Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2) Page 27

by Bianca Sommerland

  Yeah, Danica had probably gotten the same talk a time or two. The passion and dedication Sophie showed made Shiori feel bad for even considering rejecting the gift.

  She was forgiven. And given a box of chocolates and a fluffy white teddy bear.

  “Now these you shouldn’t expect often, but I’m so proud of how you handled the press. Besides, I thought you’d like him.” Sophie leaned in close, as though sharing a secret, but spoke loud enough for Danica to hear. “I have one just like this. He travels everywhere with me.”

  Making her way to her bed, Shiori picked up the teddy bear and hugged it tight. The bear didn’t scare her like the purse did. His pudgy little face, tiny blue nose, and soft white fur were exactly what she needed.

  She’d never felt so alone.

  After the whirlwind of a day with Danica, she’d been eager for some quiet, but before long she was missing the bus. Sure, she’d been bored on the trip at first, but then she’d gotten used to being around the band. To squeezing in next to Brave in the morning, teasing him about being grumpy while grabbing an apple from the fruit basket. Being gifted with a sleepy smile as he poured them both some coffee. He’d get up early just to spend time with her and she loved every minute.

  Yesterday morning they’d taken their coffee outside and he’d put his arm around her as they looked over the snow dusted trees surrounding the small pit stop on all sides. The temperature outside had dropped considerably, but she didn’t feel the chill misting her breath.

  Then she’d spent a few hours curled up next to Malakai while he watched crime dramas. Which had never been her thing, but his reaction to her not having seen Pulp Fiction peaked her curiosity. He hadn’t gotten upset when she’d fallen asleep, with her head on his lap, halfway through the movie. Instead, he asked what she wanted to watch and grinned when she told him she wanted to try another of his favorites.

  He put on Training Day, which she absolutely loved. After that, he seemed to know exactly what she’d enjoy. The time flew by with her finding a whole new kind of film genre to get into while he answered all her silly questions—without making her feel silly for asking. She learned about different directors, movies based on books, and Malakai’s passion for both.

  Like with Brave, there was some tenderness, but both men seemed to be taking her lead. Which was sweet. But frustrating. Not that she’d expected more while they were stuck on the bus with the band.

  Thankfully, she’d had plenty of other distractions.

  Tate had tried to teach her how to play Call of Duty. Alder explained how the messy scribbles on his notepad would become music, laughing when she commented on him being so patient and telling her he’d considered becoming a teacher.

  Connor showed her how to exercise on the bus and got her to take a run with him a few times when they stopped to get some air or fill up on gas. Jesse told her funny tour stories and gave her tips on how to get a good night’s sleep in a moving vehicle.

  And Danica? Danica was a godsend. She helped Shiori interact with her new fans online. Showed her how to take a good selfie, explaining angles and lighting and how to decide if the photo would interest her followers. She suggested cute captions and ways Shiori could share the experience of touring so her fan base would feel closer to her.

  Just that morning, when they’d been getting dressed, ready for her to make her first appearance, beside Danica, in New York, Danica had done her makeup, smiling at her as she told Shiori she had such beautiful eyes. Tears had ruined all her work, but she’d hugged Shiori, dried her tears, and let a few fall herself when Shiori said Danica reminded her of her sister.

  Kyoko had always made Shiori feel beautiful. Special.

  “She sounds like she was an amazing young woman.” Danica dabbed Shiori’s eyes with a tissue, then did the same to her own. “I can’t replace her, but I’ve never had a sister. And I feel like I’ve been given one now.”

  Damn it, she almost wished she’d accepted Danica’s offer to stay with her tonight. This room was huge. And too quiet. Like a great big reminder that she’d chosen to keep doing things the way she always had. By herself.

  Danica wasn’t the only one who’d offered to keep her company. They’d met Tate on the elevator and he’d told her to hang out in his room. He and Connor were trying out a new game on a live vid. Tempting, but she really sucked at video games. She didn’t need public humiliation to prove it.

  The two people she really wanted to spend time with hadn’t offered. No surprise, she’d made it clear she wasn’t ready for them. That she needed time to think.

  Fifty-four minutes alone in her room and she was tired of thinking. Tired of looking at the clock and wondering if she should sleep until someone gave her something to do.

  She pulled out her phone and sat on the edge of her bed. Should she text Brave or Malakai?

  Opening a new message, she added them both.

  Shiori: Hey! Busy?

  Within seconds, both replied.

  Malakai: I do believe you just saved Brave’s life.

  Brave: Not at all, sweetie. … HELP!

  Snickering, she rested against the mountain of pillows.

  Shiori: Are you two fighting?

  Brave: Not exactly… All right, so maybe I’m a hypocrite. I gave you shit about giving out your number. But we have a new violinist! Not my fault he wants to hit this.

  Malakai: You are sitting next to me. I WILL hurt you.

  Shiori: LOL! You’re both too cute. I’ll leave you alone to work this out.

  Brave: NO!

  Malakai: NO!

  Brave: All jokes aside, you doing okay?

  She licked her bottom lip, not sure how to answer that without sounding needy. Maybe she should focus on the new info.

  Shiori: A violinist? Is he hot?

  Malakai: :/ Not you too.

  Shiori: What?

  Brave: He’s soooo hot. The fans will love him. THE FANS. I’ve tried to explain to Malakai that’s all I care about. That and we will make sweet, sweet music together.

  Shiori: I’m with Malakai. Are you trying to recruit him or…

  Malakai: Yes. Or…

  Brave: Or fuck him?

  Blunt. As always. But Shiori couldn’t be mad at him. He loved the band and his focus was on the music. There also seemed to be some flirting going on. Her stomach tightened at the idea of Brave casting both her and Malakai aside.

  She didn’t see him doing that, though. Maybe she was naïve, but what they were exploring felt real. Real enough for her to take a chance.

  A small one. One that wouldn’t destroy her career.

  While her thoughts drifted, the conversation kept going.

  Malakai: I haven’t met the guy and I already hate him.

  Brave: You won’t. He’s a professional. Besides, I think he wanted Alder first.

  Malakai: Are you seriously pimping your brother?

  Brave: NO! Dude, that’s not cool. I wouldn’t do that. I’m just…holding out a carrot.

  Shiori laughed and hid the chat so she could find a Bugs Bunny gif. She posted it as her reply.

  Malakai: *groan*

  Brave: ROTFL

  Shiori: Ok, I have no idea what’s going on. Is it weird to say I wish you guys were here? This room is INSANE. And Danica left me a bottle of rum I can’t possibly drink by myself.

  Neither answered. She bit her bottom lip, wondering if she’d been too forward. Maybe she should have just asked them if they wanted to hang out.

  A soft knock sounded at her door. Swallowing hard, she set the teddy bear down and went to answer.

  Malakai stepped in first, holding his arms out to pull her in for a hug. He was wearing black jogging pants and a white tank top, which left his arms bare so she could feel the wiry muscles flex beneath his smooth skin. Her outfit wasn’t that different—except her pajama pants were pink—so at least she didn’t have to worry about being underdressed.

  One arm still around her, Malakai moved away from the door so Brave c
ould pass. “For future notice, all you have to do is ask and we’ll be here.”

  “Good to know.” She rested her head on his shoulder and grinned at Brave. “Nice bathrobe.”

  Brave’s lips quirked as he smoothed his hands over the front of the white bathrobe with the dark blue hotel logo on the chest. “Thank you. I think I’m gonna get me one for the bus. Only black and red.”

  “I fucking knew it!” Malakai snorted. “You’re going for the Hugh Hefner look. Damn it, can’t you wait a few years before hitting your midlife crisis?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Brave arched a brow, turning toward the small wet bar tucked in the alcove by the entryway. “I plan to live to at least a hundred and twenty. I’m nowhere near midlife.”

  Shiori let out a light laugh, but her chest tightened at the way Brave had walked by her so casually. He’d been affectionate on the bus. What changed?

  Not moving away from Malakai, she frowned at Brave. “Don’t I even get a hug?”

  He shook his head, setting three glasses on the gray marble countertop. “I’ve been told I’m greedy. You’re tempting, little moon. If I want to redeem myself, I need to keep my distance.”


  He sighed, one hand on the bottle of white rum he still hadn’t opened. “I want to be a good man for you. A good man who’s patient and gentle. You deserve all that and more. But if I touch you, I’ll want to kiss you. I remember how you taste and the memory tempts me every fucking day. The man I was would seduce you, not caring if you’d regret it tomorrow.” His throat worked as he swallowed. “I don’t ever want you to regret us, Shiori.”

  “Us?” Shiori looked from Brave to Malakai, who had gone still beside her. His expression was impossible to read, but he’d made it clear where he stood. Both men were waiting for her to decide what she wanted. She pressed the tip of her tongue into her bottom lip. “You’re not the only one who’s supposed to be good, Brave. I’m trying really, really, hard.”

  “There’s no pressure. I need you to know that.” Malakai moved away from her, as though to prove his words by keeping his distance as well. “We can watch a movie and not have this conversation again.”

  With a nervous laugh, she tipped her head back to meet his eyes. “I don’t want to have this conversation. Not now.”

  He nodded slowly. “Then what do you want?”

  She didn’t know how to answer. Besides, words were overrated. Reaching out, she latched her fingers behind his neck and pressed her lips to his.

  At first, he didn’t move. Her pulse pounded, and she started to pull away. But then he raked his fingers through her hair, slanting his mouth over hers as he took control of the kiss.

  Unrestrained passion erased all uncertainty. Lifting her up against him, Malakai tasted her lips and the whole universe tilted, whirling like comets caught in a dizzying dance. This man, always so contained, always letting her lead the way, stepped through the door she’d swung open without hesitation.

  Exactly what she needed from him.

  What she needed from them both.

  A hand curved around her side. Not Malakai’s, he was using both to hold her up. Lips brushed along her throat, the barest touch waking all her nerve ending, sending shivers up her spine. She moaned into Malakai’s mouth as Brave sucked lightly on her neck.

  His lips trailed up to her ear and she trembled as he whispered. “One hit of him won’t be enough.”

  “I know.” She gasped as Malakai kissed down the other side of her throat. “It won’t be enough of either of you.”

  Brave released a low sound of pleasure. “Welcome to my addiction.”

  Talking was done. Malakai drew her away from Brave and carried her to the bedroom. Laying her on the bed as he kissed her, slowly, leaning over her as his tongue dipped into her mouth, slipping and sliding with a smooth pressure that made her whole body writhe. He hooked his thumbs at the base of her tank top without breaking the kiss, drawing the soft material up over her breasts.

  The bed shifted as Brave sat by her head, bending to claim her lips as Malakai lowered his mouth to the curve of one breast. Malakai’s tongue circled her nipple, getting closer and closer until she was tempted to grab him and guide his mouth to where she needed it most.

  She groaned when he shot her a lazy smile, easing back. “Up, beautiful.”

  “Up?” She stared at him.

  Hand at the small of her back, Brave eased her off the mattress just enough to help her remove her shirt completely. “I should probably warn you. Our man’s evil.”

  “Ya think?” She frowned at Brave’s chuckle, but he slid behind her, settling her between his thighs as he rested against the bedframe.

  His hands curved under her breasts and he brushed his thumbs over her nipples, soothing the needy ache. Resting her head against his chest, she watched Malakai through half closed lids as he yanked off his own shirt and tossed it aside.

  Damn, the man was fine. She licked her lips as he crawled over her, the tight muscles of his broad shoulders rippling as he braced his hands by her hips. His lips slanted into a playful smile as he dipped down to give her another long kiss.

  Between his lips and Brave’s hands, her body was reaching a fever pitch of longing. Her core throbbed, clenching as heat spilled slick between her thighs. She appreciated them wanting to take it slow, but…

  All right, maybe she didn’t. She wanted them everywhere. Not carefully teasing her until they drove her insane. She needed them to take her with all the wild passion she felt. Needed to know she wasn’t the only one ready to lose control.

  “Please.” She cupped Malakai’s cheek as he grazed his teeth down her throat. Her breath caught as he bit down lightly. Shards of pleasure dug in deep, testing her ability to say a single word. But somehow, she managed. “I want you.”

  Malakai rested his lips against her throat and went still. “And I need you.”

  “Then take me.” An erotic shiver slithered down her spine as Malakai rose to meet her eyes. The deep blue of his irises almost vanished into black as his pupils dilated.

  She wasn’t drowning in desire alone. With that one look, she could see restraint slipping from his grasp. He held back for her.

  “I’m ready, Malakai.” She curved her hand around the back of his neck. “I’ve never been more ready.”

  Behind her, Brave let out a rough sound of amusement. “Should I be insulted?”

  “Shut up.” Malakai’s tone took on a rough edge. He buried one hand in Shiori’s hair. “We go at your pace, Shiori. Whatever that is.”

  Biting hard on her bottom lip, Shiori wrapped her legs around Malakai’s thighs, tugging him close. “My pace is much faster.”

  Malakai’s lips quirked. “Is that so?” He slid his hand between them, slipping it under the waistband of her pajama pants. His fingers touched her and a low growl sounded deep in his chest. “Mmm, so fucking hot and wet. I can already taste you.”

  All strength abandoned her as Malakai’s finger dipped inside her. Her back arched as he pressed in, then drew out to glide his finger over her clit. He moved down her body, laying light kisses on her stomach as Brave massaged her breasts, his thumbs passing over her nipples in a gentle caress that kept them hard. Stimulated so they pulsed in time with her clit.

  Moving away just long enough to pull off her pajama pants, Malakai hooked his arms under her knees, lifting her to his mouth. His tongue pressed into her and her lips parted. The slick pressure triggered a white-hot wave, edging on the brink of everything she’d been craving. She tipped her head back, crying out as Brave pinched her nipples and covered her mouth with his.

  She shuddered, and the world seemed to drop beneath her, catching her seconds later as Malakai lowered her thighs and eased two fingers inside, drawing out the mind-numbing pleasure as it reached another peak. Her core clenched around him and she lifted her hips in time with each steady thrust.

  “So close. Let go, love.” Malakai’s breath teased her
clit as he lowered his lips once again. “I want to feel you come around my fingers. I need to see you completely lose control.”

  “I need more.” She whimpered as he filled her with another finger. The stretch felt so good, but it wasn’t enough. She needed him inside her. Above her. Needed to share all she was feeling.

  Malakai flicked his tongue over her clit, moaning as if the taste of her was everything. As he pulled her closer, Brave slid out from under her, piling pillows under her head to take his place. He reached into the pocket of his bathrobe, then shoved it off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

  At the end of the bed, he pulled Malakai off her, latching onto the back of the other man’s neck as he kissed him, a smile on his lips.

  “Thankfully, one of us came prepared.” Brave kissed down Malakai’s chest, shoving his pants off his hips and taking a firm grip at the base of his dick. “I should be jealous. I should be fighting to make her mine. But I won’t. Because she already is.”

  His words wrapped around Shiori’s heart, binding her close, without constricting her at all. She knew exactly what he meant and she loved him for it. They’d been going back and forth, so cautious, but never drifting too far apart. Without needing to define their relationship, they’d accepted where they would end up.

  The missing link had always been Malakai. A man they both fell in love with in a way neither could have predicted, but made sense. Without him, they might have found a starting point, but it wouldn’t have been solid. Brave wouldn’t have trusted himself. And Shiori had no clue how she would have shown him he could.

  Malakai was reality. He was all she could have ever wanted. A man who could be her friend, her lover, shielding her when she needed, by her side when she didn’t, taking a step back to let her face the world if she asked. He did the same for Brave, but even with all that, he was more.


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