Bad Bad Bad

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Bad Bad Bad Page 3

by K. Webster

  I’m so turned on by his words that I jerk my thighs apart a little too enthusiastically. His chuckle is soft, but suddenly I’m embarrassed.

  “God you’re so fucking cute,” he murmurs.

  I start to relax until his hot breath is tickling my sex. My entire body ripples with need. “Will it hurt?” I choke out. Will it hurt? Oh. My. God. Kill me now.

  But he doesn’t laugh at me or tease me about my inexperience. Hell, he doesn’t even answer me. He simply drags his thick hot tongue up along my wet seam, tickling me with the scruff on his face along the way.

  The dark room seems to explode with color as intense pleasure overwhelms me. His tongue is absolutely magical as it darts up and down, tasting me with a rhythm I didn’t know a tongue was capable of. But just like every other muscle on his chiseled body, he dominates with it.

  I wriggle and writhe, but manage to keep my moaning to quiet whimpers. It isn’t until he bites me—the crazy man bites me—that I leap over the edge of bliss and cry out. He suckles on my sore clit which sends jolts of desire pulsating through me before he slowly starts kissing his way up my body.

  Here it is.

  Show time.

  I’m about to lose my innocence to someone I’ve known my entire life. Somehow, that doesn’t seem so scary. Had it been Kellan or one of the boys from school, I think I’d be a lot more nervous. But this is Brandt. Good ‘ol Uncle Brandt.

  “I’m ready,” I murmur as I wrap my legs around his hips. “Make love to me.”

  His nose nuzzles against mine and I can feel his smile in the dark. “Slow down, kiddo. I haven’t even kissed your pouty lips, yet. I’ll be damned if I go another minute without doing that.”

  And then his full demanding lips are pressed against mine. His kiss isn’t unsure like my last boyfriend and it certainly isn’t overly needy, like how Kellan kisses. Brandt’s kiss consumes me. He seems to devour me in a way that makes me feel desired and beautiful and worthy of a man like him. His thick cock slides against my clit sending shivers of intense pleasure zapping through me.

  I let out a moan that he snuffs out with his kiss. His tongue dances with mine in such an erotic way that I’m sure I’m soaking my bed from how I drip for him.

  “I want you,” I beg, my fingers tangling in his messy hair. “I need you inside me. I want you to be my first.”

  His growl is loud and I fear Dad might hear. He’s not at all worried as he slides up and down along my clit. “Your first time, kiddo?”

  “I’m not afraid,” I tell him boldly.

  He kisses me hard until we’re both breathless. Then, he pulls away and cradles my face with his palm. His forehead rests against mine and his hot breath tickles me. “You’re such a fucking gift, Kelsey. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”

  I beam at him in the darkness. I wish I could see his glittering green eyes. I want to see the sharp edge of his jaw and the smattering of facial hair on his perfect face.

  “I’m glad it’s you.”

  He presses a soft kiss to my lips and then he’s tugging away. I frown in confusion.

  “Don’t worry,” he says with a chuckle when I make a sound of annoyance. “I’m just grabbing the condom I brought with me.”



  Thank God he’s here to be the responsible adult because I would have just let him make love to me bare.

  The tear of a condom wrapper sends a slice of awareness cutting through me. I stiffen and wait uncomfortably. What if it hurts? What if I’m not good at sex? What if it’s like banging a corpse for him, compared to all those hot bar chicks?

  “Stop thinking so hard, kiddo,” he teases as he climbs back on the bed.

  He settles back between my legs and his mouth is back on mine. I’m dizzied by his powerful kiss. All apprehensive thoughts are gone. Only one remains.

  I need Brandt Williams inside of me or I’ll die.

  “Please,” I plead with him, my fingernails digging into his shoulders. “Please…”

  The head of his cock rubs against my entrance and I let out a groan. He’s teasing me on purpose!

  “Kelsey, baby,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “As much as I want to go slow with you and make this shit perfect, I don’t know that I can. I think your sweet little body is ready to fuck. You’re a big girl and big girls get fucked hard.”

  I whimper and nod. “Yes…f-fuck me.”

  “This is going to hurt.” I’m still focused on the regretful way he says his words when he drives forcefully inside me. Pain sears through me and tears instantly roll down my temples. I open my mouth to let out a sob but his palm covers my mouth. “Shhhh,” he coos, his body extremely still. “The worst is over.”

  I sniffle but don’t move. He slides his hand away and replaces it with his mouth. His tongue slides against mine in a soothing way, as if he’s trying to kiss away the pain he caused me. It distracts me from the thick fire that seems to have impaled me. And soon, I want to feel him moving inside of me. Even if it hurts. I just want to feel all of it.

  “I’m okay,” I tell him, my voice shaky.

  “You’re more than okay,” he utters against my lips. “You’re so goddamned perfect it makes me crazy.” His hips buck against me and I whine. “I’m going to have to do this, kiddo,” he murmurs, his voice lowering as he covers my mouth again with his palm.

  And it’s a good thing too because as soon as he thrusts powerfully into me, I attempt to cry out. His hand keeps my noises muffled. All I can do is hold onto him as he drives in and out of me. The way he fingered me earlier is nothing to the way it feels to have every single inch of his thickness stretching me to my limits. It hurts and it burns, but it also makes me feel connected and whole. Like I’d been a bunch of broken pieces of myself before, but then he came along and fused them all together.

  “I want to make you come, Kelsey, but I’m going to need my hand to do it. Can you be quiet for me?” he asks in that sexy husky voice of his.

  I nod and he immediately releases me. His hand slips between us to where he finds my clit. I’m sore and hurting and sensitive. But as soon as he touches me, I’m writhing again with the need to orgasm. Brandt dizzies and confuses me. All of this seems like some sexy dream. Surely this isn’t real life.

  He bites my neck and pain sears down one side of my throat. That, combined with the delicious assault of his fingers on my clit and the way he is buried to the hilt inside me, has me nearly blacking out with pleasure. This is real life. My dad’s best friend is inside of me. Claiming me as his own.

  “Fuck, you’re so goddamned tight,” he snarls against my ear. “I’m going to come any second now, like a teenage boy.”

  He pulls at my clit and it sends me hurtling straight over the edge. I cry out despite my promise not to. My entire body convulses like I’m possessed. It causes my sex to clench around him. He lets out a long grunt and I swear his cock doubles in size inside me. I feel as though my heart is going to hammer right out of my chest.

  “Thank you,” he murmurs against my ear. His weight crushes me, but I’d suffocate under him if it meant my last moments were spent with him. “I can’t tell you what that fucking meant to me.”

  I grin in the darkness. “I survived.”

  He chuckles. “It gets better each time. Promise, kiddo.”

  Brandt slides his softening cock out of me and then he’s climbing off the bed. A chill ripples through me from the loss of him. Quickly, I grab my comforter and drag it over my body. The light from my bathroom pours into the bedroom as he takes care of the condom and I hear the toilet flush. I’m staring at the bathroom door that stands ajar when my bedroom door creaks open.


  The bedroom light blinds me the moment Dad turns on the light.

  Crap! We’ve been caught. My eyes start to burn with tears because I just know my dad is going to go nuts over this.

  “I got a call. A big is bust happening and they need all hands on deck. Under
age drug use and possibly prostitution,” he tells me, his brows pinching together as if he’s wounded by that thought. “I just wanted to let you know before I left. I’d thought I’d heard you in the bathroom.”

  I nod and squeak out a response. “Okay, Dad. Be careful.”

  He walks over to the bedside and ruffles my hair. “You know I hate having to leave you in the middle of the night. At least Brandt’s here. Wake him if you need anything.”

  “Yep,” I croak out and try not to shudder at the fact that Dad is petting my hair completely clueless that I’m naked under my blanket.

  He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “Night, princess.”

  I hold my breath as he starts for the door. But before he makes it there, he turns to the bathroom.

  “You left the light on in there,” he tells me as he shoves through the door.

  I can’t help but peek past him. I’m confused when I don’t see Brandt in there. Dad flicks off the light and then darkens my bedroom before he slips out. The house is completely silent until I hear the front door slam shut followed by the rumble of Dad’s squad car before it drives away.

  Climbing out of bed, I go on a hunt for Brandt and can’t help but wince in pain from where he nearly ripped me in two not even ten minutes before. I creep into the dark bathroom.


  The scrape of the rings on the shower curtain along the pole make me shiver. It’s almost scary sounding, but soon a hard warm body wraps around mine from behind.

  “Now what?” I question with a smile, still wishing I could see his handsome face.

  His palm slides around my throat and he growls. “Now I get to make you scream, kiddo.”

  Turns out, screaming really meant sleeping. Brandt Williams wore me out like no other work out ever has before. I’m an athlete through and through. But Brandt’s version of exercise is the kind that takes a toll on your soul, too.

  My phone buzzes on my nightstand as I stare down at the clothes he picked out for me to wear today. A sunshine colored dress and pale yellow undergarments. We haven’t had sex again, although he did eat me out while in the shower this morning. I nearly collapsed from pleasure. He’s wreaking havoc on my body and my mind.

  What happens after he goes back to work Monday?

  Neither of us have spoken about it. I know I’m more than just a one night stand, though, because he growled out his promises to fuck me later. Everything about me feels different. I’m sore in a delicious sort of way, but mostly I feel grown. Adequate. Enough for a man like Brandt.

  I’m smiling as I dress. I take my time putting on makeup and smoothing my dark locks into silky tresses I want Brandt to run his fingers through. He’d bailed earlier to do a little work that was time sensitive. As much as I enjoy his touch, I needed a moment to ground myself. A moment to think.

  I check my text messages and frown to see it’s Mandy.

  Mandy: Kellan and his friend from college are here. I know you like seeing Kellan. They’ve invited us to go out with them. Please come! I need my sidekick for moral support. You can distract my brother and I can bone Mikey.

  I frown because the last thing I want to do is be Mandy’s sidekick while Kellan tries to finger me in the backseat of his car. It was fun before. But now? Now, I know my body requires a different type of handling. I need the expert touch. An experienced touch.

  Me: I’ll have to ask Dad.

  She replies back immediately.

  Mandy: Rick loves me. He’ll say yes.

  At one time, I used to scold her about how she shamelessly flirted with my dad. I feel kind of like a hypocrite now because I’m sleeping with his best friend.

  Me: We’ll see. We have company.

  But I know she’s right. Dad will let me go. Despite being our town’s sheriff, he trusts me. And he should… when I’m outside of his house. It’s what’s going on under his roof he should be worried about.

  I abandon my phone on my nightstand and prance out of my room on a mission to find Brandt. When I walk into the kitchen, I jump to see Dad standing by the coffee maker. Both of his palms are on the edge of the counter and his head is hunched forward. Sometimes his job really gets to him.

  “You okay, Dad?” I question as I walk up behind him to hug him. Dad is tall and solid like Brandt, but it’s different when you’re hugging your father. All I feel is safety and strength and love rippling from him. His best friend is a whole other story.

  “Yeah,” he tells me, his voice gruff with emotion. “It’s hard seeing kids your age getting themselves in bad situations. I’m lucky you’re such an innocent and don’t hang out with the wrong crowds.”

  I release him and he turns to regard me with sad eyes. “I’m sorry you had a bad night.”

  He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Me too.” Then, his eyes drift behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck seem to raise with awareness. Brandt, last night, was inside of my body. The thought has me stifling a nervous giggle. I’m craving for him to take me in his arms and show Dad that we’re an item.

  But are we an item?

  Or is this a torrid affair that ends tomorrow?

  “Hey, kiddo,” Brandt says in a low tone, his voice dripping with sex. “How are you this morning?” He pulls me in for an innocent side hug but the way his palm grips my ass it’s anything but innocent.

  “Good. Dad needs the hug though,” I tell him, my voice breathless. “Bad night.”

  He releases me and helps himself to the coffee Dad started. “You okay, man?”

  Dad nods and regards me sadly. “Yeah, but let’s go out tonight. I need a stiff fucking drink.”

  Brandt tenses, but that is his only tell that he’s disappointed. My heart, on the other hand, is thundering.

  “If that’s what you need, that’s what we’ll do,” Brandt tells him.

  “You going to be okay by yourself tonight, princess?” Dad asks.

  I nod and force a smile. “Mandy invited me over to watch movies,” I lie. “I’ll be fine.”

  Brandt’s sharp gaze finds mine and I nearly melt as he scrutinizes me. I can’t tell if he knows I’m lying or if he’s searching for the hurt in my voice. Both are plain as day so I’m pretty sure he finds what he’s looking for.

  “It’s settled,” Dad says and ruffles my smooth hair messing it up. “You have fun with your friend and we’ll go out.”

  When Brandt doesn’t argue, I fight back stupid tears and then excuse myself.

  “Where are we going?” Mandy questions, as she smacks her gum. Kellan has the top down on his Mustang and her long blonde hair swirls into my face. I have my own hair twisted in a death grip as to not let all that hard work go to waste. Mandy is as wild as her hair so she seems happy with the wind blowing us ragged.

  Kellan flashes me a wolfish grin and pats my thigh. “Somewhere where they let kids in.”

  I roll my eyes and stare out the window, my thoughts drifting back to earlier. Dad had lingered around all afternoon. I know him and Brandt are super close, but it had never been annoying before. Dad relies on Brandt to cheer him up when he’s down and that was a pain in my backside when all I wanted was for Dad to nap so I could maul his best friend.

  It never happened.

  I watched with disgust as Brandt and Dad dressed up and left me. No promises were made by Brandt. Just a look of longing in his eyes.

  “You’re quiet tonight,” Mandy observes. “Everything okay?”

  I fake a smile as we pull into the busy parking lot of a club. “Peachy.”

  Mandy doesn’t seem convinced, but I don’t give her a chance to probe anymore. I bolt out of the car, pulling my ID from my bra. The fake IDs we use aren’t the best quality, but it usually gets us in where we need to go. Especially tonight. Mandy always dresses like a porn star. I’m the more conservative one. However, tonight I took a page from her book and traded in my soft yellow dress for a skintight black one that hugs all of my curves. We look much older than our seventeen years.r />
  Kellan trots up beside me and grabs my hand. “Where you running off to, Kels? I thought you missed me.”

  I glance over at him and try to see what I saw in him before. Sure, he’s hot. Tall, stacked from playing rugby all his life, and the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. His blonde hair is always tousled and he wears a perpetual crooked grin. He is the sexy boy next door. It’s his game that needs work. Compared to the man I’m obsessed over, Kellan is nothing more than an eager boy.

  “Of course,” I lie. “Just had a long day. Ready to chill out.”

  His blue eyes pierce me as he eyes my lips a moment too long. “We’ll get you wasted, babe, and then I’ll help you relax. Like old times. But we’ll have more fun this time.” He smirks. “I mean, you’re jail bait and all, but I’d still fuck you. It’d be worth the trouble.”

  Ummmm, thanks?

  At least I don’t have to answer him because soon we’re showing our IDs and then we’re inside the loud building. The club is bouncing with people of all ages. Like a melting pot of half naked women and men with leering eyes. Everyone moves to the beat. The air reeks of sexual promise. I just wish my man was here. I wish it was sexual promise of him with me.

  “Cheer up, Kels,” Kellan tells me as he hands me a drink. “If this isn’t your scene, we can leave. I don’t mind getting some alone time with you.”

  I accept the drink and chug the liquid that burns as it goes down. “I’m okay,” I holler over the music.

  After a couple of drinks, I’m relaxed and smiling. Kellan gets me to dance. And if I close my eyes, I can almost pretend it’s Brandt with his cock pressed against me from behind. But I’m not drunk enough to realize the cock behind me isn’t as thick as the one that was pounding into me last night.

  I open my eyes and let my gaze drift through the crowd. They lock on a familiar pair of greens. Furious. Raging. Jealous. I can’t help but smile. Surely I’m hallucinating now. But those eyes narrow and the body that owns them stalks forward. My heart hammers in my chest the nearer he gets.

  “Does your dad know you’re here?” he seethes when he snags my bicep.


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