Ready, Set, I Do! (Rx for Love)

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Ready, Set, I Do! (Rx for Love) Page 11

by Cindy Kirk - Ready, Set, I Do! (Rx for Love)

  “Smart boy.” Hailey slanted a sideways glance at Winn. “Like his dad.”

  Cam seemed surprised that Winn planned to sit down with them. Apparently, only his mommy had ever read him bedtime stories.

  Hailey took a seat beside Cam on the bed. Once Winn had settled on the other side of the boy, she began to read. The story about tripods and metal skullcaps quickly transported her to a dystopian future. She reached page five before it hit her that she should give Winn a turn.

  Alternating every four or five pages, they quickly reached the end of the first chapter. Still wide awake—and caught up in the story—Cam begged them to continue.

  Hailey wasn’t sure if it was the pleading or the fact that Cam had crawled onto his lap that caused Winn to agree.

  The bedside lamp cast a golden glow over the room. A warm blanket of contentment settled around Hailey’s shoulders as she took her turn reading.

  By the time they reached the end of the second chapter, Cam’s eyelids began to droop.

  Winn planted a kiss atop Cam’s head, his eyes filled with such tenderness it made Hailey want to weep. She wished all those who called Winn a cold fish could see him now. Gentle, kind and so full of love for a little boy who wasn’t even his flesh and blood.

  “Good night, sport.” Winn pulled up the covers.

  The boy stirred, blinked. “I have to say my prayers first.”

  To his credit, the momentary flash of surprise in Winn’s eyes didn’t make it to his face. He watched wordlessly as the thin-framed boy folded his hands, the toy soldier still clasped in small fingers as he began to pray.

  “Thank you for letting me ride in the truck and see the cows today. Thank you for my daddy and Hailey and Bandit. Thank you for Grandpa Larry and Grandma Jan.” The child paused and when he spoke again, his voice wobbled. “If you see my mommy and daddy in heaven, tell them I miss them. Amen.”

  Hailey didn’t dare look at Winn. She swallowed past the lump in her throat as Cam’s eyes fluttered shut.

  When the child’s breathing grew even and regular, Winn gently tugged the toy soldier from Cam’s hand. He placed the infantryman on top of the nightstand.

  Hailey didn’t speak until they were back in the living room.

  “You’re a good father.” She could have said more, could have told him there was nothing so sexy as a man who was kind to children. But she felt strangely off balance.

  It was almost as if she and Winn had turned a corner she hadn’t known they’d been approaching. Avoiding his gaze, Hailey lifted her bag then slung it over her shoulder.

  “There’s no reason for you to rush off.”

  Something in his voice wrapped itself around her spine and caused an inward shudder. The air suddenly hummed with electricity and Hailey couldn’t move. Not if that step took her away from him.

  Hoping she wasn’t making a huge mistake, she whirled and shot Winn a flirty smile. “Entice me to stay.”

  “Merlot?” He raised a brow, a smile lurking in his eyes. “The year 2010 was exceptional in the Bordeaux region.”

  Hailey had never seen such beautiful eyes. Such compelling eyes. Eyes with the power to weaken her knees when they locked on hers.

  Hailey dropped her satchel to the floor. “You had me at Merlot.”

  He stepped toward her, put his hands on her shoulders. “Sit. Relax.” His voice was smooth as the fine bourbon her father drank. “I’ll get us a glass.”

  When he made no move to leave, she thought he was going to kiss her. Her heartbeat hitched. Her lips began to tingle in anticipation. Disappointment flooded her when he abruptly turned and left the room.

  Hailey meandered to the window. Too geared up to sit, she opened the blinds and let the gentle rainfall calm her.

  After a moment, Winn joined her and handed her a glass of red.

  “I love rain.” She turned, and the second her eyes touched his, something inside her seemed to lock into place and she couldn’t look away. “I—I especially like it when I’m inside all warm and dry. Sipping fine wine with a handsome man is like icing on the cake. I don’t know about you, but for me icing is always the best part of anything.”

  She was babbling, Hailey realized. She clamped her lips together before she started in on the merits of cream cheese versus fluffy white frosting.

  Without taking his gaze from hers, Winn cupped her elbow in his hand, maneuvered her to the sofa then sat beside her. “I like the sound of rain, the smell of it. But being with you is the ultimate pleasure.”

  “Warm and dry?”

  “Not necessary.” Winn’s lips curved. “Getting wet would be an excuse to warm each other up. And that I’d like very much.”

  Warm each other up.

  Was he implying he wanted to take her to bed, to be her lover?

  Perhaps. Hailey took another sip of Merlot. Unless, of course, this was simply how he flirted and she was reading too much into his words.

  Thinking of Josh, Hailey ruefully admitted she didn’t have a good record of accurately reading a man’s signals. She’d been convinced he liked her when he didn’t give a flying fig. Once again, she could be seeing what wasn’t there.

  Only one way to know for sure...

  Impulsively, Hailey turned in her seat and faced Winn. “Do you want to sleep with me?”

  His hand jerked back, nearly spilling his wine. “Beg pardon?”

  “You heard me.” Proud of herself for taking charge of the situation, Hailey sat back. Though her insides jittered like a bowl of gelatin, outwardly she appeared calm. Or so she hoped.

  The calm lasted until Winn caught her hand in his, lifted it to his mouth and pressed a kiss in the palm. “First, let me say that I knew you were special from the moment we met.”

  The words reached inside her to soothe a raw, tender place. She’d never considered herself to be all that special. Everyone knew—and she accepted—that her brother was the smart one in the family, the successful one.

  “The bottle lands on me,” Winn continued, his gaze dark and smoldering. “I expect a peck on the cheek. Instead, I get a kiss that launches my heart into the stratosphere.”

  So, she hadn’t been the only one who’d felt the punch of that first kiss and been startled by it. Despite the alarming rush of sheer physical awareness that had assailed her as soon as she’d set eyes on him, she’d been shocked by the force of her desire for a man whose name she hadn’t known.

  “Your boldness was as appealing as the kiss.” Winn’s lips curved, admiration in his eyes. “You’re a treasure.”

  A treasure.

  A chill snaked up her spine, dousing the heat. Josh had used nearly the same words when telling her how much she’d meant to him. Lies. All lies.

  Well, Hailey wasn’t interested in being someone’s treasure. Maybe she’d yearned for that once upon a time. Perhaps, eventually, she’d take a chance and trust again. But not now. Not so soon after being played for a fool.

  She didn’t want the burden of worrying if Winn was sincere. And she wouldn’t have to worry. Not if the only thing she was in the market for was fun and companionship.

  “Yes or no, Ferris.” Thankfully, the words came out light and teasing, just as she intended.

  “Hailey, darling, I’ve wanted you in my bed even before that first kiss.” He ran a finger up her arm, leaving a trail of heat in its wake. “But I’m not convinced this is the best time for either of us to begin a relationship.”

  “Who said anything about a relationship?”

  Surprise flickered in his hazel eyes before the shutters dropped. Several long seconds passed.

  “I’ve a feeling one night with you wouldn’t be enough.” There was regret and some other emotion Hailey couldn’t identify in the words.

  “I don’t think it’d be enough f
or me, either.” Hailey forced a chuckle past the tightness in her throat. “I’m not in the market for happily-ever-after, Winn. Just for happily-right-now.”

  There appeared to be an inner war raging in his eyes. He said nothing for so long, she was tempted to snatch up her bag and head for the door. Then his arm tightened around her shoulder. “Stay the night.”

  “Tonight?” Hailey couldn’t hide her surprise.

  “No. Twenty years from now,” he said with a laugh.

  “I want to, I really do.” Hailey blew out a ragged breath. “But I can’t. Not with a child in the next room.”

  “In the next room being the key phrase,” Winn said pointedly.

  Hailey was well aware couples didn’t give up sex just because they had a child. Her birth six years after her brother was proof of that fact. But she wasn’t Winn’s wife.

  While she had no problem having a fling with him, Hailey shared her parents’ belief that single men or women shouldn’t have sex while children were in the house. The sentiment was too deeply ingrained for her to ignore, no matter how tempted she was to play the “just this once” card.

  “I can’t,” she said, winning the internal battle. “Not with Cam here.”

  A smile slipped from Winn’s lips and she sensed his frustration. “Cam isn’t going anywhere. If not now, when?”

  “Sometime when he’s spending the night with a friend or gone for a playdate in the afternoon.” She placed her palm against Winn’s cheek. “I want you too much not to make it happen. We just have to be patient and wait for the perfect time.”

  * * *

  “The perfect time,” Winn muttered to himself an hour later. He stared at the empty bottle of wine and listened to rain pelt the windows.

  Thankfully, Hailey’s reluctance hadn’t extended to make-out sessions on the sofa. They’d spent a half hour kissing like two teenagers in the throes of youthful passion before she’d pulled from his arms, her breath coming in short puffs.

  After buttoning her shirt, she’d left, leaving him confused and too frustrated to sleep.

  From the instant he’d seen the pretty blonde, he’d been drawn to her. The kisses they’d shared only whetted his appetite for more. But the attraction wasn’t only physical.

  Winn admired the woman behind the thousand-watt smile. With her, he could be himself. But once again, a woman he genuinely liked didn’t want him. Except in bed.

  He grimaced, wondering when a good romp between the sheets had ceased being enough. The truth was, he’d grown weary of dating around. He was thirty-four, for chrissakes. He wanted more. He wanted Hailey Randall.

  Not just in his bed but in his life. He didn’t want a casual fling. He wanted to build a relationship with her and see where it took them. He wanted to put down roots. But with her “happily-right-now” comment, she’d made it clear she wasn’t looking for more. At least not with him.

  He’d sleep with her; that was a foregone conclusion. Winn leaned back against the plush leather cushions of his sofa and stared unseeing at the muted big screen. He’d keep it light and fun. For now.

  Eventually something would have to change.

  He wanted more for himself and certainly more for Cam.


  Was his son the reason Hailey couldn’t see herself in a serious relationship with him? Did she not want a man with a child?

  Winn tightened his jaw. If that was the reason, it was best they keep it light.

  Because any woman who wanted to be part of his life would have to understand that he and Cam were a package deal.

  He wasn’t giving up his son again.

  Chapter Eleven

  The week flew by. Finally it was the weekend and time to par-tay. Hailey smiled into the mirror then grimaced. What a pretty picture she’d almost made. Red jersey top. Black skinny knit pants. Cherry lipstick on her teeth. She leaned forward and rubbed the unwanted smidge of color off with her finger.

  Hailey flashed another bright smile, her eyes sharp and assessing. Sparkling white with no trace of red. Satisfied, she stepped back and smoothed a hand over her fluttering stomach.

  Why had she told Winn she wanted to sleep with him? More importantly, why had he let all these days pass without making a move?

  Granted, he’d been busy brokering golf-course development deals all week. Any free time had been spent with Cam. Hailey had been included in several of their outings. Though, when Winn had taken Cam to Kate Dennes, the two had gone to the pediatrician alone.

  Hailey understood. After all, it wasn’t as if she was part of the family.

  A knock on the door had her checking her teeth one last time before hurrying to answer it. The sole agenda for the evening was Mary Karen and Travis’s annual summer solstice party. Since she and Winn had both planned to attend, he’d invited her to ride with him and Cam.

  Following past tradition, Mary Karen had hired several high-school girls and boys to watch the children of party attendees. Cam was excited that many of his new friends would be there.

  Hailey opened her front door in time to hear Cam say worriedly, “Maybe she isn’t here.”

  “I’m home.” She motioned them both inside. “And I’m almost ready. I just need to put on my shoes.”

  She plopped down onto the nearest chair and grabbed her new sparkly red Dorothy shoes from the floor. Flats might be more appropriate for a casual summer party, but she’d been looking for an excuse to wear the glittery heels.

  She lifted her gaze to find Winn staring. Cam had crossed the room to rub Bandit’s belly while the collie sprawled on his back and thumped his tail.

  “You look incredible,” Winn murmured.

  Hailey’s heart fluttered. “You don’t look half-bad yourself.”

  She gave his lean, muscular body another once-over. Dark trousers. Black knit shirt. Italian loafers. Forget business casual. Winn had sexy casual down to an art form.

  Tall. Dark. Delicious.

  She shivered as the ache of wanting returned. Six days since she’d proposed a fling. Six nights spent alone, wondering when the clock would chime announcing the perfect time had arrived.

  When his gaze met hers, Hailey experienced what could only be described as a premonitory jolt. The clock would strike tonight. The exact time didn’t matter. Neither did the specifics. Before the sun rose on another day, she would lie in Winn’s arms. The knowledge wrapped the evening in a festive ribbon.

  “Daddy says there will be lots of kids at the party.” Cam plopped down on the sofa beside Hailey. “Bandit likes kids. But he says Bandit can’t come.”

  Daddy, again.

  Hailey offered up a prayer of thanks then focused on the small boy.

  “From what I understand, it’s usually pretty crowded.” She leaned over to stroke the top of the dog’s head. “I think Bandit will be more happy at home watching his doggie movie.”

  “Doggie movie?”

  Hailey shifted her gaze to Winn and saw amusement lurking in his eyes.

  “The DVD is called While You’re Gone.” Hailey ignored the heat making its way up her neck. Her father had razzed her when she told him about purchasing the video. But, she reminded herself, Frank had grown up on a ranch where animals weren’t generally regarded as pets.

  Would Winn think it equally silly? She lifted her chin. “It takes the dog on a virtual walk through a forest. All sorts of animals show up. The movie even includes special sounds only a dog can hear.”

  Cam looked intrigued.

  Winn cocked his head but didn’t scoff.

  “Let me show you.” Hailey started the DVD. Sounds of nature mixed with the joyous peals of children’s laughter. Bandit’s ears shot up and his dark eyes focused intently on the screen.

  “I want to stay and watch the movie with Bandit.” The mul
ish expression she’d seen several times this week on Cam’s face reappeared.

  While Cam was a good-natured kid, he had a stubborn streak. A fact she and Winn had both discovered.

  “I’d like to see it, too,” Winn said. “Perhaps Hailey can bring the movie over one day this week. We can watch it together.”

  Cam’s eyes widened then narrowed suspiciously. “You’d watch it, too?”

  Winn ruffled his son’s hair. “Of course. I like nature walks as much as the next guy.”

  Hailey bit the inside of her cheek to keep from chuckling.

  “Mr. Lassiter told me Charlie was looking forward to seeing you tonight,” Winn said in a casual tone.

  Hailey decided now was the time to add her voice to the effort. She turned to Winn. “Did Dr. Fisher tell you they have a huge train set up in the lower level of their house?”

  “No,” Winn said, playing along. “I hadn’t heard anything about a train.”

  Like a child in a classroom, Cam waved his hand wildly in the air.

  “Cam,” Hailey called on him.

  “I know all about it. Charlie and me and Logan are going to play with the train,” Cam told them.

  “Sounds like we better get on the road,” Winn said mildly. “We wouldn’t want to keep Charlie and Logan waiting.”

  Cam glanced at Bandit. The dog seemed mesmerized by the virtual game of fetch playing on the screen.

  “Logan said the train blows real smoke,” Cam told them as they headed to the car.

  “Cool,” Winn said.

  Hailey kept her expression impassive, wondering if, like her, Winn had noticed Cam wasn’t stammering tonight. At least for the moment.

  One glance at the smile on his lips gave her the answer.

  On the way to the Fishers’ home in the mountains, Cam talked continuously, barely stuttering at all. Hailey wondered if some of the speech-therapy “games” they’d been playing were having a positive effect. Or perhaps Cam was becoming more relaxed and comfortable with his new life in Jackson Hole.

  Though Hailey was fairly certain the boy had told his dad about his playdate earlier in the week with Charlie Lassiter, Cam recounted the day in vivid detail.


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