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Visitations Page 1

by Saul, Jonas


  Imagine Press

  ISBN: 978-1-927404-00-3


  Copyright © 2012 by Jonas Saul

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


  The Visitation

  Near Death Experience

  The Painting

  A Greater Justice

  The Imprudent Son Returns

  No Trespassing

  The Uniqueness of Life

  The Newspaper


  Blood Money

  An Illusion of Haunting

  The Truth

  Déjà Vu

  Don’t Shoot


  My Stranger

  The Chute

  The Numbers Game - A Preview

  About the Author

  Jonas Saul Titles

  The Sarah Roberts Series

  1. Dark Visions

  2. The Warning

  3. The Crypt

  4. The Hostage

  The Kill Series

  1. The Kill

  2. The Blade (Summer 2012)

  The Threat

  Bad Vibes

  Short Stories

  Visitations - A Book of Short Stories

  The Burning

  The Numbers Game


  The Witching Hour

  The Elements


  The Reaper

  The Ruse



  The Visitation

  “How is she?” Jake asked.

  The nurse cleared her throat before she answered. “Still in the coma. I’m sorry, Jake. It’s unfortunate the chemotherapy didn’t do a better job.”

  Jake swiped at a tear before it could threaten his external composure. “We knew this was coming for a long time. It’s just, she made it so far that I thought she’d be able to hold on for the wedding. It was the single most important thing for her to look forward to in the end.”

  “I know. That was all she talked about last week before her relapse.”

  “Look, Mary, it’s already ten o’clock and the guys are getting up early. We’ve got a big day tomorrow. I gotta go. Kiss her for me.”

  “Try not to worry about your mother. She’s in good hands here. You know she wouldn’t want it any other way. Enjoy your day tomorrow. She’d want that.”

  “In her condition, there’s no way she could ever make it now. Her last wish, gone like the smoke off her cigarette.”

  The nurse cleared her throat again. “Just remember that your mother is with you in her heart. You know how much she approved of Jessica. So get some sleep and get through your wedding tomorrow.”

  Jake hung up and stared at the wall. His best man was in the other room hollering something about more drinks. His wife was with her crew, prepping for tomorrow. Everything was as it should be. But his mother was dying, and there was nothing he could do about it.

  Mary had been hired six months ago, and - even in such a short time - had become part of the family. She had done her best for mom, but it was her time. Mom had to go.

  He decided he had time for one more cigarette before going to bed. His “commitment to quit” deadline was looming. From the ‘I do’, he’d told Jessica, he would never smoke again.

  He sat down on an over-stuffed cushion on the back deck and smoked, looking up at the stars, wondering why his mother was being taken from him. He remembered how she would talk about the payoff of motherhood. She was always saying that watching her children raise their own kids was what it was all about. Grandchildren. It was his mother’s wish to be a grandmother, and now she would never get to see the wedding, let alone any grandkids.

  Her private doctor said she would probably pass in a few days. Jake knew he should be there, but the wedding had been planned for over a year, with people flying in from all over the country. His mother had told him last week, before she fell into the coma, that she would die a sad old woman if he didn’t continue with his wedding plans. She reminded him of the other payoff of raising children: watching them get married.

  She always said she’d be at the wedding. It appeared that was one promise she wouldn’t be able to keep. It was out of her control now.

  This time Jake couldn’t stop the errant tear easing down his cheek, or the torrent that followed it.


  The men arrived at the church on time. Jake was reassured that Jessica was already there and in final preparations. The ceremony was to begin on time.

  His stomach twitching, hands shaking, he looked around at the guests. Everyone had come to join them to celebrate their wedding day. They had traveled in cars, taxis and public transportation taking for granted the air they breathed. They all enjoyed certain liberties that his mother had had taken from her. All the smiles and fake happiness he felt from them was nothing. Sure they were known to the family and thus invited, but they were superficial. Each and every one of them was here for show, and maybe some free food. Bastards.

  It was his mother who he wished was there. If everyone would leave, to be replaced with his mother, only then could he really be happy.

  “Jake,” Mike said as he slapped him on the back.

  Jake jumped at least a foot off the tiled church floor.

  “Mike, you scared the shit out of me.”

  Mike leaned back and looked him up and down. “I scared you? The man who was the best football player our high school ever had? The guy who broke up that bar fight two years ago when no one else would? Which - by the way - got you this wonderful bride of yours.” He leaned back in, a look of concern on his face. “Nerves gettin’ to ya?”

  “Mike, fuck that shit. My nerves are nothing. It’s my mother…”

  Mike was nodding. “I heard. I’m sorry. I know she wanted to be here.”

  “You don’t know the half of it. Look, enjoy the show. I gotta do this thing whether my mother’s dying or not.”

  Mike said something as Jake walked away, but he didn’t hear it.

  Why couldn’t God give his mother a small reprieve from the pain? Just a couple days would’ve been enough for her to attend the ceremony of her only child’s wedding.

  Jake walked to the back to meet with the man who would perform the ceremony. He checked on the rings. He made sure everyone was signing the wedding book; he wanted a permanent record of all the posers who showed up to witness the show. He would have preferred a small wedding, something intimate and quiet. They could’ve had the ceremony at home, in the room next door to his mother’s. But no, it had to be a church. Jessica’s family wouldn’t have it any other way. Was it their fault his mother couldn’t be here? They say people can hear just fine while in a coma. Wouldn’t that have been the right thing to do? The humane thing?

  Fuck them. They weren’t dying. Fuck them all.

  A loud crack of thunder shook the stone building. Darkening clouds had threatened rain for the past hour, and it sounded like they hadn’t been bluffing.

  After a short time the ceremony started, amid the roar outside.

  Jake stood at the front of the church with his best man. The bridesmaids were done up in their pathetic pink dresses, the maid of honor standing beside an empty spot while everyone waited for Jessica’s father to walk up and give her away.

  It all felt so fake, so Hollywood. Real people mattered. Real love mattered. His mother mattered.

  He fought to keep the tears from coming. If they did, people would confuse them for tears of joy. What they didn’t know was that he was growing increasingly angry. The tears that loomed now were more of rage at the tragedy of
his mother missing this charade.

  Soft, rhythmic music started. Most of the people attending stood up. The Wedding March resounded off the walls of the church as Jessica began her walk to the front with her father.

  The minister read from a book in his hands as the noise of the storm increased outside. Jake and Jessica performed like they’d done it before, reciting word for word, without making one mistake. Only Jake’s grip on his anger kept him in time, in step each and every moment. He didn’t unlock his eyes from the woman he suddenly realized had betrayed him. Because Jessica had to have a church wedding his mother would die alone in her bed, her only son partying it up.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  Jake leaned forward. Jessica moved closer. Everyone remained silent. The moment had come.

  The second before his lips touched hers, he whispered, “You betrayed me.”

  Their lips touched. He felt her pause and then continue to kiss him. He opened his eyes to see her glaring at him.

  A crackle of thunder from outside the church walls came so suddenly that everyone jumped in a collective dance move. Jake almost laughed at the absurdity of where he was and what he was doing.

  Jake could tell his new wife was aware that something was wrong, but she had no way of figuring it out.

  He stepped back from her. The lights in the church flickered. People gasped and looked around.

  The minister, attempting to calm people, asked everyone to take their seats.

  The heavens opened and rain slammed onto the roof of the church…and the lights went out. Dim emergency lighting clicked on near the exits.

  The minister, bereft of his microphone, began shouting: “Everyone relax! This is probably temporary. Stay calm. The best part of the day is yet to come.”

  The two doors at the front of the church banged open hard. A man stood there in a long black trench coat. What was mesmerizing about the man was his height - he stood at least seven feet tall.

  The temperature had dropped outside enough that when both doors stood open, a cold wind blew in, touching everyone with a chill.

  Jake watched the man in the door, and it appeared - in the dim light from outside - that the man was watching Jake.

  “Can we help you?” Jake managed.

  The man started walking along the aisle that Jessica had just glided up with her father.

  “Did you invite this man?” Jake could hear Jessica asking him.

  He didn’t turn to address her. There was something mesmerizing about the man walking towards him.

  A couple of the male guests stood as the trench coated man continued up the aisle.

  Jake’s best man nudged Jake’s arm. “Hey, who is this guy? Why has everything stopped?”

  Jake ignored him.

  “Can I help you?” the minister asked as the seven foot man slowed five feet from Jake and Jessica.

  The church stayed silent. No one spoke - they probably all thought either Jake or Jessica had invited this man. Jake could tell there was also a desire to see what would unfold. People held a sick desire to see the underground, the darker side of life. Rubberneckers on the highway, horror movies with increased gore.

  Well, a show they want, a show they’ll get.

  Jessica nudged Jake’s other arm. He looked at her and followed her eyes to the back, where Jake saw his mother standing with a man he didn’t recognize.

  “Go to her. We can get through the confetti and out to the limousine after you see her,” Jessica said.

  Stunned, Jake walked away from the tall man in the trench coat and moved to the side alcove, an area hidden from the guests.

  Maybe his anger at Jessica was misplaced. Perhaps he had been unreasonable. His mother had made it after all.

  “Mom, how’d you get here?”

  “I had help.” Her voice was stronger than he expected. “You know that I wouldn’t miss your wedding for the world. And what a wedding it was.”

  Jake felt a certain kind of shock settle into his system. His heart raced like he’d been jogging and his body shook like he was about to skydive. “How’re you feeling? I mean, you must be doing better, to’ve made this trip.” Her wig looked like it was a replica of her own hair, almost identical.

  “I wouldn’t dare burden you on your big day with talk of my illness. Just enjoy the moment and take care of Jessica. She’s a prize, Jake. I’m sure you’ll have two wonderful children and live happily. Now, don’t keep your lady waiting on my account.”

  Jake shook his head. “I’m amazed you could make it. I don’t know how you did it - I talked to Mary last night and she said you were still in a coma.”

  “I was, but I had help getting here.” As she said this she gripped the forearm of the man beside her. Until that moment Jake had barely registered him. Nothing about the man was familiar, except Jake thought he recognized the suit the man was wearing, like he’d seen the man’s clothes before. Weird.

  “I should be going now. You take care of that lovely lady and the two children to come.”

  After an intense and loving hug that spoke volumes of their shared history, his mother turned and was led out the side door of the church. The door closed. Jake dashed away tears and attempted to compose himself.

  He leaned against a pillar and slowly turned back to look at Jessica.

  She wasn’t there.

  No one was.

  The church was empty, other than the man in the black trench coat.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  “An odd question for the man who facilitated your visitation.”

  “My visitation? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Jake stepped away from the pillar and started toward the trench coated man.

  “What did you want most today? What did your mother desire beyond anything?”

  “Are you fucked? This was my wedding. Where is everybody?”

  “What do you think will happen if you fail to answer my questions?”

  Jake was closer now. Four feet separated them.

  “I have no idea. But if you don’t tell me what’s going on I know that one of us won’t be walking out of here on both legs.”

  “Do you feel your threats hold weight with me?”

  “What’s with all the questions, asshole! Explain this shit to me or we dance.”

  “Your mother asked for one last request. She will pay for that for eternity. Unless of course you cover her debt. Are you willing to discuss that?”

  Her debt? What the fuck?

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Are you willing to talk about your mother’s debt?”

  “She didn’t have any debt. Dad left her a large estate six years ago. She had enough money for a private nurse and then some. She always provided for us.”

  Thunder clapped above them. Jake looked around the darkened church again and felt something akin to an icy fear. A part of him knew it would’ve been impossible to have removed all the guests so fast, and without him hearing a single thing. Where was Jessica? She wouldn’t have just walked out of the church alone.

  “I see you’re trying to work out what’s happening here, but I wouldn’t think too hard on it. There’s nothing you can do now about anything, other than to answer my question. Should your mother pay her debt or can you cover it?”

  Jake nodded. “I’ll cover it.” He looked up into the eyes of the seven foot man and listened to what his mother had done. Then he agreed to make sure she would not suffer for eternity.


  The lights turned on, blinding Jake. He raised his forearm to cover his eyes.

  A collective gasp came from the guests.

  Jessica was at his side. Cheers roared through the church accompanied by vigorous clapping.

  Jake’s heart thumped in his chest with the knowledge of what he had to do. He thought about where his mother was and he hated every single person staring at him.

  They made their way through the throng of well-wishers to the limousine.
  Once inside, Jessica asked, “How did she pull it off?”

  The limousine started moving toward the hotel, where they would get ready for that evening’s dinner and reception.

  Jake feigned confusion. “I have no idea, but whatever happened, it was a blessing. We both know how much it meant to her.” To complete the show for Jessica, he reached into his inner breast pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “I’m going to call Mary to get the latest prognosis and thank her for making it happen.”


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