A McKenzie Christmas

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A McKenzie Christmas Page 6

by Lexi Buchanan

  She knew that her husband could see the worry on her face as well as hear it in her voice. Lucien should have known that she’d be on to him. She didn’t miss a damn thing.

  “I’m fine.” He brushed the hair back from her face. “I’ll always be fine as long as I have you.”

  His words told her all she needed to know.

  She turned and straddled him, her arms wrapped around his neck. She whispered, “I love you. You have my heart, Lucien. If I no longer had you in my life, I’d be so broken that no one would ever be able to put me back together. Are you hearing me?” Tears brimmed in her eyes before they slowly fell down her cheeks.

  Lucien held her against him tightly. “I’m hearing,” he started but had to stop to catch his breath. “Since Alexander was born, I’ve struggled to sleep,” he admitted. “You both are my world, and I’m afraid I’m going to wake up one morning and realize it was all just a dream.”

  She sat up, and cupped his face in her hands. “It isn’t a dream, and we’re here with you forever. Please don’t suffer alone. We talk about other things, please talk about how you’re feeling with me. I know you’re a guy and macho and all that,” she smiled, “but I’m your wife. You can tell me anything. It will hurt if you keep things from me.”

  “I’m sorry. I figured it would pass.”

  “And it hasn’t, right?”

  Lucien shook his head. “No.”

  “Do you think it all stems from what happened to you?”

  “It’s all connected.” He stroked along her cheek, and rubbed her lips with his thumb. “I love you.” He kissed her quickly and stood with her still in his arms. “And unless you untangle your legs from around my waist, I’m going to get busy on the kitchen table.”

  She knew he tried to lighten the mood, and she let him. They’d talked and although she still worried about him, she was glad that she knew what the problem was. Maybe he suffered with anxiety or something similar. She’d keep an eye on him, which she knew that he knew she’d be doing. Her husband’s life had been turned upside down when they met and more so when she found out that she was pregnant. Perhaps he just needed her to show him how she felt.

  He groaned. “Oh, no. We’re not going to have sex on the kitchen table with our son over there.”

  Sabrina wiggled against him. He was certainly up for it. “You sure about that?”

  “Hmm, for now.” He untangled himself, pulled her into his arms for a kiss and then went to retrieve their squirming son who’d woken up.

  The sun was low as he walked along the sidewalk, his beautiful wife’s hand clasped in his. Their son had been left at home, under the watchful eye of his Uncle Dante, Lucien’s cousin. Lucien felt better after his talk with Sabrina and was surprised she hadn’t told him to stop being an idiot.

  He should have known better. She’d never tell him that, and she took his worry seriously. He’d spent many years after the fire like he was now, and even though he didn’t want to admit it, he knew that the anxiety was back. He could survive anything with Sabrina by his side so he had no qualms about talking to her about it, anymore, like he should have done from the beginning, just not while they were shopping for gifts.

  “We need to go in here,” Sabrina said as they passed a store.

  He only had chance for a quick glance at the sign before he’d been dragged inside.

  Victoria’s Secret.

  What was it with the women in his family? He’d spoken to Sebastian a day ago and he’d gone on about his trip to the store, and bent his ear about lace and panties. He’d actually listened with half an ear because as Sebastian had been going on about silk and the feel of the lace against his fingers, Sabrina had been on her hands and knees in front of him playing with their son who’d been on a play mat. Lucien had then been abrupt with his brother because he’d felt guilty for having lustful thoughts while she’d been with their son.

  “Earth to Lucien.” Sabrina broke into his thoughts.

  He grinned at her and pulled her closer. “I was thinking about you bending over for me.”

  Her eyes widened before she smacked his arm.

  “Ouch, what was that for?”

  “We’re in public.” She snickered. “Remember when it was close to my due date and I was permanently horny.”

  “How could I forget?” He chuckled.

  “You seriously turned me on at that restaurant and I dragged you into the disabled restroom.”

  He groaned. “Woman! Did you have to bring that up in here around all these lacy panties?”

  Her face lit up as she realized what she was doing to him. “Hmm, I bet there’s something else up.”

  He shook his head at her teasing, and reached for the scrap of lace that was the closest to him. It turned out to be a black thong for over two hundred dollars. Who the hell would pay that?

  “I prefer this,” Sabrina said.

  Lucien turned, and when his eyes spotted what she held, his eyes froze in his head. In fact, his whole body froze. She held a transparent babydoll set in a deep purple out in front of her. His heart rate picked up as his cock twitched in his pants.

  “Fuck,” he hissed.

  Sabrina knew damn well what she did to him, but he snapped, “You need to try that on, and something else.” He grabbed his wife in one hand and a sweat suit set as they passed the display in the other, and headed for the changing rooms.

  As luck would have it, no one manned the changing rooms so he quickly dragged her to the back and inside an empty cubicle.

  “Lucien, I’m not…”

  He slammed his lips down, sealing her words in her throat. She had him horny as fuck with her talk out in the store, and the hot memory. His dick was so hard it hurt with the way it was squished in his underwear.

  “Try it on,” he begged, in a whispered tone. He sure as hell didn’t want anyone finding them in there together.

  Lucien stood to one side with his eyes closed and listened to the rustling of material as his wife changed clothes. He didn’t last long, maybe seconds, before he snapped his eyes open again and watched as she pulled the babydoll over her nude body.

  Before she finished, he had his pants undone and his swollen cock out and in his hand. He palmed his flesh, his arousal heightened with the sight of Sabrina, and his own touch as he stroked. They were about to have the quickest fuck in history and as Sabrina straightened and saw him, her eyes widened before they darkened with lust.

  He pounced. “God, you’re so fucking sexy, I’m seconds from coming.”

  “I’m ready, Lucien.” She met his gaze. “Make me come,” she whispered.

  He hauled her up in his arms and impaled her on his shaft. Their groans were sealed as their mouths joined. Lucien held her against the wall with his hips and stomach, while his hands roamed over the top of the babydoll to roll and pinch her nipples. They leaked milk and he knew they were extremely sensitive to the touch.

  He backed up and dropped his ass into the chair in the corner and nearly came when Sabrina took all of him inside her. He bottomed out, and couldn’t catch his breath. Sabrina ground down on him as her vaginal walls started to ripple along his length. That was all it took for him to follow her over. He quickly shoved the material up her torso and sucked on an engorged nipple, feeling the pull inside her as the tremors of pleasure ran through her.

  She tried to push his head away, but all he did was switch breasts. The milk for their child had a horrid taste to it, but knowing how sensitive her nipples were, he couldn’t resist sucking on them.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered, “I’m going to come again if you don’t stop.”

  “Come on my dick, babe.”

  He continued to suck her nipple, while his other hand found the sensitive bud of her clit. He strummed her until he was hard and aching inside her and then she flooded him. Her pleasure caught in his mouth so they wouldn’t be discovered.

  His dick was rock solid, but he knew they couldn’t stay inside the changing rooms any longer
. He should have known better than to start something with her where they couldn’t have all day. Instead of shopping, they should have checked into a hotel. Oh, they made love often at home but not as leisurely as they once did since they had to schedule in time when the baby was napping.

  “We better get dressed,” Sabrina suggested, but made no move to follow through. “But, um, you’re still hard.”

  “I’m always hard when I think of you, or you’re in front of me.”


  Sabrina stood on unsteady legs and quickly took off the babydoll, and put her own clothes back on while she watched her husband. He hadn’t zipped himself back up yet, although he had his eyes closed and his head thrown back. She knew he tried to get himself under control, but she had a better idea.

  Dropping to her knees between his thighs, Lucien didn’t have time to protest before her mouth was on him. She smiled around his shaft when she felt his legs tremble, and his hand slid into her hair.

  She dipped her hand between his thighs to play with his twins as she sucked him deep. His girth was wide, but she managed to take half of him inside as she swirled her tongue around the crown. His essence dripped from the slit, which she had no problem lapping up.

  Her husband had a sensitive spot on his dick that she discovered early on in their relationship. When the slightest pressure was asserted, it would cause him to blow like a rocket. It was on the part that had burned slightly so, to make sure she didn’t hurt him, she always ran her fingers over that part first. He’d always give it away because his breathing changed when she ran over the spot, like it just did. She held him tight with her mouth and sucked when she pressed his button and heard his breath catch in his throat as he came.

  She met his gaze as his release filled her mouth and she swallowed it all. She let him see her love and smiled around him when he returned the sentiment.


  The banging on the door had Sabrina jumping up and straightening her clothes. Lucien was more laid back and took his time, putting his dick away, the smile of pleasure still plastered on his face.

  “Anyone inside?”

  “Yeah,” Sabrina replied.

  “Just a minute,” Lucien said.

  There was a pause, and then they heard, “Not again,” as the store assistant moved away.

  Sabrina snickered and wondered how many times couples had their wicked way like they had just done.

  As Lucien watched his mom cuddle Alexander to her chest, his decision had been made. His mom had tears in her eyes, and so did Sabrina, who sat beside her. His wife met his gaze, and he hoped she told him without words that she wanted to move back to Lexington. It wasn’t something they’d discussed, but he knew it was time to put the cards on the table.

  “Hello, son,” his father greeted him, as he walked over to peek at his grandson. “How are things?” He kissed Sabrina on the head, and walked over to him.

  His father wrapped him up in his arms. “It’s good to have you home.”

  He felt an ache in his chest at his father’s words. “It’s good to be home, and we’re all doing well.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Elias took a seat next to his wife. He’d probably realized that was the only way he was going to get to see his grandson, at least right now. “Come and sit with us. You look as though you’re about to run out the door.”

  His father wasn’t too far off the mark. The thought had crossed his mind to find somewhere quiet to think and to get his emotions under control. Anyone would think that he was the one who’d had the baby instead of Sabrina with the way he felt. He loved his family and, now that he no longer felt the need to hide anymore, he wanted to come home. With the idea that was forming, he’d need to talk to his dad. Because instead of house hunting, he thought that maybe Sabrina would like to help design their own home on the land that he’d been gifted by his parents. He didn’t see why they would say no since Michael, Ramon, and Sebastian had all built their homes on their section. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  “Are you okay?” Sabrina’s soft hand slipped around his scarred one, the worry for him clear in her voice.

  He frowned.

  “You spaced out.”

  “Shit. Sorry.” He grinned and pulled her down on his lap. “I’m fine.”

  She didn’t believe him, but he didn’t blame her with how he’d been recently.

  “I promise.” He kissed her nose. “We’ll talk later,” he whispered, “but I promise it’s nothing awful.”

  “I’m going to still worry until you’ve told me what’s going on with you.”

  He didn’t want that so he went for it. “How would you feel about moving back to Lexington?”


  “I think so.”

  “Yes.” She kissed his lips. “Yes.” She kissed his nose. “Yes.” She kissed his lips again. “Oh, God. Please don’t tell me it’s a joke.”

  He laughed. “No joke.” He caressed her face. “I think it’s what we need to do. We need our families around us, just as much as they need us around them.”

  They glanced to his parents when he finished talking, and smiled as they both had their heads dipped toward their grandson, who watched his grandparents with fascination.

  “We’ll talk more on it later, but, right now, I think I’ll head into the kitchen and make the coffee Mom offered.” Lucien stood and left his wife with his parents while he headed off.


  Sabrina watched her husband leave the room, and then sat next to his mom and watched her in-laws cuddle and coo at her son. She knew that what Lucien had suggested had to happen. She was happy in Denver, but she’d be happier in Lexington with their family around them.

  “Sabrina, we’re ignoring you. I’m sorry.” Pippa leaned closer and took hold of her hand. “I’m just overwhelmed to have Lucien’s son in my arms. It’s still hard to believe that he has everything he ever wanted, but didn’t expect to have.” Tears gathered on Pippa’s lashes. “He’s happy, isn’t he?”

  “I’m happy, Mom,” Lucien answered, carrying in a tray of refreshments.

  “That was quick,” Sabrina queried.

  “Mom had already put the tray out and the coffee had finished brewing.” Lucien smiled and placed everything down onto the coffee table. He clasped his mom’s and Sabrina’s hands with his and looked at his mom. “Please stop worrying about me, Mom. Sabrina and our son make me happy.”

  Pippa passed Alexander to his grandfather, and sniffled into a Kleenex. “I’m glad.”

  While his mom busied herself with pouring the coffee, Lucien moved to snuggle with his wife on the sofa. Nothing had ever felt as right as Sabrina in his arms. Sabrina had no problem showing her affection toward him in public, and he loved that. He’d never been one to draw attention to himself, but he loved how Sabrina would glow, especially since it was him that made her that way.

  A noise at the front door drew their attention, and he grinned when his brother, Ramon, walked inside with his fiancé, Noah. Their wedding was all arranged for New Year’s Day, and it was set to take place at their parents’ ranch house now that gay marriage had been legalized in Kentucky.

  When he had his brother in his arms, he told him, “It’s good to see you.” Lucien had hidden his emotions behind a wall and until Sabrina knocked them down, he hadn’t admitted to himself that he needed his family, which was probably why the hug between brothers lasted longer than usual.

  “You okay?” Ramon frowned.

  Lucien grinned. “I’ve never been better.”

  Ramon looked doubtful.

  “Seriously.” Lucien lightly punched his brother on his shoulder before he greeted Noah.

  Noah settled his brother, and although it felt strange at first to know his brother was with a man, Lucien accepted it without a problem. He loved his youngest brother, and they’d all been brought up to accept one and all, so he was just as comfortable as he would be if Ram
on was with a woman.

  “So how are the wedding arrangements going?” Sabrina asked, sitting back down after she’d greeted them.

  Noah laughed and Ramon turned, frowning at him. “It’s going,” he commented.

  “What he means is,” Noah added, “that the caterer is being a pain in the ass. One minute she has it all settled, the next, she’s on the phone again wanting to change something. I’m convinced she has a crush on Ramon.” Noah shook his head. “It would be annoying if it wasn’t so entertaining.”

  “At my expense,” Ramon mumbled, not sounding happy.

  “Now stop, you two. Your wedding is in ten days, I don’t want any disagreement.” Their mom absentmindedly caressed Alexander’s cheek, her eyes misting up with tears. “All I want is for my youngest baby to be happy.”

  Lucien snickered at the horror on Ramon’s face. It was nice not being in the hot seat with his mom. Usually she was on his case.

  He sat back and pulled Sabrina into his arms as he watched his brother react to their mom.

  “Mom,” Ramon groaned, “please, don’t start with the tears.”

  “You’re my son, why wouldn’t I feel emotional that you’re getting married? You’re my last baby to leave the nest.”

  Ramon groaned. “I haven’t lived at home for years, and I’m not exactly too far away. I mean five minutes down the lane isn’t bad.”

  “You know exactly what I mean, so stop.”

  Ramon got up from his seat and kissed their mom on the top of her head.

  Chapter 5

  Christmas Eve

  Lily hummed to herself in the kitchen feeling excited. Michael finished up bathing the children, which surprised her. He always helped with bath time, but he’d insisted she deserved a night off and that he could handle it on his own. It didn’t stop her from listening out for the shout of help while she made her two oldest children hot chocolate. She’d also made Michael and herself some because she wanted to start a Christmas tradition for their family.


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