Irresistible Desire (A Savannah Novel)

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Irresistible Desire (A Savannah Novel) Page 4

by Danielle Jamie

  He responds quickly, “No, I like my life the way it is now. I do some acting here and there but it’s not something I wish to pursue professionally.

  “You are known for your charity work, is there any one charity that’s extra special to you? If so why?” she shoots her second question fast.

  “I think they’re all important in their own way, but if I had to choose one that’s special to me, it would be the Melody Knox Foundation. It’s a foundation I started in honor of my sister who passed away from leukemia at the young age of ten.” As he says this I can’t help but notice the sadness in his eyes, though it disappears in seconds.

  “How are things with your love life?” All your fans are dying to know if you’re still an eligible bachelor, or have you sadly been taken off the market?” I see a small smile pass Eloise’s lips as she asks this question.

  “I am very single. I’m only twenty-six so I’m just living life, taking it as it comes to me.” He replies, ever aloof.

  “Looking for love or enjoying being a bachelor?” she asks, typing away on her laptop.

  I can’t help but gaze at him as he speaks, he’s hypnotizing. I’m watching him so intently that I quickly dart my eyes towards the windows when he decides to look my way.

  “Single and not looking, I’ve done the whole relationship thing and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I’m enjoying the freedom that comes from casual dating.”

  Of course Mr. “amazingly hot and filthy-rich” enjoys being a playboy. Typical rich male, would rather hook up with a different woman every night, than settle down with only one.

  Eloise quickly types away at her laptop, keeping up the momentum of the questions, “So when you’re not working on building your empire, what do you do to let loose and have fun? Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy doing with your free time?”

  I don’t know how Eloise can keep her composure while looking into Kayden’s eyes as she asks him these questions. They’re like volcanoes, full of explosive heat which practically melts you in your seat.

  “Well, I don’t have a lot of free time on my hands. When I do get a chance to let loose, I normally go four-wheeling with some buddies of mine back home. I like to go hunting and fishing sometimes too. Any chance I get I ride my horses and work around my ranch. I frequent my night clubs on down time, I think of it as observing more than partying. I get to see how my clubs are being run and whether we’re getting a good turn out on the weekends.”

  He clears his throat and adjusts in the chair, still keeping his gaze locked on mine. I need to get a grip, I have a boyfriend. Kayden Knox is the ultimate womanizer, there is no way he is even slightly interested in me anyway.

  “Would you like a bottle of water Kayden?” Eloise asks, standing quickly and taking quick strides to her mini fridge.

  “Yes please, thank you ma‘am,” he replies with a thick, southern drawl.

  Eloise hands him the water and returns to her desk, situating herself back in front of her laptop to continue the interview.

  “We’ve seen numerous Youtube videos of you performing at a few of your nightclubs, are you planning on pursuing a career in music, or is that just another one of your many hobbies?” Eloise asks.

  “I only perform for fun, I have no desire to enter the crazy circus they call the music industry.” He replies nonchalantly.

  She asks a few more questions before wrapping up the interview. We give him the address for the photo shoot and head over to Greystone Park for the mansion photo shoot. Kayden offers to let me ride with him, but I insist I drive myself so I can head straight home afterward.

  We’ve completely lucked out weather wise, it’s a warm breezy day in Beverly Hills and when I arrive at Greystone, Reagan is already in the parking lot with Kayden. I quickly park my car and head over to them.

  “Glad you could finally join us, Savannah.” Reagan teased.

  “Hey! I drove as fast as I could in this crazy ass traffic,” I say, smacking him playfully on the arm.

  “Well, now that the queen has arrived can we start this photo-shoot? I don’t think Kayden wants to spend the entire afternoon slumming it with the likes of us.” With that Reagan motions towards the first spot he’ll be shooting.

  “You two are close friends I take it?” Kayden asks while letting out the sexiest, melodic laugh.

  “Yes, Savannah Livingston is my partner in crime at Envy.” Reagan winks at me, checking over his camera and lighting.

  Kayden was a natural, taking little instruction as he poses for Reagan. We shoot in various places around the mansion and as I watch the last few angles against the Los Angeles skyline, I know Eloise will be thrilled with the results. Kayden looks breathtakingly handsome, there’s no doubt about that.

  Decked in a pair of worn blue jeans, a tight fitted black t-shirt and cowboy boots, Kayden looks awesome. His dark and sun kissed skin reminding fans of his southern heritage; well, that and the odd shot where he chooses to don his black cowboy hat anyway. I really do have the best job, allowed to just sit back in the sun and enjoy this.

  “I think we have enough here for Eloise to work with,” Reagan said, reaching out to shake Kayden’s hand. “Thanks again for doing the shoot Kayden, we got some great shots. Eloise will contact you soon so you can pick which ones you want to use in the issue.”

  “Thank you, this place was perfect. I look forward to seeing how everything came out.” Kayden shakes Reagan’s hand then turns towards me.

  My heart beats rapidly in my chest, so loud I swear everyone can hear it. No one has ever affected me like he has and I’m a little taken aback by it. He reaches out for my hand and I quickly shake it trying to pull away, but he’s holding it firmly as he talks to me.

  “Savannah it has been a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to seeing you again when everyone flies into Houston for the party.” Finally letting go of my hand, he smiles at me once more before walking towards his rental car. He climbs into the back and disappears. It actually pains me a little watching the car vanish in the distance, I was in so much shock I couldn’t even manage to utter a “goodbye” before he left.

  “Holy shit Savannah! Kayden Knox wants you, he didn‘t take his eyes off you the entire shoot!” Reagan screams at me as soon as the car was out of view. “I cannot believe this, America’s Most Influential Man wants in your panties, I cannot wait to tell Brooklyn this, she is going to FREAK OUT.” He says with a devilish grin on his face.

  “You’re imagining things Reagan, there is no way that man has any interest in me, anyway, I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love very much. I don’t plan on being another notch on that guy’s belt. He doesn’t do the ‘relationship-thing’ as he made that very clear in his interview this afternoon.”

  “I just sent Brooklyn a text about the shoot and Mr. “Tall, dark and into you", Reagan says, smiling a mischievous, unguarded, all-teeth-showing grin.

  “OMG Reagan, are you trying to drive me insane? You know how Brooklyn is. She’s going to drive me nuts, asking me hundred questions now about Kayden. She already despises Logan, now you’re just adding fuel to the Brooklyn Bennett Fire.” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Oh stop the dramatics, it isn’t that bad. Admit it, you noticed it too it wasn’t just me. He’d be an idiot not to notice how smoking hot you are.”

  “You’re delusional Reagan; I’m nowhere near as pretty as the models and actresses and whoever else he’s dated. He is way out of my league. He was probably staring at me the entire time, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me.” I mutter and slam his trunk shut. “I could barely form a sentence the entire time I was around him; I looked like a stuttering idiot!”

  “No, you worry too much, I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m picking Brooklyn up around eight o’clock. Smile Savannah, the world’s hottest guy wants you, he wants you really bad!” He says, jumping into the driver seat of his black BMW M6 Convertible.

  “You’re such an ass! You’re lucky I love you so much or I’d
have to ruin that pretty face of yours.” I spit at him.

  “I know you can’t resist my charm.” He winks at me and blows me a kiss, then speeds off down the road.

  I’ve been sitting in my car for ten minutes, trying to absorb everything that Reagan said. Dissecting every moment of today from the minute Kayden walked into Eloise’s office, to when he said goodbye. This is insane, I need to get a grip, drive home and forget about this entire day.

  I decide to send Eloise a quick text before I head home, letting her know how the photo shoot went.

  Me: Shoot went fantastic! Reagan worked his magic with the camera and got some really great photos. Kayden seemed very pleased with everything, said he looks forward to seeing us all at the party in Houston for the magazine.

  I don’t wait for her to respond, my nerves have subsided and the five bites of Caesar salad at lunch are doing nothing to satisfy me, I’m starving. Since I’m already in Beverly Hills I decide to stop by my parent’s house, we canceled our weekly dinner tonight because of all the work both Logan and I had on, but I imagine they’ve still made a ton of food.


  Chapter 4


  It is five o’clock by the time I park my car outside my parent’s house. I head up the driveway and Frederick opens the door before I can even knock. I don’t know how he does that. He must sit by the door watching the driveway I swear.

  He greets me with a smile, “Good evening, Miss Savannah, we were not expecting you tonight.”

  “I know, I was in the area working and decided to stop by and see Mom and Dad. Are they here?” I hope they are because I’m starving.

  “Your father is out but your mother is in her office, on the phone with her tour manager I believe.”

  “Thank you Frederick, I’ll head up and see if she’s up for some dinner with her favorite daughter.” I head down the hallway towards my mother’s office, their house was huge I could easily get lost. It was always fun playing ‘hide and seek’ with my friends here, I knew all the best hiding spots and no one was ever able to find me.

  “Hey Mom, you busy?” I ask, leaning in the doorway to her office.

  She holds up her hand, gesturing for me to hold on a moment. She was talking to her tour manager about their upcoming U.S. tour which kicks off next week and runs until the end of July. I quickly sit down on the sofa and flick through a Rolling Stone magazine she has sitting on the coffee table.

  After five minutes she sets her cell phone down on the desk, “I’m surprised to see you tonight, I thought you and Logan weren’t coming because of the Gala tomorrow night? She asks, looking a little puzzled.

  “That was the plan but we had a photo shoot in the area for the magazine, so I decided to stop by and see if you wanted company for dinner. Logan will be gone all night working on last minute details for tomorrow’s party and Brooklyn had plans tonight with that Trey guy she met last Friday.”

  “I believe Mrs. Trinton made lasagna tonight. I would love for you to join me sweetie, your father left to pick up our outfits for the party tomorrow. He said he’s just going to warm up a plate when he gets back.”

  I follow her back down the hallway to the kitchen and can smell the lasagna before I even reach the door. My stomach is rumbling continuously, begging to be fed. My mother takes two plates out of the cupboard, dishes up and joins me at the marble island.

  “You excited about the gala tomorrow?” she asks as she sets my plate and fork down in front of me.

  “Yes, and nervous though. I hate going to events where I don’t really know anyone. It’s pretty much Logan’s co-workers and business associates. Then, of course all the models and actresses that are with the agency. The only one I know is Megan Nelson, the one that was just in that romantic comedy, ‘How you love me’.”

  Sitting next to me, she takes a bite of her lasagna and smiles, “You’ll have a blast, I know it. You’ll have Brooklyn and Reagan there, you three can dance the night away.”

  It was nice visiting with my mother and it being just the two of us. I prefer having small lunch or dinner dates with either parent alone. I always get really stressed out when we have a fancy sit down dinner with Logan over; I feel like they’re always watching us, voicing their opinions so loudly, not with their mouths but with their eyes. My father feels Logan should have proposed by now, we’ve been dating for four years and he feels that’s long enough to figure out if you will or will not spend the rest of your life with someone. My mother just hates the idea of me having premarital sex, even though it’s 2012 and I know maybe a handful of people who actually wait until marriage.

  We talk about her upcoming tour for about an hour and I tell her all about the interview and the photo shoot. She’s so proud of how well I am doing with my new job; I can see it in her face when she smiles at me. After I help her clean up the kitchen, I decide to head home, I want to get my things ready for the gala. I wouldn’t have much time to do it tomorrow because Brooklyn and I are having a salon and spa day.

  After I get into my car, I pull my iPhone from my purse and notice I have ten messages -eight from Brooklyn and two from Eloise. Brooklyn’s are all asking about Kayden and the photo shoot and Eloise has left me both a voice mail and text raving about how thrilled she was with today’s results. I put my cell back in my purse and start the car, cranking up the stereo to try to drown out all the thoughts floating around in my head.

  I finally pull into my drive at six thirty, Brooklyn has already left so I decide to take a bath and get my dress, mask and accessories ready for tomorrow. Today has been a long stressful day but thankfully I survived, with a very happy boss. I decide I should probably reply to Eloise, and do so as I run my bath.

  “Hello Savannah, about time you called me back,” she teases, “You were amazing today! Kayden called my office as soon as he left the shoot. He said you and Reagan were wonderful and he truly enjoyed the whole experience.”

  “That’s great Eloise; I think Reagan got some really great photos today. Women all over the world are going to be dying to get their hands on the magazine when they see those photos.”

  “Oh, I know!” Reagan was editing some tonight and he sent a few to me. That man is fine!” she said. “He’s invited me, Reagan, you and everyone else working on the issue, to stay at his hotel the weekend after Thanksgiving. He’s throwing a party to celebrate being on the cover of Envy. It is going to be so much fun!”

  “Wow,” I breathe, “I heard him mention something about it when he was getting ready to leave today. He said he hoped to see me at the party he was throwing in Houston. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun, great publicity for the magazine too.”

  “Yes, it will be. Exciting eh? Well I’ll let you go, my dear, I know you have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight.”

  I toss my phone onto my bed and head to the bathroom with my iPod. My muscles instantly relax in the warm water and I lie back with my headphones in, trying not to think about tomorrow. I know how much Logan has riding on this new deal with Sunset Modeling, so hopefully everyone has a fantastic time and all goes smoothly.

  After my bath, I climb into bed and flick through my phone. I assumed I’d have heard from Logan today, but there’s been no news. I’m a little upset that he couldn’t even be bothered to send me a quick text seeing as he knew what a big day I had today. This was the thing with him, I was always supporting his career and he just couldn’t seem to return the favor. He was busy though, so I guess it was understandable. I decide to send him a quick message and head to bed, Brooklyn and I have massage and facial appointments tomorrow morning before heading to Quinn’s hair salon in the afternoon. I needed sleep.

  Me: Just getting ready to go to sleep, wanted to say goodnight and let you know today went fantastically. Hope your day went well. See you tomorrow xoxo

  I set my phone on my night stand and try to sleep. Logan didn’t reply.


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