We Are The Wolf (Wolf Pack Book 1)

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We Are The Wolf (Wolf Pack Book 1) Page 4

by Toby Neighbors

  Chapter 6

  Before nodding off to sleep Dean used his tablet to search the net for workouts. He wanted to maximize the gains he'd made in his intake training, while utilizing the facility's excellent PT equipment. Sleep was difficult, but he got in a few hours before the wrist link buzzed to wake him.

  He pulled on sweats and went to the bathroom. He splashed water on his face and got a towel, before heading to his workout. Most of the other ensigns were either in the training room or showed up before Dean was finished. He lifted weights for forty-five minutes, then followed that up with cardio for another forty-five, leaving him just enough time to shower, shave, and get dressed.

  Breakfast was eggs that were obviously reconstituted from powder, soy sausage patties, a wafer biscuit, and the familiar fruit punch. The food on the space base was processed to contain all the vitamins, minerals, and protein he needed. And while the food was in a form he recognized, the taste and texture of the food was completely foreign to Dean. Still, after a hard workout he was hungry and ate it all.

  In the classroom he found his seat and settled in. Captain Parker was in the booth at the rear of the room, and after a few minutes the lights dimmed and a video presentation began. The transparent wall darkened until it was opaque and then in the center the video image sprang to life in vivid detail. A woman in the familiar tan uniform of the EsDef was standing in a plain room. Behind her, through a transparent wall much like the one the video was displayed on, Dean could see a starship being manufactured.

  "Welcome to the Extra Solar Defense Force Officer Training Academy," the woman said. "You recruits have been chosen from our fulfillment centers all around the world. You are truly the best and brightest, so take a moment to let that sink in. Being chosen for service isn't a prize, but a privilege to serve humanity as we branch out into the galaxy. Completing your training should be your highest priority. Your intelligence and maturity got you here, but it will take all your effort and the highest commitment to graduate with a commission.

  "Let's begin your training with the history of EsDef. Over a century ago man first broke from the confines of our home world, sending both manned and unmanned space craft to explore our solar system. With the invention of warp drive technology, we were able to visit other systems and discover other planets rich with resources that would benefit all mankind. The first incarnation of EsDef was the Space Exploration Fleet. Their primary directive was to locate worlds that could sustain human life and make contact with intelligent species on any world they came in contact with.

  "The search was long, difficult, and dangerous. It took two decades to find a habitable world. Neo Terra was the first world with a human outpost, and the first world to come under attack by an alien species. As the search expanded, more worlds were discovered and colonized, but it was on Neo Terra that the Expansion War began."

  Dean knew quite a bit about the Expansion War. It was a major turning point in space exploration and a major event discussed in most high school history courses. He knew the Brae Garr were an aggressive species that landed on Neo Terra in drop pods designed to support the Brae and alter the atmosphere. Humans had sent drone armies which were manned from orbit to fight the Brae, and after the loss of several colonies on the earthlike planet, the humans had turned the tide.

  "During the Expansion War," the woman on the video went on, "countries from all over the earth contributed funds, technology, troops, and materials so that Neo Terra could be saved. This new combined force was christened the Extra Solar Defense Force, and from then on brave men and women from around the world have been selected for service."

  The history lesson went on for another hour. The information was much more in depth than Dean's history classes in high school. History had always been one of his favorite subjects, so he enjoyed the EsDef lecture.

  Over the course of nearly eighty years in space, four intelligent species had been discovered. The Brae Garr were aggressive, but not coordinated. Their seed ships dropped pods on planets then moved on. If the seeds could not establish a permanent settlement on the planet, it was considered lost and no longer of interest to the Brae.

  The Xynodrex were a very territorial species that flourished on the massive gas giants like Jupiter. They built huge ships that looked like bubbles or exotic jellyfish, but were in fact highly advanced technological space craft. The Xynodrex were not friendly, but not an expansionist species either, and since humans could not live on the same type of worlds that the Xynodrex inhabited, it was easier to simply leave the gelatinous species alone.

  The Urgglatta were curious, non-violent, quadrupeds that reminded Dean of intelligent cows. They ate a simple plant that they grew on board their highly advanced space craft and explored the galaxy learning all they could from the worlds where intelligent life flourished. The Urgglatta had been watching and studying mankind for centuries, but they preferred to remain segregated from other species and were reluctant to share their knowledge. Their home world, if it even still existed, had yet to be discovered.

  Finally, there were the Pergantees, a very devious and destructive species. The Pergantees, like the Urgglatta, had known about Earth and humanity for many centuries. It was believed that they were responsible for many of the worst periods in human history. The Pergantees were notorious interlopers, and while not officially recognized until EsDef was created, they were known by various names throughout human history. Before humanity made official contact, the Pergantees were known as the grays, because of their thick, almost reptilian skin. They were short humanoids, with large heads and eyes. Physically they were extremely weak, but in close quarters their large brains gave them powerful ESP abilities. Their technology was also very advanced, and while the Pergantees, or Perg as they were commonly known, had interfered with human colonies, they were not known to engage in full-scale warfare.

  Over the last two decades the human expansion had spread to 45 worlds, with space stations in over a hundred different systems. The interstellar relay system had been established, allowing communication via messaging from system to system. Whereas before all communication had to be carried on ships with warp drives traveling between star systems, messages were now transferred on small pods built onto warp drives that traveled between systems on regular schedules. A message from Earth to the colony on Omega Seven, a system over two hundred light-years from Earth, could now be made in less than a day.

  All the colonies, space stations, and mining operations, be they meteor, planetary, or gas giant, were under the protective umbrella of EsDef, as were the communication beacons that jumped between systems several times each standard day. Every human living and working across the ever-growing collection of planets and star systems looked to EsDef for protection.

  But the threats weren't always from without. At times EsDef was called on to put down rebellions among colonists, or to fight back against extremely dangerous native species that from time to time took it upon themselves to slaughter those living in the human colonies.

  After the history lesson was over, the video instructor broke down the three divisions of EsDef, along with the ranks of each.

  "The most numerous division of the Extra Solar Defense Force, the O&A, are Operators and Administrators," she said, while the thirteen ensigns of that division shouted their approval. "At the center of all EsDef initiatives, the O&A are made up of skilled technicians, drone controllers, and facility administrators. The non-commissioned ranks are privates, corporals, sergeants, and master sergeants. As officers it is imperative that you know each rank and what their primary functions are.

  "New recruits begin with the rank of private while learning their specialty. Privates need almost constant supervision by experienced NCOs until they become proficient in their individual areas. The rank of corporal is reached when privates have proven their skills. This is the most numerous rank in the Operator Division. Corporals with proven specialty knowledge, experience, and leadership skills are advanced to the rank of se
rgeant and tasked with overseeing squads within their specialty. Master sergeants are those select few who have the knowledge and skills to oversee all the operators in a specific location. For instance, on Space Base 27, Master Sergeant Nikola Petrov oversees the entire regimen of surveillance drones that keep watch over the three Xynodrex worlds."

  The picture of a man with a square jaw and icy blue eyes in the tan dress uniform of the Operators' Division smiled, then saluted the camera. The picture changed back to the female officer who continued the lecture by going over the ranks of the commissioned officers: lieutenants, captains, and majors. Officers, unlike the non-commissioned ranks, oversaw various groups of operators and facilities. Space Base 13, the station they were on at that very moment, was run by Major Emily Jefferies.

  After a break, the video lecture continued with information about the Space Navy Division. Unlike the other divisions, the Space Navy only had two non-commissioned ranks. Since their sole responsibility was piloting interstellar ships, they needed only privates, who were general maintenance or specialty apprentices. Then there were petty officers, skilled technicians who keep the starships in good working order. Lieutenants were junior officers that controlled specific ship operations such as navigation, propulsion, radar, communications, life support, and ship defenses.

  Small and midsize EsDef ships were run by captains, which included piloting atmospheric craft and transport vessels. Vice admirals commanded larger craft, including EsDef warships, although no space battles had ever been fought. In most cases alien technology was so advanced that the EsDef Navy had yet to close on an enemy ship for long enough to engage in battle. Most warfare took place on contested worlds or occasionally in space stations. When humanity had to fight, they most commonly used drones, and preserved human life whenever possible. But whenever a threat was encountered, the first response was the small but elite Recon Division.

  "The elite warriors in EsDef," the woman on the video continued, "are the legendary Off World Recon soldiers who do the important, and sometimes dangerous, work of scouting out enemies on foreign worlds. Facing everything from unidentified species on new colony worlds to invading threats. Anything that might potentially lead to danger on colony worlds or space stations will be investigated by the Force Recon troops.

  “Each platoon of Recon warriors is made up various specialists, with ranks from private, corporal, sergeant, and staff sergeant. Each platoon is led by either a lieutenant or captain. The highest rank in the Recon Division is major, who in times of war command several platoons from one ship or FOB."

  When the video ended, Dean knew the entire hierarchy of the EsDef branches and could recognize the rank insignia of each. The rest of the morning was taken up with the protocol ensigns were expected to follow while at the Academy. While the Navy and Operator ensigns had heavy academic loads through most of their training, Dean's days would be split between physical training and platoon tactics, strategies, and leadership instruction. In the next four weeks Dean would learn all there was to know about Force Recon, and then he would be sent to Coronado, California, a narrow island right off the coast of San Diego, where he would train in each of the specialties that made up a Force Recon Platoon.

  Chapter 7

  After a light lunch, Dean was met in the training facility by Captain Parker. She was dressed in a tight-fitting compression shirt and leggings. Dean did his best not to stare at the curves of her body, but the temptation was high. Captain Parker was not only attractive, she had a fit, muscular body that made the ensign's heart pick up its pace.

  "You'll be getting a crash course in PCT, personal combat training," she said as soon as Dean approached her. "There are no other Force Recon ensigns, so you'll be stuck sparring with me. Be warned, I don't believe in taking it easy during training. Personal combat is life or death off world. I wouldn't be doing you any favors if I didn't challenge you at all times."

  "I understand," Dean said.

  "No, you don't," she said with a grin. "But you will."

  For an hour Captain Parker taught Dean the basics of unarmed combat, starting with how to stand, how to move his feet, how to maintain a defensive posture, and how to keep situational awareness at all times. Whenever his attention lagged, or worse yet, wandered, the captain inflicted pain. She never struck the same way twice. What started with light slaps to the head and face eventually graduated to shoves and body throws.

  Dean was thankful for the soft mat covering the metal flooring. If he dropped his guard for even a second Captain Parker attacked. She went from careful explanations of combat techniques to lightning fast demonstrations that usually left him gasping in pain. There was no malice in her attacks, she was constantly teaching him. She explained every technique she used and why it had been effective. But after a few hours Dean was drenched in sweat and aching all over his body.

  "That's enough for today," Captain Parker finally said. "We'll drill together every day you're here."

  "Every day?"

  "Even on your off days. Recon doesn't take down time. You'll have to push your platoon harder than you imagined. Giving up can't be in your vocabulary."

  "Alight," Dean said, nodding.

  It was exactly the type of training he'd expected and had even looked forward to. His two-week induction had been physical to the extreme, but nothing about it was specific to the duty he would be called on to perform. He was glad that at last his training was focused on the skills he would need as a Recon warrior, but at the same time he was so tired that he couldn't help but wonder if he had gotten in over his head.

  "Get some chow, then I'll set you up with a PID."

  "A PID?" Dean asked.

  "A Personalized Instruction Device. Total sensory training will not only teach you, but get you prepared to interface with the equipment that will make your job as a platoon LT possible."

  Dean had no idea what she meant, but he decided that if it didn't involve getting thrown around by his attractive superior in the training room, he didn't mind. He showered, getting strange looks from the other ensigns when they saw him covered in sweat on his way to the bathroom facilities. Showering on a space station was not the same as taking a shower on Earth. He stepped into a very small pod and closed the door. A fine mist of hot water was sprayed from above, below, and both sides for five seconds, then he had two minutes to lather his entire body. His induction training had taught Dean to do necessary tasks as quickly as possible. Then the water was sprayed on him again, blasting the soap away as much as actually rinsing him. Dean understood that there were demands on resources like water. A long hot shower was a luxury that didn't exist in space.

  Dinner that evening was a casserole with what tasted like chicken, although the protein wasn't crafted to look or taste like real meat. Dean was quickly learning that life away from Earth had its drawbacks. Protein was much easier to ship and maintain in a powdered, tasteless form, to be reconstituted with water and seasonings to mimic actual meat or fish. Still, it wasn't a bad-tasting meal. The casserole had noodles and a tasty sauce. It was hot and filling, almost comforting even though Dean had never tasted it before. For the first time he was given a small cup of red wine with his meal, and the beverage he drank tasted more like iced tea than the fruit flavored amino drink he was accustomed to.

  Meal times were a lonely affair for the young Recon ensign. The other ensigns remained with the recruits from their own branch of service. With Dean being the only Force Recon ensign, he was left to himself. He hadn't made friends with the recruits in his induction class, but at least there had been a sense of camaraderie during the grueling two weeks. At Grooms Lake, Dean was all alone and the solitude was already sometimes hard to bear.

  After dinner he was met in his room by Captain Parker, who was bearing a sleek-looking helmet. She held it out to him as she came into his small cabin.

  "This is your PID," she told him. "It's almost exactly like the helmet you'll wear on missions, only this unit is programed to train you. It
will measure your face and send those dimensions on so that the suit you're eventually issued is custom fitted for your body. All you need to do is start getting used to wearing and interacting with the PID. Tomorrow, it will launch your training program. You'll spend your mornings here, and in the training room utilizing the PID. In the afternoons we train together. In the evenings you'll go back over your lessons from the day.

  "There is a lot to learn, ensign," she went on. "Do your best to retain it all. You'll need it. Run the simulations until you're really comfortable with each one. Remember, you aren't just training for yourself. Your troops are depending on you to know this information backward and forward. You can do this, Dean. Don't slack and you'll be fine. Half ass it, and I'll know."

  "Yes, Captain," Dean said, swallowing the lump in his throat that had formed during his superior's lecture.

  She flashed him a smile, and he felt his face flush a little with embarrassment. He knew he was developing a crush on the captain, and he was just as certain that nothing could ever come from his feelings for her. Yet he couldn't stop himself from admiring her poise, strength, and beauty. When she left Dean put the PID on his head, and, once again, his world was radically changed.

  Chapter 8


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