Cowboy's Christmas Carol: An Older Man Younger Woman Christmas Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 30)

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Cowboy's Christmas Carol: An Older Man Younger Woman Christmas Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 30) Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  His shoulders are just so thick, broad and wide. And the way he controls that animal, or more accurately the way the two of them work together as one.

  And that’s exactly how I feel, like an animal and I want Colt to mount me and ride me and guide me in any direction he chooses. And when we’re finished I can ride him right off into the sunset if I’m lucky.

  I switch the phone into my left hand and slide my right hand up and under my skirt. I run my first two fingers along the crease in my cotton panties. They’re already soaked.

  With my ring and pinky fingers I slide my panties to the side and hook them around the fabric, holding it in place. I run my first two fingers up and down my folds stopping at the top to run circles around my clit.

  I feel my breathing pick up and my butt slide forward on the comforter. I’m teetering between fantasy and reality as my eyes close and I imagine my fingers are Colt’s cock. I slide my ring finger closer to my first two fingers trying to make the three of them one. I know he must be thick and this is as close as I can get to matching that thickness…for now.

  I slide my fingers inside imagining they’re Colt and I don’t last a second. My walls lock onto my digits and I empty years of pent up desire for him all over my hand. I feel my juices running down my crack and onto the comforter and I don’t even care. I just lie back in my bed and enjoy the blissful moment. All I want now is to picture lying next to him, cuddling up against that big chest of his and falling asleep feeling warm, safe, and protected.

  I feel the comforter buzz and my eye opens a little. Damn! I forgot to put my phone on airplane mode.

  I reach for my phone and tap for the ignore button, but it vibrates again. I’m so far gone I must have missed the ignore button. I open my eyes for just a second so I can turn off the phone only to see a number that ends in three zeros. That’s the kind of number a business would have. My eyes scan up to the smaller font and I see it plain as day. Chicago Western Downtown.

  With a name like that it can only be one person on the other end.



  I step out of my Uber and there’s Colt, standing right in front of the Chicago Western Downtown like he said he’d be.

  I can’t believe he called so quickly and I can’t believe I accepted, especially considering it’s already getting late and we both know the reason we’re meeting.

  He stands out in a city like this. He’s easily noticeable from a hundred yards away. I would say he looks out of place, but strangely he doesn’t. Somehow it’s him that makes everything else look out of place. It’s hard to describe but that’s Colt in a nutshell…indescribable.

  He gives me a wink and offers me his hand. It’s not the kind of wink a boy would give if he knew he was about to “get laid.” It’s so much more than that. It’s not even sexual. It’s like we’re both in on a little secret together. And boy are we ever. If my dad ever found out I was here…well…I couldn’t even imagine.

  I take Colt’s hand and we enter the hotel and walk straight to the elevators.

  “You brought your suit?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I say. “Are you sure it’s not going to be too cold?”

  “How could it be with you in there with me?” he asks.

  The elevator stops at the top floor. We exit and then take the stairs to the roof.

  Oh my god. The hot tub is incredible. There’s a view of the city and although it’s cold outside I can just imagine how perfect it will feel once we get inside that warm bubbly water.

  “Looks like the changing room is right over there,” he says. “Go ahead. I’ll be ready when you get back.”

  I go into the changing room and think about what he said. He’ll be ready when I get back? Isn’t he going to change too? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  I slide into my one-piece wishing I hadn’t been pigging out on so much ice cream recently. Wow, city life is making me soft. I’m not back in Santa Fe anymore moving and working and just living the outdoor life. I hadn’t really noticed it until now. I guess it’s just one of those things that gradually sneaks up on you.

  I step outside the changing room and the first thing I see is Colt McCoy sitting inside that hot tub with his arms stretched out in both directions and his cowboy hat on.

  “You already changed?”

  “I put on my suit,” he says.

  “Where?” How did he find a spot to change?

  “My birthday suit.”

  I bury my head in my hands trying to control my giggling. Of course you can take Colt off the ranch, but you can’t take the ranch out of Colt.

  I make my way over to the hot tub and slowly dip my toe in. It’s a bit hot, but it feels really, really good.

  I get in up to my knees, then my waist, and finally to my neck.

  “How does it feel?”

  “I needed this,” I say. “I really, really needed this.”

  The door to the roof swings open and I immediately feel a bit bummed out. Now we have to share? And Colt’s naked!

  But it’s a man in a hotel uniform. Oh no, they probably caught Colt on camera stripping down!

  He pulls back what appears to be a white linen napkin and a bucket of ice appears.

  “The champagne you ordered, sir,” the man says.

  My eyes pop open and my mouth too.

  “Thank you kindly,” he says.

  The man pours two glasses handing us each one. He sets the bucket down in the snow next to the tub and is quickly through the door again leaving us to ourselves.

  “Oh my god! You’ve thought of everything!” I say.

  “If you’re gonna go for it, you gotta go all the way right?” he asks. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” I say and I raise my glass to meet his.

  Five hours ago Colt was a distant fantasy and now he’s back in my life like a Texas tornado and he’s destroying every notion I ever had about city life. He’s just so confident. He does exactly what he wants when he wants. He doesn’t care what people think…at all.

  It’s so refreshing in a world where everyone’s trying to put their best foot forward in an attempt to impress everyone, even if it comes at their own expense.

  Colt truly doesn’t care, and being around him and feeling his presence makes me realize when he’s around I don’t have a care in the world either.

  Societal pressures and expectations just don’t exist. He’s older, he’s naked, we’re drinking champagne in a hot tub in the winter. Three reasons I shouldn’t be up here with him right now. Oh, and let’s not forget he’s my dad’s best friend.

  Maybe I’m naive or maybe he just has that certain charisma that transcends…well…everything. Nothing else matters right now, except enjoying this moment with him.

  “Water’s a little warmer over here,” he says as me motions with his head that I might like to slide over his way. He’s got the sexiest of smirks on his face and I can’t resist.

  I wait for a few seconds as to not appear too eager, but then I slowly slide over towards him.

  “Gets even warmer the closer you get,” he says when I stop a few feet short.

  I push my inhibitions aside and slide in under his outstretched arm. It feels right, like I belong here.

  He raises his glass and I do the same. He takes a sip and I follow his lead.

  I know he’s not trying to get me drunk, he’s just trying to enjoy the good life. He lives in the moment and that moment is right now.

  I take a look out across the city but the real view is the one next to me…above and below water. I’m nervous. I’m anticipating a first kiss. Part of me loves the anticipation and another part just wants him to grab my face and do it so I can relax.

  I feel his hand against my cheek and my body makes up its mind subconsciously as my head turns towards his. He’s looking at me deeply, like nothing else in the world matters except for me.

  Now his thumb runs along my cheek and I reposition myself so my body is more squared up t
o him.

  I put my hand down next to my bottom, knowing when his lips meet mine I’m going to need to brace myself.

  “You know how beautiful you are?”

  “No,” I say softly. I don’t think I’m anything particularly special.

  “To me there’s no one on earth or in the heavens above that’s more beautiful. No one I’d rather be with here tonight.”

  I say nothing. I didn’t know a man so rough and rugged could be so sweet and kind.

  “The man at the desk said this is the best view in the entire Midwest up here.” He leans in a little closer to me. My lips part and I feel like I’m floating. “He was right about that, but he was wrong about one thing.”

  “Oh,” I say.

  “He wasn’t looking at you.”

  I see Colt’s lips begin to open as he moves toward me.

  Whooo! The jets on the hot tub go out and the water goes still.

  My eyes had just closed and they open again. My head moves and Colt is left hanging.

  I can’t help it as my eyes look at the now still water and I see his huge erection. I’m not sure if that’s all him or if the water is adding some extra length and girth. Either way he is absolutely hung.

  The door swings open and a man appears.

  “Sorry, guys.”

  “No problem,” Colt says. “Can you turn the jets back on?”

  “Got some bad news. Electricity just went out on our block. We’re hoping to have the generator up in a few minutes, but we can’t make any guarantees yet.”

  “Okay,” Colt says.

  “Probably a good idea to exit the tub. That water gets cold awfully quick.”

  “Right,” Colt says. He looks over towards a bench where his things are located. We both bust out laughing.

  “Let me help you,” I say. “One sec,” Colt says.

  “Okay,” I say.

  A few seconds later the hotel guy exits through the door.

  “Okay,” Colt says. I realize he didn’t want the man to see me in my swimsuit. He wants me all to himself. He’s a throwback. He wants me to be his, and he wants to be mine. Us, only for each other. I like the idea of that. Someone that wants me completely and doesn’t want to share. He doesn’t want attention for himself or for me, unless it’s the other giving it.

  I quickly grab Colt’s things and bring them over to him.

  “Thank ya, darlin’,” he says.

  “My pleasure,” I say.

  I go back into the changing room and see a missed call and a message from work.

  Need you in the office first thing. Lots of work tomorrow. Going to be a busy holiday weekend.



  December 23

  I arrive at the building at 6:55 a.m. I stand in the cold for twelve minutes until the guard shows up. I enter and run to the elevators. I’m already late and expecting to hear all about it.

  When I arrive the door is open, but the only people ready to work who are inside working appear to be the cleaning crew. What the heck?

  I go to my cubicle figuring the agents are just running late. I sit down and see a big stack of papers on my desk with a detailed note describing everything that needs to be done.

  I’ve only been here a week, but I’ve done enough of this kind of administrative type stuff to know this is easily two sixteen hour days back to back. Maybe I can squeeze it into two twelve hour days if I down copious amounts of coffee and sleep under my desk.

  But where I should be is downing eggnog with Colt and sleeping at his hotel.

  I’m already steaming at what I’ve walked into and I know Colt’s going to be even angrier. It also puts me in a bad spot. I know Colt extended his stay through Christmas on account of me, but now it looks like I won’t even be able to see him until Christmas day. And by the time the twenty-fifth rolls around I’m going to be dead tired.

  I text the news to Colt and he texts me right back. He says he’s going to make it up to me and that he’ll take me to a nice dinner tonight. He’s going to make it up to me? I’m the one who should be making it up to him. What an incredible guy.

  I take in a deep breath and look at the stack of papers. “One by one and soon it will be done,” I say out loud. It’s a line I remember Colt had taught me when I felt like I was faced with an insurmountable task. How funny that after all these years his wisdom holds just as true back home on the ranch as it does here in a skyscraper in one of the biggest cities in the United States.

  I grab the first sheet and get to work, knowing my prize of Colt is waiting as soon as I finish.



  December 24

  I wake up early and knock out one hundred pushups. It’s all I can think to do without having any real ranch work to keep my body moving.

  Yesterday I made a call from the front desk back home. I lined up a few ranch hands to take care of everything for the next few days while I’m gone. The one thing neither they nor I can seem to take care of though is the one thing that matters most.

  Those varmints who are saddling Carol with all this work. The worst part is the leadership, or lack thereof. They’re not even there. Just her and the cleaning crew yesterday. I doubt the crew will be there today.

  I want to go surprise her and take her on her boss’ desk and show him who the real boss is. Me. But as much as that would be an incredible experience it would mostly be done out of hate and only put Carol more behind on her work.

  Personally I don’t know what kind of sadistic heathen gets off on piling work onto someone the day before Christmas. And especially how can these guys do this to a young girl who just started and is replacing the woman they just fired? They caused one problem and now they’re trying to patch it up by causing another.

  It makes my blood boil and gives me just another reason to want to get Carol out of the city and back home where we both belong.



  I flag down a taxi and make my way to Carol’s apartment.

  She’s going to be so surprised. There was just no way I could let her be alone for Christmas. No way. No chance. No how.

  At the last minute I called up Colt to see if he wanted to join me for a few days in the Windy City but his ranch hands said he already took off for the holidays. Rascal skipped town without even telling me! Who knows…maybe the trout are biting somewhere and he’s camped out along some riverbed fishing to his heart’s content. He may not even know it is Christmas, let alone be home until the start of the new year if the fish are biting really good.

  Well, that’s his loss. I intend to make the most of my visit to Chicago with or without him.

  It’s been awhile since I visited my daughter, and just in this taxi ride into town I can see a lot has changed with the city. I can see why someone young like her would want to live in this exciting and fast-paced environment. Me? I’m a completely different story. You couldn’t pay me to live outside New Mexico. It’s home. It’s where my friends are. It’s in my blood.

  Maybe one day Carol will come back, but until then she’s a part of all this. The whole world right at her fingertips in a big ol’ place like this.

  The cab pulls up to her building. There’s a light coat of snow on everything and it looks real nice. We don’t get snow that often back home so to see this, well, it’s like a postcard.

  But what I really can’t wait for is to see her face when I surprise her.

  I pay the cabbie and walk up to the front steps of her building. Someone’s just entered so I grab the door before it has a chance to close.

  This is perfect! I won’t even have to ring the bell. I can knock and surprise her face to face.

  What a perfect holiday surprise for the both of us.




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