The Big, Not-So-Small, Curvy Girls Dating Agency (Plush Daisies: BBW Romance)

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The Big, Not-So-Small, Curvy Girls Dating Agency (Plush Daisies: BBW Romance) Page 11

by Catori, Ava

  As his fingers drew down across her stomach and to her naughty bits, Becky gasped softly. She was moist with desire, and there was no hiding it. His fingers toyed at her entrance, and as he breached her opening, Becky sighed, unable to hide the pleasure she was feeling.

  Waves of arousal moved within in her as she reached her peak. Cresting and lapsing into a pile of melted butter under his touch, Becky drifted on the high of her orgasm. Reed smiled at the women beside him. Wearing a goofy grin, she leaned up and kissed her lover.

  “I want to feel you inside of me,” she whispered. She didn’t have to ask him twice.

  Climbing over Becky, Reed slowly penetrated his lover. With a long moan, feeling her warmth gripping him, he moved within her.

  Falling in love was a dangerous thing in Becky’s world. It meant she could get hurt, would most certainly get hurt, and the vulnerability left her nervous. As Reed thrust from above, Becky realized she was sliding down the slippery slope of love and if she wasn’t careful, she’d end up getting her heart broken. Was it love, was it lust? She wasn’t sure, but it sure felt like love. Maybe it was the endorphins rushing through her body, or the insanely attractive guy over here, or maybe, just maybe it was love. Was it too early for love, was it infatuation instead? She hated how the question rolled through her mind.

  She wanted to be lost in the sensation, but her mind was too busy. She felt incredible, but more than anything she was scared. Now that she’d found love, she was terrified of losing it.

  Did Reed love her, or was this simply a passing fancy? Would he allow himself to fall in love, or was he only looking for naked intimacy? Would she live up to his expectations, would he think she was a good lover, or was she lacking? Trying to shut her brain down seemed pointless, because the more she tried to ignore the thoughts the more they wanted to invade her mind.

  Wrapping her legs around her lover, tilting her hips, she finally found herself back in the moment. He was art in motion, and looking up at him, watching him focused, watching him love her filled Becky’s soul, filling a void that had been empty for way too long.

  How could she love a man she’d barely dated? Sure they’d spent time together, and now this, but did that really equal love. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t love, but it was something, something big like incredible like, insatiable like, fantastic like, aw hell, it felt like love. And while she was filled with warmth, she knew it was way too early to let words like that slip out. She’d scare him away, he’d look at her like some desperate freak, and then it would end before it even got started.

  Reed’s eyes were on her, and a soft smile spread across his face as he looked down. With a final thrust, he collapsed beside Becky. As he caught his breath and regained his composure, Becky bit her tongue forcing herself not to say the words that were creeping to the surface. Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it.

  “That was amazing,” she cooed instead, forcing herself to swallow the “L” word before she regretted it.

  “You are amazing,” he corrected. Turning up on his side, his stroked the side of her face with the back of his hand. Tender movements, and then leaning in, he softly kissed Becky’s lips. “Thank you.”

  “Thank me,” she started to giggle. “Me? Holy cow, thank you.” She felt like a giddy schoolgirl with a crush.

  Reed’s smile got bigger, “I love how real you are.”

  “As opposed to?”

  “It’s that you’re genuine. I’ve been around too many phony people in life, and genuine is refreshing.”

  “I was hoping you were about to say beautiful, sexy, insanely cute, but I’ll settle for genuine,” she said sarcastically.

  “You’re all of those things,” he said, leaning back. “If I’m not careful, I’m going to fall in love with you.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” she mocked. Shit, see, if she confessed love it would have been way too early. He’s only thinking maybe he’ll fall in love, and here I am ready to spill wordage before it’s time.

  “I’m positive it’s a wonderful thing, I just need to go slowly.”

  “I understand,” she offered sympathetically. Go faster, go faster, go faster!

  “I would like to take you on a proper date.”

  “I guess we did things backwards.”

  “There are no rules, but I’m not complaining that I’m currently in bed beside you,” he grinned.

  “Good thing, the customer service department is closed. Seriously, I’m pinching myself, Reed. I didn’t expect…” she trailed off, suddenly feeling goofy.

  “Didn’t expect? Are you going to finish that sentence?”

  “I guess I just didn’t expect a guy like you would be interested in a girl like me.”

  “Why do you say that? You’re the total package?”

  “I’m an overstuffed package,” she admitted grimly.

  “You need to stop worrying about that. I’m here aren’t I? I find you insanely sexy. You have to trust that. If I wasn’t attracted to you, I wouldn’t be naked in bed with you.”

  “I do like you naked in my bed,” she smiled. “I’m sorry; I’m a little sensitive to it.”

  “It’s okay to be sensitive to something, just don’t let it own you.”

  “Wise words, I didn’t realize you were more than a sexy body,” she laughed.

  “Oh, I see how it is, you only want me for my body,” he teased.

  “Dear goodness I want your body, but honestly Reed you make me smile. It’s a nice feeling.”

  Leaning in, Reed kissed Becky’s forehead. “You have a beautiful smile.”

  Blushing, Becky nuzzled into Reed, letting him wrap his arms around her and pulling her close.

  After another round of intimacy, they found themselves drifting off to sleep, pressed tightly against one another.

  On waking, Becky wanted to pinch herself, was she dreaming? Obviously not, he was still in her bed. As Reed stirred, Becky watched him. Opening his eyes, he looked over and saw his lover watching him.

  “Good morning,” he said quietly.

  Becky’s hand shot up over her mouth, “Morning.”

  “Is that some kind of covert operation? Are you afraid I’ll read your lips?”

  “Morning breath,” she groaned. “Be right back,” she said jumping out of bed. Why hadn’t she thought of that earlier? The last thing she needed was for him to be all romantic and for her to be all icky.

  “Come back,” he requested, “hurry back to bed.”

  Brushing her teeth, Becky made the mistake of looking in the mirror. Bedhead! Her hair was pushed up all over, her mascara had smeared. She couldn’t go back looking like this.

  “I’m going to grab a shower,” she called out from the bathroom. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  “Screw the shower, come back to bed.”

  Torn between being horrified at her morning appearance, and wanting to be in bed with Reed, she stood frozen in the bathroom, not sure what to do.

  Finally, her brain moved forward, after what felt like forever. “Come take a shower with me,” she called out playfully.

  “Later,” he called. “Come back to bed.” Insistent she join him, she relented.

  All she could see was her hair pushed up awkwardly and her mascara smeared. As she walked back to the bed, Becky was feeling about as unsexy as she could imagine.

  Reed smiled.

  “Are you laughing at me?” She asked defensively. “It’s my hair isn’t it?”

  “Your hair is fine. I’m smiling because I’m happy.” Reaching his arm out, “Come back to bed with me.”

  Climbing back onto the bed, she didn’t know how he could see past her morning look, but astonishingly he barely seemed to notice.

  “I want to do naughty things to your body,” he flashed a schoolboy grin.

  Shedding her apprehension, she decided to go with it. “Mmm, I’d like that.”

  Sweaty, the couple collapsed after another generous love making session.

  “If you keep doing that, I’ll never let you leave,” Becky purred.

  “You may have to kick me out.”

  Rolling out of bed, Becky got up and stretched. “Let me make you some breakfast. Would pancakes work? I could do French Toast if you prefer.”

  “Pancakes sound great.”

  Chapter 17

  Becky couldn’t wipe the grin off her face, and even after Reed left, she smiled all day long. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so big, but how could she not. Just about the hottest guy she’d ever met had spent the night in bed, with her, and they had amazing sex. She was giddy with joy over the turn of events and couldn’t wait to talk to Sam, if she would answer her phone already.

  When she finally got through, “Where have you been?”

  “I met someone,” Sam sang into the phone. “How did things go with Reed?”

  “We did it,” she squealed.

  “Wow, really? Was it good? Was he big?”

  “Sam! I’m not giving you details; just know that I’m smiling today, a lot!”

  “That’s great, Becks. So if you’re not going to spill, can I? I had a totally hot night.”

  “Tell me, tell me.”

  “Isn’t this interesting, you want my details, but won’t share your own,” she teased.

  “You always share. I usually have nothing to share.”

  “You do now.”

  “I know, but this is different. This was special. I’m really falling for the guy.”

  “Fine, you don’t have to kiss and tell. Anyway, at your dance the other night, I actually met someone.”

  “That’s great, Sam.”

  “There’s just one tiny detail I have to figure out.”

  “Such as,” Becky groaned. There was always something.

  “He’s a little younger than me.”

  “How much younger?”

  “A few years,” she said, knowing she’d have to drop the truth soon. “Okay, so he’s only nineteen, but he’s really sweet.”


  “Go ahead, I know you want to say something.”

  Becky bit her tongue. “If he’s nice, and you’re okay with him being that much younger…” she trailed off and let Sam fill in the rest of the details.

  “I know, I know, but age shouldn’t matter, right?”

  “I guess,” Becky hesitated. “It’s just that at that age, they’re at a different stage than where we are.”

  “I know,” she sighed. “But he was cute and sweet, and he made me feel pretty, but it does kind of freak me out he still lives at home, and is still in school. Totally party age,” she admitted. “Great, now you’re making me rethink things.”

  “Sammy, I’m not saying he can’t be a great guy, it’s just that you’ll be twenty-five in a few weeks, and you’re probably in different stages of your life. You want to settle down at some point, and he’s not even legal to drink,” she said, bringing home her point.

  “At least he’s not jailbait.”

  “I’m not saying not to see him again; I’m just thinking you might be looking for different things.”

  “You’re right,” she sighed. “I keep latching onto guys, looking for something, but I think I’m afraid I’m never going to find it.”

  “The thing is, you sleep with them really fast, and never take time to get to know them.”

  “Okay, miss slutty slut, who just slept with Reed this weekend.”

  “Come on, that’s different and you know it.”

  “Whatever, I didn’t want to be the only one feeling whorish after my cougar moment.”

  “Sam, you’ll meet somebody, you just have to stop jumping in bed with every guy who comes your way.”

  “I know I’m filling a void, it’s just that I’d rather have somebody beside me, letting me believe for at least a moment in time I’m desirable and they want me.”

  “Sam, you’re worth so much more than that.”

  “I know Becks, there’s a piece of me that believes it, but the other piece is the one that goes too far. Maybe one day I’ll break the pattern,” she sighed. “Enough about me, tell me about Reed.”

  “I think I’m falling in love with him.”

  “Oh please, you? You’re in love with him already. You fall fast and hard.”

  “Fine, so maybe I’m feeling stuff, I just don’t know if it’s love or lust at this point.”

  “Maybe it’s a little bit of both.”

  “I need to put my brakes on. I always go too fast. It’s just, I really like the guy, and I’m not sure how to control those feelings right now.”

  “One day at a time, my friend. One day at a time.”

  “So tell me about this new guy,” Becky asked.

  “I don’t know, now I’m not as excited as I was earlier. He’s nice and all, but he is only nineteen.”

  “Aw honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to deflate your fun. If you like the guy, then don’t listen to me.”

  “I think it’s that he was really into me, you know? I think it was an ego boost more than anything.”

  “Are you sure, or is it because I opened my big mouth?”

  “I don’t know, maybe he wasn’t all that after all.”

  “I’m sorry, now I feel bad. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “No, I count on you to keep it real. If I can’t trust you to tell me the truth, who can I trust?”

  “Forgive me for making you feel like a cougar?”

  “Yeah, besides, I can’t be considered a cougar until I’m older. I was simply testing the waters with a younger guy. So what’s up with you and Reed, other than the big news that you totally did him?”

  “We’re going to go on a date, an actual date and see where it goes. I think we both really want things to work out, but with him coming out of a long term relationship, I didn’t want him to jump too quickly.”

  “Becks, time has passed, let him move forward,” she paused, “with you.”

  “I’m trying, I’m trying.”

  “When’s your date?”

  “We’re going to go out Tuesday night. He wants to take me out for dinner.”

  “It’s more than coffee,” she said. “That’s promising.”

  “Okay, I need to go. Oh, he’s going to help me with my website, and I have applications to go through. I totally got more people to add to my database. I think by this time next year, I’ll be in full swing. Until then, I’m sort of in beta mode, starting the process. Cross your fingers I get a few successful matches by then so I can promote my success rate!”

  “You’re totally going to do this, Becky. Look how far you’ve come.”

  “I know, I’m trying to be patient, but without a business loan, I’ll have to do it slower.”

  “The bank made a big mistake,” she sympathized. “Seriously, big girls need to date too.”

  “It wasn’t about that, it was my lack of experience.”

  “Whatever, I just think they were biased.”

  “It’ll be fine. I’ll gain experience as I go, and then I don’t have a loan to pay back. I just have to go really slow, because I can’t afford to do too much.”

  “Oh, before I forget, I had a totally great idea. You should have a picnic at the park. It wouldn’t cost anything except for food, and you could do another singles get together. You could arrange day trips for singles to places like museums, art galleries, parks, zoos, places that don’t cost a lot.”

  “That’s actually a great idea, thanks Sam.”

  “You’re welcome,” she grinned, feeling proud of her suggestion. “And if you happen to find a good looking, nice guy joining in, keep me in mind first.” Clearing her throat to bring home her point, “But he should be at least over twenty-one. God knows I don’t want to drink my wine alone.”

  “Good point. Okay, I’d better scoot. I have work to do.”

  When the phone rang later that evening, Becky smiled on seeing the caller ID. “Hi,” her flirty voice snuck out.

>   “Hey,” hearing him filled her soul.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Thinking about you,” he said.

  “Okay, if you keep talking like that, I’m going to melt into a puddle right here on the floor.”

  Reed laughed, “I wanted to see if you’d prefer French or Italian? I’m trying to decide where we’re going on our first official big date.”

  “So you’re not counting the coffee shop, this is the first big one? What about the dance?”

  “Nope, we need to go on a proper first date. I’m thinking Italian, some pasta, some wine, and low romantic lighting.”

  “Are you trying to seduce me?”

  “Very much so,” he laughed.

  “Because you could just stand in front of me and smile, and I’d be stripping off my clothes.”

  “I’d enjoy that, but at least let me take you out first. I’d love to spend more time getting to know you. I’ll take you up on the stripping later that night.”

  She was incredibly happy, and nothing in the world could bring her down, or so she thought. Tuesday night had other plans for Becky and Reed.

  Tearing through her closet, Becky pulled out a knee length navy dress. It was form fitting up top, but had a little extra flair at her hips and legs for a more flattering look. Pairing it with her black pumps and a simple silver necklace, she appraised her appearance. With a stroke of her signature red lipstick, and a quick retouch of her make-up, she was ready to go.

  She was happy with what she saw from the front, but turning and seeing her profile in the mirror left her feeling a little self-conscious. She pulled in her stomach, and swore she’d need to start wearing shape wear soon, but this would have to do for now. At least her legs were still mostly shapely. She had thin ankles, but the closer you got to her pudgy knees, the more it became obvious she carried extra weight.

  Reed showed up with a smile and flowers.

  “You didn’t have to,” she started.

  “You look great,” he smiled, handing her the bouquet.

  Turning to put the flowers in water, Reed reached out to touch. He couldn’t not, her full, round ass sashayed as she walked, and before he could stop himself, his hands were on her.

  “I lied,” he laughed, “you look more than great.”


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