Stories by Kiera Dellacroix

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Stories by Kiera Dellacroix Page 97

by Dellacroix, Kiera

  She smiled. "I'm sure, I'll just take a cab later. It's early yet."

  "I'd rather you didn't. I can have one of Joey's guys come and give you a ride."

  "I'm not gonna bother him over something so silly."

  "I'll leave some money then."

  "I've got plenty of money, Maddie. Don't worry about it, I'll be fine," she said, climbing off the bed and handing me my other bag.

  "You sure?"


  "Okay then," I said, leaning forward to kiss her.

  She pecked me back, then looked at the floor, her face stained with a blush and a little furrow on her brow that I couldn't identify. "What's a matter?"

  "I wanted to tell you something."


  She took a quick breath. "I…I love you, Maddie."

  I'd waited my entire life to hear a woman say that to me, and though I knew she did, even before she said the words, I was touched to the point of sniveling. I inhaled deeply, wanting to respond and elated for the opportunity.

  "I…" She placed a stifling hand over my mouth.

  "I don't want you to ruin my moment," she said, withdrawing her hand.

  I gaped at her unbelievably. Her moment?

  She spun me around. "On your way. I'll talk to you later."

  I turned a look over my shoulder, but she had already hopped back on the bed to play with the stupid cat. What the fuck? I shook my head and started for the door. I could live to be a thousand and never figure out an eighth of the dumbshit things that ran through a woman's mind, my own included. Her moment?


  I didn't leave town immediately, there was something I felt I had to do first. A task that couldn't wait and would've saved me a lot of grief had I seen to it earlier. It wasn't a scene I was looking forward to, partly because even thinking about her still turned me on a little, and partly because I couldn't help but feel that I had led her on. In truth, I was so afraid of being alone that I don't think I could've made a choice. I've no doubt that I would've probably fucked things up beyond all recognition and repair had things worked out differently than they had. I couldn't thank God or Anabel enough for dealing me a winning hand.

  I parked on the curb and with a sigh of preparation; I climbed out to walk across the street. Thankfully, none of the vagrants attempted to panhandle me, and my trip into the building was without incident. It was hard to feel sorry for those poor, unfortunate, unemployed souls that could somehow afford name brand liquor and tobacco. With an effort, I forced the impending internal rant aside and approached the receptionist. Surprisingly, she gave me a smile and spoke before I could open my mouth.

  "Maddie, isn't it?" she asked. "Here to see, Sarah?"

  I nodded.

  "She's in her office, do you remember the way?"

  "Yes, thank you."

  She gave me another smile that I returned with a hesitant one of my own and I turned for the stairs. Since it was only a two-story building, I wasn't lazy enough to take the elevator. A little exercise certainly wouldn't kill me and the activity would only aid in the maintenance of my mystically exquisite figure.

  I took the long way around and bypassed most of the cubicles. On the trip over I had rehearsed several conversations, none of which I found suitable because all of them made me out to be the heavy. Whether I liked it or not, I'd been burning the candle from both ends and had set myself up for the inevitable drama.

  All too soon, I was yet again standing in front of a door. I hated doors. It seemed that I'd encountered far too many of them lately and behind each one I'd been forced to confront my failures and shortcomings. It was a drag. I took a deep breath and gave a short rap.

  "Come in."

  I conjured up a smile of greeting and stepped into the office. "Hi."

  "Maddie!" she beamed, rising from her chair and padding over for a peck. "What a neat surprise."

  I returned the greeting but she remained close. Uncomfortable, I backed up a little and she picked up on my response immediately, shooting me a little frown.

  "What's up, Maddie?"

  I struggled for an opening, not exactly sure how to proceed. "I really hate to say it, but I'm afraid we need to talk."

  "Uh oh," she said unhappily, backing up a few paces to lean against the front of her desk. "I don't like the sound of that."

  I tried a grin. "I know exactly what you mean."

  She grunted. "Let's get to the point."

  I cleared my throat and cast a look at the floor. She was wearing a tight little skirt that was riding up a little, showing off her wonderful legs and threatening to reveal even more. "Uhm… I'm not going to be able to see you anymore."

  "Oh? Why not?"

  "I'm…uh… with someone else," I said but the words immediately struck me as lame and I rushed forward in explanation. "I'm a jerk, Sarah. I was seeing someone else at the same time I was seeing you. I didn't mean to lead anyone on; it had just been so long since anyone showed a real interest in me that I didn't want to throw out any options. It just sorta happened and I'm really sorry."

  "Sorry it happened or sorry it didn't happen with me?"

  It was a trick question and I measured my response carefully. "I'm sorry because I really didn't want to hurt anyone."

  She chewed on her lip and hopped up to sit on the top of her desk. "To tell you the truth, Maddie. I kind of suspected bad news when I called the other day and another woman answered your phone."

  I risked a glance at her, a little befuddled by her easy attitude. If the situation had been reversed, I'd already be indulging in some pretty sizable theatrics. "You're not mad?"

  "Not particularly."

  I scowled, viewing her response in a slightly offended and rather selfish light. "I guess it's nice to know that you don't think I'm worth getting all worked up about."

  She chuckled. "I think I gave you the wrong impression."

  I gave her an expectant look and caught my breath as she repositioned herself on the desk, hiking up her skirt and spreading her legs, letting me know that she had left the house this morning without her underwear.

  "I don't mind sharing, Maddie."

  I tore my eyes away and tried desperately to focus on the wall behind her, thankful that my sunglasses had hidden most of my reaction. I fumbled for words, but none came to mind as my rebellious vision kept straying back to what she obviously wanted me to see.

  "Don't you want me, Maddie?" she asked, running a teasing hand over herself.

  Zoinks! Time to get the hell out of here, Scoob! Not too long ago, behavior of this type would've reduced me to nothing more than a malleable automaton. Sex, or lack thereof, had always been one of my greatest weaknesses and apparently, I wasn't the only one aware of this flaw. It pissed me off that she would attempt to manipulate me in such a manner, and it pissed me off that I'd been such an easy read.

  "Cover yourself up, Sarah. It's pretty to look at, but I'm not allowed to touch."

  She froze, her gaze evaluating me icily.

  "I may be a weak person, but I've got some scruples and a backbone. It's disappointing that you'd underestimate me so badly."

  "Don't talk to me about disappointment," she snarled. "You want it just as bad as I do."

  I blinked, confused. "Want what?"

  She didn't answer as she slid off the desk and approached me. I tensed, almost positive that I was in for a slap. Instead, she lifted a gentle hand that ran over my cheek and found a seductive grip in my hair. I started to back away, but the grip became violent as she attempted to pull me close.

  "Take me," she rasped, her expression anything but tender.

  She was at least as strong as I was, maybe stronger and it was a struggle to keep distance between us. My temper was beginning to throw itself against the gates. "Sarah, you need to let go of me now."

  "We're not finished yet," she hissed, using her other hand to grab the waist of my jeans; pulling me forward while it labored to get underneath.

  "Yes, we

  My hands shot out to grab the front of her blouse, pulling her forward to affect her balance and then shoving her away forcefully. She had to backpedal several steps in an effort to keep from falling. She righted herself and shot me a glare that was a mixture of daggers and surprise.

  "I came here today because I thought you deserved more than a phone call. Now I wish that I'd taken the cowardly way out," I said, breathing deeply.

  "Isn't that what you're doing now?" she asked as she went about straightening her clothes.

  "If that's what you want to think."

  "That's generous of you."

  I sighed and made for the door. "Goodbye, Sarah."

  I was seconds from a clean getaway when she spoke.

  "Fuck you, Maddie."


  Once you got out of the city, it was a boring drive through seemingly endless miles of farmland. I spent a lot of time trying to forget the scene with Sarah, brooding over Anabel's moment, smoking, and singing along with the radio. I also spent no so small amount of time reminiscing over our recent coupling. I'd never, ever busted one off like that before and it was probably a good thing my ass had been in the air, or I'd still be pulling the sheets out of it. Fuckin' tubular, dude.

  She loved me! Every time I thought about it I grew warm and my stomach felt a little queasy. I was walking on sunshine. Life was no longer such a downer and a cautious sense of optimism tinged my usually gloomy outlook.

  I spotted my exit and after one last goofy, mushy sigh; I put on my game face. A few minutes of grinding along a bumpy, two-lane road brought me to the gate, and I rolled my window down to greet the attendant.

  "Maddie Ledoux. The Warden is expecting me today."

  He nodded and stepped back inside his shack. I could see him pick up the phone and I turned my attention to the landscape. After I got past the gate, it looked to be another half a mile to the complex itself. I studied it curiously, knowing that if things hadn't worked out with the good Senator, I might very well be a resident. A thought that made me shiver because prison dykes scared me. I wasn't cut out to be anyone's bitch and they'd be on a hottie like me faster than bullshit out of a Clinton.

  "Miss Ledoux," he said. "Take a right at the intersection and follow it around to the east lot. Warden Crenshaw will be waiting for you inside."

  "Thank you," I said, giving him a smile as I put the car in gear.

  He nodded again and retreated back inside to open the gate, probably anxious to get out of the weather.

  I followed his directions and ended up in a small parking lot populated with a few police cars from several different jurisdictions. Billy must've laid it on thick; I was getting special treatment. After I parked, I turned in my seat to dig Tish's file out of my bag and climbed out to amble toward the entrance. I found myself at a normal sized, but heavy steel door and I extended a hand to press the buzzer. I glanced up at the camera bearing down on me and had the almost overwhelming impulse to strike an absurd pose. I chuckled at myself and a second later, the door opened with an electronic clack.

  I stepped into a warm hallway to be met by an imposing man of middle years. He shot me a charming smile and extended his hand.

  "Miss Ledoux, I'm Mike Crenshaw. It's nice to meet you," he said with a beguiling southern accent.

  "A pleasure," I said, accepting his greeting.

  He gestured for me to walk with him and I strolled beside him to the end of the hall. Another door blocked the way and on the right, a man stood behind a glass window.

  "You'll need to surrender any firearms or the like before we get inside," Crenshaw said casually, obviously having made the speech many times. "You know the drill."

  I nodded and withdrew it from my holster; removing the magazine and ejecting the chambered round before passing it and the ammunition under the window to the man waiting to take possession. I'd left the little one in the car because no one needed to know I had it.

  He started talking as soon as we got inside and began to travel. "I understand you're investigating the death of a police officer?"

  "That's right."

  He nodded. "I've had Brentwood moved to a private room. She'll remain in restraints. I can have a guard inside the room, it's up to you."

  "She dangerous?"

  "Increasingly so over the last year," he rumbled. "Was a model prisoner at first, but a place like this feeds on victims."

  "How long is she in for?"

  "Five years left on an eight year sentence."

  "It would probably be wise to keep her segregated for the immediate future."

  "I counted on that," he said, coming abreast of a window and gesturing. "Here she is."

  I looked inside to see a masculine, brick shaped, black woman with a buzz cut manacled to a chair in front of a metal table. She had a tattoo on her neck that I couldn't make out and another one on her temple. She looked like a nasty piece of business.

  "Want company?"

  "I'll go it alone to start off with," I said, glancing up at him. "What are the chances of her cooperating?"

  He shrugged. "Couldn't say."

  I frowned. "Alright."

  He gestured for a guard. "He'll be standing outside. No one will monitor your conversation and the camera inside will be inactive."

  I understood and gave him a nod.

  "I have some things to see to so I'll leave you to it."

  "Thank you."

  "Most welcome."

  The guard let me inside and I entered the room to be blasted by an intense look of malice. She hated me right off the bat and wanted me to know it. If I had lived her life, I'd probably hate everyone too.

  "Who the fuck are you?"

  I tossed my file on the table and took a seat across from her. "You can call me Maddie."

  "How 'bout I just call you bitch?"

  "I'm not here to harass you and I'd like this to be as agreeable as possible, but if I were you, I'd just stick to Maddie."

  She laughed. It wasn't a pleasant sound. "A little bitch like you shouldn't be talkin' shit."

  I leaned back in my chair. "You should know that no one is recording us and the cameras have been turned off. Also, the guard outside will turn his back the second I start beating on you. Now, I only need a little information, and in return, I could make life easier for you."

  Her eyes narrowed cruelly as she considered my words.

  I opened my folder and put Tish's picture on the table. "You knew her. I want to know her too."

  She didn't even look at it and I considered my options. Prison took away almost everything, existing was all most of them had. She would want to survive.

  "LaTisha's dead. So is Clarice. They were murdered. You could be next, that's why you spent the night in solitary."

  Her expression changed. To what I couldn't guess, but the hostility wasn't as starkly obvious.

  "How could you help me?"

  "What if the wise guys inside declared you off limits, Monica. Would you be left alone?"

  She regarded me warily. "You ain't a cop then?"

  "No. Would that help you?"

  "What would I owe and why would they help me?"

  "You'd owe nothing, and they'd help because I'll ask them to."

  "You ain't a wop either."


  "The mob ain't gonna look out for no nigger."

  "You won't be friends, but they'll put the word out just the same. They'll honor it too."

  "Why should I believe you?"

  "Because you want to."

  She measured my words, taking her time, and leveling eyes at me in evaluation. I let her. She had no reason in the world to trust anyone and I couldn't honestly blame her, life had probably been nothing to her but a big shit sandwich.

  Time dragged on, and I eventually reached for my smokes, offering her one that she declined with a shake of her head.

  "What do you want to know?"

  "Did you and Tish both work for Clarice?"

; "Till she got married, yeah."

  "LaTisha wasn't her name, do you know her real one?"

  "She was just Tish to me."

  "Did she ever talk about home or family?"

  "Girls like us don't talk about family."

  "How about boyfriends or girlfriends?"

  "We had plenty of those."

  "I mean like when you were growing up? A first kiss, a first crush, that sort of thing."

  She scrunched up her face. "She talked about a boy from back when she was a kid once."

  "Remember the name?"

  She shook her head.

  "Did she say where?"

  "Some crappy place in Iowa."

  Bells going off, I leaned forward to consult my file. "Do you remember what town?"


  "Does Fowler sound about right?"

  She lit up a little. "That's it."

  I grinned. I had something to go on. "If you guys worked for Clarice, who did she work for?"

  "Just herself at first."

  "At first?"

  "She got a boss. I didn't get to tag along, wasn't pretty enough."

  I cringed a little, but I didn't let it show.

  "Clarice always looked out for us, was kinda nice, you know? When she got a boss things changed."

  "How so?"

  "Clarice started getting bruises and stuff, couldn't look after us the way she used to."

  "You never met this boss?"

  "No, Tish did once. Wouldn't talk about it."

  "Why not?"

  "She was scared, had some bad shit done to her."

  I sighed and closed my eyes. "She ever mention a name?"

  "No, she was scared bad, wouldn't say nothin'."

  "How about Clarice?"

  "Same thing."

  I sat back in my chair and crushed out my smoke, taking several minutes to contemplate what I'd learned. It looked like I was going to Iowa.

  "You still gonna help me?"

  "Yes, I am," I replied as I rose to my feet and collected my folder. "You'll have to spend some time in solitary, probably not too long. When you get out, the word will be around."

  I was at the door when she spoke. "Maddie."

  I turned around with an expectant look.

  "You ain't a little bitch."

  I smiled at her. "Sure I am."

  Her lips twitched, it was probably the closest she could come. Only God would know the last time she had something to smile about. I gave her a nod and knocked on the door for the guard.


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