Impossible Girl (Sexy Nerd Boys #2.5)

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Impossible Girl (Sexy Nerd Boys #2.5) Page 2

by K. M. Neuhold

  “Which class?” Abby asks.

  “Calculus,” I lie easily. Remy shoots me a grateful look. Before anyone else can say anything, a waitress arrives with a tray full of shots.

  “Who wants a screaming orgasm?” Ethan offers, then leans in and whispers something in Abby’s ear that makes her blush and then giggle. I catch a brief flicker of something cross Remy’s face. Jealousy maybe? Hm, that certainly gets my hackles up. I grab one of the shot glasses and hand one to Remy.

  A few minutes later I catch Asher out of the corner of my eye entering the bar.

  “Asher,” I call out. He smiles and heads our way, and then his gaze lands on the quiet member of our group. I think Nikki introduced her as Eve. Her mouth falls open as Asher stalks towards her. Huh, guess him coming home alone the other night was a fluke after all. I doubt he’ll be sleeping alone tonight. His eyes are trained on Eve like he’s a junkyard dog and she’s a steak. No woman can withstand Asher’s charm, I’ve seen it firsthand.

  Asher is a good guy. We met last year in Physics Club. He’s an astrophysics major a year behind me in school. He’s also the kind of guy who looks pretty intimidating when you first meet him, what with a full sleeve tattoo on one arm, a lip ring, eyebrow piercing, and muscular physique. Once you get to know him though, he’s a really nice guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly. This year we decided to rent the bottom half of a duplex together.

  As soon as he starts laying on the charm, Nikki and Remy get into a heated whisper argument. When it ends, Remy looks over at me reluctantly and motions for me to lean close so she can whisper something to me.

  “Sorry to put you in the middle, but Nikki wants you to tell Asher to back off. Eve’s kind of her new pet project. I guess she was raised in a really sheltered, religious household and Nikki thinks that Asher is a bit too advanced for her.”

  “Uh,” I run my hands through my hair and cast a glance at Asher with Eve again. He really looks like he has his mind set on her. I’m not so sure a warning from me will change that. On the other hand...Remy stands close, her warmth surrounding me, looking up at me imploringly. Yeah, don’t think I could deny her anything.

  “Sure, no problem.”

  Remy smiles, and turns to nod at her sister. Nikki clearly interprets the signal that I agreed to be the bearer of bad news because she swoops in and practically drags Eve away with the whole gaggle of girls behind them.

  I reluctantly walk over to Asher, who’s still staring after Eve like she’s dessert.

  “Hey man, don’t shoot the messenger okay?”

  His eyes narrow on me as he lifts his beer to his lips and waits for me to continue.

  “I’m supposed to tell you to back off.”

  “What are you talking about?” His hackles go up immediately. I could see telling him to back off was a terrible idea. It’s only going to make him want her more.

  “Eve. Nikki’s kind of taken her under her wing and I’m supposed to tell you that she isn’t that kind of girl.” I run my hands through my hair and wait for him to bite my head off.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Nikki says she grew up really sheltered and she’s just extremely shy and totally innocent. She’s worried about someone taking advantage of her. She’s taking this really seriously.”

  His jaw clenches and a look of sad resignation passes behind his eyes. He nods, stomping back to the bar for a refill on his drink.

  When the girls return they head straight for the pool tables.

  “Alright sis ready to get your ass handed to you?” Nikki asks, picking up two pool cues and handing one to Remy.

  “I think that’s my line,” Remy teases, taking the cue. “Will you be my partner Dex? I know that Nikki loves to use being pool partners as an excuse to feel up her girlfriend and I’d hate to stand in the way of that,” Remy says with a wink at Lee.

  “Sure, although I’ll warn you I haven’t played pool since high school.” It’s a true statement, but the part I leave out is that I kicked ass at pool in high school.


  I’m not sure how many more signals I can possibly send this guy aside from dropping to my knees and sucking his dick right here in the bar. God, that doesn’t even sound like a bad idea. Every time I hear that gravelly voice and southern accent, my panties flood.

  “You are really off your game tonight Sis,” Nikki accuses, playfully casting a glance between Dex and I to indicate that she knows exactly why I’m distracted.

  She’s right. I’m playing like shit. But we’re still winning because Dex is owning the pool table. Every time he leans over the table to take a shot I imagine how it would feel if I was bent over in front of him letting him drive into me from behind. I clench my thighs together and try to clear my lusty thoughts.

  I feel Dex’s hand on my lower back and have to bite my lip to keep from begging him to take me home and fuck me senseless. End the torment.

  “Your shot is a little erratic. Can I help you with your technique darlin’?”

  His breath tickles my ear and my nipples stand at attention. Hell yes he can help me with my technique! I nod and gaze up at him through my eyelashes giving him the best ‘fuck me’ gaze I can manage. His lips part as his gaze falls to my mouth. Come on baby, you know you want it.

  I make sure to add an extra sway to my hips as I walk to the spot I want for my shot. I lean over and wait to feel him behind me. His strong chest blankets my back and I press myself into him. His erection presses into my ass and he lets out a soft breath. He clears his throat and takes a deep breath. Why is he fighting this so hard?

  “What you want to do is relax your grip a little,” he instructs, reaching forward to fix the position of my hands.

  “Oh, I always thought that a nice, firm grip was best,” I breathed suggestively.

  He clears his throat once more and suddenly his warmth is gone from my back.

  “That should do, try that,” he said, stepping back and running fingers through his hair.

  I am going to run my fingers through that thick, blond mane if it’s the last thing I do. I take the shot and sink two balls.

  “See, that was much better,” Dex gives me a proud look.

  A new plan occurs to me, maybe if I get drunk enough, he’ll offer to give me a ride home. Then, I’ll have him right where I want him. I grab two more shots off of the table and down them both in quick succession. I glance over at Abby and Ethan. She’s in his lap and they’re whispering and looking at each other like there’s no one else in the whole world but them. Fuck, I want that. Abby hates me because I made a pass at Ethan. I don’t blame her; I acted like a bitch in heat. But I wish she understood that I never wanted Ethan. It was the way he looked at her, the way he always looks at her. It made my chest ache and my common sense go on hiatus.

  I believed my mother when she told me that men weren’t capable of love. She was my mother for Christ sake, why would she lie to me? But then I saw the way Ethan looks at Abby, like she invented oxygen, and I realized that some men are capable of love. Maybe then there’s something wrong with me. No man has ever wanted anything more than a quick fuck from me. No matter how good they are in bed, I know that it’s better to move on before they ever get a chance to hurt or reject me. Life’s easier that way. I’m happier that way, or at least I was.

  “Hey Abby,” she looks over at me with obvious surprise. I motion her over. She hops off Ethan’s lap and makes her way closer to me, suspicion coloring her green eyes.

  “What’s up?” she asks cautiously.

  “I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry. I don’t want Ethan; I never really did. I was jealous of you guys and I feel like Nikki and Lee are obviously in this for the long haul so you and I are family in a way, right?”

  “I guess I never thought of it that way,” she agrees. “Okay, I forgive you. But, if you ever offer Ethan any sexual favors again I will cut you,” she warns me with no sign of joking in her tone.

  I nod in understanding and down tw
o more shots.

  “What was that about?” Dex asks, as I return to the pool table.

  “Just trying to clear the air between us,” I explain vaguely. He raises an eyebrow in question. “It’s a long story.”


  “What can I get you to drink?” Remy calls from her kitchen.

  “Water is fine.”

  Why did I come into her apartment? I should’ve just dropped her off and left. But from the way she stumbled out of the bar, I was worried she might fall down the stairs on her way into the building. That doesn’t explain why I’m on her couch now, though, instead of on my way home. She returns from the kitchen with two water bottles.

  “Will you wait there for just one second?” she asks hopefully.

  I nod, feeling like I would probably agree to anything she asked of me at the moment. What the hell is wrong with me? It’s probably been way too long since I’ve had sex with anyone other than myself.

  After a few minutes she returns to the living room in a sheer tank top and shorts so short that they might as well be underwear. It’s painfully obvious she isn’t wearing a bra because her nipples are straining against the almost see through material. Fuck me.

  Okay, what are the reasons I shouldn’t have sex with her? Number one, I promised myself no more casual sex. Number two, she’s drunk and I shouldn’t take advantage of her.

  She sits down on the couch right next to me and presses her breasts against me.

  Number three, I’m her tutor and it would be inappropriate to engage in a sexual relationship.

  She leans in and her teeth graze my earlobe. Fuck, would it really be so bad to give in? No, it wouldn’t be bad at all. I’m certain it would be fan-fucking-tastic.

  No! Back to the reasons not to: Number four, if she were Maya, I wouldn’t want some guy defiling her by having sex with her when he didn’t even know her.

  That one did it. I gather the willpower to stand and move away from her.

  “Sorry Remy, but I really should go.”

  She gives me a pouty look and then stands and tugs her shirt over her head. God damn it. I avert my gaze and force myself to take another step back.

  “Why don’t you want me?” she asks with vulnerability in her voice.

  Don’t want her? Is she insane?! I allow myself to look at her bare tits and step forward so we’re almost touching. I take her hand and put it on my throbbing cock. We both inhale sharply.

  “Believe me darlin’, words cannot express how much I want you. But, tonight isn’t the night,” I extricate myself from her and turn to leave.

  “Wait,” she calls out.

  I stop but don’t turn around. I don’t think my willpower is strong enough to look at those glorious tits and walk away again.

  “Will you stay for just a little while? If I promise to put a shirt on and stop trying to seduce you?”

  I exhale sharply and nod my head once. I stay facing the door until I hear her bedroom door creak. I take a deep breath and turn around and head back towards the couch. I take several deep breaths to calm my raging erection. Think about something not sexy, I sift through my mental catalogue. Nuclear physics isn’t sexy so I decide to focus on that. I’m still working on focusing on that when Remy re-emerges from the bedroom. She’s wearing a sky blue t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. She still looks incredible, but not quite so over the top. She sits down on the couch beside me, this time with a few feet of space between us and a sheepish look in her eyes.

  “So…” she says, awkwardly looking around. I can’t help but chuckle. It’s obvious she’s out of her element now that she isn’t trying to seduce me.

  “Tell me about yourself,” I prompt.

  She twirls a strand of hair around her index finger and gnaws on her lip again.

  “What do you want to know? I mean, the only thing any guy has ever wanted to know about me is whether I swallow,” she barks out a self-deprecating laugh.

  My eyebrows knit together, I don’t think she’s joking. It’s all fitting together now. She’s been made to feel like nothing more than a sexual object. Even with the lingering erection, I’m glad I didn’t take advantage of her. The beautiful, sad girl needs someone to show her what it’s like to be treated with respect.

  “Well, let’s start with your major,” I prompt.

  “I’m a business major. It was a smart choice because there’s a lot you can do with a business degree,” she explains lamely. It’s obvious that this isn’t something she’s passionate about.

  “What’s your passion?” I pry further.

  “Art,” she answers, barely above a whisper. There it is the spark of excitement in her chocolate eyes. “I love to paint and draw. I’ve been really into charcoal lately.”

  “I’d love to see some of your art sometime.”

  “Sure, I’d like that,” she blushes and smiles a proud smile. I want to see more of that smile. “What about you, why physics?”

  “I just want to understand how everything in the universe works,” I shrug. Remy laughs and twirls her hair around her index finger again but this time it seems much less calculated and more out of habit.

  “Oh, is that all?” she says, sarcastically.

  “So what else? Tell me about your sister.” I reach down and pull her feet up off the floor and into my lap and start to rub them. She nestles down onto the couch to get comfortable.

  “Well she’s my twin, and she’s a lesbian,” she shrugs. I roll my eyes.

  “No shit Sherlock.”

  She kicks me playfully.

  “I don’t know, she’s the best. She’s been my best friend my whole life. Growing up we pretty much only had each other and she’s always been this amazing, strong woman who I wished I could be. She’s the one who wanted to come to college here in Colorado, I just followed her. I didn’t care much where I went as long as I could get the hell away from home.”

  Bad home life. That explains the low self-esteem. I want to pry further, but it seems like she’s intentionally leaving out the specifics. I don’t want her to shut down and go back to trying to seduce me to avoid getting real.

  “That’s great. I always wished I had a sibling. I’m an only child, so it was always mom and I. She’s an amazing woman. She worked her ass off to provide for me and she’s always been there for me, no matter what,” I clear my throat to rid my voice of the thick emotion settling there.

  I look over at Remy and I see that ‘aw he loves his mom’ look that girls always get when I talk about my mom. If only I had known what a panty dropper that was back when I was in high school. Not that I had any trouble getting any ass in high school. Not that I have any trouble getting ass now. This celibacy is entirely self-imposed.

  “That’s really sweet,” she says, a faraway look in her eyes.

  “Do you have any other siblings?”

  “I have two half-brothers. My dad took off as soon as my mom told him she was pregnant, so she spent my whole life going from one husband to another. Husband’s number two and four both got her knocked up and took off before their kids were even born. Although, to husband number four’s credit, he does still call his kid from time to time.”

  I can feel a sad look cross my face as I try to imagine why a man would choose not to know his children.

  “Favorite movie?” I say changing the subject that’s clearly become a bit too heavy.

  “Fight club,” she responds instantly.

  “No shit? Me too.”

  Remy’s phone buzzes and she reaches for it, a warm smile spreading across her face. I raise my eyebrows in question.

  “Nikki is just making sure I got home safe…” she smiles a wicked smile and bites her lip.

  “And…?” I prompt.

  “And, she reminded me to ice my vag after the big, burly cowboy fucks me raw.” she starts to laugh and types a response. Great, now I can’t get rid of the image of taking her hard against the wall until she can’t walk straight for a week. I adjust my growing erection and
clear my throat again.

  “Just so you know, I now see how entertaining it is to make you uncomfortable. Therefore, it is my new mission in life to make you get that little wrinkle between your eyebrows and provoke all kinds of deep throat clearing.”

  “You’re a cruel woman,” I inform her with mock hurt in my voice.

  “So where are you from?” she asks.

  “Originally from Texas, but my mom and I moved to Boulder when I was 15.”

  Her eyes light up.

  “Texas? So you really are a cowboy.”

  I chuckle, moving my hands up to massage her calves now.

  “Houston darlin’. I’ve never been on a ranch, or even touched a horse.”

  She looked a bit disappointed.

  “But I have worn a cowboy hat.”

  “Mmm, sexy.” she said, flashing me a sexy smile.

  “Darlin’,” I say in a warning tone.

  “Hey, you want to watch Fight Club?” she asks, jumping up to grab the movie, not bothering to wait for an answer. Once she has the movie started she makes herself comfortable on the couch, resting her head against my shoulder.

  “Is this okay?” she asks nervously. I nod my head and lift my arm so that she can get a little more comfortable. I covertly take a deep whiff of her hair. She smells like apples and cinnamon, and another natural, feminine scent. My heart speeds up a little at the close contact. Her breathing becomes slow and even and she’s snoring by the time the narrator meets Tyler Durden on the airplane.

  I easily scooped up her tiny body and carried her to her bedroom. Tucking her into bed, I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. Returning to the living room, I turned off the movie, and left a note on her coffee table before slipping out into the quiet night.


  The smell of coffee pulls me from a dreamless sleep. I roll over, confused. I don’t remember going to bed at all. The last thing I remember is starting a movie with Dex. He must have put me in my bed once I fell asleep. My heart squeezes a little at the thoughtfulness of that act. I think back on how shamelessly I threw myself at him last night and his blatant brush off. I feel absolutely mortified.


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