Training Harder [Hard Hits 18] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Training Harder [Hard Hits 18] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Tatum Throne

  “No, you’re wrong.”

  “Then what do you want with me?” Wade asked.

  “You obeying my orders in training.” Malachi leaned in, forcing Wade to tilt his head up. “Well guess what, I’m the one in control of your life and always will be now that you’re part of SWAT.”

  Another groan of pleasure moved through his system as he tried to comprehend what Malachi was saying. It was true. He had no control over SWAT at this point.

  Rain hammered down on both of them. They were getting soaking wet. Malachi’s face moved closer. Just a few inches away from Wade’s lips. Even in the distorted night, he was too beautiful, rugged, and deadly. This man was not someone to fuck with.

  Why did Wade think he could fuck with him and get away with it? That was the problem. He wasn’t getting away with any of it. Malachi was making an example out of him right here. It was obvious Malachi didn’t care who saw them in District Two’s parking lot.

  Every nerve ending was on fire as Wade struggled to maintain his composure, but he was losing it fast. He wasn’t sure what Malachi was trying to prove, but he was making a good point of it. Wade was certain that Malachi was the stronger, bigger, and faster one out of all of them, even though he had busted his nose on the mats tonight.

  As he tried to push Malachi away, he felt the hard edge of his cock slide against Malachi’s leg. Shock moved through Malachi’s hard gaze, followed by disbelief, before a quick understanding of what was happening between them.

  With them head-to-head, and hip to hip, Wade felt the unmistakable push of Malachi’s dick against his abdomen. It was more than he could handle. Everything around them started to fade away as their eyes connected. He was very aware of the hammering in his heart and the heavy breathing of his body.

  A low groan echoed from his lips as Wade tried to control what he was feeling. “You need to let go of me.”

  “Why? I think I like what’s happening between us.”

  “I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Don’t fight me, Wade.”

  No more words were exchanged as Wade tried to push away but was quickly jostled and thrown against the car door when he almost got away. Malachi came in fast again. This time, Wade didn’t get away.

  Malachi chased him down, kissing him passionately and roughly, stealing his breath away as Malachi’s tongue thrust deep into his mouth. Only one word went through Wade’s mind as their lips connected.


  At last, they would be together. After weeks of fighting and trying to keep his composure, Wade finally snapped. They both had.

  Wade was afraid of what was happening but he knew it was short-lived and wouldn’t last. This was just passionate torture, mounting and delayed. This thing couldn’t happen. They both knew that.

  As the kiss spun on and on and thunder and lightning snapped around them, Wade knew he had to put an end to it, but he wasn’t the one in control. Malachi was. A groan of satisfaction erupted from Wade as Malachi continued to kiss him passionately, thrusting his tongue deeply to explore every inch of his mouth.

  Between them, they had thirty pounds of gear on them, pressing down upon their hips. The effect was more than Wade could handle. He never thought he would fall for another police officer, but he obviously had.

  Now that he was falling, he wasn’t sure if he could handle the impact of this fall and get up and walk away. Right now, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to survive the impact without a little damage.

  Deep down, he was wanting Malachi to fuck him up and fuck him up good. Sirens going off around them woke them up from their kiss. It wasn’t the sirens from emergency vehicles going out but the sirens indicating bad weather coming through.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this. Not here not like this,” Malachi said.

  Temptation had Wade reaching for Malachi despite him cutting things off. He wanted to taste this man again before he told him no. It was wrong and they both knew it, but neither one couldn’t deny the desire to have one more taste of each other.

  As Malachi’s tongue thrust deep into his mouth, Wade became very aware of how hard his prick was and how much he wanted to come. All the tension lingering between them erupted into a white-hot passionate kiss that awakened every one of Wade’s senses.

  This was too much for him to handle. He couldn’t believe that the gorgeous Tim Malachi was actually attracted to him and wanted him this way. Wade had always thought Malachi hated him. Now that he knew the truth, Wade didn’t want to let go of him for anything.

  Still, it was a dangerous game they were playing by kissing in the parking lot of District Two. Despite being within the darkness, Wade felt Malachi slow things down. If someone caught them, they were both going to be in big trouble.

  Before Wade could end the kiss, Malachi was pulling away and putting the brakes on things. Wade should have been relieved but he wasn’t. He was wanting. He wanted this man. He knew that it wasn’t a possibility but he still couldn’t deny his body the chance of getting laid.

  It was as though all time had slowed down and completely stopped, fucking them both over. As Malachi pulled back, Wade pushed away.

  “Don’t kiss me ever again.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want this to happen here,” Malachi said.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

  Malachi’s green eyes darkened. “You’re not gay? I saw you at that bar.”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “Oh, that changes things,” Malachi said.

  The lie felt bittersweet coming from Wade’s mouth. He shouldn’t have lied, but he couldn’t help himself. He was just tired and wanted to go home and confused about how he felt about Malachi.

  “This doesn’t work anything out between us,” Wade said. “It only complicates things more.”

  “My mistake. I won’t be bothering you ever again.”


  As Wade got into his car, he watched Malachi saunter away in his side mirror. He reached up and touched his kiss swollen lips. He reached down, adjusting his dick. God, he was so fucking hard.

  He was still off balance from the fight and even more off balance from the kiss. He started the car and drove home, hoping to forget all about Malachi but he couldn’t. And that annoyed him way too much. How was he going to forget about the kiss and the fight they had within hours of each other?

  That was the problem. He wasn’t going to be able to.

  * * * *

  Malachi was soaking wet by the time he got back to his car. He was shocked that he so brazenly kissed Wade in the parking lot of District Two. There was no way they were going to come back from this, but he had a good suspicion that Wade didn’t know that.

  Wade had been all in on that kiss. He was obviously gay. Malachi got to his car and sat inside, watching as Wade drove away. Giving into temptation, Malachi started his car, following him home. It was so wrong but he didn’t care. He was tired of playing it cool.

  It wasn’t long before he lost him in the wet, dark city streets. Where did he go? He couldn’t believe he lost him. He considered himself an excellent tracker. This time, Wade had outwitted him.

  Instead of driving to Wade’s house, Malachi decided to pick up dinner and drive home. He needed to give Wade some space if they were ever going to figure this thing out.

  When Malachi pulled up to his house with two big bags of his favorite takeout from the diner down the street, he was surprised to see that there was a light on in his apartment.

  He lived alone and he was certain he didn’t leave the light on before he left. Most times he never even turned the lights on in the morning when he was getting ready for work. Annoyed, Malachi headed up to his apartment, finding the door unlocked. He went inside, looking around.

  Was he robbed? Did someone break in? As he looked around, his hand instinctively went to rest on top of his service gun. “How do you get in here?”

  Travis was the last person he expecting to see. His ex was supposed
to be out of the country. Malachi set down his takeout.

  Travis held up his key, putting it on the island. “I thought you gave me back my apartment key.”

  His ex-boyfriend shrugged. “I still had a copy. Aren’t you happy to see me?”

  Travis crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Malachi, nuzzling his neck. Malachi slipped his hands up over shoulders, pushing him gently away.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “It’s Tuesday. I was in the city and I thought I would swing by.”

  Again, Travis came in, wrapping his arms around Malachi’s waist, kissing his neck, this time making it very clear what he wanted.

  “This isn’t going to happen between us. You and I are over.”

  “I know, but can’t we still hook up anyway?”

  The temptation was great but Malachi knew that this was not the man he wanted to sleep with tonight. He wanted to be with Wade and only Wade. Malachi didn’t consider himself a manwhore, but right now he couldn’t deny he was ignoring someone who openly wanted him.

  Travis backed up and started to pout as Malachi sauntered away. He went to the window, looking out at the skyline. “You always liked it when I surprise you before or after work. You’ve changed.”

  Had he?

  At one time Malachi would have easily slipped into bed with Travis, but he was different. He had more rules as a Dom and he no longer slept around. “I know. It’s better this way for both of us if we don’t get involved again. You know it will only end poorly.”

  Travis half shrugged as he turned around, smiling broadly. “Well, who do we have here?”

  Travis’s gaze was fixated at the doorway. Malachi glanced over his shoulder, seeing Wade standing in the hall, soaking wet and a little surprised. Confusion swam through his eyes before it bounced between them.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were involved with anyone,” Wade said.

  “Wait a second.”

  “No. I think I understand what’s going on here.”

  As Wade turned to go, Malachi looked back at Travis. “Stay here and stay out of my way. Or better yet, just leave.”

  “Can’t we be fuck buddies again?”

  “No, we cannot. You need to go.”

  As Malachi left his apartment, he chased after Wade, hoping to catch him at the elevator but he didn’t. He had gone down the opposite way toward the fire escape. They were in the stairwell when Malachi caught up to him.

  “Wait a minute.”

  “Why? I didn’t know you were involved with anyone or going to meet somebody.”

  “I’m not.”

  Wade sighed. “I shouldn’t have come.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to talk…if you aren’t busy.”

  “I’m not. I was just about to have dinner. Join me?” Malachi asked.


  As they went up the stairs, Malachi was relieved to see that his ex had left. He shut the door behind him. “How did you find my place?”

  “I called dispatch.”

  Malachi grinned. “Nice.”

  Wade looked nervously around his apartment. “I hope it’s okay. I just thought we should talk this thing out.”

  Malachi got two plates from the cabinet and brought the bags to the table. “Eat with me.”

  As Wade sat down, Malachi went back to the kitchen for two bottles of water, handing one to Wade.


  “No problem. I hope you like Thai.”

  “I do.”

  As Malachi divided up the meal, he couldn’t help but notice the way Wade wouldn’t meet his gaze. “I’m sorry about how I’ve been treating you.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  “I shouldn’t have pushed you away so hard.”

  “I understand.”

  Malachi frowned. “Do you?”

  Again, he looked away, focusing on his dinner. “I’m trying.”

  Silence echoed back. Malachi stared, trying to break his resolve. “I’m going to fix this.”

  Their eyes locked. There was something about the way Wade was looking at him that forced Malachi to make another move.

  “How?” Wade asked.

  Malachi reached out, smoothing his hand over Wade’s. “I thought you told me you’re not gay and not interested.”

  Wade nervously pulled his hand away and stood up. “I—I don’t know what I’m doing here. I think it was a mistake for me to come here, obviously.”

  “Hold up a second.”

  Malachi reached out and smoothed his hand up Wade’s arm, refusing to let go of him as Wade tried to pull away. “Tell me why you’re here, honestly. I think we both know why you’re here. That kiss did something to both of us.”

  “Yeah, but that still doesn’t deny the fact that you’re in an apartment with another man.”

  “My ex-boyfriend. And he was just leaving. He has a way of showing up every once in a while, but I made sure he’s not going to come around again.”

  Wade didn’t look as though he believed him. How was he going to regain his trust when Wade was clearly annoyed with the fact that he had caught him with someone else?

  “Look, let’s just stop fighting this, okay?”

  “I thought you hated me.”

  Malachi sighed. “I wasn’t handling my attraction to you well. I tried to push you away so you wouldn’t look at me the way you are now.”

  “Like what?”

  Malachi brushed his hand over his jaw. “Like you want everything from me.”

  Wade sighed.

  Malachi leaned in close, making Wade look up as he slowly edged him back against the wall. With Wade trapped in his arms, Malachi slowly lowered his lips, brushing them against Wade’s. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, and it was exactly what Malachi wanted.

  When he kissed Wade, he forgot all about the fact that they were fighting. Malachi dipped his mouth, knowing he was about to do something he would regret. He threaded his fingers into Wade’s hair and kissed him hard, sliding his free hand over Wade’s dark navy uniform shirt, pulling on it so that it popped from his waistband. He had stowed his gear and was only wearing his uniform.

  When his shirt was free, Malachi slid his hand up under his shirt. Hard muscle rippled beneath his fingertips. His thumb caressed upward over Wade’s nipple, tweaking it several times before letting go.

  Malachi let his fingers continued on, wrapping around Wade’s side, scraping his nails on his back as he kissed him passionately. He felt as though he were swallowing him. He could feel Wade’s breath heaving in and out against his chest as Malachi took the kiss deeper and deeper.

  It was as though they were both racing time and nothing could stop them except his ex-boyfriend upstairs in his apartment. Determined to slow things down and keep them going, Malachi broke his lips away.

  “I want you to stay.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Malachi leaned in, brushing his hand under his jaw. “I think it’s about time you stop thinking and let me take control of you.”

  Wade’s mouth dropped open as their gazes locked.

  “What? You know I’m a Dom. Why do you think I was at that club?”

  Wade looked as though the realization struck him hard. “You didn’t know that was a BDSM club?”


  “Now, the question is…are you a submissive?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Good. I need someone who can be my submissive. Maybe you’ll be the one who could do the job.”

  “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

  “Didn’t I tell you to stop thinking? If you’re going to be with me, you have to obey my orders and this is the first one. Come with me now.”

  As Malachi led the way back upstairs, he could sense the sexual tension lingering between them. His cock was hard and ready but his submissive was not. They had so much ground to cover and so little time. Would they be able
to fix that tonight? He wasn’t so sure, but he was going to try.

  When they got back up to his apartment, his ex-boyfriend was gone. Malachi shut the door behind him and offered to take Wade’s jacket. “Follow me.”

  He tracked him down the hallway to his bedroom. He went straight for the bathroom. “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.”

  Uncertain, Wade stood in the doorway for a few long seconds before coming in and stripping out of his tactical uniform. When he was completely naked, Malachi let his gaze go from the top of his head and slowly move down over his body, letting it linger in all the right places, especially over his hard cock that was weeping pre-cum and pulsating.

  Wade’s dick was thick and long, sticking straight up as though it was begging to be taken control of.

  Just when he thought Wade was going to break and come for him, Wade bit his lip and moved his hand over his dick, stroking it several times. Things were spinning out of control and they hadn’t even gone over the rules yet.

  “Do not touch yourself unless I give you permission. Understand?” Malachi snapped.

  Wade nodded his head. “Yes, Sir.”

  Malachi leaned in to the shower, turning on the warm water and letting the spray rain down from the shower head. “Get inside and wash up.”

  Wade followed his order, stepping into the shower and under the waterfall. As he did, Malachi stripped out of his wet clothes and followed him inside. He kissed his way over the back of Wade’s neck and over his shoulder, taking his time to nip and linger. When he should have been slowing things down, they were speeding up.

  Malachi’s cock pressed between Wade’s ass cheeks and the warmth of the water gave him too much lubrication. He knew his sub wasn’t going to be ready anytime soon, but temptation had him pressing his hot cockhead against Wade’s rim, feeling the needy edge of his cock press deeper.

  He nipped at the back of Wade’s neck, kissing and licking with his tongue. He pulled away just for a few moments so that he could turn Wade around, holding him against the tile before coming in hard and fast, kissing him passionately.

  Their cocks bumped together, rubbing hard. He reached down between them, grabbing both of their cocks, stroking them together. He heard Wade moan as his dick pulsated in his hand. His heart raced as the room started spinning.


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