"


  The answer came too quick. He wouldn't look at me.

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be."

  He scooped the mug up from the table and brought it back into the kitchen. I heard the liquid pour into the sink, along with the clang of the ceramic mug. I felt terrible. I didn't know what to say.

  "Maybe I should go," I said, pushing myself up into a full sitting position. Walking would still hurt, but I'd live. "My dad will be home soon and he'll be wondering where I am."

  "No. Please don't." He rounded the couch and sat back down on the coffee table. His legs opened to each side of mine and he took my hands. "I just don't want to talk about my brother." His expression seemed sad, lost. "I don't want you to leave."

  "Why do you care so much about me? Is it my scar?"

  His fingers squeezed mine. "I didn't know about your scar when I first met you. I liked you then."

  A feeling of defensiveness came over me out of nowhere and I didn't know why. "Cause if you think just because a wolf bit me I'm going to go all canine on you, I'll save you the trouble now. I'm not. It happened eleven years ago. Nothing. So if all I am is some pet project of yours, you might as well forget it. I'm human and always will be."

  Maybe I really should have left.

  Liam's lower lip caught mine and all the air vanished from my lungs. I couldn't even remember what I just said, and when he pulled back, I realized I had closed my eyes.

  His chest rumbled a few inches from mine. I could tell he struggled to remain in human form. I didn't move.

  "Maybe you shouldn't kiss me," I whispered.

  "I'd rather die."

  My chest swelled and every wall in me crumbled. Fingers found my hair and I reciprocated, threading mine up around his ears. I pulled him close. Something stirred in me, under the skin, but I ignored it, pressing into the kiss. Nothing else existed.

  The front door banged open, ruining my thought. The clamber of boots and squeaky sneakers entered the front hall.

  "What the?" Liam broke the kiss with a groan. "I told you guys I was busy. That means - I'm busy."

  Steve, a little pale, and slightly out of breath, leaned over, resting his hands on his knees. "The tracks. Woods. Outside."

  "I told you, I saw the wolf," Liam said, his tone annoyed. "It's nothing, just a stray. Seriously you guys," he motioned to me, "come on."

  "No," Byron said from the foyer behind Steve. He entered the living room and clapped Steve across the shoulder. "Smooth explanation, dude."

  "You didn't chase that guy for five miles." Steve panted. "I did. Man, whoever it is, he's fast."

  "And stupid," Flynt said, leaning against the door jam. "If he thinks he's messing with us."

  "Woah, wait," Liam said. "What are you guys talking about?"

  "The wolf tracks by the river are human," Byron said.


  Flynt nodded to Liam. "It's true. The wolf tracks run up through the back of the woods. We followed them. They circle up, leading here, to the house. When they get to the outskirts of the yard, the tracks turn human. I saw it myself. It couldn't have been the same wolf you saw."

  "Someone's watching us," Byron said.

  "Another werewolf," I said with a gasp. My hand clapped over my mouth, but not fast enough. The guys looked horrified.

  "She knows," Liam said.

  I didn't dare read their expressions, hiding my face in my hands.

  "Cool," Steve said.

  I forced a little smile, letting my arms drop to my lap. Byron grinned, Flynt and Eldridge appeared concerned.

  "Did she...?" Eldridge asked.

  "No," Liam said.

  "Did I what?" Then it hit me. They think I turned into a wolf. My stomach turned. "Can I use your bathroom?" I needed a moment to breathe. Frankly I was surprised I was taking this as well as I was. I shifted myself onto my ankle, and I stood up. It hurt.

  Byron pointed down the hall.

  "You okay?" Liam asked.

  "Peachy." I forced a smile.

  I wondered if I looked as green as I felt. Limping in the most nondramatic way possible under the circumstances, I searched for the bathroom. Several doors aligned the left side of the hall, but one of them on the right had been left open. Not wanting to pry where I shouldn't be, I went there first. I found the switch on the wall and watched as one bulb in a group of three flickered in protest. It illuminated the room in a dull glow. A round marble sink, decorated with cracks and the weather of age, sat along a wall that was crumbling with dusty paint chips.

  Not the Garden of Eden, but at least I found the bathroom.

  I turned the rusty faucet on, and splashed the cool water on my face, trying to let everything sink in. Werewolves existed and now according to Byron and Steve, something strange was going on. My own creepy feeling of being followed swept over me, and I couldn't help but wonder if my presence had something to do with the tracks. Paranoia began to settle in. I knew it. But if there really were werewolves, was it that absurd to think that wolves had been following me all of my life? What if they were waiting for me to turn into a wolf?

  The thought scared me.

  Cupping some more water, I doused my cheeks again, and forced myself to regain composure. I needed to put things into perspective. I could deal with all of this. One thing at a time.

  A faint brush of cool air tickled my hair from across the hall, catching my attention. A door stood, slightly ajar. For some reason, my curiosity spiked. I turned off the water, emerging from the bathroom, and slipped across the way.

  The contrast from the hall lighting to the darkened room made me blink. The breeze came from an open window on the far side of the room. It appeared to be a study of sorts. Bookshelves aligned the adjacent walls from where I stood and a large antique, burgundy colored desk faced the view outside. Aside from the smooth wisp of air circulating, the place cast an odor of moldy paper and age.

  Several pages of an album fluttered up from the desk, catching my attention, and I started over. The floorboards creaked under my feet, causing me to pause in hopes that no one heard. When I didn't hear anything, I continued over and flipped the large leather book open.

  My stomach fell.

  A police photo of a half mutilated body stared back at me. The caption at the top read, "Mysterious Animal Strikes Again." All my fears from my own attack, coupled with all the recent issues hit me at once. I began to shake. I recognized those bite marks.

  "What are you doing in here?"

  Liam's voice made me jump. I spun around, and nervously dropped the album. "I was just looking for the bathroom."

  "It's across the hall," he said, his voice hard.

  "Right." I started for the door, when he caught my arm.

  "What did you see?" he demanded.

  "What? Nothing." My voice came out high and pinched. His grip tightened and a faint rumble came from his chest. "Liam, you're scaring me."

  He tilted his head to the side and I realized despite the human guise, only animal looked back. I stumbled, trying to get away from him, but his arm held me fast. "That book is private."

  "I know. I'm sorry," I said. My fingers trembled at my side. Liam's demeanor seemed so different, cold. I didn't know what to think. I just wanted to go home.

  "What did you see?"

  "Just a picture
." I shrugged, trying to brush it off as nothing. The way he was acting made me want to hide what I saw. At that moment, I was afraid of him.

  "It's not what you think," he said.

  "I wasn't thinking anything," I said, although I was pretty sure my tone gave me away. His gaze felt like a weight on my body.

  "I have to keep track of anything strange going on that involves animals, Charlotte. It's for our protection. That wasn't me."

  "Of course," I said, with a nod, feigning a blank face. I couldn't breathe right, strangely becoming aware of every inhale and exhale I took. The picture I saw, of the young man's neck half torn off, had become permanently fixated in my mind. Someone or something did that, and I had a good feeling on the what. "I think I should probably go home. It's late."

  To my relief, Liam dropped my arm from me. "I'll drive you."

  I swallowed hard. "Okay."

  Chapter 9

  The trees couldn't pass fast enough, as Liam sped the car down the one lane highway leading up around the preserve, back towards town. My stomach knotted as I kept my focus out the window and not on the way he stiffly gripped the steering wheel. No one had spoken since we left the house which only added to the dreaded suspicion that Liam was hiding something about the photograph.

  We wound our way past the lookout point overlooking the stream, when the car began to sputter. "Damn." Liam groaned. He let go of the wheel and smacked his forehead. "We're out of gas. I'm sorry, Charlotte. I think we have enough fumes to make it to the mini mart down the way. It's not too far."

  I sunk back into the seat. Great.

  Liam let go of the gas, letting the car coast down the hill and around the bend. It choked and shuddered as we got to the bottom and the road straightened. A small mom and pop station appeared up ahead on the left just as Liam anticipated, and we slowly hobbled in. Once parked, the engine fizzled out.

  "I'll be right back," he said.

  Liam took off out the door before I could even say anything. I sighed and leaned back in the plush leather seat. Glancing out the window, I could see him inside, paying the attendant at the register. The man behind the counter seemed pleased to be actually having business at this remote location, for he was smiling and making conversation with Liam.

  A shadow moved by the window, startling me. I turned in the seat, but the blind spot blocked my view. Not wanting to remove my seat belt, I ignored it, resting my head against the glass. I couldn't see Liam anymore and my mind went back to the photo. Could Liam do something like that? Would he? His reaction bothered me the most. He seemed so different. My stomach didn't feel right.

  A hand slammed down on the roof of the car and I jumped, as a large burly man moved passed, dragging his palm along the hood. He spat on the pavement, and coughed. With hunched shoulders, he moved quickly towards the station, glancing about as if someone might be following him. The uneasy pit in my gut grew. I still didn't see Liam.

  I shifted in my seat and rolled down the window, needing some air. The scent of musky pine hit my nose and despite the nervous tangle in my mind, I felt relieved. Liam walked over and leaned his elbow against the sill, pump in his other hand. "Sorry, got to talking. The guy in there's an old friend of mine. I hope your dad isn't going to be too upset. It's kind of late."

  "Why? Are you afraid of what he'll think of you?"

  Liam chuckled. "Maybe."

  I pulled the little watch head from my pocket. Quarter to six. Dad didn't usually get home from the hospital until seven. "You're in luck. We still have some time. He won't kill you yet."

  The irony of my word 'kill' got lost in my throat. I needed to stop these thoughts. Liam didn't kill anyone. He was an Alpha. He had to keep track of these things. I really wasn't being fair. My nerves were just messing with me again.

  Two loud gunshots snapped me to attention and I froze. Through the front window I saw the attendant collapse out of sight. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. Liam pushed himself off the car and tore across the parking lot to the small building.

  "Liam?" My words came out like a garbled squeak. I couldn't breathe or think right.

  A pair of large hands landed on the driver's side window and I screamed. The man spat on the ground and then started shaking the handle.

  "Open the door!"

  I tried to bury myself down in the car. He growled in frustration and moved around to my side. I forgot my window was down. He reached in and grabbed me by the shoulder, placing the tip of his gun to my temple. "Give me the car!"

  Something landed on the roof with a crunch. A hand came down and lifted the gunman up off the ground, hurling him away from me. The man crashed into a hard plastic trash container with a groan. Liam jumped down beside my window, crouching on all fours. His lips rose over his teeth with a low snarl. He turned his head towards me and I gasped. Nothing about him looked human. His eyes burned gold and to my horror, his jaw had shifted forward, giving his entire face a more elongated, wolf look. Sharp canine teeth sliced down, piercing through his curled lips.

  I didn't know if I wanted to laugh with relief or pass out from fear.

  The gunman groaned as he pushed several pieces of garbage off him, and started to his knees. Liam turned from me, springing from his position, and landed on top of the man. The man tried to scramble away, but Liam caught him by the shirt, and dragged him back.

  The man thrashed and hollered. "Get away from me you freak!"

  Liam lifted him up by his collar. With a ripping snarl, he opened his mouth wide, brushing his teeth to the man's neck.

  I couldn't look. My heart pounded so fast I couldn't even feel anything but the thunderous rhythm shaking my body. The album picture screamed in my head and I started to hyperventilate.

  Another shot crackled across the lot, and to my horror, I watched Liam drop to the pavement.

  "Liam!" I cried.

  My fingers felt numb as I fought with the door handle. "Open! Open!"

  Tears clouded my vision and I furiously blinked them away. I fidgeted with the door handle. This time, it swung free. My legs seemed to have forgotten how to work. I stumbled out of the car, landing on my hands and knees. My palms burned, but I could have cared less. I needed to get to Liam. Finding my feet, I started forward.

  Liam gasped as if suddenly coming to, and his head shot up in my direction. "Charlotte, get back! Run. Get out of here now."

  He shook and trembled. A set of razor sharp claws began to push through the tips of his fingers. I blocked it out, seeing the blood covering his shirt.

  "No, I won't leave you," I said.

  "Just go...please."

  Arms wrapped around me and I screamed. The hot metal butt of a gun painfully pressed into my neck.

  "Get away from me you freak, or she's dies," the gunman said.

  Everything in me dropped as ice flushed through my body. My lower lip trembled. 'I'm sorry,' I mouthed to Liam as tears fell down my cheeks.

  Liam groaned, holding his stomach. The claws extended further as he rolled to his side, staggering to his feet. The skin around his face and shoulders rippled and stretched.

  "What are you?" the man asked. The gun burned against my skin, hot from the prior shot.

  Liam lifted his half human gaze to the man with a low reverberating snarl. Sweat broke across his brow. "You're going to die."

  Liam moved so fast, I didn't even see him. All I felt was the impact of his body, knocking me to the ground. The gun skittered across the pavement and I turned my head to see the man had fallen too. Liam lifted him by the neck of his shirt and threw him into the gas tank. It cracked and the stench of gasoline filled the air.

  The man moaned and rolled to his side. Liam started towards him and the man raised his hands defensively. "Don't hurt me. Please," he said. "I didn't mean it. I wasn't going to hurt her. I didn't mean it."

  "Liam, let him go," a voice said from behind me.

  I turned to see the station attendant standing in the doorway to shop. I had to blink twice. How di
d he...? I thought he got shot.

  Liam tilted his head to the side, as if listening, but didn't stop. Stepping closer, he exposed his elongated teeth and slowly licked his lips. The claws at his side opened and closed. I swallowed hard. He was really going to kill him. I couldn't believe this.

  "I called the cops," the attendant said, his voice calm. He reminded me of one of those trained professionals who talked people out of jumping off buildings. "They're on their way. They'll be here any minute now. Everyone's safe. He doesn't have the gun anymore."

  I got up off the ground, but my body wouldn't stop shaking. I took a few brave steps toward Liam and gently placed my fingers on the back of his shoulder. His skin rippled under my touch. "Liam, please," I whispered. "I want to go home."

  Liam gasped at my touch. His arms dropped from the gunman and his skin tightened and firmed under my fingers. The sharp claws that had erupted under his nails, slid back, retracting, along with his extended teeth and jowls.

  When he turned to look at me, his features were normal, but his eyes were wide. "Charlotte," he whispered. "How did that?"

  "What do you mean?" I asked. "What'd I do?"

  The gunman scrambled to his feet.

  "Hold it." The attendant grabbed the gun and aimed it at the man.

  "Look, I don't want anything to do with you freaks, okay?"

  "You'll wait right there," he said. "Liam, you better move it on out of here. The cops are on their way. I'll take care of everything."

  He did know Liam? He obviously knew about his little secret too since he just witnessed what I had, and didn't seem remotely freaked. Liam nodded and looped his arm around the small of my back. I felt numb as he escorted me back to the car.

  He opened the door and helped me inside. I didn't look at him when he sat down behind the wheel. I couldn't. I heard him turn the key, bringing the mustang to life, and we tore out of the small parking lot.

  We drove in silence, neither of us braving words for several miles. The trees passed the window at a blinding rate, and I realized the speedometer had hit sixty.

  "Liam, the speed limit is forty."


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