Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2) Page 17

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Spiderman? Wow, that’s quite the compliment.” Shiori smiled, wishing she was home so she could give her little man a hug. “So he’s eating well? Sleeping enough?”

  “Yes and yes. Elizabeth went on and on about everything she was doing to keep life ‘normal’ for him. She lectured me about keeping him warm. She’s a pain in the ass, but she really cares about him.”

  “I know. I wouldn’t have left if she didn’t.”

  “Good. Then don’t worry.” Wendy let out a tired sigh. “Babe, I love you, but the kid wore me out. I’ll call you tomorrow and you can talk to him. But try not to worry. Live up the dream. For both of us.”

  “I will.” Shiori swallowed hard. “I love you. And give him a kiss for me.”

  “Love you too. Will do. G’night.”

  Ending the call, Shiori tried to blink back her tears, but she couldn’t stop them. She was relieved, and homesick, and so grateful to Wendy for making her truly believe Hiro was in good hands. She didn’t doubt it, but she couldn’t help worry a little. She quickly pulled on her jeans.

  What if Elizabeth got fed up, now that she’d be alone with him for days? What if he acted out because Shiori wasn’t around and the teachers showed concern? Anything could go wrong and he could be taken away. Only her stepfather could fight to keep him, and she didn’t need to owe him anything on Hiro’s behalf. Or for Hiro to feel dependent on him.

  So far Hiro only saw her stepfather as a man who ignored him. Hiro didn’t like him. The little boy stuck close to Shiori when he was home, which thankfully, wasn’t often anymore. Her stepfather had no interest in being around the boy.

  The day that changed, Shiori would have to fight harder to get Hiro out of there. She’d drop whatever she was doing and they’d disappear. Somehow.

  It hadn’t come to that yet. Maybe it wouldn’t have to.

  After only a few days around the Trousseau brothers, she felt safe to say they could be trusted with the truth. But she’d have to be careful with her timing. The last thing she needed was for either of them to overreact.

  Strangely enough, even though Brave had the worst reputation, he seemed the most levelheaded of the two. Talking to him was easy.

  If only she could be near him without her stupid heart racing and her skin growing hot enough to let off steam. She tried to play it cool, but the second his dark golden eyes settled on hers, stupid little butterflies in her belly brought on the urge to touch him. Their one night together played on repeat every time she blinked.

  If only she could talk to Malakai first. She couldn’t explain why she was so comfortable with him. She could lean against him, feeling safe and warm. He didn’t look at her with heat in his eyes. Didn’t tempt her.

  Let’s hope he never tries.

  She shook her head, tossing aside all the pointless ‘if onlys’. She knew what she had to do.

  “You ready?” Danica asked once they were both dressed, wearing much less makeup than before. Danica had put on a pair of fitted black jeans and a white tank, both looking like she’d taken a razor to the material. With big hoop earrings, her hair up in a ponytail, and gloss on her lips, Danica looked ready to pose for an edgy photoshoot.

  Shiori wasn’t sure her own outfit worked. Shiny black leggings and a translucent white shirt that fell off one shoulder. Her hair flowing free and dangling angel wing earrings. What she’d normally wear to a party, but this was her first appearance out with the band somewhere people could get close and take a good look at her.

  Spinning around, arms out, she laughed. “I don’t know. Am I?”

  Chuckling, Danica stopped her spinning at patted her cheek. “Yes. You might feel overdressed when you see some of the groupies, but don’t forget. You’re not one of them.”

  The statement was hard to take in, but Danica had a point. They weren’t better than the fans, but the fans were there to have fun. Nothing else. The band got to let loose a bit, but their every move was being watched. Danica and Shiori’s even more so.

  With that in mind, Shiori felt much better about her outfit choice. She might not look like a runway model, but that was okay. She wasn’t one. Not yet.

  Skull and another roadie drove them to the club to join the band who’d left right after the concert. She tried to play off their entrance into the Aura Nightclub like she’d been to after-parties thousand times, but she’d never been anywhere like this.

  The place didn’t look big from the street, but inside seemed huge. There were booths on either side of the area near the first bar, chandeliers overhead, and a flashy mix of neon lights and elegant fixtures. Gauzy curtains decorated the walls, along with small square mirrors framed in dark wood.

  Music blasted from the back where most of the patrons danced between trips to the bar. Skull cleared the way for Danica and Shiori, leading them to a private room. Which she’d expected to be small. A bit quieter.

  There were at least a hundred people in this room. Another bar, a modest-sized dance floor, and a pole on a round mini-stage.

  Two shirtless girls were dancing on the stage—maybe they were strippers hired by the bands? If not, they were wasting their talents. Shiori could dance, but no way could she hang off a pole by her thighs.

  Not that I’ve ever tried.

  Snickering, Danica grabbed her wrist and tugged her to one of the tables in the far corner of the room where most of the band—Connor was off somewhere, as usual—was sitting.

  As soon as they spotted her, the guys stood, holding up their beers.

  Brave flashed her a wicked smile that imminently sent her temperature spiking to supernova levels. “Let me propose a toast. To Shiori, who made all the guys and girls in the crowd cream their pants.”

  “Not just in the crowd!” Tate laughed when Malakai punched him in the arm. “What? It’s true!”

  “Charming, boys.” Danica shook her head. She pulled two beers from the bucket of ice in the middle of the table. After passing one to Shiori, she uncapped her own and raised it. “To Shiori, who’s tough enough to deal with fans, agents, media, and all you crazy fuckers.”

  “Hear, hear!” Alder called out.

  Cheers all around. Jesse slipped from his seat beside Alder, pulling Danica into his arms and kissing her before helping her into his vacated spot. Malakai stood and wrapped his arm around Shiori’s waist.

  He leaned close, speaking loud enough to be heard over the music, but soft enough that the words were for her alone. “You were amazing tonight.”

  “Thank you. Is it cocky to say I think so too?”

  His eyes warmed, lightened under the neon glow around them, revealing the deep ocean blue that often passed as black. His smile softened the hard angles of his face.

  “Not at all.” He pressed his lips to her hair. “I’m proud of you. You should be too.”

  She bit her bottom lip, not sure what to say. His approval meant a lot to her. More than it should. He’d become her anchor in the band. A steady, secure presence.

  Of course, everyone talked about how protective he was. He’d added her to his list of people to watch over. Which was nice. She appreciated it.

  But she couldn’t lean on him too much.

  A little longer won’t hurt.

  “Malakai.” Brave’s tone carried an edge of warning. But his stiff smile didn’t seem like he was angry with the other man. “Careful while there’s so many people around.”

  Inhaling roughly, Malakai drew away from her and nodded. “Right.”

  The understanding between them went over her head for a few seconds, but then she recalled why they’d put on the hot act on stage. She already had one photo floating around somewhere, labeling her as the band’s new ‘slut’. Being too affectionate in public could lend credit to the claim of whoever had taken the picture.

  Her skin cooled as she stood there, alone, not sure what to do with herself. She didn’t want to be here anymore. Putting on a show onstage was one thing, but all the time? Second-guessing her every move?

  “It’ll be okay, slugger.” Malakai gave her a brief smile before heading off to watch the strippers.

  Patting the empty seat beside him, Brave caught her eye. “Come. Have a couple drinks, then we can take off.”

  Yes, please. She sat, careful not to get too close to him, and tried to open her beer. The cap scraped at her palm. Brave reached out, like he’d help, but she shook her head.

  Gritting her teeth, she twisted harder. She didn’t even want the stupid drink anymore. Damn it, she didn’t even like beer.

  “Can I get that for you?” A handsome waiter, with big blue eyes and neatly trimmed blond hair, approached, flashing straight white teeth and a little dimple.

  No one could make a big deal out of her getting help from a waiter, could they? She sighed and handed him the bottle. “Thank you.”

  Grinning at her, the waiter twisted the cap. It didn’t come off. He pulled a bottle opener from his pocket. “It’s on good!” With a pop, the cap came off. “There we go. Would you like a glass?”

  “No, thank you.” No one else was using one—not even Danica, who was now sitting in Alder’s lap.

  Shiori wasn’t jealous of her freedom.

  Not. At. All.

  “If you don’t mind me saying, you don’t look like the girls who usually hang out with bands like these. Let me guess…” The waiter tapped his chin with a finger as he studied her. “You’re writing a book about metal bands?”

  “Is this how authors dress?” She looked down at her clothes, wondering again if she’d messed up. Her image was all wrong.

  “Some of them. They do prefer pajama pants, though.” He leaned his hip against the table. “My mother’s an author. When she’s on a deadline pjs are her uniform.”

  “That’s so cool. What does she write?”

  “Horror novels. She’s actually really good. I love her work.” His voice softened and he smiled as though talking about his mother made him happy. He covered her hand with his. “If you give me your number I can send you a copy.”

  “Sure! That would be—”

  “No.” Brave moved close to her, glaring up at the waiter. “We need more beer. Wanna do your job?”

  Lips parted, the waiter glanced over at the ice bucket, which still had a few bottles in it. Rather than object, he nodded curtly and grabbed the bucket. He brought it over to the bar.

  Stunned at Brave’s rudeness, Shiori turned sideways, eyes narrowed as he slouched back into his spot. “What the hell was that?”

  “That was an asshole trying to take advantage of you.” Brave’s posture didn’t change, but his jaw hardened as he stared back at her. “Do you give your number to every guy who asks for it?”

  “Of course not! But this isn’t about him! He was just being nice and you were…rude.” Not good enough. She bit back the urge to scream at him. His behavior was completely out of line. “I can’t stand people who are assholes to servers. It’s disgusting.”

  Brave shot up, bracing his hand against the table as he leaned over her. “I am very polite to servers. But fuck with what’s mine and yes, I’m more than an asshole. I’m fucking dangerous, sweetheart.”

  Her jaw nearly hit the floor. Then she considered punching him again. The first time clearly hadn’t been enough.

  She’d read him all wrong. He wasn’t the man she’d thought he was. Even though they couldn’t be too close in public, even though they’d agreed their brief intimacy was a one-time thing, he thought he had some claim on her?

  Hell no.

  “I’m going back to the bus. This was fun.” She shook her head when Danica pushed away from Alder, looking concerned—probably only now hearing the exchange over the music. She didn’t need backup. And she refused to spoil Danica’s fun because Brave was a jerk. “Enjoy your night.”

  She spun around, searching the crowd for Skull. Maybe he was outside? She couldn’t go outside by herself. She wasn’t stupid, no matter what Brave thought.

  “Shiori?” Ballz approached her, a sharp glare scaring off the guy dancing close who’d reached out as though to draw her in to dance. Putting a hand on her back, he led her to a clear spot at the edge of the private room. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, it’s fine. I just…” She swallowed hard, her eyes burning, lashes wet. She would not cry. “I want to go back to the bus.”

  “Sure thing, hon.” He grabbed his phone from his pocket. Held it to his ear, speaking loud. “Skull, you wanna come watch the guys? No, everything’s fine. I’m driving Shiori back over… Yep, Tank’s got them covered.” A pause. “Okay.”

  “Shiori.” Brave reached her side, frowning when Ballz moved between them. “What the fuck?”

  “Do you want to talk to him, Shiori?” Ballz ignored Brave’s curse, focusing on her. “Security hangs back while you’re all having fun, but we pay attention. Tank texted me that there was some…‘tension’, between you. Our instructions when it comes to you and Danica is that you never feel pressured by any member of the band.”

  Wow… Shiori took a deep breath, absorbing this bit of information. Reese or Jesse must have put those instructions in place. Did they really think the guys were a threat?

  Brave looked stunned. “I wasn’t pressuring her to do anything.”

  “Good. Then you won’t object to her leaving.” Ballz folded his arms over his chest. “Shiori, this is your decision. Do you want to talk to him?”

  Not right now she didn’t. She was humiliated. Frustrated. Confused. She wasn’t afraid of Brave. Hell, she almost wished he’d been acting jealous, rather than treating her like a possession. She couldn’t think of anything he could possibly say to make this better.

  “No.” She turned her back on Brave. “I just want to get out of here.”

  Inclining his head, Ballz began to walk with her.

  “Shiori, can I ask you one thing before you storm out?” Brave’s shout was loud enough to have several people around glancing over curiously.

  Fisting her hands by her side, she looked at him over her shoulder. “What?”

  “I was trying to protect you.” He approached slowly as he spoke, as though worried she’d run off. “Is that so horrible?”

  “Protecting me? No. What’s horrible is what you said.”

  His brow furrowed. “Why?”

  Chin jutted up, she let out a little laugh. And she was the clueless one?

  “I’m. Not. Yours.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I’m. Not. Yours.”

  Brave watched Shiori walk away, knowing better than to push this any further with Ballz guarding her. His stomach twisted when he considered why those security measures had been put in place. They ‘weren’t to pressure’ the girls? As if any member of the band would even consider…

  Was this because of when he’d kissed Danica, way back when she’d joined the band? Fine, that was a dick move. He was ashamed of his behavior. He wouldn’t have kissed Shiori like that if her career wasn’t riding on him doing so.

  But he’d never force her to do anything.

  Except talk to me. He groaned, raking his fingers through his hair as he returned to the table. Right now, even pressing for a conversation would make him the bad guy. And he still wasn’t sure what he’d done wrong.

  Everyone stared at him as he sat.

  Tate shook his head, handing over a fresh beer. “Relax. Chicks are weird. That waiter was totally playing her.”

  “You heard?” Brave took a swig of his beer as Tate nodded. “So I was right to step in?”

  “Well yeah. I mean, what if he started sending her dick pics?” Tate cocked his head, a crooked, drunken smile on his lips. “Do you think she’d share them with me?”

  All right, you’re pretty desperate if you’re looking for advice from Tate. Brave turned to his brother. “Did I fuck up?”

  Alder arched a brow. “I didn’t hear a fucking thing any of you said. Didn’t know there was a problem until she got up. Care to fill in the blanks?”

  By his side, Danica was shooting daggers at Brave. Stuck between Jesse and Alder, she looked reading to shove Jesse out of her way so she could tear Brave’s throat out. “Quickly, Brave. I need to know how much pain you deserve.”

  “Down, girl.” Jesse hugged her, confusion filling his eyes as Alder groaned and slapped a hand over his face. “What? Hey!”

  Jesse shot up from his seat, his lap soaked with the beer Danica had poured on him.

  “Maybe you should go work for a bit.” Danica bit out. “I would be with Shiori if she hadn’t made it clear she wants to be alone.” She turned her glare back on Brave. “I need to know why. Now.”

  While Jesse made himself scarce, Brave went over the exchange with the waiter. When he finished, Danica shook her head.

  “There’s more.”

  “Not really.” He dropped his gaze to his bottle, pretty sure he had an idea of how he’d fucked up. “I basically told her no one messes with what’s mine.”

  Alder brought both hands to his face, making a pain filled sound as he rubbed it. “Jesus Christ.”

  “Yours? Yours?” Danica strode around the table, murder in her eyes. “You stupid, selfish son-of-a-bitch.” She looked over at his brother. “I’m sorry, Alder.”

  Alder made a dismissive motion with his hand.

  Danica slapped her hands on the table in front of Brave. “You are fucking with her career. Yours is solid. You can say and do whatever you want. With one picture it’s been made very clear she can’t.” Her tone sharpened. “So far nothing has happened that can’t be undone. She gets what you two did together was part of a game. She can leave it at that.”

  “What if I can’t?” A heavy weight settled on his chest, one that had been growing heavier ever since that waiter had started flirting with Shiori. One that had almost crushed him with her last three words. He didn’t want things between them to be limited to the game they’d played.

  He’d tried to deny it, but the idea of her with someone else trashed all his good intentions. Trashed the good vibes between them too, apparently. They were getting closer, naturally. Without sex, without anything but a connection he’d never felt with anyone before, pulling him in a little more every day.


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