Bad Bad Bad

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Bad Bad Bad Page 5

by K. Webster


  Brandt stills inside of me and I gape at my father standing in the doorway. His shocked features quickly transform into something murderous. And then my dad charges for us.

  Oh, crap.

  “Rick!” Brandt starts, “I can explain!”

  But he doesn’t get a chance to explain because my dad hits him in the face, knocking him away from me. My normally fun-loving dad has lost his mind. I’ve never seen him so out of control. He pulls his fist back to hit Brandt again, who’s not even attempting to fight back, before I jolt into action.

  “Dad! Stop!” I screech and attempt to force my naked body in front of Brandt.

  My father’s brown eyes narrow in disgust at me. “Put some fucking clothes on, Kelsey!”

  “Fine!” I cry out. “Just stop hitting him. Please.”

  I scramble for my shirt and Dad takes the moment to charge at Brandt again. Poor Brandt gets knocked into the floor as Dad tackles him. I yank my shirt on and start pulling at my father’s arm.

  “Dad! Please! Stop hitting him!”

  I manage to tug him away from his naked best friend who is now bleeding from the nose. My heart seizes in my chest to see the heartbroken look on Brandt’s face. He loves my dad like a brother. This is all so messed up.

  “Dad,” I choke out as I push him further away from Brandt. “I wanted it. I love him!”

  His chest heaves as he snarls his lip up at me. “Of course you love him! He’s like your goddamned uncle!” He rips at his hair and screams. “How could you do this to me?” he bellows at Brandt.

  Brandt has managed to throw on some jeans but wisely stays back. “Rick. She and I—”


  I wince at his tone and tug at his arm. “Dad,” I choke out, a sob quaking in my throat. “Listen. We’re in love.”

  His face crumples and my big strong father starts to cry. I burst into tears as I throw my arms around him.

  “I let this happen,” he breathes against my hair, crushing me in a hug. “I let this happen under my very own roof. Fuck. I’m going to have to arrest my best friend because he raped my goddamned daughter.”

  “Raped?!” I screech and push away from him. “Nobody was raped!”

  Dad swipes at his wet cheeks and shakes his head. “Princess. The law calls it statutory rape.” He jerks his head toward Brandt and snarls. “You fucking knew better. You betrayed me.”

  Brandt sits down on the bed and buries his face in his palms. I want to go to him. To hug him and promise him everything will be okay.

  But will it be okay?

  My dad is the sheriff and he’s throwing around big threatening words.

  “Please don’t do this,” I beg. “It’s my fault. I seduced him.”

  Dad frowns and pinches the bridge of his nose. “No, you didn’t. He fucked up. You’re just a little girl.” I wince at his choice of words.

  “I’ll turn myself in,” Brandt mutters from the bed.

  “What?” I shriek. “No!”

  Brandt’s bloodshot eyes meet mine and I can tell he’s every bit upset as me and my father. What a mess!

  “I fucked up, kiddo,” he tells me, his voice cracking.

  “Don’t talk to her,” Dad snaps, tension rolling from him in waves. “Don’t you ever fucking talk to her again.” He points at the door. “Brandt, you sick motherfucker, I want you out of my house in the next three minutes.”

  I stare in horror as Brandt starts quickly shoving his things into his bag. Thankfully Dad doesn’t notice when he grabs the used condom and stuffs that inside too. He throws on a shirt and shoves on his shoes. In another few seconds he’ll be gone.

  For how long?



  “I’ll follow you to the station,” Dad grits out, his eyes fixated on me despite his speaking to Brandt. “Don’t even think about running.”

  “No, Dad. Stop. You can’t do this. It’ll ruin his life,” I tell him through my tears. “They’ll mark him as some child predator. Think about what you’re doing.”

  Dad pins Brandt with a vicious glare. “He’s a fucking pedophile, princess.”

  I shove at my Dad’s chest. “Daddy,” I hiss through my quickly falling tears. “So help me if you do this, I’ll never speak to you again. I will run away and never come back. You’re not just ruining his life, you’re ruining mine.”

  Dad’s face crumples again as he regards me with confusion. “W-What? You can’t be serious.”

  “I won’t let you destroy your best friend because of something I had a part in,” I tell him, my voice firm.

  He glares at Brandt for a moment longer before turning to me. “I want him gone. I never want to fucking see his sorry ass face again around here. You’re my daughter and I love you. If that is what you want, so fucking be it. But I don’t have to look at him. I will not condone this.”

  Brandt shoots me one more pained look before he stalks out of the room. Soon, the front door slams shut. Dad sits on the foot of the bed, his face strained. I’ve never seen him look so lost before. With a loud sob, I climb into my father’s lap and cry my eyes out.

  My heart is broken.

  I’ve really made a mess of things.

  “Shh,” Dad murmurs as he hugs me tight. “It’s all over now, princess.”

  His words only make me cry harder.

  I don’t want it to be over.

  It’s over.

  It has been for over two weeks.

  I’ve drifted, trapped in a numb state of mind. Losing Brandt was more than something sexual. I’d erase everything if we could just have him back in our lives. I miss him. I know Dad misses him, too. He’s simply devastated. I hate that I did this to our family, but I wish he’d at least try and understand.

  But he doesn’t.

  The one and only time I tried to talk to him about it, he got so angry he punched the wall. We’ll never see eye to eye on this. So, as a result, we’ve begun to pull apart. I’m no longer my daddy’s little girl. I’m broken and lost.

  It’s times like these, I wish I had another parent to run to. My own mother bailed when I was eight months old. Dad says he doesn’t know where she ran off to, but he’s a sheriff. Finding people is basically his job. I know deep down he knows where she’s at, but he’s protecting me from whatever information he has. Normally, I’m all for Dad protecting me.

  He didn’t have to protect me from Brandt.

  Brandt is our family. I’ve known him since before I could form words. He came back from college to find my dad alone, trying to raise a baby. It was then, he helped whenever he could. Many nights it was “Uncle Brandt” who babysat me while dad worked on his degree. It was his best friend who was there for him when he went through the police academy and was trying to raise a daughter by himself.

  Brandt has been a constant in our lives.

  He’s not toxic or dirty or a pedophile.

  He was meant to be mine.

  Our relationship evolved. We’d gone from family to friends to lovers. It felt natural and I don’t regret the course our relationship took. I regret that our family is torn apart though. I hate that my chest has a never-ending ache. Brandt isn’t one of dad’s friends from the police station. I’d understand his fury, I suppose, if it were that way. But surely he knows Brandt loves and cares for me. Dad has to understand that Brandt would never hurt me.

  I’m staring at my bedroom ceiling with silent tears streaming down my cheeks as I clutch the pink bedspread Brandt bought for me years ago when Dad peeks his head in.

  “Your coach called.” His tone is clipped and annoyed.


  “She benched you for the game next week.” He steps into my room and frowns at me. Dark circles ring his eyes and I swear he’s sporting a few wrinkles on his rugged face that weren’t there before. “She said you’re messing up and your head’s not there. You love cheerleading. I don’t understand.”
/>   A harsh laugh escapes me and I sit up on my bed hastily swiping tears away. “You don’t understand?” I sniffle and point at him. “You tore him away from us, Dad. What else is there to comprehend?”

  He growls and crosses his big arms over his chest. I can’t tell if he’s coming or going to work, but he’s in full uniform. “I didn’t tear shit from us, Kelsey.” I wince at his tone. “He stole from us.” His fingers rake through his hair. “He stole you from me.”

  When his voice cracks, I force myself to look away so I won’t burst into tears.

  “Honey,” he starts, but I shake my head at him.

  “Just go, Dad. You’ve said what you came here to say. I don’t care about what Coach says. My heart is broken. I can’t perform like this. I’m not one to fake emotion. I just can’t.” My sobs echo in my bedroom. “Please leave me alone.”

  He stalks over and kisses the top of my head. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but as your father I have to protect you, no matter the cost.”

  As soon as he’s gone, I fall back against the bed and cry myself to sleep.


  It’s dark and I wake to a horrifyingly beautiful nightmare.


  Kissing me. Begging me. Loving me.

  The dream is too real. Too painful on my poor heart.

  “Come with me,” he murmurs against my mouth, his breath hot and real.




  “Brandt?” I can’t help but finger his silky hair. “What are you doing here?”

  “I can’t do it. I love Rick, but I can’t do it,” he mutters. His voice is ragged and broken. “I thought I could stay away, but you’re all I fucking think about, kiddo.”

  His mouth covers mine and I moan in relief. I’ve been slowly dying without him. This stolen moment is perfection.

  “I took the job here. I’ve moved into a house not far from here,” he tells me, excitement in his tone. “Come stay with me tonight. I know Rick’s at work.”

  He pulls away from me and turns on my lamp. The yellow glow illuminates his ragged appearance. Brandt looks like I feel. Tired, sad, lonely. His cheeks are overgrown with hair and he has a wild glint in his eyes. My sweet Brandt has been roughing it, much like I have. This thought elates me. Some part of me broke at the idea he’d moved on and forgotten about me. That I was just a phase—an itch to be scratched. Now, I know better. This is what love looks like when it’s been deprived of nourishment.

  “Please, Kelsey,” he pleads, his voice husky and raw. “I can’t go another night without you, baby.”

  I beam at him and nod. “Okay.”

  He smirks and it’s as if all the terrible things that happened are swiped clean. The look in his eyes is the same devilish one that he regarded me with that day he kissed my tattoo. We’re going to be okay.

  I launch myself into his arms and kiss him hard before I jolt into action stuffing clothes into an overnight bag. Once I’ve gathered everything, he grabs my hand and we hurry out of the house. I hate that I’m sneaking behind my dad’s back, but I can’t not be with Brandt.

  “I’ll need to be back home by six in the morning. Dad’s shift ends at seven,” I tell him the moment we’re in his car and zipping along the streets.

  He brings my hand to his lips and kisses the knuckles. “I’ll take what I can get.”

  With every second that passes, the air seems to thicken with need. It’s an electrical current pulsing through the vehicle and soon it’ll shock us both into action. Soon. So soon. Within fifteen minutes, we’re pulling into a garage of a nice home. He’s barely parked the car before he’s yanking me over the console into his lap.

  “God, I fucking missed you,” he growls, his palms gripping my ass as I straddle him.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “I should take my time with you.” His teeth nip at my breast through my T-shirt. “But all I want to do is tear your clothes from your body and fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

  I grip his hair and rock against his length. Our jeans are too much between us. “I’ll never want you to stop.”

  He growls and he pushes the car door open. I’m lifted in his arms when he climbs out of the car. I slap the garage door button as he charges with me into the house. Finally, we’re free. We barely get through the door before he’s setting me to my feet.

  Off goes his shirt.

  Mine gets roughly yanked from me.

  Down goes his jeans.

  Mine get pushed down effortlessly.

  Boxers and panties disappear.

  Just skin and lust and love and us.

  He clutches onto my ass again and carries me through his house. Later I’ll get the tour. Right now, all I want is his cock. The damn thing teases me as it bounces against the crack of my ass as we walk. Our mouths are fused in a heated kiss. He blindly manages to fumble us into his bedroom.

  “You’re so goddamned beautiful,” he praises as he lowers me onto his bed. Both of his bedside lamps are on. My eye catches a picture on the table. A picture of the three of us last summer. I’m standing between him and Dad. It makes my heart hurt. Perhaps one day we’ll be a trio again.

  “Brandt,” I murmur as I take in his beautifully sculpted body. “Make love to me.”

  His black eye brow lifts as he tosses his glasses on his nightstand. “Later. Right now I’m going to fuck you, just like I promised.” A thrill of excitement surges through me. He opens a drawer and retrieves a condom.

  “I’m on the pill, now,” I tell him. “If you want to… I mean… we don’t have to… I take them religiously…”

  His eyes flicker with hunger and I want him to devour me. “You’re asking me to fuck you bare?”

  Heat floods through me. “If you don’t want to—”

  “I’m going to.”


  He smirks. “Okay.”

  I chew on my bottom lip and scrunch my nose. “Now what?”

  “I’m going to give you everything. No holding back anymore.”

  My eyebrows rise as he strokes his cock boldly in front of me. It makes my sex ache for him. “You were holding back before?”

  He nods slowly. Terror should be running through my veins. Sex with Brandt was like banging a beast. If he was holding back, my body is in for a rude awakening when he unleashes the full monster.

  “Okay,” I squeak out. “I trust you.”

  His gaze darkens. “Good, kiddo. But if things get too intense—”

  “Say ‘uncle’?”

  He snorts. “Call me uncle and I’ll whip your pretty ass.”

  My heart jolts at his words. Our eyes meet as I say what we both know we want me to say. “Okay, Uncle Brandt.”

  I screech when he grabs my calf and drags me to the edge of the bed. He roughly flops me onto my stomach and a second later fire blazes through me when he spanks me with his hand.


  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  The sting feels good and it makes me so wet. I’m practically dripping down my thighs with want for this man.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  “Is that all you got?” I challenge, my fingers gripping the sheets to hold on.

  Smack! Smack! SMACK!

  The last one has me howling. I’m granted a small reprieve when he rubs his cock against my wet entrance and then slams into me. With him bare inside me, I feel like we’re finally joined without anything between us. It’s perfect.

  “Jesus, your cunt was made for me,” he hisses as he drives into me from behind.

  When I go to bury my face against the sheets, fire tears across my skull. He’s got a handful of my hair in his fist and he jerks me up off the bed. I have to use my palms to stay upright and keep from getting my hair torn straight from my head. Only Brandt could make me feel good while simultaneously hurting me.

  The room echoes with the slap of his body against mine. His heavy balls bang against the lips of my sex. I love being at h
is mercy—him owning my body as if it’s his. And we don’t have to be quiet.

  “God! Yes!” I scream when my body begins to shudder with pleasure. “Don’t stop!”

  He slams into me so roughly, I see stars. With a growl, he pulls me up off the bed and into his arms. His mouth finds my shoulder and he sinks his teeth into my flesh. I yelp when his fingers massage my clit right into obliterating ecstasy.

  I come so hard I barely notice when I’m pushed back down against the bed. His palms are against my lower back as he drives into me furiously. All I can do is ride the shockwaves of pleasure as I scream against the blankets.

  “I’m going to come,” he snarls and abruptly pulls out of me.

  He flips me again onto my back and drags me until my ass hangs off the bed. His cock is back inside of me the next instant. Both of his hands grip my breasts as he fires away like his life depends on fucking me.

  “I’m going to paint your pretty skin with my cum,” he tells me, a smug tone in his voice. A small grunt escapes him and he’s once again pulling out. He strokes his cock until his heat splashes my lower stomach and shoots up to my breasts. It has to be the single most erotic thing I have ever seen.

  “I’ve missed you,” I murmur, my fingers lazily dragging through his cum on my belly. I cut my eyes up to his and bring my fingertips to my lips. His jaw clenches when I suck the wetness from my fingers. “Hmmm. Salty.”

  He growls and spreads my knees apart. I shiver when he kneels down in front of the bed and drags his tongue along my raw sex. “Mmm,” he murmurs, a devilish glint in his eyes. “Sweet.”

  “We have to go,” he murmurs against my throat. “It’s almost seven. You’re playing with fire, kiddo.”

  I groan in protest. Last night we never slept. We talked and made love. He even spanked my ass a couple of times. It was just fun. Flirting and laughter and kisses and us.

  “No more taking chances,” he tells me, his voice firm. “You’ll get your ass home and pretend like you never saw me.” He bites my cherry tattoo as if to drive home his point.

  My fingers latch into his hair and I smile. This—us—is perfection.

  “When will I see you again?” I question with a pout.


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