Bad Bad Bad

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Bad Bad Bad Page 10

by K. Webster

  “You look so evil right now,” she whispers. “But so hot.”

  I lean down and suck on one of her bruised tits. Her fingers find my hair. She rips at it but it doesn’t turn me away. If anything, it spurs me on. I nip at her sweet flesh until she’s begging for my cock.

  “Please, Rick,” she moans. “I need you inside of me.”

  My dick strains against my uniform slacks. Everything about her makes my body go wild with desire for her. She’s something I must conquer and own. I want to devour her over and over again until the day I die.

  I yank at the rest of the dress and send those buttons sailing too. She’s completely bare underneath the dress. Fuck me. I wonder if she left wet spots on the chairs in each of her classes as she thought about me. I wonder if those fucks at her school could smell her sweet cunt. I bet they could and probably suffered from untimely hard-ons in the middle of class.

  “Did anyone see my pretty pussy?” I demand, my voice harsh. “Did anyone get a look at what’s mine?”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. I mean…”

  I grab her hips and pull her to me. Then, I squeeze her ass to lift her up. Her long legs lock around my waist and she holds onto my neck. Those beautiful tits are right in my face.

  “What do you mean you don’t think so?” I snarl as my mouth attacks her throat.

  She moans and then gasps when I push her roughly up against her wall. Her head knocks against it, but I know it didn’t hurt too badly because she’s grinding on me in a desperate way.

  “Tell me, bad girl…” I bite her ear lobe. “Fucking tell me who I have to kill.”

  “Mr. Friedman,” she murmurs. “He dropped his pencil in front of my desk. When he bent over to pick it up, I think he saw.”

  A rumble shakes its way through my chest. “How do you know he saw your pussy, baby?”

  “Because my legs were spread,” she lies. I love that I can tell her truths from her lies. “I was touching myself thinking about you.”

  Even though I know it’s a story she’s just made up, it turns me on. I’m painfully hard and I can barely unzip my pants to free my cock.

  “Did he touch you?” I demand.

  “He groped at me. I tried to swat him away but then his fingers were inside me—”

  I slam into her so hard she screams. My mouth sucks on her sweet neck until I know she’ll wear the mark for a week. “Why do you lie to me?” I hiss as I pound into her relentlessly. “Do you like making me jealous?”

  She tilts her head to the side to expose her neck to me even further. “I do. You’re so hot when you get angry.”

  “So it wasn’t his fingers inside you?”

  More lies. “No, it was his cock.”

  I bite her pretty neck until she’s squirming in my arms. “The only cock you’ll ever get is the one that’s tearing up your cunt right this second. Understand, bad girl?”

  She cries out and nods. “Just you. Always you, Sheriff.”

  I slam into her relentlessly until she’s clawing the shit out of my neck when her orgasm rips through her. Her pussy clenches my cock so hard, I explode. My load shoots deep inside of her and if she wasn’t pregnant before, she sure as fuck is now. I grunt until I’m fully drained. I press soft kisses over where I’ve practically mangled her throat.

  My lips find hers and I kiss her sweetly. She’s my good girl who likes to behave badly. She’s mine and only mine. I pull away and grin at her. “You’re fucking perfect, Mandy.”

  We’re smiling at each other when I hear someone curse.

  Mandy and I both jerk our heads over to see the younger version of her father.

  “Kellan!” she hisses. “Why are you home?”

  He gapes at her. “Better question is why are you fucking the sheriff?” His fingers dart through his blond hair. “Wait until I tell Dad about this.”

  I slip my dripping dick from her cunt and put her to her feet. I’m stuffing my cock back into my pants as I stalk the prick. When he sees me prowling toward him, he drops his phone to the wood floor with a clatter.

  “W-What are you doing?” he demands.

  I grab the fucker by his throat and slam him against the wall. “Your father is an abusive asshole. What you think you saw didn’t happen. Nobody believes a shithead like you. Your word against the motherfucking sheriff means nothing.” Spittle sprays his face as I tighten my grip around his neck. His face turns purple as he desperately slaps at my hands in an attempt for me to release him. “You won’t tell your father because you’re not going to tell anyone. If you even think about it, I’ll ruin your life. I’ll stalk you and arrest you every chance I get. Your record will be tarnished as fuck by the end of summer. You really ready to tango with me, asshole?”

  He tries to shake his head no. I release my grip and snarl at him. “What’s that? I couldn’t hear you.”

  “N-No,” he hisses. “I won’t tell.”

  I release him and then accidentally on purpose stomp on his phone, crushing it. “Go. Leave us the fuck alone.”

  He scrambles out of the room and out of my presence. I glance over at Mandy and she’s managed to throw on some clothes from one of her bags. A T-shirt and a pair of jeans. As much as I love her half naked, that’ll have to wait until we get home.


  I’m taking my beautiful girl back where she belongs.

  I shoulder most of her bags and she takes her backpack and purse. Our fingers thread together in an act of solidarity as we leave her past behind her. Together.

  “You two are cute,” I tell my best friend as we stand side by side in the kitchen peeling potatoes. “I’m glad you’re engaged to Brandt.”

  It’s been almost a month and a half since I moved into Rick’s house. Of course, I’ve kept that information absolutely a secret from my family, school, and friends. At least up until a couple of weeks ago. Now, it doesn’t matter if they find out. I’m eighteen and I’m Rick’s. Nobody can take me away from him. Not my father. Not the law. Nobody.

  She giggles and turns to look at me. I remember being twelve years old and wishing she were my sister. Now we’re better than sisters. “And I’m glad you put the moves on my dad, as gross as that sounds. Had you not come when you did, I don’t think he would have ever let me move in with Brandt, much less given his blessing for me to marry his best friend.”

  My neck and chest heat at the mention of her father. He’s at work, but will be home soon. He’s only been back to work a week after our much-needed vacation. The moment I turned eighteen, we hopped a plane and enjoyed some uninterrupted alone time. It was the best week of my life.

  “I love him,” I tell her, a shy smile at my lips.

  She sets her peeled potato down and picks up another one. “He loves you, too.”

  Our conversation skips to other topics, like her wedding. Brandt and she have been planning something big for the summer. He won’t let Rick contribute financially; because, he says he already gave him the best gift. Kelsey. I’m so happy they were able to work past their differences. The four of us eat dinner together several times a week and it’s fun. Two sets of best friends. Four people who care deeply for each other.

  The front door creaks open and my heart flutters. But soon I hear Brandt’s booming voice. Kelsey squeals before launching herself into his arms. I sneak a glance at them. Their mouths are fused together as they practically hump in the middle of the kitchen. Seeing them together only makes me miss Rick more. They make out until my best friend starts moaning. A quick peek tells me Brandt’s hand is up her dress. I drag my gaze away to give them some privacy. With her in his arms, he stalks back to her bedroom that Rick keeps set up, in case she wants to come stay over. She never does, but I think it’s hard on him, letting her go. I jump when the bedroom door slams shut, but then laugh when I hear the headboard banging against the wall. Her bedroom is always special to me. That’s where Rick took me the first time. And on occasion, we like to replay that night. Of course, I woul
d never in a million years tell Kelsey we fuck in her bed at least once a week.

  They’re gone the entire time I finish prepping the meal. Meatloaf is in the oven. Green beans are simmering on the stove. And the potatoes are boiling. I’m hoping it will all be done by the time Rick gets home. I love cooking for him and having his meals hot for him the moment he walks through that door. He always shows his appreciation but eating all of his dessert too. I shiver at the thought of my handsome man’s face between my thighs. God he’s good at eating pussy.

  I smooth out the dress I’m wearing and quickly check over my appearance. I’d spent nearly an hour straightening my hair and putting on makeup. All of the effort is worth seeing the unmasked look of hunger in Rick’s eyes the moment he sees me. He loves when I wear dresses, even though he ruins just about every one of them trying to tear them from my body. I’m smiling when I hear the front door open.

  “In here, babe,” I call out as I quickly check on the meatloaf in the oven. “Just another few minutes. I know what we can do until then—”

  “You little whore.”

  I freeze at the cold words and jerk around to see my father standing in the kitchen. My trembling fingers go to my lips as I gape at him in horror. How did he know where to find me? Why is he here?

  “You need to leave,” I mutter, my voice shaking. “Go, Jack.” I refuse to call him Dad any longer.

  His eyes are bloodshot and I can tell he’s been hitting the bottle a little hard today. Alcohol is an accelerant on his rage. So many times, he’s slung me around with booze on his breath. “You mean to tell me my teenage daughter has been fucking the sheriff this entire time? Playing house with a man who’s almost three decades older than her?” His chest heaves with fury. I know that psychotic look in his eyes. That’s the look he gives me before he loses his shit.

  “N-No. Just go,” I choke out and point toward the living room.

  “I always knew you were a little whore like your fucked-up mother. I caught her blowing the pool boy once. Remember, Mandy? That was the day I broke three of her ribs,” he seethes.

  Tears well in my eyes. I remember him kicking the shit out of my mom when I was nine, but I never understood what she did to deserve such horror. “Please go.”

  “Hell, I’m not even sure you’re mine,” he snaps. “Maybe you’re Juan’s.”

  “Fuck off, Jack. Leave.”

  He launches himself at me and grabs my throat. “You don’t get to talk to me like that! I’m your damn father.” His fist rears back and I brace myself for the blow. But the blow doesn’t come. Brandt rips him off me with a roar. Kelsey rushes over to me and gathers me in her arms while we both watch Brandt get a few hard punches in on my dad.

  We both scream, though, when Jack pulls a knife and slashes it toward Brandt. He’s a little quicker than Jack though because he grabs his wrist before he gets a chance to plunge it into his side. Jack does, however, manage to slam his fist into Brandt’s ribs knocking the breath out of him. Brandt gets kicked away and my dad charges for me. He grabs a handful of my hair, ripping at my scalp in the process.

  Brandt scrambles to his feet but doesn’t move because stupid Jack now holds the knife against my throat.

  “Let her go,” Brandt bellows.

  Kelsey sobs from behind me. I’m too frozen in fear to move or speak.

  “She’s my goddamned daughter and I’m taking her away from this house full of pedophiles. I’m going to sue you and the fucking sheriff. Both of you are going to prison for fucking teenagers,” he snarls.

  Jack drags me out of the kitchen and toward the front door. He walks us backwards so he can keep an eye on Brandt until he backs us into a wall. At least I thought it was a wall, until I smell the familiar scent I love so much.

  “Let her go or I’ll blow your skull apart into a million goddamned pieces,” the badass sheriff, my lover and my man, snarls from behind us.

  The knife drops to the floor with a thud and Jack shoves me from him. Kelsey and Brandt draw me to them in a protective embrace. My eyes lock onto Rick’s and he’s positively manic. The browns in his eyes seem to blaze with hate and disgust for my father. He has a gun pressed to my dad’s temple. His finger is on the trigger and the muscles in his hand are taut, ready to pull it if Jack so much as breathes wrong.

  “I’m okay,” I tell him through my tears. “I’m not hurt.”

  Rick stops clenching his jaw and seems to breathe a sigh of relief. He sidesteps Jack but keeps his weapon pointed at his face. As soon as he’s made a wide arc toward us, I run over to Rick and wrap my arms around his waist. He squeezes me so tight I think he’ll crush me.

  “You okay, babe?” He sneaks a glance at me but his arm remains straight, the gun in his grip never wavers. The bicep under his uniform bulges and stretches the fabric. He’s fierce and beautiful and mine.

  “I’m okay, now that you’re here,” I tell him and stand on my toes to kiss his cheek.

  “You sick fuck,” Jack snarls. “How long you been screwing my daughter? Since she started coming over here when she was twelve?”

  Rick growls. “Fuck you.”

  “You just wait until I go to the station with this bullshit. You’ll be fired and hauled off to prison. My little girl will come home where I can keep a proper eye on her,” Jack threatens.

  I shudder at that thought, which causes Rick to tense up with rage. “You won’t be taking my wife anywhere.”

  Jack’s eyes seem to bulge out of his head. Pride surges through me. When Rick took me away on a vacation for my birthday, he took me to Vegas. I became his wife with God and Elvis as our witnesses. Rick McMahon is mine and I’m his. My father has no claim over me. Nobody does. With Rick, I’m free.

  “As far as your stupid threats, you can go to hell. I have three witnesses here that say you’re just a crazy mean bastard. Your wife might even have a thing or two to say about you. You do not want to push me, motherfucker,” Rick snaps, his body quaking with rage. “I’ll dig so far into your life that you’ll never get me out. I’ll tear apart your life piece by fucking piece. If you so much as looked at a prostitute or did anything illegal in your past, I’ll find it and expose it. I will ruin you and send your ass to jail. And if you’re a clean asshole whose only vice is beating on women, then I’ll set you up.” Rick’s laugh is harsh and threatening. “I’ll fuck your life in the ass so hard you’ll cry rape, but nobody will help you. Nobody will fucking help you because you’re a worthless piece of shit who doesn’t deserve to share the same air as my wife.” His chest is heaving with fury and his arm shakes just slightly. I can tell he wants to unload his weapon into Jack’s chest. My man is a good man though. He won’t jeopardize our marriage and life for this evil man in our living room.

  “You’re insane,” Jack hisses, but I don’t miss the look of fear in his eyes. I’m not worth all this trouble to him. He’d rather go back to his cushy life. Bye now, Daddio.

  “I’m the craziest motherfucker you’ll ever meet,” Rick agrees. “So get the fuck out of my house.”

  When Jack grumbles and takes a step forward, Rick launces away from me and pistol whips him across his forehead. My father crumples to the floor.

  “Did you have to do that?” Brandt grunts. “I mean… it was satisfying as fuck to watch, but was it necessary?”

  Rick shrugs. “He moved. Looked like a threat to me.” His eyes dart to mine, assessing me. “Did it look like a threat to you, bad girl?”

  I smile and nod. “Scary. You took care of him, Sheriff.”

  “Ew…” Kelsey groans. “Do you guys like role play or something? Gross.”

  Brandt snorts and gathers her in his arms. “You like it when we role play.”

  “I have an entire magazine full of bullets just waiting to fuck someone up,” Rick barks at Brandt. “Keep saying that shit in front of me about my little princess and you’ll get to eat every single one of them.”

  Laughing, I tug my glaring husband to me and kiss his handsome mout
h. “Oh, stop. You can’t live in denial forever. They’re fucking, Sheriff,” I murmur, making sure to enunciate the word. “And it isn’t against the rules anymore.”

  He growls and grabs my ass to the point of pain. “I make the rules around here and I can’t stomach that shit. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to.”

  “Too bad, buddy.”

  He cracks a smile. “You’re a mouthy little girl.”

  I bite on my lip and give him the most innocent look I have in my arsenal. “Maybe you should punish me.”

  I squeal as he lifts me into his arms and stalks past our best friends.

  “Deal with him,” he calls out to Brandt. “I want him out of my house.”

  “Don’t let my dinner burn!” I holler at Kelsey.

  When we make it into the bedroom, Rick kicks the door shut with his foot and begins ripping at the buttons on his shirt the moment he sets me to my feet. He’s tearing through his clothes like a beast that’s desperate to consume me. I slowly reach behind my hair to unbutton the back of my dress.

  “Too slow,” he growls.

  I laugh because teasing him is fun. But then he’s yanking his handcuffs from his belt. His face is all furious and intense and so Rick that I pause to simply stare at the beautiful man. He grabs my elbow and twists me around. The cold metal locks around my wrists behind me. I’m completely at his mercy.

  He guides me over to the bed and drops me face first on the mattress. Sheriff is angry. I let out a moan when he shoves my dress up over my hips and then proceeds to remove my panties. My ass is now bare and with my legs hanging off the bed, I’m fully exposed to him.

  “I want to spank this pretty ass, but for now I’ll settle for just fucking it,” he tells me in a cool, calm voice.

  “What if it hurts?”

  He pops my ass and I shudder in excitement. “Oh, sweetness, you get so wet when I hurt you. You want it to hurt. You crave for it to hurt. Beg for it, bad girl. Beg for me to tear up your tight ass.”


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