Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix Page 90

by Dellacroix, Kiera

I started to spin around angrily, but his hand was in my hair and the knife was at my throat immediately. "Don't."

  "What the hell would you know about my mother? I never even knew her name."

  "Augustus knew."

  "How would you know?"

  "It's my business to know."

  "Let go of me."

  "Alright, but if I have to grab you again, I'll put a scar on your face. You're very pretty, it would be a shame to mark you like that."

  He released me and I struggled to remain calm. "Just say what it is you came to say."

  "Very well. The DiCarlo family expresses sincere regret at the loss of your uncle, but assures you that they had nothing to do with his death."

  "And why I should I believe that?"

  "Because I could very easily have been sent to kill you, not talk to you."

  "Why not just kill me?"

  "Because you have friends in the DiCarlo family, Matilda."

  "I do?"


  "Do you know who killed Gus?"

  "No, I don't."

  "Can I talk to Sabrina?"


  I sat silently for a moment, mulling things over. A snippet of my conversation with the Frank's popping into my head.

  "You're the DiCarlo boogeyman aren't you?"

  "That's not very flattering, but it is somewhat accurate."

  "You seem to know a lot more than I do. Is there a direction I should be looking in?"

  "I honestly don't know."

  "I see. Then I guess you've made your point. Are we finished?"

  "So it seems."

  "Can I have my guns back now?"

  "I'll leave them in the backseat. Have a pleasant evening."

  I forced myself not to turn around when I heard the door open and close, waiting almost a minute before retrieving my pistols. I felt like throwing a fit. It seemed like everybody knew more than me and the more I learned the more confused I became. Did Gus really know about my mother? Was what the boogeyman said true? Worse, I believed him as far as the DiCarlo's were concerned. They wouldn't have bothered to send a minion to talk to me if they had anything to do with Gus's death. I was running out of suspects and seemingly very far away from any of the answers I really wanted. Angrily, I started the car and pointed it toward home.


  I trudged up the stairs with my groceries and inserted the key into the lock. I was in a mood that was proving hard to shake. I sincerely hoped that I could at least disguise it for Anabel's sake.

  I came to a complete standstill as soon as I stepped inside. The stereo was playing loudly, and I swore I could smell air freshener. Cautiously, I ventured forward only to freeze again a few paces later. Anabel had her back to me, busily going about running the vacuum back and forth as she gyrated sexily to the stereo. She was cleaning my fucking house! I risked a glance around and corrected myself. She had already cleaned my fucking house! I was horrified at the discovery.

  And just where the hell was Billy?

  I had a frightening moment. What if Anabel had met Stephanie? No, God just couldn't be that cruel. Besides, Stephanie was safely tucked away in her hermetically sealed, specially constructed stainless steel vault, or in layman's terms, my sock drawer. Surely, Anabel didn't have a reason to be poking around in my bedroom. I winced at the thought, for if it were me, the bedroom would be the first place I'd go snooping. Thankfully, not everyone is as nosy or as shallow as I am, or for my sake, I certainly hoped not.

  "Maddie!" Anabel exclaimed suddenly, turning off the vacuum and bouncing over to turn down the stereo. "I was beginning to wonder about you."

  "Uh… hi."

  "I hope you don't mind but I cleaned up a little," she said with a little grin. "Your place was so messy it was beginning to give me the creeps."

  I had to chuckle a little at that. "Billy was supposed to keep you company, where'd he go?"

  "He got a call after he let me in, he had to run."


  "Did you bring me something to eat?" she asked, ambling up and pecking me on the cheek.

  I felt my mood begin evaporate. She was just so damn perky it was hard to resist. "Yeah, how does fried chicken sound?"

  "Unhealthy, but I'll give it a go."

  I smiled. "I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner."

  "That's okay, you're here now."

  "Tell me Billy at least took out the trash."

  "Yep, he was doing that when I got here."

  "Thank God."

  "Don't look so put out."

  "Thanks for cleaning up."

  "It gave me something to do. Have you been fishing?"

  "Uh… no."

  "You smell like the waterfront."

  I lifted an arm and gave myself a sniff. "I do not."

  "Yes, you do. Go hop in the shower while I start dinner," she said authoritatively, reaching out to take the grocery bags away from me.

  She left me standing there like an idiot as she dumped the bags on the kitchen counter and went about rummaging around for all the things she needed.

  "Well, hurry up. I'm not going to do all the work," she said, giving me a little frown.

  I turned slowly and made my way toward the bedroom with the distinct feeling that I had somehow lost control over my home, and that I was no longer the one in charge.


  When I ventured back into the living room, I paused as I encountered the frown being directed at me from behind the kitchen counter.

  "What?" I asked warily.

  "I was hoping you'd let your hair down, I've only ever seen it tied back."

  Who was I to deny her? I reached up to pull the scrunchy out of my hair and shook my head back and forth. "Better?"

  She studied me for a moment. "Much better."

  "I'm glad you like it," I said, feeling more than a little shy as she sauntered toward me and curiously ran her hands through my hair.

  "It's very beautiful," she said quietly. "Mostly black but it has red in it too, do you dye it?"


  She giggled. "God, you're sensitive."


  "Go fry me some chicken whilst I lounge around in front of the TV," she said, swatting me on the ass and marching across the room to flop down on the sofa.

  Given my orders and dismissed, I wandered into the kitchen obediently to find a prepared salad, a heaping of fried potatoes, and the chicken out and ready for batter. I risked a glance at Anabel, but she was already sprawled out on the couch and apparently happy to ignore me until dinner was ready.

  Vastly baffled at her behavior, I busied myself with the chicken. I was tempted to help myself to some of the potatoes, but just as I was caving, a voice wafted in from the other room.

  "I counted the taters so you better stay out of them."

  Foiled, I mumbled under my breath. Could she read minds?

  "You're lucky I didn't hear that."

  I shot her a glare. What the fuck?

  Grumbling, I slaved in the kitchen until the food was ready. This domestic shit was for the birds. Frying chicken all by myself seemed like a monumental task. The only reason I knew how to prepare it was because I'd helped Gus make it several times. How had the man cooked for me all those years and not gone mad? No wonder we ate out twice a week.

  "Dinner's ready," I called out.

  "I can't wait."

  I stared at her for over a minute, but it quickly became obvious that she had no intention of rising from the sofa. I scowled when I realized that she expected me to bring it out to her. Jesus, she hadn't even let me feel her up yet!

  "Maddie, I hunger!"

  I stomped my foot and began to cart plates out to the coffee table, giving her a disgruntled look as I deposited them in front of her. When she could be bothered to cast her eyes away from the television, all I got in return was an amused giggle.

  "Don't forget the ketchup."

  I spun on my heel, and proceeded to usher out the rest of the food in
supreme agitation.

  "Would her Majesty like a drop cloth?" I asked when everything was in place.

  She sat up excitedly. "No, thank you. Everything looks delicious," she said, energetically going about filling her plate.

  I stared at her in bewilderment.

  "Are you going to join me?" she asked, gracing me with a sideways glance.

  "I thought I should stand here at the ready in case you decide you need something else."

  She laughed. "You've been spoiled, Maddie. Stop being a baby and take a seat," she said, patting a place beside her on the cushions.

  I reluctantly sat down and began to fill a plate, not quite sure how I felt about the evening so far.

  "Can I ask you a question?"

  "I guess."

  "What's the longest relationship you've ever had?"

  That was one question I certainly didn't want to answer so I stalled for time. "What was yours?"

  She gave me a casual shrug. "Never really had one."


  "I've always been busy, you know, business to run and all that."

  "No kidding?"

  "No kidding."

  "Have you ever… uhm…"

  "A couple of times, nothing worth noting. You gonna answer my question now?"

  I fidgeted. "Is the chicken okay?"

  She grinned. "It's great. Just tell me, you won't surprise me."

  I sighed. "A month."

  "A whole month?"

  "Well, almost a month," I admitted, giving her a dirty look.

  A chuckle. "Why did she leave you?"

  "I left her," I said indignantly.


  I felt a sulk coming on so I clammed up and looked away from her. Unbelievably, she carried on with her meal like she could care less and proceeded to ignore me. Fuckin'A, she had a lot of nerve! She makes me wait on her hand and foot, calls me a spoiled baby, gets me to open up, laughs at me, and then calls me a liar. Why was I putting up with this?

  "When was the last time you had sex?"

  "What?" I asked in surprise.

  "How long?"

  "None of your business."

  "Must've been a long time then," she said, throwing in a sympathetic look that only managed to piss me off.

  "I don't think is going to work out."

  "Why do you think that?" she asked, not bothered in the slightest.

  "I just do."

  "I don't."

  "What do you know that I don't?"

  "I can tell you what I think. Who knows anything for certain?"

  "Then by all means, tell me what you think."

  "I think you've been looked after all your life and encouraged to be too independent for your own good. You don't want to change, or maybe you want to, but you're not sure how to do it."

  I rose to my feet. "I'm not about to sit here and listen to someone I've only known a few days psychoanalyze me. I think you should leave."

  "Make me."

  My jaw hit the floor. Did she just say what I think she said? "Are you baiting me?"



  "Will you hurt me, Maddie? You're certainly capable of it. You hurt people all the time."

  My hands clenched into fists.

  "What happened to you, Maddie?"

  "What the fuck are you talking about?"

  "I don't like that word, please don't use it around me."

  "Right now, I don't give a flying fuck what you like."

  She launched herself off the sofa before I could blink and, to my complete shock, she slapped my face. I stood rooted in place for what seemed like an hour. When I managed to speak, it came out as a rasp.

  "Get out."


  "Get out before I throw you out."

  "Grow up," she said, retaking her seat on the sofa and picking up her plate.

  I took a step forward, barely catching myself before I could take another.

  "It isn't easy, is it?"

  I clasped my hands together to keep them from shaking. "Please tell me why you're doing this?"

  "Because you need someone who can."

  "Someone who can do what?"

  "Gus loved you too much to hurt you and like you said, I've only known you a few days."

  "Don't talk about Gus," I growled, so close to snapping I was afraid for both of us.

  "You're a nasty bitch, Matilda."

  My control fled and I raged forward to grab her by the front of her shirt, lifting her off the couch, spilling her plate, and so angry, I managed to suspend her in the air several inches off the floor.

  What followed next was, without a doubt, the most utterly unbelievable moment of my life. She embraced me tightly, wrapping her legs around my waist and laying an open mouth kiss on me that chased away the fury in an instant. Struck completely dumb, my ass hit the floor with her in my lap.

  She wrapped her hands in my hair and prodded me on to my back. Determinedly placing kisses on my mouth and face until I began to respond. Finally, she gave me a reprieve and withdrew to toss her glasses on the coffee table. I watched in a flabbergasted silence as she pulled her shirt over her head and put her hands behind her to unclasp her bra.

  Holy God! I wish I could describe how wonderful it felt to see a set of gazoobers that weren't my own. They were gorgeous. She was gorgeous. I felt my body react with a long suppressed vengeance. My nipples hardened into bullets and the bud was in full bloom.

  She collapsed on top of me and captured my mouth with an intensity that made me whimper. I was completely under her power. I was hers. When she leaned over and offered me her breasts, I worshiped them eagerly. Quite willing to happily spend the rest of my life lying there in devotion. She suddenly rose to her feet, depriving me of her gift and I groaned my disapproval.

  My eyes focused on her hands as she stood above me, holding my breath as they fell to her waist and slowly removed her pants. She stepped out of them one leg at a time and when she revealed herself to me, I was afraid I might pass out with the want of having her. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

  Her eyes met mine and she stepped forward hesitantly, wanting my consent. I squirmed with impatience, perilously close to begging. "Please," I croaked.

  She began to lower herself toward me, but I couldn't wait. As soon as I could get a grip on her, I pulled her down hungrily. I was overcome with excitement at the contact and panted my desire into the heat of her. As she started to grind into me, I groaned with the bliss of it. I loved how wet she was. I loved the way she tasted. I loved every one of the little sounds she made. When her release came, I nuzzled into her as deep as could, wanting to savor everything, wanting to feel everything. It was over entirely too soon and I gripped her hips demandingly, needing more and wanting frantically to continue.

  She backed away slowly and I growled my dissatisfaction, reluctantly letting her retreat. A hand cupped my cheek lovingly and I encountered a gaze that regarded me with a surprising tenderness. She leaned over me again and gently kissed me, exploring lightly until she released me again and resituated herself. Her back to me, she straddled my chest as she started to remove my sweats. I enjoyed the view while she labored, waiting for her to complete her task and then spreading my legs invitingly.

  "Oh, my."

  They were the first words she'd spoken since calling me a bitch and I was suddenly self-conscious.

  "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

  "Nothing. Nothing at all."

  She ran a hand over me and my nails dug savagely into the carpet.

  "I could stare at you for hours, Maddie."

  Her words only succeeded in bringing me to the edge and I was deliriously aware that another touch, however slight, would send me plummeting into the abyss. She began to slide her hips over me, backing toward me to offer herself again. I accepted readily, my hands roaming over a delightful ass as I pulled her close, wanting to taste her when I came. Arms encircled my legs and I could feel her breath on me
as she descended.

  I think I may have screamed.

  I'm not really sure since I allegedly fainted.


  For the first time in longer than I care to admit, I didn't wake up horny. In fact, as I stretched extravagantly under the covers, I purred with satisfaction. It was a brave new world. I spent a few moments in insight and was delighted to discover that my night with Anabel felt right. There was no guilt or regret. I'd made the right choice or rather; Anabel had made it for me. I giggled with pleasure.

  "You gonna get up?"

  The smile on my face felt absurd and I rolled over to find Anabel regarding me from the bathroom doorway wrapped in a towel.

  "Maybe," I rumbled.

  She walked over and climbed on to the bed, carefully kneeling beside me. "Why were you laughing?"

  I shrugged. "Just happy."

  She smiled bashfully, but then gave me a serious look. "We need to talk, Maddie."

  My smile vanished and I felt the beginnings of panic. I hated those words. Anything said after that was guaranteed to be unpleasant, and probably painful.

  "Don't you want to be with me?" I asked, disturbed at how small my voice sounded.

  Her features softened. "Of course I do."

  "Then what do you want to talk about?"

  "Me and you."

  "Is something wrong?"



  "You need to realize that to keep me, you're going to have to work at it."

  I frowned confusedly. "What does that mean?"

  "It means that you're cynical, selfish, hateful, rude, and just plain mean."

  Gee whiz! Those were not the sweet nothings I expected to hear after a wild night of monkey love.

  "I'm willing to tolerate it, but I'm not willing to accept it as a fact of life. I believe you're a good person at heart and I think you're special, but you need to get yourself together."

  I contemplated this in a worried silence, doubt darkening my previous euphoria. Had I made the wrong choice after all?

  "What happened to you, Maddie?"

  "What do you mean and why do you think you know enough about me to say the things you just did?"

  "Gus was my friend. He talked about you often, long before he approached me as a possible suitor."

  I rose to lean my back against the headboard. "What did he tell you about me?" I demanded.


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