The Delinquent Bride

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The Delinquent Bride Page 11

by Carole Archer

  Shelley nodded and shivered once more. She wished they could get her spanking over with now, but she truly was exhausted.

  “Go and wash your face.” Henry smiled as he brushed her dirty cheeks with his fingers. “Get ready for bed and I’ll be back in a minute.” Henry got up and left the room.

  Shelley unwrapped the blanket from around her body, undressed, and dried her hair with a towel. She went into the bathroom and washed her face, cleaned her scuffed knees, and quickly pulled a nightdress over her head. As she sat on the edge of her bed, Henry entered the room again. “I hurt my knees,” she pouted, lifting her nightdress to show him.

  Henry approached her, carrying a jar of Vaseline with a small stick poking out of it. Shelley frowned in confusion as he set it down on her bedside table.

  Kneeling down in front of her, he tenderly kissed her knees, something he often did with Jessica when she’d fallen down. She smiled as he looked up at her. “All better?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with humour.

  Shelley nodded and grinned.

  Henry got up, sat down beside Shelley, and without a word guided her across his lap.

  “No,” Shelley shrieked. “You said I could go to bed.”

  “You can in a minute,” he told her, lifting her nightdress up and taking hold of the waistband of her bloomers. Not wanting another spanking, Shelley reached back and grasped her undergarment. Henry slapped her hand away and yanked her bloomers down to her knees. “Stop fighting me,” he scolded, landing a sharp smack on her bottom. “I just want to take your temperature, now stop struggling.”

  Shelley kicked hard when she realised his intent. “Nooooo,” she wailed, attempting to push herself up.

  “Shall I call Clara to help?” Henry calmly asked, as he waited patiently for her to respond. Shelley immediately stilled. “No. Please don’t.” Her cheeks flushed at the thought of how embarrassing that would be.

  Henry quickly parted her buttocks and Shelley grabbed the blanket on the end of the bed and pulled it towards her. She covered her face as Henry held her buttock firmly with one hand. She cringed as his finger slipped into her tight bottom hole, and her cheeks flushed as he lubricated her thoroughly, pumping his finger in and out of her tight sphincter.

  When Henry suddenly removed his finger, Shelley allowed herself to breathe once more. “Hold still, I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, and Shelley shuddered when he slowly slid the thermometer into her rectum. It was nowhere near as big as his finger, but it still felt uncomfortable. She hoped this would be over with quickly. It was even more embarrassing than being spanked!

  When Henry felt resistance, he patted Shelley’s bottom gently. “Relax,” he said calmly. “This won’t take long, and it won’t hurt if you stop clenching.” Shelley made a conscious effort to relax, and let out a loud gasp as the thermometer slid deep into her bottom.

  “Good girl,” he praised, maintaining a tight grip on the thermometer, his other hand gently rubbing her butt cheek. Shelley held her breath and clenched her buttocks. She tried to lie still, but whimpered as he moved the thermometer slightly.

  “Silly girl, staying out and catching a chill,” he scolded, as he twisted the thermometer in her tight bottom hole. “Relax,” he ordered, and shocked Shelley when he landed a sharp smack on her butt. She gasped and tried hard not to grip so tightly. Instinctively she gritted her teeth and silently willed him to remove the offending item.

  Shelley was relieved when Henry finally slid the thermometer out and released her buttocks. She felt so exposed with her butt cheeks parted, and had been humiliated beyond belief.

  “As I expected, your temperature’s a little raised,” Henry informed her, helping her up and quickly pulling her bloomers back into place, before covering her with her nightdress. “We’ll check it again in the morning, right after I spank you.”

  Shelley’s cheeks flushed crimson as she glanced at the jar of lubricant with the thermometer poking out of it. Henry put it on her bedside table, a taunting and constant reminder of what would be happening the next morning.

  Leaving her alone for a moment, he quickly returned with some antiseptic cream. She lay down on her bed and winced as he rubbed the cream into the small cuts on her knees, before tucking her into bed. She was still embarrassed when he kissed her goodnight.

  After Henry had left her room, Shelley lay in the dark, her mind fully alert. There was no way she could get to sleep with so much buzzing around inside her head.

  She wondered what would happen when they sent a telegram to her parents, and if indeed they would ever forgive her.

  She tried to push negative thoughts out of her mind, closed her eyes and remembered Henry’s soft kiss, but her eyes flew open when she recalled his finger and the thermometer invading her bottom hole. Glancing across at her bedside table, Shelley could see the silhouette of the lubricant and thermometer. She was tempted to throw it across the room, but the thought of the punishment that would earn made her hesitate and reconsider.

  Shelley blushed as she wondered if he really would take her temperature again, or if he was just trying to scare her into being good. She prayed that whatever he planned on doing, he would spare her that indignity at least. Those few minutes spent across his lap with a rigid rod thrust into her tight bottom hole had to be the most humiliating of her young life. She was certainly not in a hurry to repeat that particular experience.

  As she finally drifted off to sleep, Shelley hoped that Henry shared her views on the matter, but she didn’t feel very optimistic.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning as Shelley woke, the very first thing her tired eyes focused on was the jar of Vaseline. The upright thermometer poking out of the container seemed to taunt her with its presence. Cringing, Shelley looked towards Clara’s bed and was relieved to see her friend had already got up and would not witness her humiliation.

  Shelley climbed slowly out of bed and went to the bathroom to get washed. She took her time, reluctant to submit to what awaited her. When she returned to her room a few minutes later, she was not really surprised to find Henry waiting.

  “Shelley,” he smiled, patting his lap and beckoning her over. She approached him quickly, immediately sitting down on his knees. He hugged her close to him, kissing her lips softly. “Don’t you ever dare scare me like that again,” he said, pulling her closer. Shelley smiled and hugged him back, hopeful that he might have decided against punishing her.

  “Now, young lady,” he said sternly, quickly releasing her and shattering her fragile hopes of a reprieve. “I do believe I promised you a spanking for wandering off yesterday.” Pulling her to her feet, he quickly tipped her across his lap before she could object.

  Shelley struggled when he raised her nightdress and tugged down her bloomers. She yelped the instant his hand smacked down hard, and she squirmed as he continued to spank her behind hard and fast. It was definitely the hardest spanking she had received from him, and she gritted her teeth as his hand cracked in a steady rhythm against her quivering butt cheeks.

  She was in genuine distress as he took the spanking down onto her upper thighs, her legs scissoring frantically when his sharp spanks stung to the point where she could hold her desperate cries back no more.

  Eventually, against her better judgement but unable to bear the pain any longer, she reached back in a desperate attempt to cover her bottom. Henry immediately gripped her wrist, continuing to rain hard smacks down onto her burning backside. Shelley was howling her apologies and sobbing hysterically when Henry thankfully stopped and helped her to her feet.

  Henry turned Shelley towards him, taking her face in his hands and forcing her to look at him. Her vision was clouded as tears stung her eyes. She tried to blink them away, but they rolled down her cheeks. Embarrassed that she had been unable to take her spanking stoically, she glanced away. Her attention was immediately drawn towards her bedside table and she shuddered, wondering if he was going to put that awful thing back into her bottom hole.<
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  Henry spoke very calmly, and Shelley swiped her hand across her face, wiping away her tears as she listened attentively to his softly spoken words. He gazed into her eyes and Shelley felt so much love for him at that moment, despite her stinging bottom. She yearned to be held in his arms and really wished they could dispense with the lecture.

  “I’m very angry, and hurt, that you’ve lied to me for so long. I can’t believe you didn’t trust me with the truth. Now you’re going to be punished for your lies,” he told her sternly, taking her by the elbow and turning her towards the bed. Shelley swallowed anxiously, very unsettled to find that he intended to spank her again. Her bottom was extremely sore already.

  “Kneel down on the end of your bed,” he ordered. Shelley glanced at his face, looking away when she saw determination to teach her a lesson reflected in his eyes. She slowly clambered onto the bed, holding back a sob as she got up onto all fours. He looked so hurt and she couldn’t bear to know that she was the reason for his misery.

  Taking a deep breath, Shelley vowed to do whatever was necessary to gain Henry’s forgiveness. She closed her eyes as he stood to her side, placed his hand between her shoulder blades and pushed down firmly until her upper body was pressed against the bed, her bare behind thrust high into the air, her bloomers around her knees.

  Shelley blushed, certain that Henry was going to take her temperature again. She really hoped it was lower this morning and he would leave her alone. She considered begging him not to carry out such a humiliating procedure, but she knew that would only make things worse. Gritting her teeth, she stayed in position, cringing with embarrassment when he lifted her knees one at a time and slid her bloomers down her legs and over her feet.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered. Shelley closed her eyes, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she shuffled her legs apart.

  “Right, I want you to hold that position until I say you can get up,” he told her. “Do you understand?” Shelley turned her head to the side and looked up at him. “Yes, sir,” she whispered, whimpering when instead of retrieving the thermometer, Henry started to unbuckle his belt. She watched wide-eyed as he slid the thick, black leather belt from his trousers, doubled it up in his hand and looked at her. He carefully laid the strap against her bare bottom and sighed deeply, shaking his head, disappointment reflected in his eyes.

  Shelley held her breath and turned her head away. She couldn’t bear to look at him. Immediately the strap moved away from her bottom and she heard and felt the sharp crack as the heavy leather snapped down against her bare flesh. Shelley howled and started to rise up, reaching back to rub at the burning stripe across the centre of her bottom.

  “Move your hands, unless you want me to strap them too,” he warned, lifting the belt away from her stinging behind. Shelley quickly moved her hands away and the strap immediately cracked down again, slightly below the previous stroke. Shelley howled in pain, her upper body rising. Just as quickly, she lowered herself back into position, desperate not to anger Henry further.

  “I’m sorry. It hurts,” she complained.

  “Good,” Henry replied, the belt snapping sharply as he brought it down low on her bottom. Shelley shrieked in pain and automatically rose up, clutching at her burning ass. She looked at Henry accusingly, but his eyes remained focused on her bottom as he raised his belt high. Shelley quickly moved her hands and lowered herself onto the bed, howling as the belt striped her upper thighs.

  Shelley begged him to stop, but he ignored her pleas and continued to slowly and methodically stripe her bottom. Her cries rose in pitch when he brought the strap down across the more tender flesh of her thighs, and tears coursed down her cheeks as he landed three smacks in a row on the same spot, before returning his attention to her bottom.

  Shelley reached her hands back once more, pressing the backs of her hands against her bottom. “No more,” she pleaded, yelping when the strap cracked sharply across the palms of her hands. Quickly moving her hands away from her butt, Shelley frantically blew on her stinging palms, staring wide-eyed at the thick stripe across each hand.

  “That’ll teach you to keep them out of the way.” Henry stepped closer to Shelley and wrapped his arm around her waist. “You can’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said crossly, pinning her squirming body under his arm as he announced, “Ten more strokes to go.” Shelley had no idea how many times he had already branded her ass with his belt, but she didn’t believe she could take another ten. The pain of her first ever strapping was unbearable and she was dismayed to find it was not yet over.

  Shelley sobbed openly, whimpering loudly as the belt cracked against her bottom. She no longer cared who could hear her cries, and she had given up her attempts to be brave. “No more,” she begged, wiggling her bottom and screeching in pain as the strap continued to rise and fall in a steady rhythm, only ceasing when she had received the promised ten strokes right across her sit spots.

  Henry immediately released her, and Shelley slumped against the bed and reached back, frantically massaging her burning butt cheeks, unable to believe the heat radiating from them.

  “Don’t you ever dare lie to me again,” Henry scolded, and Shelley’s sobs increased in volume. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered, snivelling pitifully as he slowly helped her up to her feet and hugged her, holding her tightly for a few minutes, whispering words of comfort to her.

  When Shelley was a little calmer, Henry released her and sat down on her bed. He immediately pointed to her bedside table. “Bring me that,” he told her, indicating the Vaseline and thermometer. Shelley’s tears continued to flow as she slowly stepped towards the table and reached out to the small container. She wrapped her fingers around it and looked at Henry, hoping for leniency.

  Henry took a deep breath and frowned at her. “Isn’t your bottom sore enough? Now do as you’re told, young lady, or I’ll make you very sorry.” Shelley swallowed back a sob. “Taking your temperature is not a punishment,” he said, his voice softening. “It’s for your own good.”

  Shelley nodded and lifted the jar from the table, slowly returning to Henry and reluctantly handing it to him. “Can’t you take my temperature the normal way?” she pleaded, opening her mouth.

  Henry shook his head. “You certainly wouldn’t want this in your mouth,” he smiled, taking the thermometer out of the jar. Shelley wrinkled up her nose in disgust.

  “I’m not being unkind, sweetheart. You must understand this is not a punishment. It’s much more accurate this way, and I’m very concerned about your health. Now be a good girl and bend over. It’ll be over quickly if you behave,” he smiled encouragingly.

  Her cheeks flushed, Shelley lowered herself across Henry’s lap. As he gently rubbed her welted buttocks, Shelley sobbed with genuine remorse, whispering her apologies to him. “I need a hug,” she sobbed.

  Henry stroked her back affectionately. “Hush, darling, let’s get this nasty bit over with first,” he said, lifting her nightdress, patting her bottom gently and parting her cheeks. She held her breath as he slid his finger deep into her anus and lubricated her thoroughly. Shelley tried desperately to relax, but it felt so wrong to have a man’s finger in such a place. She felt relief when he removed his finger, but as the thin plastic wand slid into her rectum, she squirmed uncomfortably, her eyes tightly closed.

  “Good girl, nearly done,” he encouraged, gently caressing her stinging buttocks. She remained like this for a few long and extremely uncomfortable minutes before Henry eventually removed the thermometer. She held her breath, praying her temperature would be back to normal.

  “OK,” he said cheerfully, “up you get.”

  Shelley slowly pushed herself to her feet and avoided his gaze, her cheeks burning with humiliation. He patted his lap and she accepted the seat, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging to him as he comforted her and praised her for behaving well.

  “Come on, let’s get you back into bed,” Henry said, once Shelley was calm. She stood up on sha
ky legs and he pulled back the covers before guiding her into her bed. “You still have a slight temperature. I’m not taking any chances,” he added, kissing her on the cheek and carefully tucking her in.

  “I am sorry,” she whispered, trembling as Henry pressed his lips against hers. “I know,” he smiled, “and you’re forgiven. You took your punishment well. Don’t make me ever have to punish you so hard again. Now get some sleep.”

  Shelley nodded. She knew she had hurt him too, but as she rubbed her tender bottom she pouted and petulantly thought he couldn’t be hurting as much as she was. She watched him walk out of her bedroom and close the door behind him, and she squeezed her butt cheeks together, screwing her face up as she realised he would more than likely be taking her temperature again later.

  Feeling absolutely exhausted, Shelley closed her eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  “Sweetheart, wake up.” She heard Henry’s voice, as if coming from somewhere very far away. “Shelley!” It was louder this time. Believing she must be dreaming, she suddenly felt his lips pressed softly against hers.

  Opening her eyes, Shelley smiled when she saw Henry kneeling over her. He kissed her again and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his. Reluctantly releasing him, she squirmed on her still stinging bottom and recalled why she was in bed in the middle of the day.

  “Good girl,” he smiled, pulling back the covers and lifting her out of bed. Shelley gasped when he cradled her in his arms, carried her out of the room and across the landing. Her heartbeat quickened and she clung to him as he effortlessly strolled towards his bedroom with her in his arms.

  “I’m not taking any chances with your health, my love. As I told you, your temperature was still raised this morning. I think you’ve caught a chill, so I’ve called my personal physician, Dr Phillips, to come and examine you. We’ll use my room. There’s no danger of us being disturbed in here,” he told her, pushing open the door and carrying her across the threshold. Shelley tensed in his arms, fearful of being examined by this stranger. She wanted to tell Henry that she felt fine, she didn’t need a doctor, but she knew he would not listen—and he might even spank her again.


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